by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Exopolitics Examiner
Examiner Website
Editorial caveat
In undertaking the evaluations necessary for this Examiner
article, this reporter had access to the APEP Report Parts
1 and 2,
and interviewed inventor Ron Stewart on Sunday Feb. 21, 2010.
reporter is not responsible for errors of analysis, grammar and
syntax in the APEP report and has no organizational connection to
the Stewart/Nussbeck firm.
Mr. Stewart’s contact information is
available on the cover of the Report. Mr. Stewart stated he welcomes
queries about the APEP imaging technology and findings. |
Part I
February 24, 2010
In an early extraterrestrial discovery
of 2010, more than 40 years after the July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 lunar
landing, NASA
Earthrise photos taken on the Moon
by Apollo 11 U.S. astronauts and enhanced by the Advanced Photo
Extraction Process (APEP)
have disclosed striking images of an apparent extraterrestrial base
and 3 extraterrestrial UFO spacecraft idling above the
extraterrestrial base, just a few miles from the alleged
Apollo 11 landing site,
“in the southern Sea of Tranquility
(Mare Tranquillitatis) about 20 kilometers (12 mi) southwest of
the crater Sabine D (0.67408N, 23.47297E).”
These APEP enhanced images of Earthrise
photos taken by the Apollo 11 astronauts were made available for
this exclusive Examiner article by this reporter.

FIG. 1:
APEP: Spacecraft in
Apollo 11 Earthrise photo, seen by astronauts
Ron Stewart, developer of the
APEP process, confirmed in an
exclusive interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the three
extraterrestrial UFO spacecraft identified in the 2010 APEP report
(Fig. 1 above) were most probably the same extraterrestrial UFO
spacecraft that Apollo 11 astronauts reported to NASA in July 1969
were watching them on the Moon.
One source has reported,
“According to a former NASA employee
Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving
facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up
the following exchange:
“NASA: What's there? Mission
Control calling Apollo 11...
“Apollo: These ‘Babies’ are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD!
You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other
spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater
edge! They're on the Moon watching us!”
Ron Stewart, developer of the APEP
process for the Ron Stewart/Ron Nussbeck firm, has reported these
new Apollo 11 extraterrestrial disclosures in an exclusive 27 page
APEP report entitled, “Apollo11
- What was discovered? The untold story!”
containing the enhanced images that may be accessed below along with
an exclusive slide show of images.
In his Exopolitics Radio interview, Mr. Stewart was of the opinion
that the NASA Apollo 11 photographs he examined were not produced by
a front screen (“green screen”) projection process as some Apollo 11
hoax analysts have claimed.
The 2010 APEP enhanced images of the Earthrise taken by Apollo 11
may be an evidentiary smoking gun that confirms both the Apollo
astronauts recorded statements of seeing extraterrestrial UFO
spacecraft on the Moon, and ultimately the reality of the Apollo 11
moon landing itself.
As discussed later in this article, the APEP enhanced images of the
1969 Apollo 11 Earthrise photos showing an extraterrestrial base and
three extraterrestrial base on the Moon hovering just a few miles
adjacent to the Apollo 11 astronauts may be corroborative evidence
of an elaborate psychological deception operation ("psyops) by a
combined Earthling black ops and extraterrestrial presence on the
Moon against NASA's Apollo 11 astronauts.
The APEP enhancement of the Apollo 11
July 1969 Earthrise photos may provide vivid first-hand
evidence of
what historian Richard M. Dolan calls "the breakaway civilization"
and what researcher
Richard Hoagland calls a Moon-based:
"A terrestrially-derived, post-World
War II Nazi colony civilization... attempting to 'go home' to
the Original".
Apollo 11 - What was
discovered? The untold story!
The APEP report on Apollo 11 sets out to
address several issues:
“Did man land on the moon? Did the
NASA astronauts find more? Could there be a 40 year old mystery
hidden in the Apollo 11 moon photos?”
According to Mr. Stewart, The
Advanced Photo Extraction Process (APEP) is proprietary process
employing successive image enhancements that may exceed even NASA’s
own imaging capacity.
Thus the APEP report consists of images
of an apparent extraterrestrial landmark (or signpost), an
extraterrestrial base, and three (3) possible extraterrestrial
spacecraft hovering above the Moon’s surface adjacent to the base.
The images in the APEP report are chosen
for illustrative purposes from hundreds of successive enhancement
images in the APEP process.
Video of APEP Apollo
11 extraterrestrial base and UFO spacecraft
APEP Apollo 11 Exopolitics Radio interview
APEP Slide show
Click in below media control to listen to Exopolitics Radio interview with Ron
Stewart and Alfred Lambremont Webre on the Apollo 11 Moon landing
and extraterrestrial base and spacecraft:
"Apollo11: What was
discovered? The untold story!"
This exclusive radio interview contains the analysis and background
to the APEP Apollo 11 report on the possible extraterrestrial base
and spacecraft within a few miles of the Apollo11 landing site.
The second
possible extraterrestrial UFO spacecraft
Fig. 1 (above) is the image of a second of three possible
extraterrestrial UFO spacecraft hovering adjacent to the
extraterrestrial base, identified by APEP to be just a few miles
from the Apollo 11 lunar landing site.
It is contained in
report, Part 1. The image of this extraterrestrial
spacecraft is the result of successive enhancements from Fig. 2, an APEP enhanced Earthrise photo taken by NASA astronauts during Apollo
11. A sample of the successive enhancements can be viewed in the
APEP report itself.
According to Mr. Stewart, this extraterrestrial spacecraft and two
others hovered above the Moon’s surface within several miles of the
Apollo 11 landing site and would have been visible to the Apollo 11
Images in the APEP report Part 1 of the other extraterrestrial
spacecraft hovering next to this spacecraft include enhancement of
the apparent cockpit of the spacecraft, and of the possible crew of
the extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Location of
the possible extraterrestrial base
Fig. 2 (below) is an Earthrise image taken by Apollo 11 astronauts
enhanced by the APEP process.
By identifying an apparently lighted area on the Moon’s horizon
under the Earthrise that successive enhancements using the APEP
process showed were intentional structures and buildings, Mr.
Stewart was able to locate and zero in on the apparent
extraterrestrial landmark and base.

FIG. 2:
APEP enhancement of
July 1969 Apollo 11 Earthrise photo
Apollo 11 astronauts and extraterrestrial UFO spacecraft
In the Exopolitics Radio interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre
(above media controls),
Mr. Stewart states that there is a sound evidentiary basis to
conclude that the three extraterrestrial spacecraft (which the APEP
process has now documented from NASA photos) were hovering within a
few miles from the Apollo 11 landing site, and were hence visible to
the Apollo 11 astronauts in July 1969.
It is reasonable from available evidence to conclude that the
extraterrestrial craft set out in Fig. 1, and photographed by Apollo
11 astronauts in the Earthrise in Fig. 2 are, more probably than not,
the extraterrestrial UFO spacecraft the NASA Apollo 11 astronauts
saw and have documented and reported.
U.S. Apollo 11
astronauts, NASA employees, and Soviet scientists,
confirm a UFO presence watching Apollo 11 on the
There are confirmed reports of an extraterrestrial presence watching
Apollo 11 astronauts on the moon, both from U.S. Apollo 11
astronauts themselves, from NASA employees, and from Soviet
scientists and observers of the NASA Apollo 11 moon mission.
One report states that,
“In a 2006 television documentary,
‘Apollo 11
- The Untold Story,’ Buzz Aldrin admitted for the
first time publicly that the astronauts saw UFOs on their trip
to the Moon, but they were not allowed to discuss this
information on the live audio feed to NASA. He stated that he
felt it would have caused a ‘panic.’”
Other research on witnessed
corroboration of U.S. Apollo11 astronaut sightings of an
extraterrestrial spacecraft presence adjacent to the Apollo 11
landing site on the Moon states,
“According to hitherto unconfirmed
reports, both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs
shortly after their historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on
21 July 1969. I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to
a "light" in or on a crater during the television transmission,
followed by a request from mission control for further
information. Nothing more was heard.”
Other research concludes,
“According to a former NASA employee
Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving
facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up
the following exchange:
“NASA: What's there? Mission
Control calling Apollo 11...
“Apollo: These ‘Babies’ are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD!
You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other
spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater
edge! They're on the Moon watching us!
“In 1979, Maurice Chatelain, former
chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed that Armstrong
had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater.
encounter was common knowledge in NASA,’ he revealed, ‘but
nobody has talked about it until now.’
“Soviet scientists were allegedly the first to confirm the
‘According to our information, the encounter was
reported immediately after the landing of the module,’ said Dr.
Vladimir Azhazha, a physicist and Professor of Mathematics at
Moscow University. ‘Neil Armstrong relayed the message to
Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching
them after having landed near the moon module. But his message
was never heard by the public-because NASA censored it.’
“According to another Soviet scientist, Dr.
Aleksandr Kazantsev,
Buzz Aldrin took color movie film of the UFOs from inside the
module, and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went
outside. Dr. Azhazha claims that the UFOs departed minutes after
the astronauts came out on to the lunar surface.
“Maurice Chatelain also confirmed that Apollo 11's radio
transmissions were interrupted on several occasions in order to
hide the news from the public. Before dismissing Chatelain's
sensational claims, it is worth noting his impressive background
in the aerospace industry and space program.
His first job after
moving from France was as an electronics engineer with Convair,
specializing in telecommunications, telemetry, and radar. In
1959 he was in charge of an electromagnetic research group,
developing new radar and telecommunications systems for Ryan.
One of his eleven patents was on automatic flights to the Moon.
Later, at North American Aviation, Chatelain was offered the job
of designing and building the Apollo communications and
data-processing systems.
“Chatelain claims that,
‘all Apollo and Gemini flights were
followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely,
by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin-flying saucers, or
UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it
occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then
ordered absolute silence.’”

NASA: Alleged Apollo 11 July 20, 1969
landing site Mare Tranquilitatis
of the APEP discoveries in NASA Apollo 11 photos
of an extraterrestrial base and three hovering
extraterrestrial spacecraft within a few miles from the Apollo 11
landing site
The Moon landing hoax issue
Mr. Ron Stewart has stated that
the NASA Apollo 11 Earthrise photos reportedly taken by the
Apollo 11 astronauts that the APEP process has enhanced are
not the Front Screen (“green screen”) Projection Process.
The enhanced APEP images identifying the extraterrestrial
base and three extraterrestrial craft within a few miles of
the alleged Apollo 11 Moon landing site substantiate that
the NASA Earthrise photos are not the product of a “green
hoax process.
For the NASA Apollo 11 Earthrise
photos to have been a hoaxed “green screen” photo, the photo
of the Moon’s surface would have to have been taken by a
black ops Earthling spacecraft and clandestinely transferred
to NASA for “green screening”.
The Moon is inhabited and
visited by extraterrestrial civilizations or an Earthling
black ops fleet
As stated by the Examiner
landmark article entitled “NASA moon bombing violates space
law & may cause conflict with lunar ET/UFO civilizations,”
the APEP report establishes by the rules of evidence that
the Moon is, more probably than not, inhabited by
extraterrestrial civilizations or an Earthling black ops
Extraterrestrial or Eathling
black ops UFO craft were monitoring the Apollo 11 astronauts
in July 1969
The APEP report establishes by
the rules of evidence that the Apollo 11 astronauts, more
probably than not, were monitored by extraterrestrial UFO
spacecraft hovering over an extraterrestrial base within a
few miles of the Apollo 11 landing site.
NASA has known that the Moon is
inhabited by extraterrestrial civilizations and/or a
Earthling black ops UFO fleet for more than 40 years
The APEP report establishes by
the rules of evidence that NASA has more probably than not
known for more than 40 years that the moon is inhabited by
extraterrestrial civilizations (or by an Earthling black ops
fleet), and has deliberately withheld that information from
the U.S. and world public, contrary to the terms of the 1958
National Aeronautic and Space Act.
Why is NASA is intentionally
withholding documented evidence of extraterrestrial (and/or
Earthling black ops) monitoring of Apollo11 and Moon
extraterrestrial habitation?
The APEP report demonstrates
that NASA has been intentionally withholding evidence of the
extraterrestrial monitoring of the Apollo 11 mission and of
extraterrestrial (and/or Earthling black ops) habitation of
the Moon for at least 40 years.
The operant question is why
is NASA withholding information about the Moon’s
extraterrestrial habitation from the public? Certainly it
cannot be to prevent public panic that NASA has withheld
this information from two generations of humanity.
2002 Roper Poll on North American Beliefs on UFOs and
Extraterrestrial Life found that,
“Moreover, nearly half (45
percent) of adults believe intelligent life from other
worlds has monitored life on earth. This belief is again
held by a significantly higher percentage of males (50
percent vs. 40 percent of females) and of adults ages 64 or
younger (49 percent vs. 28 percent of those over 65 years
old). The belief is especially strong among
18-to-24-year-olds (59 percent).”
This is hardly a
population that will panic at the announcement that Apollo
11 astronauts saw extraterrestrial or UFO spacecraft on the
The Moon Treaty was made to be a
failed treaty to hide the extraterrestrial and/or Earthling
black ops presence on the Moon
The APEP confirmation of
extraterrestrial civilizations (and/or Earthling black ops)
on the Moon may help explain why the U.S. government has
failed to sign the Moon Treaty, and has taken a course of
action to ensure that the Moon Treaty is a failed Treaty.
Moon Treaty (1979),
“is a failed treaty since it has not been
ratified by any nation which engages in self-launched manned
space exploration or has plans to do so (e.g. the United
States, European Union, Russian Federation, People's
Republic of China, Japan, and India) since its creation in
The reason the Moon Treaty is a failed treaty is that it
establishes safeguards that would prohibit exploitative
corporate mining and military strike forces and bases on the
Moreover, the Moon Treaty was to have applied to all
celestial bodies in our solar system, thereby protecting all
solar system resources against undue exploitation and all
solar system populations against colonization by Earth’s
military-industrial complex. By causing the Moon Treaty to
fail, the military-industrial complex and the permanent war
economy has essentially declared open season on the planets,
moons, resources, eco-systems, and peoples of the solar
The Moon Treaty, which the military-industrial complex and
its banker-corporate rulers have defeated, provides the
following safeguards for all celestial bodies in our solar
Bans any military use of
celestial bodies, including weapon testing or as
military bases.
Bans all exploration and
uses of celestial bodies without the approval or benefit
of other states under the common heritage of mankind
principle (article 11).
Requires that the
Secretary-General must be notified of all celestial
activities (and discoveries developed thanks to those
Declares all states have an
equal right to conduct research on celestial bodies.
Declares that for any
samples obtained during research activities, the state
that obtained them must consider making part of it
available to all countries/scientific communities for
Bans altering the
environment of celestial bodies and requires that states
must take measures to prevent accidental contamination.
Bans any state from claiming
sovereignty over any territory of celestial bodies.
Bans any ownership of any
extraterrestrial property by any organization or person,
unless that organization is international and
Requires all resource
extraction and allocation be made by an international
There is an Earthling black ops
and/or extraterrestrial base and corporate mining on the
Let us examine some of
publicly available evidence that there are large-scale
bases and mining activity taking place on Earth’s moon.
example, Sgt. Karl Wolfe (below video), a
Disclosure Project witness,
testified as to being informally briefed in 1965 at NSA and
seeing NSA photographs of a large base on the far side of
the moon.
However, what if Sgt. Wolfe or the NSA official
were mistaken or the briefing of Sgt Wolfe by an NSA
official was in fact a psyops to implant a false public
story that the NSA-photographed bases on the far side of the
moon were extraterrestrial and not “shadow
These alternatives are certainly
within the realm of possibility.
Independent military witnesses like,
“Milton Cooper, a Naval
Intelligence Officer tells us that not only does the Alien
Moon Base exist but the U.S. Naval Intelligence Community
refers to the Alien Moon Base as ‘Luna,’ that there is a
huge mining operation going on there, and that is where the
aliens keep their huge mother ships while the trips to Earth
are made in smaller ‘flying saucers’. LUNA: The Alien base
on the far side of the Moon.
It was seen and filmed by the
Apollo astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very
large machines, and the very large alien craft described in
sighting reports as mother ships exist there. -Milton
This evidence was originally interpreted as signifying that
the bases, UFO craft, and mining activity were
“extraterrestrial” in origin.
However those interpretations
did not take into account ET/UFO researcher
Gary McKinnon’s
findings that the U.S. operates a “non-terrestrial” fleet.
Hence it is plausible that the bases, mining operations, and
spacecraft shuttling back and forth between the earth and
its moon are in fact part of a secret military-industrial
complex moon settlement and mining operation.
There is a possibility that the
extraterrestrial UFO spacecraft sighted by Apollo 11
astronauts were part of a deliberate psyops undertaken by
these extraterrestrials and the Earthling black budget
presence on the Moon.
The purpose of this psyops was
to do a surveillance maneuver known as “La China” on the
Apollo 11 astronauts, where the Apollo 11 astronauts realize
they are being watched by extraterrestrial craft and relay
this information to NASA home base. This alarm by the Apollo
11 astronauts initiates a 40-year extraterrestrial cover-up
meme inside NASA, and in the public.
Meanwhile, the co-initiators of
the “La China” maneuver – the black-budget U.S. corporate
presence on the Moon and the cooperating extraterrestrial
civilizations – can continue their corporate mining regime
on the Moon undisturbed having stumped the civilian
Earthling human population for another several generations.
The Moon as an Earthling black
ops and/or extraterrestrial base
The APEP enhancement images of
the Apollo 11 July 1969 Earthrise photos may provide vivid
first-hand evidence of what historian Richard M. Dolan
calls, "the breakaway civilization" and what researcher
Richard Hoagland calls a
Part II
March 8, 2010
APEP - 2009 Photos of Apollo 11-17 Moon Sites
Show ET Pictographs, UFOs, not NASA Lunar Landers

Figure 1 - from below
Video 1
2009 LRO photos of
Apollo 11. 14. 15, 16, 17 "landing sites"
Satellite photos taken in 2009 (Figure 1
above) by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) of the
alleged landing sites of Apollo 11, 14, 15, 16, and 17, which NASA
released with white arrows pointing to purported lunar landing
modules and other scientific equipment, have failed to confirm the
presence of NASA lunar landers or other NASA equipment at each
Apollo landing site, according to Ron Stewart, inventor of the
Advanced Photographic Extraction Process (APEP).
Using APEP, Mr. Stewart revealed, in an exclusive ExopoliticsRadio
interview (below media controls) with Alfred Lambremont Webre, that APEP appears to confirm
that each of the alleged NASA Apollo landing sites contains, not
NASA landers, but highly organized structures and equipment, some of
which contain pictograms depicting classes of extraterrestrial
Mr. Stewart indicated that his APEP investigation also detected UFO
spacecraft in two of the Apollo landing site photographs taken in
2009 by the LRO. When asked, Mr. Stewart stated that the UFO
spacecraft appeared identical to each other at each of the 2 sites,
in photos taken days apart.
He stated the craft could be earthling
black budget spacecraft of the
secret space program, or
extraterrestrial in origin.
In a previous above Examiner article by this reporter, “2010 APEP
imaging of Apollo 11 Moon photos discloses possible 1969 ET UFOs
Buzz Aldrin says he saw”, the Apollo 11 Earthrise photos take in
July 1969 revealed a moon base approximately 12 km NW of the Apollo
11 landing site, and appeared to confirm Apollo 11’s landing on the
The enhanced APEP images of the 2009 LRO photos of the Apollo
landing sites showing structures, equipment, pictographs and UFO
spacecraft are set out in a series of videos in the article below.

Figure 2 - from below
Video 2
Moon with Apollo 11,
14, 15, 16, 17 "landing sites"
Listen to ExopoliticsRadio interview
with Ron Stewart
Click in below media controls to listen to a 60 minute exclusive
ExopoliticsRadio interview between APEP inventor Ron Stewart and
Alfred Lambremont Webre on the APEP analysis of 2009 LRO photos of
Apollo mission lunar landing sites.
The 2009 LRO
photos of Apollo lunar landing sites
According to
NASA, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter pictures (Figure 1
far above) show the Apollo missions' lunar module descent stages
sitting on the moon's surface, as long shadows from a low sun angle
make the modules' locations evident.
“The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
Camera, or LROC, was able to image five of the six Apollo
sites... The satellite reached lunar orbit June 23, 2009 and
captured the Apollo sites between July 11 and 15, 2009. Though
it had been expected that LRO would be able to resolve the
remnants of the Apollo mission, these first images came before
the spacecraft reached its final mapping orbit. Future LROC
images from these sites will have two to three times greater
"Although these pictures provide a reminder of past NASA
exploration, LRO's primary focus is on paving the way for the
future. By returning detailed lunar data, the mission will help
NASA identify safe landing sites for future explorers, locate
potential resources, describe the moon's radiation environment
and demonstrate new technologies.
"'Not only do these images reveal the great accomplishments of
Apollo, they also show us that lunar exploration continues,'
said LRO project scientist Richard Vondrak of NASA's Goddard
Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. 'They demonstrate how LRO
will be used to identify the best destinations for the next
journeys to the moon.'"
"The LRO's spacecraft's current elliptical orbit resulted in
image resolutions that were slightly different for each site but
were all around four feet per pixel. Because the deck of the
descent stage is about 12 feet in diameter, the Apollo relics
themselves fill an area of about nine pixels. However, because
the sun was low to the horizon when the images were made, even
subtle variations in topography create long shadows. Standing
slightly more than ten feet above the surface, each Apollo
descent stage creates a distinct shadow that fills roughly 20
"The image of the Apollo 14 landing site had a particularly
desirable lighting condition that allowed visibility of
additional details. The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package,
a set of scientific instruments placed by the astronauts at the
landing site, is discernable, as are the faint trails between
the module and instrument package left by the astronauts'
"Launched on June 18, 2009, LRO carried seven scientific
instruments, all of which are currently undergoing calibration
and testing prior to the spacecraft reaching its primary mission
orbit. The LROC instrument comprises three cameras - two
high-resolution Narrow Angle Cameras and one lower resolution
Wide Angle Camera. LRO will be directed into its primary mission
orbit in August, a nearly-circular orbit about 31 miles above
the lunar surface."
"Goddard built and manages LRO, a NASA mission with
international participation from the Institute for Space
Research in Moscow. Russia provided the neutron detector aboard
the spacecraft."
examination of the 2009 LRO Apollo landing site photos
...says it found “alien artifacts” instead of
lunar landers

Figure 3 - from below
Video 3
APEP enhancement of 2009 LRO
Apollo 11 site - LRRR or monolith & UFO?
The APEP examination of the 2009 LRO photos
each of the Apollo 11, 14, 15, 16, and 17 landing sites
Video 1
APEP Examination of 2009 LRO Verification of Apollo
11-17 landing sites
Video 1 introduces the five LRO photos of Apollo missions (11, 14,
15, 16, and 17) APEP intends to analyze.
At (1:12) Video 1 sets out
the visual criteria for identifying an Apollo lunar descent module
at each of the landing sites NASA LRO photos had identified.
(1:36) APEP shows an initial enhancement of what appears to be the
top of a lunar descent module.
At (1:54) a series of successive
enhancements of the purported Apollo 11 landing site commences.
(2:22) APEP questions whether this successive enhancement is in fact
a lunar descent module.
At (2:46) the APEP enhancements suggest they
may be showing “alien artifacts,” not the Apollo 11 lunar descent
A similar sequence of enhancements occurs for Apollo 14
(3:00), Apollo 15 (4:10), Apollo 16 (6:22), and Apollo 17, starting
at 8:00.
An APEP case
study of 2009 LRO photos of Apollo 11 landing site
Video 2
sets out a case study of the 2009 LRO photos of
Apollo 11 landing site
Video 2 starts out by showing where the Apollo 11 descent stage and
LRRR are thought to be, in the 2009 LRO photos.
At (0:35) a series
of APEP enhancements start.
At (1:30) APEP notes that the
enhancements begin to resemble ‘alien artifacts.’
At (1:44) APEP
queries whether some sort of an underground complex or colony has
been identified and goes on to successive enhacements.
At (2:45) APEP zooms down into the double crater at the landing site.
(3:37) APEP begins with an identification of what is supposed to be
the Apollo 11 LRRR and enhances it successively to state it may be
the top of an “alien complex.”
At (5:05) APEP enhances what is
supposed to be the Eagle Descent Stage to identify the area as a
possible complex with a possible UFO spacecraft.
At (5:39) another
possible UFO spacecraft is identified.
At (6:57), APEP confirms that
NASA’s Apollo 16 EVA arm was not a UFO, and that Apollo 16 may have
been followed by other true UFO spacecraft.
APEP, the 2009
LRO photos and Apollo 11 continues
Video 3
continues the case study of 2009 LRO’s photos of
Apollo 11 landing site
At (5:18) Video 3, after a review with an intensive enhancement into
the LRO photos of Apollo 11 landing site, to show pictographs and
not the lunar descent module (8:18), ending with close-up of
pictographs (9:10).
What are the
...of the APEP analysis of the 2009 LRO photos of
the alleged landing sites of Apollo 11, 14, 15, 16, and 17?
APEP Process
The results of the Advanced
Photographic Extraction Process (APEP) appear to be so
extraordinary that an independent scientific/technical
assessment of the APEP process should be undertaken. The
inventor Ron Stewart and partner Ron Nussbeck have stated
they welcome an independent assessment.
NASA 2009 LRO photo-analysis may
be flawed
If the APEP analysis of the 2009
LRO photos of Apollo mission landing sites is correct, then
the conclusions of NASA’s 2009 LRO photo analysis are deeply
flawed. It is beyond coincidence that, if APEP is correct,
none of the five (Apollo 11, 14, 15, 16, and 17) purported
Apollo landing sites the 2009 LRO verified as containing a
lunar descent module in fact contain a module. It is even
more beyond coincidence, if APEP is correct, that each of
the five Apollo landing sites as photographed by APEP in
fact may contain intelligently designed complexes and
APEP claims UFO spacecraft
appear in the 2009 LRO photos of Apollo landing sites
Ron Stewart claims to have
identified at least two similar UFO spacecraft in different
LRO photos of Apollo landing sites, taken by the LRO in 2009
on separate days.
According to Mr. Stewart, these UFO
spacecraft could be either extraterrestrial or Earthling
black budget craft. If these UFO spacecraft were
photographed by the LRO adjacent to Apollo landing sites in
2009, were they doing so with NASA’s knowledge or without
NASA’s knowledge? What does NASA know about a secret
Earthling space program occupation of the moon?
How could
NASA have erred five times and shown purported Apollo
landing sites with alien pictographs instead of lunar
modules, assuming APEP is correct about the 2009 LRO photos
of Apollo landing sites
What is the connection between
the 2009 LRO photos of Apollo 11 landing sites and the Obama
administration’s proposed abandonment of the NASA’s manned
moon program?
The APEP analysis of 2009 LRO
photos of Apollo mission landing sites show almost identical
UFO spacecraft in a number of the LRO photos of different
Apollo mission landing sites. If these UFO craft in fact
belong to an Earthling black budget fleet occupying the
moon, is there any connection between the presence UFO
spacecraft on the moon, and
the Obama administration’s
proposed decision to cancel NASA’s manned moon program?
The full data and analytical content of
this article include:
(1) the APEP Videos 1, 2, and 3
(2) ExopoliticsRadio interview with Ron Stewart.
Readers are
encouraged to review all components in order to obtain the full
impact of the possible APEP discoveries.
Editorial caveat:
In undertaking the evaluations necessary for this Examiner
article, this reporter had access to the APEP Videos 1, 2, and 3,
and interviewed inventor Ron Stewart on Monday March 8, 2010.
reporter is not responsible for errors of analysis, grammar and
syntax in the APEP materials and has no organizational connection to
the Stewart/Nussbeck firm.
Mr. Stewart’s contact information is
available in APEP materials.
Mr. Stewart stated he welcomes queries
about the APEP imaging technology and findings.