19 March 2014
Exopolitics Website

Earth-Mars -
Norwegian Space Centre
The Four Mars
The Mars of NASA - Mars Devoid
of Life or had Possible Ancient Microbial Life
Andy: NASA's most recent political statement
regarding Mars, during 4/28/10 press conference, which was
that Mars is probably devoid of life, but that in the
interests of science, we should do things like collect
gypsum and rock samples on Mars, because if life exists on
Mars it is probably extinct and was microbial when it once
existed but might now be found.
Alfred: We know that,
NASA position is false
negative legacy of the
Robertson Panel Report of 1953 to debunk ET life
NASA violating its
legislative mandate set out in the NASA Act of 1958
to promote "the expansion of human knowledge of…
The Mars of The Hoagland-Van
Flandern Fallacy - Mars once Harbored Ancient Life
Andy: This fallacy states that evidence of life
exists on Mars but only evidence of ancient life that
flourished there in pre-history of Earth and Mars.
Thrust of claims of
Richard C. Hoagland since
1976. Dr.
Tom van Flandern: The Face on Mars a manmade
monument by odds of "one thousand billion billion to one"
but from "a civilization that died out 3.2 million years
Alfred: Hoagland continues to defend this fallacy
despite clear, convincing and cogent evidence that, as found
in Andy's landmark paper
The Discovery of Life on Mars
(2008), Mars has an indigenous ecology and civilization.
Hoagland has resorted to
defamation to inoculate the public
against revolutionary new data showing that Mars is
He called Alfred "crazy" and Andy "a nut" and
accused Andy of being a "paid government agent spreading
disinformation far and wide" on Coast to Coast AM after our
position prevailed at Alien Event when we used an
evidence-based approach to show that
Mars is inhabited and
90% of the audience agreed.
The Mars of today's -
generation of Mars anomaly researchers Andrew D. Basiago,
Andrew R. Stec, Ross Curley, Paul Goodwin, Lewis M.
Rhinehart and Emily Cragg.
Andy: This is a Mars that has a sensitive, fragile
desert ecosystem, with both running and standing bodies of
that is populated by
several humanoid species and numerous animal species
that has seen its rocks,
mesas and hills so extensively terra-formed that we
should have always been speaking in terms of the
thousand faces on Mars rather than the single
anomaly focus encouraged by Hoagland and the
previous generation of Mars researchers on the face
on Mars
whose animals include
species that presently exist on Earth, that once
existed on Earth but are now extinct, and that are
hybrids of both living and extinct Earth species,
especially human-insect hybrids
that has a food chain
consisting of rapacious competition between animal
species on a planet virtually devoid of vegetation
where reptoid predation
of humanoids is commonplace
This poses a dilemma between
applying The Prime Directive (...of non-interference) and not interfering in an
ecosystem where reptoids are eating humanoids versus
applying established
jus cogens norms on Earth
protecting "humans" from genocide.
Alfred: As a major concern, the need for a
Protection Treaty under
the 'United Nations' protecting the
ecology and civilization of Mars from further visitation,
exploration, habitation and colonization by human visitors
from Earth.
This treaty would be bilateral
and negotiated diplomatically between the indigenous human
civilization on Earth and Mars, and provide for the,
full resumption of open
diplomatic relations between the Earth and Mars
economic, cultural and
trade relations
mutual defense
technology transfer, and
environmental protection, including archeological
and biological resource protection
This treaty is not optional. We
are already visiting Mars.
Our cosmic citizenship requires
this treaty.
The Mars that has seen Martian
astronauts coming to Earth and Earth chrononauts traveling
to Mars since the 1970s, where secret US bases and a common
Earth-Mars defense regime exist
Andy: Andy's encounter with the Martian astronauts at
Curtiss-Wright in 1970. Corroboration by his law client, who
was a secretary to Howard Hughes, that she met two Martian
astronauts at Hughes Aircraft in 1960"s.
Accounts of Mars ,
Existence of "jump rooms." Photograph of Mars
base revealed by
Bob Dean at the European Exopolitics
Summit, Barcelona, Spain, 2009.
The hidden history
of Mars is not just one of Mars having an indigenous ecology
and civilization but involves the deep politics implied by
the fact that modern human civilization on Earth is already
on Mars and has established defense bases there.
Alfred: This deep politics of Mars has many layers:
First, establishment of an elaborate formal and informal
disinformation system to keep the US presence on Mars
NASA with its seven means of data distortion of its
rover images
travel to Mars hidden via reliance on time
travel technologies and niches within time-space
witting/unwitting operatives, former NASA employees Phil
Plait, Ray Villard and Richard C. Hoagland, who have risked
their own credibility to attack Andy's Mars findings above
and beyond what their career interests would rationally
conference organizers, including Steve Bassett,
who twice prohibited presentation of Andy's Mars findings at
the X Conference and booked George Haas and William
Saunders, active suppressors of the Mars findings who have
required as per the terms of going on radio shows that
Andy's Mars findings not be mentioned on the air
Michael Salla, written false and defamatory statements about
the Mars findings and tried to isolate Alfred for supporting
funders, such as Sergio Lub, had son-in-law write note
to Alfred trying to get him to disavow Andy
Paola Harris,
who has discouraged discourse about Mars in exopolitics
Second, evidence of armed conflict on Mars:
Michael Relfe and "Pat" woman armed forces colleague of Michael
Relfe: Conflict with an enemy on Mars involving fire fights
with a hyperdimensional adversary
Andrew D. Basiago:
Meeting with CIA colonist on Mars in 1981 with Courtney M.
Hunt of CIA who described loss of his colleagues to a
hostile force, not clear whether it was human, animal or
Emily Cragg claims of 11/11/07 fire
fight at the Ultrea Mesa
Andrew R. Stec's recent image
of a US soldier in combat fatigues walking across the

Above -
Human-looking figure of male is at far right
Below - The male figure is at center in this

Third, defense posture on Mars,
capability not to a research base but to a forward military
base. The implications: that Earth and Mars are already in a
common defense regime.
Why the
existence of a Mars cover-up?
First element: The ET cover-up
Washington, DC - July 1952 over-flight of Washington, continuing
to the present day
Durant Report, Robertson Panel, 1952-53. ET
cover-up is a cover-up of a
war in the solar system, if public aware
of that, public alarm, so keeping public in the dark part of a war
to win against an extra-solar system enemy.
Second element: The time travel cover-up
Project Pegasus. Teleportation weaponized when
Tesla's papers
were seized in 1943.
Rumsfeld (1971):
"The significance of
teleportation is primarily military. It will enable us to put troops
precisely where they are needed on the battle field. Teleportation
kept back from public as military weapon and to prevent it from
destabilizing fossil fuels-based transport."
Ancient Origins in the Egyptian Civilization
Andy: This violates human rights, because under natural law, human
beings on Earth have a human right to a true telling of both the
natural history of our solar system and the actual technical history
of our civilization, embodied in the 40-year cover-up that Mars is
inhabited and 60 years of secrecy surrounding technical development
by the defense-technical community that developed the teleportation
technology that is being used to reach Mars but kept it secret.
fact, Earth and Mars were linked in a common interplanetary
confederation in antiquity, and the US government is concealing its
achievement of teleportation-based time travel by 1970.
Alfred: The history of the ancient connection between Earth and
An Earth colony on Mars during the first civilization on
Earth, the one that built the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. A solar
system catastrophe that deeply impacted Mars and Earth.
We believe
that debris elements from the
Vela supernova explosion hit Mars and
Earth, severely damaging both. And the tie between the two
planets. We need to recapture an understanding of this event because
our planetary survival may depend on it.
Cite Graham Hancock's The
Mars Mystery to read the best account of that catastrophe and its
Barbara Hand Clow's theory of catastrophia: One reason
Earth humans are such a fearful and violent species is we are
working out through lateral conflict memories of that cataclysm.
Andy: Evidence of that high Egyptian civilization includes:
Discovery through satellite images of
pyramidal mounds on Mars began
with the Mariner mission in the 1960's
Hoagland, Bara and Munck:
Study of the D&M Pyramid Complex: Giza, Egypt; Avebury, England,
Washington. Cairo means "Mars" and "Aryan" means "Martian"
Great Pyramid as celestial observatory of Mars, with red orb of Mars
focusing through passageway of King's chamber on wall behind the
head of his sarcophagus
Andy's discovery of the sarcophagus of
a pharaoh on the western edge of the Home Plate Plateau, with same
dark turquoise, blood red, and drab green coloration of Nefertiti's
headdress in iconic bust of hers found by German archeologist Ludwig
Borchardt at Amarna, Egypt in 1912, she the wife of the Sun King,
Pharaoh Akhenaton who was the Egyptian ruler when that civilization
reached the other planets in solar system
Ross Curley of MARS'
discovery of The Rosetta Stone of Mars,
the face of an Egyptian
pharaoh on rock that Spirit passed on day 2004 of its Mars mission,
with banked, cylindrical hat and cobra-ready-to-strike motif of high
Egyptian civilization. The ancient connection between Egypt and Mars
has been factually established.
Alfred: Since there was this ancient connection between Earth and
Mars, then, in the interests of cosmic integrity and solar system
governance, it should be re-established with the full public
participation of both planetary cultures.
To re-establish our
interaction with Mars in a positive way, doing so should not be kept
secret. Is there a positive reason to maintain the Mars cover-up?
Is the existence of a solar system or intergalactic war a
positive reason to perpetuate the Mars cover-up, there is still no
reason to keep it secret. We have a sophisticated population that
can deal with this information.
Violates basic constitutional
Government by the consent of the governed
taxation without representation
Executive action not via secret
delegation of Presidential prerogatives to military or intelligence
community but under Presidency.
People can deal with this
information because they are rationale; Brookings Report (1961) is
What Andy and Alfred will continue to do in re Mars Cover-up
Andy (president of
MARS, author The Discovery of Life on Mars) will
continue to:
Produce research findings
showing that Mars has an indigenous ecology and
civilization until improved photo-analytic techniques
and best available evidence establish that the case for
life on Mars is unassailable and it becomes the accepted
societal belief
Cultivate whistle blower testimony like he has provided himself
and has solicited from others establishing the fact that Martian
astronauts have visited Earth and Earthian chrononauts have visited
Mars; coming up soon, interview with assistant to Howard
Relate Mars to his truth campaign urging the US government to
declassify its teleportation technology.
"Teleportation is being
used secretly to get people from Earth to Mars. It should be used
publicly to get people from New York City to Los Angeles"
Alfred (chairman of MARS, authors of Exopolitics) will continue to:
Lobby the Exopolitics community to give Mars law and policy and
the Mars cover-up the attention that they deserve within the field
of Exopolitics that he founded
Use Mars as a case study for the normalizations of relations
between our human society on Earth and off planet cultures, as first
introduced in his work Exopolitics (2005)
Draft and campaign for adoption of the Mars Protection Treaty
normalizing relations between Earth and Mars and protecting the
ecology and civilization of Mars from the effects of further
visitation, exploration, habitation and colonization by human beings
from Earth