by Goro Adachi
Oct. 16, 2002
Etemenanki Website
Danger Signs
'Crop circles', while beautiful and puzzling, had never been
something I would actively investigate.
Like ghosts, I felt that the
phenomenon was a dead-end street; tangible answers were just not
likely to come from it. So it was a strange development when I
personally facilitated the entry of a certain crop formation in
England into the ongoing drama surrounding Cydonia (see the
Odyssey and the Martian Trojan Horse article).
The link was not
explicit, but there were striking, multi-layered associations and
hints that I just found difficult to ignore.
For some reason, the crop glyph seemed to suggest that they were to
be tied in with NASA's Odyssey IR image mysteriously acquired by
Richard Hoagland's Enterprise Mission team on July 25, 2002 in the
United States.

Previously, we noted that both the 'SETI response' crop glyph and
the Cydonia issue involved the idea of 'First Contact' with
extraterrestrial intelligence, and that the timing of the crop
formation directly overlapped the initial stage of the Odyssey
picture controversy that straddle the month of August.
August was also exactly when Signs, the Hollywood film about crop
circles, was released - as if to underscore the significance of the
events in this time window.
I also pointed out in the
1 article that the disk in the alien
glyph was likely an allusion to the golden disk onboard the Voyager
spacecraft (launched 1977) which carried encoded SETI messages,
intended for some potential ET civilization out there.
I considered
this postulation plausible because of the fact that the other crop
formation created exactly one year prior (Aug. 14, 2001) in a nearby
field was clearly stylized as a response to the SETI message
transmitted by the Arecibo radio telescope in 1974.
This context then nicely related back to Hoagland, as it was him -
then an adviser to NASA - who first came up with the idea of
sending a SETI message on spacecraft (Pioneer 10, 1972).
Strengthening the Martian connection further was
the message found
encoded on the disk of the 2002 alien crop formation:
Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts
but still time.
There is GOOD out there.
We OPpose
A 'false gift' designed to deceive would archetypally be embodied by
the Trojan Horse of Greek mythology.
To get inside the city of Troy,
the Greeks constructed the wooden horse and left it as a gift in
front of the city. The Trojans, though initially suspicious,
eventually dragged the horse through the gate into the city, not
realizing that it was a big military operation carefully designed by
the Greeks.
At night, the soldiers who were hiding inside the wooden
horse came out, opened the city's gates from inside, and a bloody
surprise attack on the city ensued. Thus Troy finally fell. And it
was all thanks to the 'false gift' of the Trojan Horse.
Who was the genius that concocted this scheme against the Trojans?
It was a figure named Odysseus, whose adventures are detailed in
Homer's great epic, The Odyssey. Needless to say, 'Odyssey' is the
very name given to the NASA Mars probe currently orbiting the Red
Planet and giving us intriguing Infrared images - including
Hoagland's Cydonia picture presently at the center of controversy.
The name 'Odyssey' also nicely correlates with the underlying theme
of 'Contact' - with alien intelligence. Exoterically, the name is an
obvious reference to the popular book/film written by Arthur C.
Clark, '2001: A Space Odyssey', that deals with the subject of
contact with higher intelligence. Consequently, I speculated in my
first Endgame report that the Odyssey's controversial Cydonia data
might represent some kind of a 'false gift' as well.
While this is still a real possibility, I was actually also quite
certain that there were larger messages hidden in the
'coincidences'. There had to be. The whole scheme seemed just too
grand just to give a subtle warning to those investigating the
Martian enigma.
But I didn't anticipate the bigger message to be so disturbing.
After writing Endgame: Odyssey and the Martian Trojan Horse, I was
to be incrementally made aware - through a series of inexplicable
'coincidences' - of certain dark forces that are operating behind
the scenes, below the surface of society, preparing, apparently, for
some kind of resurgence.
The second phase of my investigation began to unfold late September
when I saw the following comparison:

The image on the left was an old graphic from
the 'Watcher' website,
a curious site that discusses prophecies and conspiracies from a
Christian perspective.
The resemblance between the two images was
obvious. The light/shadow effect on the alien's head observed in
both pictures made it abundantly clear that the crop glyph's design
was borrowed from the 'Ultra-Tech' logo. (I was told that
'Ultra-Tech' was a computer consulting company started by the
'Watcher' guy's brother and that the logo was created in 1996.)
This initially perplexed me. What was the message conveyed here?
After some contemplation, however, I began to see the coherent logic
behind this - and it was pretty simple. It turned out that the
central subject discussed on the 'Watcher' website was Mars - or
more specifically, Cydonia. Yes, Cydonia!
Needless to say, I saw this as a very strong confirmation of my
postulation that the alien crop glyph was somehow connected to the
ongoing Cydonia/Odyssey controversy.
And It also reinforced the
notion that the crop formation was not an extraterrestrial message
from 'out there'.
Clearly, the intelligence responsible had to be
humans with sophisticated technology (required to create the complex
design quietly in a very short amount of time). And together with
the new 'Ultra-Tech' association, there appeared to be a message
encoded here which seemingly said "this alien warning concerns very
advanced terrestrial technology."
I looked at the Ultra-Tech logo again and saw the "Personal Computer
Service" part, and then the computer chip inside the 'disk'.
High-tech, computers, Trojan Horse, the alien disk encoded with
computer ASCII language code, the crop alien appearing 'digital'...
Then it hit me. Could the alien warning be about, at least on one
level, some kind of computer virus, particularly the type known as
'Trojans', which, like the mythical Trojan Horse, infiltrate
computers by passing itself off as something else? Could this
perhaps be how the terrorists might attack the United States or its
allies next?
Then, strangely, the notion of a virus brought my focus back to
Cosmic Virus
According to the growing opinion of the scientific community today,
meteorites can literally be 'seeds'.
This increasingly popular view
contends that cosmic rocks flying through outer space may be
carrying microbial life - or perhaps "virus" - and that they are
capable of seeding planetary bodies with this extraterrestrial life.
Of course, many environmental conditions must be met for the alien
life to survive and flourish. But to a receptive and nurturing
'garden', this cosmic seed would be the beginning of life or the
introduction of a new form of life. It would be, in a way, the
moment of 'creation'.
This theory got a big boost when NASA announced triumphantly in 1996
that a Martian rock, labeled ALH84001, contained fossils of
bacteria-like organism that may have lived on the Red Planet
billions of years ago.

Thus we learned that the meteorites
theoretically responsible for seeding Earth may well have come from
the Red Planet.
By far the most plausible [cosmic seeding] mechanism involves
microbes hitching a ride aboard rocks hurled from one planet to
another following impacts by asteroids and comets… [Is] it possible
that live Martian microbes could have lain sheltered inside some of
A few years ago, such an idea would have seemed preposterous, but
today it is being taken quite seriously by members of NASA’s
astrobiology and planetary-exploration programs.[1]
So, could the alien glyph's allusion to 'virus' be a subtle
reference to this cosmic seeding model?
Seemingly supportive of this
association, I soon realized, was the chronological correspondence.
First, the 'Ultra-Tech' graphic was displayed in 1996, the very same
year NASA made the Martian rock announcement. Secondly, the NASA
announcement took place in the month of August, i.e. the month of
the alien crop glyph(s).
Next, I saw that the idea of a cosmic rock infected with "virus"
falling down on Earth would nicely relate to the familiar theme of
the heavenly stone found in ancient traditions. In ancient Egypt,
for example, there was the Benben Stone - thought to be a meteorite
- which was closely associated with the notion of Creation, seeding,
resurrection, and fire.
Other cultures also had similar stones
variously called the omphalos/navel stone, foundation stone, etc.
I then recalled that the heavenly stone theme was inseparable from
another theme, that of the 'fallen angels' found in various ancient
traditions. In the
Book of Enoch, these beings are collectively
the "Watchers." (The striking coincidence here was obviously
that, as mentioned, the 'Ultra-Tech' image was from the 'Watcher'
In the Old Testament, the 'fallen angels'/Watchers become the 'Nephilim'
and/or the 'sons of God'. The term 'Nephilim' means 'those who have
fallen', referring to their fall from heaven, indeed like the
heavenly stone.
In Genesis we read:
There were giants [i.e. the Nephilim] in the earth in those days;
and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters
of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men
which were of old, men of renown.
This is a typical English translation of Genesis 6:4 that contains
some errors, including the last phrase, 'men of renown'. It may be
more accurately rendered as ‘the people of the shem’.[2]
What, then,
is the 'shem'?
The persistence of biblical translators to employ "name" wherever
they encounter shem has ignored a farsighted study published more
than a century ago by G. M. Redslob… in which he correctly pointed
out that the term shem and the term shamaim (“heaven”) stem from the
root word shamah, meaning "that which is highward."[3]
The shem was also closely linked with fire and a stone; the
thus was a 'highward fire-stone'.[4] In other words, it seems to be
a reference to none other than a 'heavenly stone'.
corroborating this is the fact that:
Shems were particularly associated with something called an-na,
which meant 'heavenly stone', a term that was also used to define a
shining metal.
The use of the word shem in respect of its 'shining'
aspect is apparent in the alternative name for Prince Utu, brother
of Inanna… His epithet was Shem-esh: the Shining One.[5]
As 'Shining Ones' is another epithet for the Watchers, it can be
inferred that the Nephilim were the 'people of the shem'... or that
the 'fallen angels' are to be considered the 'people of the heavenly
So, in a sense, the Watchers are the personification of the
heavenly stone.
At this point, then, the implication would emerge that the 'false
gifts' mentioned in the 2002 alien message might also relate to the
'fallen angels' in some way. Actually, this cannot be more fitting
because the key function of these angelic beings in ancient
tradition was to impart the 'gift' of advanced knowledge to mankind.
In Greek myth, this story is repeated by Prometheus giving 'fire' to
mankind, immediately followed by an unfortunate event involving
Pandora's Box, a 'false gift' sent by Zeus. These, we are told, led
to the corruption and suffering of man.
Traditionally, the forbidden distribution of knowledge paves the way
for the Great Flood - a drastic measure taken by 'God' to eradicate
the 'virus' in the system.
Turning back our attention to our own time, note that the biggest
event witnessed in the year of 'Odyssey', 2001, was the 9/11
terrorism. And as those who have read my previous articles would
know, the destruction was in many ways the modern version of the
Great Flood (see
Mystery, Babylon the Great, etc.). The parallel was
very clear on many levels.
So, the point made here is that the alien glyph of August 2002 seems
to represent a remarkable collage of coherent symbolic allusions
carefully designed to convey a deep message.
And at this point, we have only deciphered a portion of the message.
Immediately following the tale of Noah's Great Flood in Genesis is
the famous story about the Tower of Babel, the modern version of
which was the destroyed twin towers in NYC, as explained in my
previous writings.
And here, too, appears the
shem, i.e. the 'gift' of the heavenly
…let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto
heaven; and let us make us a shem, lest we be scattered abroad upon
the face of the whole earth.[6]
Again, the shem is directly associated with
heaven, and it is here
additionally associated with the top of a tower – just as the
Egyptian shem (Benben Stone) was placed at the very top of a pyramid
or obelisk.
Note that the Babel story also closely parallels that of the 'fallen
angels' who were punished by 'God' for overreaching.
In the
succeeding passage in Genesis, we similarly read that 'God' did not
approve of the building of the tower and as a preventive measure he
deliberately confused man's language:
And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the
children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is
one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and
now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined
to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language,
that they may not understand one another’s speech.
So the Lord
scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth:
and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it
called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of
all the earth…[7]
The term 'Babel' denotes 'confusion', which in turn relates to the
word Kabalah/Kabbalah that similarly implies confusion; and, to
corroborate the underlying theme, the latter also happens to denote
'that which is received', i.e. 'gift'.[8]

Now let's shift our attention to the geography of 'Babylon' - the
site of the Babel tower. In the context of today's world, people
have often viewed NYC and Rome/the Vatican as corresponding to the
great city which is, as suggested by the biblical prophecy, destined
fall in a dramatic fashion.
The destruction of the WTC towers,
therefore, could easily be interpreted as the beginning of the
apocalyptic event (see Mystery, Babylon the Great for more detailed
discourse on this subject).
the Vatican - the Church - is also
experiencing a major crisis which began soon after 9-11.

In the post-9/11 era, many priests, the self-appointed mediator
between God and people, have been
publicly exposed to be pedophile,
sexual predators, who have habitually terrorized countless innocent
This situation is remarkably evocative of the deeds of the
shadowy 'fallen angels'.
As written in Genesis, "the sons of God came in unto the daughters
of men," or in other words, the angels - the mediator between
and man - had an inappropriate sexual relationship with young
members of mankind.
The parallel is quite striking. And it entails the imminent
destruction of the Church - because the extension of the parallel
brings up the Great Flood as the next event. Since the purpose of
the Flood is the total annihilation of corruption, what is implied
here is the dramatic collapse of the institution of the Catholic
Church. Like the 'Babylon' of the New World, then, this European
counterpart is facing a religious "9-11" event.
'Babylon falling' - this seems to be one of the key themes of the
current time window in history. If valid, this would mean that the
original site of Babylon should be facing a similar situation.
So, where was ancient Babylon?

It was in Iraq (Mesopotamia), of course - where, today, the reign of
Saddam Hussein appears to be in its final hour, due to the impending
aggression from the New-World Babylon, the United States!
Presently, therefore, 'Babylon' is indeed collectively falling.
Okay, well, everything must come to an end sometime. What goes up
must come down, as they say.
It is what seems to be in the process of rising, however, that is
very worrying. In the shadow of all the destruction, silhouettes of
dark forces are slowly emerging. And this Beast, this King of
Terror, seems to be quietly moving into position in an attempt to
replace the coming Age of Gold - a clean start for human
civilization - with the Age of Terror.
Christmas - a special time of the year, filled with joy, love... and
And as the embodiment of Christmas we have Santa Claus, the
'bearer of gifts', who comes from the North Pole on a
gravity-defying sled. All good boys and girls are promised a nice
gift from this generous fat man in red.
Let's take another look at the message of the alien glyph:
Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN
but still time. EELRIJUE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose
False gifts and broken promises?
Could this be a subtle allusion to
Is the message warning us about some kind of coming
deception by an 'anti-Santa' flying in from the South Pole on a
heavily armored high-tech spacecraft, bringing with him gifts from
hell to terrorize the children?
Well, probably not.
But what gives some seriousness to this humorous interpretation is
the December timeframe. As explained in
The Message of Cycle 23 and
1, there are various indications that the coming December of
2002 could be an important time window for something big.
Tentatively, in fact, I postulated that this window might see the
exit of the Pope or the US President - both being the leader of
And we can also plausibly add Iraq and Saddam, i.e. the
ancient Babylon, to the list. Whatever the case, it is eerie to see
how the 'alien warning' relatable to Christmas, the time of 'gifts',
would nicely fit into the projected time window. There may well be
something to the Christmas connection.
Does the alien glyph contain additional clues to shed some more
light on the specific nature of the potential 'anti-Santa' event?
Could there be subtle information encoded there regarding the
identity of the 'anti-Santa' figure?
The answer, unfortunately, is yes. I say 'unfortunately' because
this is where things begin to get very sinister and uncomfortably
Echoes of
It is quite well known that the Nazi regime, especially the infamous
SS squad, held bizarre mystical beliefs and was driven by them.
Indeed, the Third Reich was the first state in Western history since
ancient Rome to be based mainly on religious/magical principles. It
was a big 'anomaly' in modern history and the world
today still
deeply feels its impact after all these years.
Most of us sincerely
hope that we will never have to deal with such a ruthless and able
killing machine again.
From the hard lessons learned, the world since the war has been
careful about not allowing the rise of another Hitler, and so far
Saddam Hussein and the like are pretty much as close as we have to
that, and compared to Hitler they're quite tame. So, while today's
world has its share of tyrants, there isn't a big 'anomaly' on the
The Cold War was serious, but the danger there came largely
from the potential use of nuclear weapons; it wasn't like the
nations involved were cold-blooded aggressors.
But what if the 'anomaly' existed 'underground'?
What if it was able
to evade 'radar detection' by quietly moving in the shadows?
What if
it was the secret continuation of the Third Reich?
Though seemingly the stuff of wild conspiracy theories flying around
out there, the idea of the Reich surviving the WW 2 defeat is really
nothing new.
And, in fact, on various levels their continuation is
very real. At the very least, it is no secret that the remarkable
technological aspect of Nazi Germany was allowed to continue in
other countries such as the U.S. and Soviet Union.

For example, we
know that many of NASA's founding fathers and leaders of the
aerospace industry - such as Wernher von Braun (director of NASA's
Marshall Space Flight Center), Walter Dornberger (vice president of
Bell Aircraft Company and Bell Aerosystems Company), Dr. Kurt H.
Debus (director of Kennedy Space Center), Richard Gompertz (head of
NASA's Chrysler space division) - were former Nazi
Many of these former Nazis were connected to
one of Germany's most secret weapons programs, the V-2 rocket.
contribution to the US space program was such that it would not be
an exaggeration to state that without the the technological 'gift'
from the Reich, the Apollo missions to the Moon, one of the greatest
achievement of mankind, would not have been possible.
In a sense,
interestingly, the intense space race between the US and Soviet
Union, which also acquired many Nazi technological secrets at the
end of the war, was collectively the continuing legacy of Nazi
It was in 1945 or so that the United States began a top-secret
operation to recruit valuable Nazi scientists and specialists. Under
this ethically questionable project, code-named 'Overcast' before
evolving into 'Paperclip', many hundreds or thousands of those
deemed valuable were brought into the United States. Officially,
Operation Paperclip was cancelled by September 1947.
In actuality,
it is reported that the project only hid itself in the ultra-secret
'deep black' realm and continued its recruitment activity until the
mid-1950s. The covert activity is understandable when we consider
how advanced Nazi technology and scientific ideas were, compared to
the rest of the world at the time (many years, if not a century,
Through this process, 'seeds' or 'viruses' of the Third Reich were
transported to other powerful nations, most notably the U.S. and the
Soviet Union. The victorious nations, in a sense, made deals with
the devil.
And the head of this devil was Hans Kammler, in charge of
all secret high-tech weapons programs of Germany, who cleverly
viewed those weapons and specialists as his ticket to freedom.
this light, the unknown fate of Kammler after the war, who
mysteriously disappeared and is scarcely mentioned in official
documents anywhere including the Nuremberg war crimes (despite being
one of the most influential Nazi figures) is certainly suspicious.
And then there are the stories of the Nazis escaping to Spain, South
America (especially Argentina), etc. More speculative, but there
were also persistent rumors of Hitler's deputy Martin Bormann
running a secret Nazi empire from South America. It is known that
near the end of the war, August 10, 1944, Bormann held a meeting in
the Hotel Maison Rouge at Strasbourg and told Nazi officials and
German business leaders that it was necessary to prepare a postwar
strategy to ensure eventual resurgence of Germany.
Thus was born
'Operation Eagle Flight'. With the help of major foreign banks and
businesses, it successfully created hundreds of front corporations
all over the world, enabling the continuation of Nazi activities in
the postwar era.
Also, as a part of this scheme, a secret organization called ODESSA
(Organization der Ehemaligen SS-Angehorigen, The Organization of
former SS members) was created to orchestrate the escape of SS
officers from justice. And, though very much in the realm of myth,
it has been suggested by some that the Nazis had built a secret base
in Antarctica where they sought refuge after the war.
Here, notice:
1) The term 'Odessa' closely resembling 'Odyssey'
2) Antarctica, i.e. the South Pole, being relatable to the
'anti-Santa' theme.
Together with the aforementioned NASA-Nazi
connection, perhaps these may not be mere coincidence. Recall, also,
that we have the 'Ultra-Tech' theme going, which would directly tie
in with Nazi technology.
The Sun Disk
Although we did not hear any news about this here in the U.S., soon
after the appearance of the alien crop formation in August, there
was a major event in Germany that involved an ancient Bronze Age

The story went that, three years ago, a group of people
illegally excavated a site
near the town of Nebra in east Germany,
found the disk, and kept it a secret.
The police set a trap for the group in February [2002] by luring its
members to meet what they believed to be a prospective buyer in the
basement of the Hilton hotel in Basle, Switzerland.
The disc was handed to scientists at the
Institute for
Archaeological Research in Halle where it has been studied and
subjected to carbon data testing.
The archaeologists had kept the discovery a secret for most of this
year to prevent treasure hunters from searching the Nebra site.
Announcing the find last week [early October]
Harald Meller, the
institute's director, said:
"It is without doubt the earliest
genuine depiction of the cosmos ever to have been discovered. It
suggests that the site where it was found almost certainly
functioned around 1600bc as an astronomical observatory, like
Stonehenge in Britain."
It has been suggested that the disk is as valuable as Stonehenge or
the pyramids in Egypt.
The illustration below shows how the disk's design nicely correlates
with the movement of the sun.

The diameter of the disk is said to be about 30 cm (12 inches) -
which is just about the apparent size of the crop alien's disk and
also the exact size of the SETI golden disk carried by Voyager.
Could there be a connection here?
The proximity of the timing
between the 'Sun Disk' and the 'alien disk' (summer/fall '02), as
well as the mutual link with Germany, adds some weight to this

Furthermore, the sun association of the 'Sun Disk' also has some
coherent correlations with the alien glyph.
For example, the
'heavenly stone' theme derived earlier relates to the sun in that
the Egyptian Benben Stone had its home at Heliopolis, the 'City of
the Sun'. Also, the pyramids, symbolically the extension of the
Benben Stone, are often thought to have a solar significance in
Additionally, there is the interesting fact that NASA's
Moon landing - in effect the crowning moment for the Nazis'
technological legacy - was inseparable from the sun. The name
'Apollo' comes from the Greek sun-god.
Another thing I have noticed is the subtle geometry. The position of
the crack in the Sun Disk seems to match the angle made by the lines
going through the alien disk.

Interestingly, the 30-degree angle made by the 'crack line'
reinforces its connection with the sun, as the angle corresponds to
the sun's movement in two hours, and the ecliptic (the apparent path
of the sun in the sky) is astrologically divided into twelve
30-degree segments, etc.
By extending this persistent solar symbolism, it is even possible to
come up with a time reference.
First, it could be hypothesized that the 360 degrees of the disk
(i.e. one complete rotation) corresponds to one year, i.e. one solar
cycle. And then assuming a clockwise movement of time on the disk,
it can be geometrically derived that the the 'crack line' precisely
marks the beginning of December, as the following illustration

Needless to say, December is yet another theme already attached to
the alien glyph warning. Meaningful or not, this is a pretty freaky
And the more coincidences found with the German disk, the more
likelihood there is that the 'warning' about false gifts and
deception concerns the Third Reich.
Go to Part 2
[1] Paul Davies, “Interplanetary Infestations,” Sky & Telescope,
September 1999, pp.35-6. [2] Sitchin,
The 12th Planet, p.171. [3] Ibid., pp.147-8. [4] Laurence Gardner,
Genesis of the Grail Kings [5] Ibid., p.120. [6] Genesis 11:4 [7] Genesis 11:5-9 [8] Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings, p.137; Robert Eisenman,
James the Brother of Jesus (New York: Penguin Books, 1998), p.133.