by Makia Freeman
October 19, 2015
Freedom-Articles Website

Inexplicable moon
such as the lunar
wave (caught on video)
show that there is
much deception
about the Moon, Sun,
Planets and “Outer Space”.
Moon anomalies
are nothing new
There are many people, including mainstream Western scientists, who
have pointed out numerous highly strange and irregular things about
the moon.
A few years ago
David Icke brought the book
Built The Moon?' by Chris Knight and Alan Butler to attention, and
concluded that the moon is an unnatural object that has been placed
there for some reason - possibly as a broadcasting station.
Icke further linked the moon to Saturn,
and theorized that the "Matrix" in which we live is actually a
program originally broadcast by Saturn and amplified by the moon.
He called it the
Now, with consumer technology rapidly advancing all the time, there
are many people pointing their video cameras up at the night sky…
with incredible results.
More confirmation that all is not as it
seems in outer space is the most visually fascinating of the latest
moon anomalies: the lunar wave.
The Lunar
Wave, as Caught on Film by Crrow777
A man going by the name of
Crrow777 has filmed some
astonishing footage of the moon (below video):
He caught something which he dubbed the
"lunar wave" going across the surface of the moon, from bottom to
top as it appeared on his camera.
This lunar wave has the appearance
of a line that moves across a computer screen during a reset. It looks digital, electronic or
holographic. Yet, how could that possibly be true if the moon were
just a natural satellite of Earth, made from rock?
Of course, many skeptics and naysayers have criticized his findings
and claimed the lunar wave must be a result of his recording
equipment, and not local to the moon itself.
However, as Crrow shows in the video, by
adjusting various layers, colors and lighting, you can see that the
wave actually occurred on or above the moon's surface, and has
nothing to do with his camera.
The implications are staggering.
conclude from this that the lunar wave is showing us at least 2
possibilities (and maybe more):
the moon's true surface is being
cloaked by some kind of advanced holographic technology, to
hide things below, probably bases, structures and evidence
of extraterrestrial life on the lunar surface; or
the moon itself is holographic.
It has no solid physical existence, but is rather a
projection of light, a hologram made to look 3-dimensional.

Moon anomalies: what are the chances the
Moon would just happen to be smaller than the Sun in the exact
inverse ratio that it is closer to the Earth, allowing a perfect
solar eclipse?
Lunar Wave
Follows Many Other Observed and Proven Moon Anomalies
The exciting discovery of the lunar wave comes on the heels of many
other bizarre moon anomalies.
Here is a brief list of some of the more
prominent moon anomalies which have been discovered:
Carl Sagan wrote in
his 1966 book Intelligent Life in the Universe that "a
natural satellite cannot be hollow", yet evidence indicates
the moon is hollow.
There are reports that it rung
like a bell when hit with objects. In the Zulu tradition,
Credo Mutwa said that his people thought of the Moon
as an egg without its yolk (i.e. hollow).
The website
has an article from Ronald Regehr which states:
"The moon's mean density is
3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water)
whereas the Earth's is 5.5. What does this mean?
In 1962, NASA scientist Dr.
Gordon MacDonald stated,
"If the astronomical data
are reduced, it is found that the data require that the
interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a
homogeneous sphere."
Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey
suggested the moon's reduced density is because of large
areas inside the moon where is "simply a cavity."
MIT's Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote,
"the Lunar Orbiter
experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon's
gravitational field… indicating the frightening
possibility that the moon might be hollow."
Considering the Earth's size and
magnetic field, it is quite unlikely to have a satellite at
all, but if it were to have one, we could expect it to be
something in the vicinity of 30 miles round.
For instance, Mars' 2 moons,
Phobos and Deimos, have diameters of 13 and 4 miles
Yet, the Moon's diameter is
around 2160 miles - bigger than Pluto - and more than 1/4 of
the Earth's diameter!
The Moon's diameter is 400 times
smaller than that of the Sun, and is 400 times closer to the
Earth than the Sun - meaning the Moon neatly and exactly
blocks out the Sun during a solar eclipse!
What are the chances of this?
The Moon blocks the Sun's disk
so precisely during a solar eclipse that the Sun's corona
can be studied, without which much of Einstein's work would
not have been confirmed.
Isaac Asimov described
this as being "the most unlikely of coincidences".
A one second arc of the Moon's
rotation is exactly equal to 100 megalithic yards.
In his book Alien Agenda, Jim Marrs quotes this interesting idea from science writer
William Roy Sheldon:
"It is important to remember
that something had to put the moon at or near its
present circular pattern around the earth.
Just as an Apollo spacecraft
circling the Earth every ninety minutes, while one
hundred and sixty kilometers high, has to have a
velocity of roughly twenty-nine thousand kilometers per
hour to stay in orbit, so something has to give the moon
the precisely required velocity for its weight and
The point - and it is one seldom noted in considering
the origin of the moon - is that it is extremely
unlikely that any object would just stumble into the
right combination of factors required to stay in orbit.
‘Something' had to put the moon at its altitude, on its
course and at its speed.
The question is: what was
that something?"

What do all these moon anomalies real tell us about the object we
call Luna?
In short, the moon violates so many known laws of physics and so
many expectations of what is normal, that it is easier to explain
the non-existence of the moon than its existence.
In this light, Irwin Shapiro of
the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics stated,
"The best explanation for the moon
is observational error - the Moon doesn't exist."
The moon is perfectly positioned to give
us the type of world we live in. Is this just a cosmic coincidence?
Is the Moon An
Crrow spent a long time simply presenting his video evidence without
an explanation, but eventually the weight of evidence led him to
come to the following conclusion:
"After many thousands of hours of
lunar observation and research I have come to know that the moon
is an illusion and that people cannot go above low Earth orbit.
The moon is not a rock in orbit around the Earth."
It may seem like a "far-out" conclusion,
but consider for a moment how on so many many levels, things are not
If you want to know the truth, you're going to have to discard
everything you were taught and everything you thought you knew.
The famous philosopher Rene Descartes
decided to throw everything out until he found something he could be
really sure of, upon which to base his theories. In the end, he
settled upon the idea that he knew without doubt he was thinking,
and so came up the phrase cogito ergo sum, or "I think, therefore I
It was a great attempt to arrive at
Truth (we now know roughly 400 years later that thinking itself is
not the only proof of existence, that consciousness is a more
powerful force that reason, and that the uncontrolled thinking mind
is the source of humanity's suffering, but nonetheless Descartes'
method is to be admired).

All the moon anomalies bring to mind
this famous quote of
If you accept the idea of a holographic Moon or that the Moon is an
illusion, it leads, as always, to further questions:
Is the Moon
merely being covered to hide
other aspects of it?
We know that as the Moon gets closer, it
affects spin of Earth and gives us seasons. Is it the reason for the
great cataclysms and catastrophes many different cultures and
traditions recorded in our past?
Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard
said that there are 2 ways to be fooled - both by believing
something that isn't, and not believing something that is.
Is the Moon transmitting false
information to manipulate our perception, as well as
blocking information we would normally decode?
What about the Sun?
What about the other planets in
the Solar System?
The Sun is Not
What It Seems, Either
The Sun is not what it seems, either.
Have you seen
this video with Nassim
Haramein where some kind of gargantuan UFOs or unknown space
crafts fly straight into the Sun?
Listen to what Eric Dollard
says about how
the Sun is a very different entity to what we
It is transmitting energy and
information, rather than heat and light - we just decode that
information as heat and light:
"(The Sun has) no inside structure.
Only a surface. There is no inside structure… there is no
fusion in the Sun… you only get fusion in the X-rays… They
don't know how the sun works.
The Sun is a transformer; it
transforms from some other dimension. It's not burning anything.
It's a converter."

Moon anomalies
show us
we need to question
everything in "outer space",
whatever that is,
including the Sun.
NASA's Solar
System of Planets Look Like Fake CGI
As for the
rest of the planets in the Solar System… can we really
trust the images we get from the space agencies around the world?
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration) has been caught red-handed, again and again,
distorting and doctoring its images before public release.
There are many people who have claimed
they knew about NASA air-brushing photos to hide inconvenient things
in them (e.g. UFOs, structures on the Moon and Mars, etc.) such as:
Sergeant Karl Wolf (USAF) who was working with Tactical
Air Command at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia in 1965.
He was assigned to the lunar orbital project at NASA where
he met an airman who confided in him that they had
discovered bases in the far side of the moon
Former NASA employee Dr.
Ken Johnston, Manager of the Data and Photo Control
Department at NASA's Lunar Receiving Laboratory and
the largest whistleblower to ever leave NASA
Donna Hare, who had a secret clearance while working for
NASA contractor, Philco Ford. She testified that she was
shown a photo of a picture with a distinct UFO. Her
colleague explained that it was his job to airbrush such
evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were
released to the public
Matthew Boylan, realistic photo painter, who is a former
NASA operational graphics manager. He worked for years
creating photo-realistic computer graphics for NASA

Jupiter - so we are told (by lying
Nazi-and-Freemason-controlled NASA has clearly shot
its credibility, so why would it be a good idea to blindly swallow
its images of "outer space"?
Eric Dubay, who has come out with a lot of
information recently on the
flat Earth theory, asserts that the so-called images we have of
Venus, Jupiter and just about everything else from space are
actually fake
CGI (Computer Generated Images).
At this stage, all this information on moon anomalies
and more doesn't lead to answers, but rather more questions.
If the Moon, Sun and Solar System planets are hollow,
or holographic,
What does that say about the Earth?
Where are we?
Is there even such a thing as "outer space"?
What exactly are we looking at when we sees
dots of light in the firmament?
If You Want the Truth, Question Every Little
Thing You Were Ever Taught
The layers of
deception that surround us are so thick that,
unfortunately, it casts doubt on all that we believe to be true.
Winston Churchill confessed that truth was the
first casualty of war; Neil Armstrong admitted that truth
had many protective layers.
Fraud vitiates all, as the legal maxim goes, and we
have already detected a
massive amount of fakery and fraud by our so-called
- not just politicians, but also the scientists, religious leaders
and others who define the nature
of reality and the scope
of possibility for us.
The worldwide conspiracy relies on constantly
suppressing our idea of what is possible - for how can we create
newer, better and freer realities if we do not first think they are
possible and imagine them?
Keep questioning and keep challenging the status quo.
The Truth will come out...