by Goro Adachi
May 19, 2003
Etemenanki Website



The Stargate Conspiracy


Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince write in their book The Stargate Conspiracy (1999):

Strange though it may seem, this is not the book we originally set out to write. In a sense, we are very surprised - and not a little shaken - to have found ourselves on the rock-strewn path that led, ultimately, to The Stargate Conspiracy.

I feel the same way about the Endgame series of which this article is the fourth installment. Indeed, I now see that 'the stargate conspiracy' is essentially synonymous with 'the endgame'. And I am 'not a little shaken' by the unexpected development myself. In hindsight, it was only natural that a 'stargate' theme emerged in Endgame II and that Turin Shroud, another book by Picknett/Prince, was discussed in Endgame III.

The same authors also wrote, between The Stargate Conspiracy and Turin Shroud, a book called The Templar Revelation which deals with esoteric mysteries surrounding Grail tradition and a tiny village in southern France called Rennes-le-Château. Even this relates to Endgame discussions in that it was a subtle 'esoteric aura' emanating from the Cydonia ('monuments of Mars') controversy involving IR pictures taken by the Odyssey spacecraft orbiting Mars that first caught my attention, leading to the writing of the first Endgame article back in September '02.


Here is what I wrote:

As I began to closely examine the information, I found myself becoming increasingly captivated by the irresistibly mysterious open-ended story. In some way, the tale was similar to the grand Rennes-le-Chateau mystery popularized by the bestselling book Holy Blood, Holy Grail. In both, there is a shadowy group leaking puzzling but valuable information as if to gently lead investigators to some revelation by setting up a 'game'. And there are esoteric aspects to the activities.

In other words, from the very beginning I was sensing the relevance of Rennes-le-Château and the 'Grail game', which involves controlled 'leaking' of information concerning some dark secrets of Christianity.

Of course, this was an uncharted territory as no one, to my knowledge, had ever seriously considered linking Cydonia to Gnostic/Grail tradition... except Picknett and Prince came close to making that connection.

Their first two books (Turin Shroud and The Templar Revelation) are related to the Grail/Rennes mystery, and the third - The Stargate Conspiracy - purports to uncover a hidden scheme quietly guiding the development of ideas in the fields of alternative history/Egyptology, Mars/Cydonia, ET contact, and the occult. So although somewhat indirectly, their research history hints at the existence of a unifying context.

It was at the end of Endgame III that Rennes-le-Château finally came to the forefront when I introduced Poussin's masterpiece painting, Et in Arcadia Ego (or Les Bergers d'Arcadie/'The Shepherds of Arcadia'), as a piece of the 'endgame' puzzle. This painting is infamously linked to the Rennes saga.

It is said that when Bérenger Saunière (1852-1917), a Catholic priest serving in Rennes-le-Château, removed an altar stone from the archaic columns while restoring his crumbling church, he found four parchments concealed inside. Two of them contained genealogies, and the other two bore excerpts from the New Testament in Latin with strange features, suggesting that they were coded texts.


In 1967, alleged copies of the ciphertexts were published in the book L’Or de Rennes by Gérard de Sède, and before long they were deciphered to yield the following messages (translated into English)[1]:



The meanings behind these cryptic messages have been a subject of much speculation, but arguably the most potent interpretations are those presented in The Tomb of God (1996) by Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenberger.


Their conclusion was that the parchments are in essence a coded 'treasure map' pinpointing a secret site near Rennes-le-Château, where an object of immense importance might be hidden. And the 'treasure', most researchers would agree, probably is or has to do with the 'Holy Grail' (and/or the 'Ark of the Covenant' - essentially the same thing).

We can infer from the priest's lifestyle drastically changing after the discovery that the parchments contained very serious - if not dangerous - information.

It is said that Saunière first took the parchments to the bishop of Carcassonne who in turn immediately sent him to Paris – apparently to have them deciphered. And there the priest was welcomed into a circle of esoteric-minded people.


He then allegedly went on to purchase copies of three paintings:

1) one by David Teniers

2) one by Nicolas Poussin (Et in Arcadia Ego)

3) a portrait of Pope Celestine V by an unspecified artist

Teniers and Poussin are obviously the very artists mentioned in the parchment.

After this, Saunière - though previously in near-poverty - suddenly appeared to have acquired great wealth as he began to spend outrageously more than he should have been capable of. And he never adequately explained to those around how he could suddenly live like a rich man.

On January 17, 1917, Saunière suffered a stroke and died five days later. Before passing on, a priest from Espéraza was brought in for his final confession, and it is said that whatever Saunière said to the priest in the closed room, it left him so shaken that he would be in a state of shock and depression for a long time afterward.

Saunière's housekeeper Marie also left this world in a tantalizing way. The story goes that she made a promise to a businessman named Noël Corbu – who purchased her land – that she would one day reveal to him a secret that would make him wealthy and powerful. Marie died in 1953 from a stroke before she could fulfill her promise.

This is the very basic legend that eventually evolved into a much bigger story, beginning with the publication of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, an international bestseller that linked the mystery to the secret bloodline of Jesus and/or Mary Magdalene.

Poussin's Et in Arcadia Ego is a key piece of the puzzle in this potentially explosive story.

[click for larger view]

Although not discussed in The Stargate Conspiracy, there is a subtle allusion to a 'stargate' encoded in the Rennes game.

At the church's entrance there, the visitor would encounter a strange Latin inscription that reads 'TERRIBILIS EST LOCUS ISTE' ('This place is terrible') - a rather unwelcoming message.


It is widely believed to have come from a passage in the Book of Genesis:

And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.

(Genesis 28:16-17)

Obviously, the 'gate of heaven' is a another term for a stargate. And we have this next passage that immediately follows the above:

And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it. And he called the name of that place Beth-el... And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house...

(Genesis 28:18-19, 22)

The combination of 'stone' and 'pillar' inevitably conjures up the Tower of Babel, as we read in Genesis:

...let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a shem, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

(Genesis 11:4)

As already discussed in Endgame II, the 'shem' is to be interpreted as a heavenly 'fire-stone'.[2] So like Jacob's pillar and stone (associated with heaven), the Tower of Babel is a combination of a tower and a heavenly 'fire-stone'. It's safe to say that they are interchangeable. Indeed, the Babylon tower is traditionally thought of as a gateway between earth and heaven, i.e. a stargate; after all, 'Babylon' means 'gate of the god'.

It was also discussed previously that the shem is relatable to the 'Shining Ones' - the 'fallen angels'. They're called the 'Nephilim' and/or the 'sons of God' in the Old Testament, seemingly identified with 'people of the shem' found in the following Genesis passage:

There were the Nephilim [typically translated as 'giants'] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, people of the shem [typically translated as 'men of renown'].

(Genesis 6:4)

In the Book of Enoch, they are called the 'Watchers'. And we find that there were two factions: the 'normal' Watchers and the rebel Watchers who imparted knowledge to man (which was a 'sin'). The latter group is the so-called 'fallen angels'.

The Book of Enoch also describes a place where the angels were imprisoned:

And from thence I went to another place, which was still more horrible than the former, and I saw a horrible thing: a great fire there which burnt and blazed, and the place was cleft as far as the abyss, being full of great descending columns of fire: neither its extent or magnitude could I see, nor could I conjecture. Then I said: 'How fearful is the place and how terrible to look upon!' ...'This place is the prison of the angels, and here they will be imprisoned for ever.'

(I Enoch 21:7-10)

Remarkably, here we detect a clear echo of the Rennes-le-Château phrase 'This place is terrible' and Jacob's utterance 'How dreadful is this place' - thus nicely confirming that we're on the right track.

Also, it should be noted that the term 'Watcher' inevitably relates to the 'Watcher' website and the associated 'alien crop glyph' - the 'cornerstone' of the Endgame matrix - which led us to the discussion of stargates in Endgame II.

The crop glyph (right) was found in Hampshire, England last August ('02).

As discussed in the previous Endgame articles, the disk the 'alien' is holding up contained a coded message

- a warning about some 'deception' and 'false gifts'.

The glyph's overall design was apparently borrowed from the graphic (left) used on the 'Watcher' website.


Let us also recall that the 'warning' message decoded from the likely man-made crop glyph was relatable to the Nazis who may have succeeded in constructing a stargate machine as suggested in The Hunt For Zero Point (2002) by Nick Cook (see Endgame II).

I then resurrected the Nazi theme at the end of Endgame III as I presented the image shown left with the comment:

"This foreshadows what will be revealed in Endgame IV... Very dark things. Large black clouds are looming ahead of us."

Et in Arcadia Ego and the Third Reich - both associated with a 'stargate' - had thus already begun to merge directly.


And as for the coming darkness mentioned... this will be indeed an issue discussed in this article and more extensively in Endgame V coming next. All the indications are that the year 2003 is the designated time when the darkness descends.

It is certainly ominous that, as mentioned in The Stargate Conspiracy, 2003 is considered by those behind the 'conspiracy' to be a particularly significant time that ends a 30-year window (something to do with reprogramming humanity).[3] And indeed, we have already seen a lot of fireworks so far this year - most notably the 'war' in Iraq.

Iraq is the historical region of Babylon, the 'gate of the god', as well as the first high civilization called Sumer, a name meaning 'land of the Watchers'. In other words, Iraq is in effect a 'stargate land'!

As noisy as the preemptive US aggression was, however, it appears this was still only a 'preview' of what we may face in the very near future.

December Warning

One of the main themes in the previous Endgame articles was the 'December window' of 2002, which the decoding of the 'alien warning' and other 'signs' suggested was the time of the 'false gifts' which in turn have been associated with the Third Reich and Mars.


The window was also supported by the 'double sun' timeline deciphered in my earlier Message of Cycle 23 article.

The first half of the December was quite remarkable as it clearly responded to the 'double sun'/2-year pattern. Namely, we saw the resignation of Cardinal Law of Boston Archdiocese and also Trent Lott stepping down as US Republican Senate leader - both fulfilling the 'Babylon leader falling' projection, though with slightly less intensity than expected (i.e. a Cardinal instead of the Pope, a republican leader instead of the republican US President).


[Note: it is a fact that Cardinal Law was specifically named in the Cycle 23 article as a likely figure to go down during the December window.]

This development left me on the edge of my seat, anticipating a great fulfillment of the predicted 'false gift' event during the second half of the December window. As it turned out, it was rather anticlimactic; it came and went rather peacefully. The only notable event was the claim of the birth of the first cloned baby.

Although not quite what I had expected, it was still a symbolically meaningful event. The cloning claim by the shadowy company 'Clonaid' was widely thought to be a hoax (as it probably was), thus relatable to the deception/'false gift' theme. And the timing of the clone birth (Dec. 26) made it relatable to Santa, the gift-giver.


As I wrote in Endgame II:

"Santa's special delivery may come, not from North Pole, but South Pole - i.e., 'false gifts'."

In a similar vein, there was a correlation with the biblical three wise men, who supposedly gave gifts to Jesus who had just been born.

And then there was the 'alien' connection. Just as the 'false gift' warning came from an 'alien crop glyph', Clonaid is affiliated with the 'Raelian' cult which believes humans were created by extraterrestrials through genetic engineering. This view actually has a lot in common with the mystical belief system of the Nazis - a link strengthened by the fact that the original Raelian symbol featured a swastika.

To support the relevance of the Clonaid/Raelian event in terms of conforming to the underlying pattern, there was a news story that broke in January, '03, just weeks after the cloning claim was made. This was the revelation of Project Prometheus, a NASA program for developing a nuclear propulsion system that can take man to Mars in the near future. Not only is 'Prometheus' the Greek god who stole fire and gave it to mankind as a momentous gift, he is even associated - via 'pramantha' - with the swastika![4]

In Endgame II, in fact, I had already discussed Prometheus:

...the 'false gifts' mentioned in the 2002 alien message might also relate to the 'fallen angels' in some way. Actually, this cannot be more fitting because the key function of these angelic beings in ancient tradition was to impart the 'gift' of advanced knowledge to mankind. In Greek myth, this story is repeated by Prometheus giving 'fire' to mankind, immediately followed by an unfortunate event involving Pandora's Box, a 'false gift' sent by Zeus. These, we are told, led to the corruption and suffering of man.

Let me also point out that Project Prometheus was revealed to the general public on Jan. 17 - a 'signature date' of the Rennes/Grail game. (For example, Saunière the priest suffered a stroke on Jan. 17, 1917, dying five days later.) In addition, it should be noted that France - the land of Rennes-le-Château, the Grail, and Et in Arcadia Ego - is where the Raelian cult emerged from.

Prometheus, furthermore, was sometimes considered the creator of mankind. Prometheus made Adam and Eve, in a sense. So it is fitting that Clonaid's first (supposedly) cloned baby was named 'Eve'. As for Adam, it is equally curious in that the name can denote something like 'red earth' thus evoking the Red Planet, the destination of Project Prometheus.

The repeated allusions to 'Genesis' also bring our attention to the intriguing fact that the famous Genesis passage below could easily be describing cloning:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him...

(Gen. 1:26-27)

And of course, the Garden of Eden - where Adam and Eve lived - was in Mesopotamia, i.e., Iraq, the 'stargate land'!



Occurring at the same time as the Project Prometheus revelation was the ill-fated mission of the shuttle Columbia. As we all know, it fell apart just as it reentered the earth's atmosphere on February 1, killing everyone onboard.

The disaster had an ominous symbolic implication, as the name 'Columbia' can be traced back to 'Columba', Noah's Dove. As the dove is a universal symbol of peace, Columbia's deadly descent was expressive of peace falling apart.

This becomes quite serious when added that the world-changing events of 9/11 were preceded by the fiery descent of the Russian space station Mir in March. 'Mir' means 'peace', as well as 'world'. The decommissioning of Mir thus symbolically signaled the 'end of world peace' - which was of course dramatically actualized later in the same year.

While Mir was 'world peace', Columbia would stand for 'American peace', after all Columbia is another name for the United States. Hence the destruction of the space shuttle Columbia may have signaled the coming destruction of America.

Seeing the events of Columbia and Project Prometheus simultaneously taking place, we now find it quite plausible that the portended end of 'American peace' is to have a connection to the 'December/stargate/false gifts warning' motif.

The Iraq war soon followed to support this view.

First of all, Iraq/Babylon is the 'stargate land' as discussed. And the one-sided war ('Operation Iraqi Freedom') began on March 20 (local time) to coincide with the spring equinox. The timing resonated nicely with the underlying pattern - as can be demonstrated from the fact that I was able to single out March 20 as a 'war day' just a few days earlier.


Here is what I wrote on March 18 in the update section of my website:

The Great Sphinx at Giza is a representation of Mars (as can be inferred from the tradition of ancient Egypt) as well as Horus who in turn personifies the rising sun. And because the Sphinx faces due east, it becomes perfectly aligned with its celestial counterpart - the rising sun - on the equinoxes, when the sun rises due east. As per the Sphinx-Mars equation, then, the equinoxes are also to be considered important Mars days.


March 20, '03, the spring equinox in the month of Mars [i.e. March], is therefore [...] a fitting date to be incorporated into the US war on terrorism [...]; indeed, as Mars is traditionally the planet/god of war, March 20 is in effect a 'war day'.

So the Bush administration saying "we're going to Mars" (by initiating Project Prometheus) was also in effect the US saying "we're going to war," which it did.

What is worrisome here is the involvement of nuclear technology: Project Prometheus' goal of developing a nuclear propulsion system seems to imply that the US military aggression in the Middle East may lead to some kind of nuclear event - pretty much everyone's nightmare scenario.

And we cannot ignore the recurrence of the Mars-Iraq overlap here. Obviously, we're a getting a very strong signal that Iraq somehow represents the 'land of Mars'.

Death of Time

The Great Sphinx is interchangeable with Mars in ancient Egyptian tradition (both closely associated with Horus) - reinforced by Giza being attached to the Egyptian capital city named 'Cairo', which denotes 'Mars'. This also makes the Sphinx analogous to Iraq.

The association is strongly supported by the eternal gaze of the Sphinx, fixed upon the distant horizon due east, as it is perfectly aligned with the mouth of the Tigris-Euphrates river, the lifeblood of Iraq (Mesopotamia)! To put it another way, Giza along with its monuments is on the same latitude as the Mesopotamian river system's end point - exactly at 30°N.


In my book, The Time Rivers (2003), the same 30°N. latitude is identified as the geodetically expressed threshold of reality. It is the line separating this world and the 'Otherworld' of Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead.

In the Time River theory, Giza/Cairo at 30°N. is also viewed as the northern 'edge' of the Nile River which in turn is revealed as a literal 'river of time'.

I'm sure this sounds strange to many, but this 'river of time' idea can be easily inferred from Osiris - the personification of the Nile - being a 'god of time'. (For example, it is written in the Egyptian Book of the Dead: 'I am Time and Osiris'.)

The latitudinal length of the Nile being 30 degrees is another clue, as '30' is a key number for chronometry.


The path of the sun (ecliptic) is traditionally divided into twelve 30-degree sections (Pisces, Aries, etc.); one month is ~30-days long; and Saturn, the planet of time, has an orbital period of ~30 years.

More compelling is the following remark by Plutarch, a renowned Greek writer and biographer from around AD 100. He had considerable contact with the Egyptian priesthood, and here he almost openly acknowledges that the Nile and time (= Cronus/Saturn) are interchangeable:

There is also a religious lament sung over Cronus [= Saturn = time]. The lament is for him that is born in the regions of the left, and suffers dissolution in the regions on the right; for the Egyptians believe that the eastern regions are the face of the world, the northern the right, and the southern to the left.


The Nile, therefore, which runs from the south and is swallowed up by the sea in the north, is naturally said to have its birth on the left and its dissolution on the right.[5]

Plutarch is saying that both Cronus (or 'time') and the Nile are born in the south and die in the north, as if to tell us that the Nile is time... a real 'river of time'. (Indeed, in The Time Rivers is revealed an amazing 'timeline' encoded in the design of the Nile.)

This would mean that the Nile's northern 'edge' marked by Giza/30°N represents the place of dissolution where time - or Osiris/Saturn - 'dies'.


It is striking therefore that at Giza are found the world's biggest tombs - the three great pyramids!

Moreover, as per Robert Bauval's 'Orion Correlation Theory', the Giza pyramids are now widely thought to represent the three Belt Star of Orion, the constellation identified with Osiris!


Indeed, Giza (as 'Rostau') is said to signify 'the kingdom of Osiris in the Tomb'.[6]

Giza-Orion Correlation

Through the mutual connection with 30N°/Giza, we can now infer that Orion-Osiris and Mars are intimately linked as well. While I'm not ready to delve into this too much yet, there is shocking confirmation of this on the planet Mars itself.


As discussed in The Adachi Report [currently unavailable] written last year, the Red Planet apparently has its own Orion Belt Stars reproduce on its surface!

It is called the Tharsis Montes - three gigantic volcanoes arranged just like Orion and the Giza pyramids. It's certainly fitting that the term 'pyramid' can denote 'fiery' (via the probable root word pyrinos). Mars, after all, is a 'fire planet' and volcanoes are obviously 'fiery mountains'. This also correlates well with Prometheus' gift to mankind - fire.

The Tharsis Montes are so big and distinctive that you might wonder why you hadn't noticed them before. And the answer here is quite simple: most Mars pictures shown to the general public usually avoid the side bearing the Tharsis Montes - perhaps because it doesn't take much to pick up on their potential link to Orion and Giza. The dramatic implication, after all, could lead to the destabilization of reality as we know it... for obvious reasons.

What I found particularly intriguing was the fact that the middle Tharsis volcano straddles the Martian equator (latitude zero). The Nile happens to have its source (Lake Victoria) right at the equator as well. And it is of course the middle pyramid at Giza that is directly linked via a causeway to the Great Sphinx, a monument signifying the Red Planet!

More amazingly, the Sphinx faces due east and aligns with the equinoctial sunrise so as to allude to the equator - since the equinoxes are when the sun is at the extension of the earth's equator! (More discussion on these subjects in The Adachi Report).

Clearly, the 'death of time' has to involve Mars.


And since the gaze of the Great Sphinx is aligned also with the mouth of the Tigris-Euphrates, and Giza-Rostau was known as the 'gateway to the Otherworld', we get the notion that the Tigris-Euphrates/Iraq, or Mars, signifies the 'Otherworld' of Osiris which is entered through 'death', i.e. a transdimensional gateway at Giza/30°N, guarded by the Great Sphinx.[7]

In other words, the 30th parallel is a 'stargate latitude'. So again, Iraq becomes a 'stargate land'.

Now, to bring back another theme, we even find that the Nile has often been considered a gift. As Herodotus once said:

'The Nile is the gift of Osiris, but Egypt is the gift of the Nile'.

More specifically, the Nilotic gift was a reference to the fertile black silt that the flooding water of the Nile annually brought to the land of Egypt. It was at the heart of the ancient culture and its tradition/mythology was heavily intertwined with the seemingly magical event repeated every year.

Intensifying the mystical aura of the inundation was its timing. At the time of ancient Egypt, the coming of the gift-carrying flood was signaled by the appearance of the goddess star Sirius in the morning just before the sun (heliacal rising), celestially expressing the rebirth of Isis, the sister-wife of Osiris. To underscore its significance, the summer flood and the 'rebirth' of Sirius even coincided with the summer solstice during the early phase of the Egyptian civilization.

Understandably, the ancient Egyptian view was that the flooding was caused by the tears of Isis. But in reality it was caused by the seasonal water-flow fluctuations of the Blue Nile and the Atbara - the chief tributaries of the Nile in Ethiopia/Sudan.


So we could say that these tributaries are 'gift rivers'.

As it turns out, the Tigris-Euphrates in Iraq also represents a 'gift river'. As explained in The Time Rivers, this Mesopotamian river system happens to be an intelligently 'transposed' version of the Nile tributaries! While we won't go into details here, the connection between these rivers is undeniable.

Indeed, it is no coincidence that the four rivers associated with the Garden of Eden in the Bible (Genesis) are the Tigris, the Euphrates, and two other rivers ('Pishon' and 'Gihon') linked with 'gold' and 'the land of Cush'.[8]


Here is the pertinent passage from Genesis:

A river rises in Eden to water the garden; outside, it forms four separate branch streams. The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one that winds through the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold… The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one that winds through all of the land of Cush. The name of the third river is Tigris; it is the one that flows east of Asshur. The fourth river is the Euphrates.[9] [emphasis added]

While there are various speculations, the identities of 'Pishon' and 'Gihon' have been a big mystery - until now.

The initial clue is rather obvious.

  • First, the river 'Gihon' is said to flow through 'Cush'. In the King James Version, it is translated as 'Ethiopia' - the very land of the Nile tributaries. The original term 'Cush' relates to the same general region since the kingdom of Cush/Kush corresponds to the Nubian area where the Nile tributaries join the main Nile.

  • Secondly, the river 'Pishon' is said to flow through a land 'where there is gold'. Well, it just happens that Cush/Nubia was known to the ancient Egyptians primarily as the land of gold!

  • Next, both the Gihon and Pishon rivers are described as winding. Sure enough, Cush/Nubia - where the Blue Nile and Atbara join the main Nile - happens to be the only section where the ancient river dramatically winds, sometimes referred to as the 'Great Bend' of the Nile!

While these are only introductory clues, clearly the four rivers of Eden are the Blue Nile, Atbara, Euphrates, and Tigris - all 'gift rivers'. This is only one of the many pieces of evidence presented in The Time Rivers to support the 'transposition scheme' uniting the Ethiopian and Mesopotamian rivers.

This model implies that the Tigris-Euphrates is a 'gift of Osiris' just as is the Nile itself - thus nicely corroborating the idea of these two river systems being virtually connected by a 'stargate' (at 30°N) and the idea of Iraq representing the Osirian Otherworld.


Go to Part 2         



[1] See Henry Lincoln, The Holy Place (New York: Arcade Publishing, 1991), pp.22-4, 42-3, Appendix 1.
[2] Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings (New York: Bantam Books, 2000), pp.62, 119.
[3] Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince, The Stargate Conspiracy (London: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), pp.195, 306.
[4] Robert Graves, The Greek Myths (Penguin Books, 1992), 39.8.
[5] Plutarch, On Isis and Osiris, 363E.
[6] Selim Hassan, Excavations at Giza (Cairo: Government Press, 1946), pp.184, 302, 315.
[7] Goro Adachi, The Time Rivers (2003), pp.155-7.
[8] Adachi, The Time Rivers, pp.119-20.
[9] Speiser (trans.), The Anchor Bible: Genesis, Genesis 2:10-14.