A Draco Planet in the Kuiper Belt
Galactic Anthropology
November 16, 2022
GalacticAnthropology Website
During a fascinating
interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Rebecca Rose
(far below video) talked about her
experiences while doing a 20-year-and-back in the
Secret Space
Program. 1,2
In an earlier article
we already mentioned how she used Jump Gates as a child. 3
This article focuses
on her period as a pilot for a planet that is situated in the
Kuiper Belt.

Kuiper Belt 4
Let's first point our direction to this Kuiper Belt:
where is
it, really?
As you can see in the
picture above it is a 'donut-shaped region of icy bodies beyond
the orbit of Neptune', from about 30 to 55 AU. 4-8
I guess the Kuiper Belt is not inside the Plasma Bubble
that would be around our Solar System these days, to protect
us from the fifth density zone we would be in right now.
There are a few planets that have been discovered in the Kuiper
two of them are
Eris and Haumea.
Eris has its own
moon, and Haumea even has two. 10
Seeders we can read a bit about
Thor Han while being in
this Kuiper belt:
"[Thor Han] was
in the Kuiper Belt, training young pilots onboard a scout
ship, and he showed me - through his eyes - an old structure
floating there, ahead of the craft, among the icy rocks and
particles pervading the area.
The shape of the
object looked like 'Omuamua, elongated and with an uneven
surface." 11 (p.321)
After having spent some time on the Moon and Mars,
Rebecca Rose
was traded off (as part of the slave trade) to go to a planet in
the Kuiper Belt that was controlled by the Dracos (or
as they are often called). 12
Rebecca speaks about
a huge portal that would have inside that planet.
Her task was
to protect a huge Draco ship in the atmosphere around that
She describes a
Manta-ray-like plane that was very advanced, especially when
compared to the Dark Fleet ships of Mars.
She was forced to
battle with benevolent beings.
Rebecca Rose
on her
time serving as a pilot
on and around a Ciakahrr Planet
in the Kuiper Belt. 1
In this fragment Rebecca says that by only looking in the eyes
of the Ciakahrr they would send you on a hell-ride.
This reminded me of a
story that Tony Rodrigues described in his book. 13
In chapter 12, The
Reptilian, he describes how he and a team were sent out to meet a
Draco (Ciakahrr) in Chicago through a jump gate 3 from the
Their task was to
bring that Draco a few canisters of quicksilver (=Mercury).
Here's how Tony Rodrigues describes their first contact with
this Ciakahrr:
"Without any
warning whatsoever, we were all paralyzed.
No one could even
talk. I was instantly nauseated, want to both throw up and
shit all at once. It felt very violating what was unfolding.
I didn't get any
of it. And even more disturbing, it was all mental. I heard
a voice inside of my head.
A very loud, deep
voice. Fucking frightening as hell. Up until that point, all
of my telepathic encounters were of a normal exchange.
much like the volume and intensity of my own thoughts.
This was anything
but". 13 (p.276)
In another article
you can read how Jean-Charles Moyen and David Rousseau actually
fought a Ciakahrr in one of their missions. 14
20 Years as a Cyborg Supersoldier on Mars & Kuiper Belt.
Age regression by 20 Years - Moyen and Relfe
Using Children to Operate Jump Gates
Kuiper Belt (NASA) - An AU = Astronimical Unit which
stands for the distance between the Sun and Earth (about
150 million kilometers)
Neptune, oh, Neptune. Read a few articles on Elena
Danaan's experiences regarding Neptune: (6,7,8)
Life on and near Neptune: A Mining Facility, Cities
under water and Floating Cities
A Parallel Neptune and the Koldasii
Tesla and the Link with Neptune and Venus
Our Solar System in a Protective Plasma Bubble
See the
wikipedia pages of both Kuiper Belt planets
E. (2022)
The Seeders
The Ciakahrr
Rodrigues, T. (2021)
The Ceres Colony Cavalier
The Hulk Program - A Med-bed Program to strengthen
People for Combat? - See the first link in that
article for the interview with Dr. Michael Salla and
both French SSP-participants.