Once inside the
Church of Mary Magdalene, my first impression
- and
I suspect most people's - is how small it is.
And also that it's dark. (It took this propeller-head two trips
before he realized you're supposed to put a few francs in the meter
in order to turn on the lights.)
In the light, the church is way over-decorated, almost confusing,
demoralizing. Yet, the entire Rennes mystery, the secret of Jacob's
(or Jesus') stargate, is believed to be condensed into this church
and depicted within these walls.
I felt like I had a strong understanding of it, until now.
I looked around, bewildered. Before I knew it my fifteen minutes
were up.
I walked outside and sat beside the church, alone. Sauniere's heady
blend of political incorrectness and gaudy artistry would have to
wait till the next hour struck one.
With forty-five minutes to kill I walked about this storybook
village on this unusually warm spring day. Stones crunched beneath
my feet. Exploring a narrow alleyway, I came upon a silver-haired
gentleman supervising repairs on his restaurant.
"Come. Sit down," the man said.
He sat me on a chair and flicked me a sly glint. He was Rennes
resident Jean Luc Stone, a scholarly gentleman with a velvety voice
and a contagious smile.
"Just looking after a few repairs," said Jean Luc shaking his head.
"We had an earthquake a few months ago. This building's been
standing 700 hundred years. Now the French want me to put in
these steel beams for reinforcement."
After years of living at Rennes Jean Luc is considered one of the
foremost experts on the mystery that every year causes all those
20,000 pilgrims to flock here - gold seekers, archaeologists,
religious authorities, world-beating regimes, intelligence agents - and turns them away feeling like they are further away from
comprehending it than when they arrived.
Hesitating to inform Jean Luc of my stargate dreams, I explained to
him that I was in France on the trail of the Peacemaker, the
forerunner or herald of the Christ or Messiah. I was also doing
follow-up research on a few of the theories laid out in my book, The
Peacemaker and the Key of Life.
"You mean the Teacher of Righteousness or John the Baptist?" he
asked, referring to the herald of Jesus. "Yeah," I replied, surprised and impressed by his astuteness.
home most Americans don't pick up on the Peacemaker's role so
quickly. They're usually too deep into the theology of the zealous
Church's commercial version of Jesus as the lone savior to read up
on the historical Jesus. If they do, they think he's the false
prophet of
the Anti-Christ.
History reveals that much of what we have been taught about Jesus is
flawed, inaccurate, and sometimes outright deceptive. When the
Nag Hammadi Scrolls came out of the ground in 1945 they
struck the global mind with the force of an atom bomb. Like the
early highly political Roman Church, many contemporary Christian
leaders condemned these books as 'heretical' for the forbidden
secrets they held, most notably the relationship between the two
saviors, Jesus and John (as well as the third, Mary Magdalene).
In the Dead Sea Scrolls we started to get the clear picture of the
cooperation between Jesus and John. We also learn a great deal about
Mary Magdalene, who we learn, was not some mere prostitute who
played a marginal role in Jesus' life. She was his financier and was
second to Jesus in command of the Jesus revolution. Further, she was
his lover and his bridge to the world.
We also learned the Essenes, who are widely believed to be the
authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls (though they may have simply
copied them from earlier Egyptian texts) called themselves the 'people of
the pillar'.2 They were anticipating the arrival of a teacher who
would build a bridge to transfer their souls to heaven. They fancied
themselves as contractors building a gateway of some sort.
Hmmm, I wonder, what kind of gate could that be?
I followed Jean Luc inside his cottage. At the entrance I noticed a
peculiar sign. It read "In ri."
The strange way the letters were spaced made it look like "In ri"
was a hush-hush code name which could launch one into the holy of
holies of some ancient wizard.
"Jean Luc," I asked, "why do you have the name of
Jesus on the Cross on the outside of your cottage?"
He turned and flipped me a look like I was a bit loony.
"Jesus you say?"
"Yeah," I cringed.
INRI mean
Jesus of Nazareth King of the
Jews?" I asked. In fact, this was the name Pontius Pilate nailed to
the Cross above Jesus' head.3
"Oh, that. It's supposed to say Ingrid, but the 'g'
and the 'd' fell off."
"Oh, Christ," I thought, embarrassed. Failure and humiliation, I had
long since learned, are sometimes the most powerful teachers.
Actually, Jesus scholars now question if Nazareth existed at the
time Jesus was alive. This would mean INRI means something
completely different.
According to nineteenth century linguist Godfrey Higgins,
the town of Nazir, or the flower, was situated in Carmel, the
vineyard or garden of God."4
Jesus was a flow-er; whence came the
adoration, by the Rosicrucians, of the Rose and the Cross. Rose
comes from Ras, meaning knowledge or wisdom. This flow-er (wisdom)
was stolen from the Garden of Eden. When Jesus was Crucified upon
this Cross he was literally the emblem of the Rosicrucians - a Rose
on a Cross.
The Rosy-crucians, with their emblematic red cross and red rose, may
have originated from the fable of A-Don-Is, who was crucified (C-Rus-ified)
and turned into a red rose by Venus, the Goddess of Love. Rus in
Irish signifies a tree, knowledge, science. (A-Don once again links
us with A-Ton.) Jesus, who was called Adon, and Mary Magdalene
enacted these roles of Venus and Adonis.
It is for this reason that in the wisdom tradition INRI means; "By
Fire Nature is Renewed Whole," pointing to Jesus' role as a bringer
of higher frequency knowledge or 'fire'.5 The Rosicrucians altered
the meaning of INRI to IGNE NITRUM RORIS INVENITUR or "the baptism
or cleansing power of dew is only discovered by fire."
Remarkable insights into the true nature of the teachings of Jesus
are to be gleaned when the word Nazareth is replaced by the
alternative word Nazorean, the name for a religious sect of which
Jesus was a member (but not the founder). In The Pentecost
Revolution, noted New Testament scholar Hugh Schonfield
observes that 'Nazorean' derives from Notstrim which means,
"Keepers or Preservers ... those who
maintained the true teaching and tradition, or who cherished
certain secrets which they did not divulge to others..."
Immediately upon entering his cottage, Jean Luc showed me some of
his hundreds of works of art he's collected from his decades of
travels around the world. Some of these objects were Egyptian.
Usually, when one thinks of Egypt the colossal monuments come to
mind. However, the tiny statues I held in my hand, some only about 3
inches tall, were just as powerful. Adjusting their perspective from
the really big to the really small is an underappreciated hallmark
of the Egyptian mind.
To me, this illustrates the concept of the microcosm and the
macrocosm. The human body, is literally the bridge or link between
the two infinities of the incredibly large and the incredibly small.
On a clear night we can see billions of galaxies in the sky. Through
a clear microscope we can see billions of molecules, each one
comparable to a miniscule galaxy. As the bridge, we realize these
are not two worlds, the incredibly large, and the incredibly small,
they are One.
Finally, we parked it on the couch in Jean Luc's living room. On the
table in front of me, he pointed to a tattered paperback copy of
Lost Horizon and then began talking about Rennes. My "pay attention,
incoming message" sensors went haywire.
Lost Horizon is the famous 1930's novel by James Hilton about the
lost sanctuary of Shangrila - the Buddhist name for the
paradisiacal home of Rex Mundi, the King of the World. Like some
Christians, the Buddhist's believe this figure will return to Earth
as an ass-kicking savior in Delta Force garb who'll wipe out the
infidels and kick start a new Golden Age.
With the rewriting of a few names Lost Horizon could be the story of
Rennes: a hidden valley where a few achieve immortality or respite
from an apocalypse.
Then again, I sometimes have a tendency to read too much into
As I pondered the Lost Horizon-Rennes connection, Jean Luc implored
me to study the context of the Rennes mystery.
He encouraged me not to look at it as an isolated island, but as a
part of something grander. He also pointed to
the Cathars as a vital
part of the Rennes mystery.
In the early 12th century the Cathars appeared in the Languedoc and
Midi region. This group of souls called themselves Bonhommes or Good
Christians, and 'the pure ones'. They claimed they possessed the
Book of Love (AMOR) the original initiatory and heretical version of
the Book of John8 (the only gospel the Cathars read) which likely
contained the instruction manual for the Key of Life. This teaching,
which could transform a human into an angel and once belonged to
Abraham, Moses, and Solomon. I believe Jesus gave it to Mary
The Languedoc takes its name from an ancient language, the Language
of Oc, Old French for 'yes'.
I am plenty curious about this Language of Yes.
One fact, in particular, informs us of the necessity of studying the
Cathars and this Language. That is, the Cathars mandated that the
Book of Love and the Gospel of Jesus be understood in this Language
of Yes, which is different from Hebrew. By understanding the
Language of Yes we will be able to apprehend the secrets of the
We may begin to understand the Cathar's sacred language by exploring
its curious name - Oc. This is phonetically identical to Ak or
The term Akadia or Arcadia has long been associated with the Rennes
area. One of the parchments discovered there revealed the enigmatic
"I am in Arcadia." Pan, the devil in the Church of Mary Magdalene,
is the King of Arcadian satyrs.
Acca is identical to the Greek goddess
Akka, 'She Who Fashions', the
Mother Akka who brought the gods out of the deep (the cosmic ocean)
and created humanity.9 She was the same as the Akkadian Akka, the
'Water-drawer' who brought the gods to life including Sargon, the
king of Akkad.
The Romans called her Acca, and said she was a temple prostitute and
one of the Vestal Virgins. According to Roman legend, Acca helped
Rhea give birth to Romulus and Remus, the twin founders of Rome, who
were drawn, Moses-like, out of their floating basket on the river
The Egyptian Pharaohs were also masters of Akh, the Pharaonic word
for all aspects of light, particularly the 'transcendental' light of
the transfiguration.11 The Greeks said
Amon-Ra was the same as
Pan.12 It is more than likely that the illumination the Cathars
received from Oc is related to the Pharaonic word for light, akh.
This word akh is written with a glyph showing a crested ibis bird,
which was also called the akh. This bird – interchangeable with the
heron – is the bird of Thoth, the inventor of language and god of
This bird's crest, together with its dark green plumage shot with
glittering metallic specks gave rise to the meanings 'to shine', 'to
be resplendent', 'to irradiate', of the root akh in the hieroglyphic
writing.13 Akh expresses all concepts of light. It is also used to
designate the 'third eye', the uraeus, the fire-spitting serpent.14

It is due to the ibis connection that I feel the
Language of Yes is
the same as the Language of the Birds.
The Koran says this language
gave Solomon wisdom and abundance of all things.15 According to
Lucy Lamey, in the Egyptian cosmogonic myths, akh
('spirit') is that aspect of our spirit, which conceives in advance
what the object of creation, will be.16 Akh emanates from a higher realm,
The language of Akh is therefore the language of creation. Or as
Pyramid Texts say 'Akh is for heaven, kha ('soul') is for earth'. It
is possible this heavenly language system was among the secrets
recovered by the Templars from the ruins of the Temple of Solomon,
who it is claimed, made the gold for his temple by alchemical means.
The Pharaohs, Solomon and the Gnostics, however, are not the only
source of information about the Language of Ak. As Mircea Eliade
writes in Shamanism, among the Iglulik Eskimos a sequence of
initiations concludes with the angakoq (or L'ang-ak-oq), meaning
'lightening' or 'illumination'.
This angakoq consists of,
"a mysterious light which the shaman
(or smith) suddenly feels in his body, inside his head, within
his brain, an inexplicable searchlight, a luminous fire which
enables him to see with both eyes, both literally and
metaphorically speaking, for he can now, even with closed eyes,
see through darkness and perceive things and coming events which
are hidden from others." 17
Through the angakoq the initiate receives the Holy Light. This is
exactly what the Cathars claimed they received from the Language of
Oc and the Egyptians through the Akh.
The Cathars (as was Jesus during his lifetime) are lumped in with
the Gnostics. This is a very general term for an oceanic philosophy
fed by streams from Asian and Egyptian mythology, astrological
doctrine, Sumerian theology, Jewish tradition and the Greek
mysteries of Dionysus.
Gnosticism seeks to unite all traditions in hopes of recovering the
Truth. Today, this Truth (Akh) might be labeled Grail or Christ
In the Gnostic M-Istery tradition, which forms the backdrop to the
Rennes mystery, we find a belief in a winged, radiant and loving
Good Serpent who was called 'the Reconciler', 'the Deliverer', the 'Angel of the Dawn' (i.e. the Morning Star), and, like Akh, was
Spirit of All Knowledge'.
His name is Nous or Chnoubis.

In his
Secret Teachings of All the Ages,18
Manly P. Hall notes
"To the Gnostics, the Christ was the
personification of Nous, the Divine Mind."
Further, according to the Gnostics, Christ
emanated from a higher or hyper spiritual realm. He descended into
the body of Jesus at the baptism and left it again at or before the
The Gnostics were fond of word play. Take Nazarene for example. The
words Naaseni and Nazarene are believed by some to have originated
from nazar, meaning keep, guard, protect, and from naas or
Hebrew for serpent. The Hebrew word for soul is nashamah.
Linguistically, they are similar and therefore interchangeable.
Therefore, Jesus is cast as the good guy wise serpentsoul who
protects and delivers cosmic knowledge.
It might amaze many people to learn that virtually everywhere the
story of Chnoubis appears in the M-Istery tradition, we learn of a
sanctuary described in similar terms to the Garden of Eden (which
the Cathars called AMOR), including housing a Pillar or Tree of
Life. The Vestal Virgins were married to the spirit of Rome by means
of an artificial phallus in the Palladium shrine.19
The Palladium originally belonged to Pan. It signified AMOR.20
Stories say that not only did Chnoubis, or his Pillar, have the
phenomenal ability to translate souls from one dimension to another,
it could also drill holes in space, creating 'halls' or 'doorways'
linking far-off regions of space to 'wells' on Earth!21
Today, physicists call these 'holes' wormholes or stargates. How in
the world the ancients could have known of such technologies is
another one of the great M-Isteries of this story. Plato said
that if we could see the Earth from a far it would appear as a
12-angled pyramid, or a dodecahedron. In Gnostic tradition, Chnoubis
is the guardian of this 12-angled pyramid that surrounds the Earth.22
The Egyptian scribe of the gods Thoth first introduced the concept
of the 12-angled Planetary Grid. He is also credited in Egyptian
lore with the invention of magic and writing. Freemasons also say
that Thoth possessed all secret knowledge on 36,535 scrolls that
were hidden under the heavenly vault (the sky).23
Thoth is described
in the exact same terms as Chnoubis. He is part-man, part-serpent,

Thoth as a bird-serpent-man,
with his pillar in the background
(left) supported by lions.
The Thoth or Thought Sphere is another name for the
Nous or
Nousphere the Egyptians believed encapsulated the Earth.
It is also
the source of Ch-nou-bis' name. This special scientific knowledge
was contained within what Dr. Carl G. Jung called "the collective
unconscious" of humanity.
The collective unconscious may be thought
of as the "global brain" of humanity, or
the "spiritual Internet."
Incredible as it may sound, Gnostics perceived the gateways created
by Chnoubis leading to the higher land of love as "holes in space"
ala the rabbit's hole in Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland.
Carroll was the pen name of Oxford mathematician Charles Lutwidge
Dodgson (1832-1898). Alice in Wonderland was his masterpiece of
occult fiction that tells about the adventures of a little girl in a
make-believe world under the ground or in another dimension. Alice
lands in this "wonderland" after she falls down a 'hole' or pit
while following a rabbit or hare.
The Cathars had very specific ideas in regards to how to connect
with AMOR, many of them in stark contrast to the Church of Rome. The
Cathars believed that the key to making the AMOR connection is to
understand the elements, the bread and wine, of the Eucharist and
the Holy Grail.
In Christian theology the doctrine of con substantiation states that
the substance of the bread and wine of the Eucharist exist, after
consecration by an official of the Church, side by side with the
substance of the body and blood of Christ, but is not changed into
it.24 In other words, imagining the bread and wine are Christ's body
makes it so.
In contrast, according to the Church of Love, eating the communion
bread, representing eating the symbolic flesh of Christ, or drinking
his blood (represented by the wine) is cannibalism. After all, if
you think you are eating Christ's flesh, you are.
To the Cathars the bread and wine of the Eucharist represented a far
more scientific teaching. Transubstantiation was the term used by the
Roman Catholic and Orthodox Eastern Churches to describe the
Cathar's transmutation of one element into another.25
This secret, known to the Cathars as the consolomentum (or
cons-element-um), was kept occult or hidden by the 'Church within
the Church'. The Cathars believed man enters the kingdom of God
through his soul. To achieve this, he had to "ascèse" or ascend by
detaching from the material world.
The "ascèse" prepared him for baptism, Salvation was found through "consolament." The fusing of soul (kha) and spirit (akh). This was
the Cathars only sacrament. It signified a voluntary renunciation of
the flesh and attachment to the things of this world.26
Interestingly, the word ascend comes from asc or ask, or
ascian, to
call for, and scandere, to mount or climb.27 The mountain the Cathars assiduously sought to discover through the Gospel of John
and to climb was the Mount of Salvation topped by its Ladder to
The Church of Love differed from Rome in other ways. Rome maintains
the bridge to Heaven is the Crucifix: a bloody Christ on the Cross.
The Cathars rejected the ritual of the Mass and reviled the Crucifix
as an instrument of torture, saying it was the symbol of Rex Mundi,
and not the sign of Life.
The way across to the Land of Amor was through the elements of the
Eucharist transubstantiated into the blood of Christ within
themselves. Transubstantiation comes from the Latin trans, across,
and substantia, substance. This substance turned men into gods, as
described by Jesus in his statement: "Is it not written in
your law. I said ye are Gods."28
This substance - the transmuted elements, caught by the Holy Grail - took men across the waters of life to the Land of Amor. This
substance, I believe, is the Blue Apples.
As one can imagine, for an organization based on the idea that Jesus
was the son of God who came to Earth and died for our sins on the
Cross, and to be granted eternal life all one had to do is believe
in Christ and pay homage to the pope's priests each week, the
teachings of the Cathars posed quite a threat to the fledgling
Catholic Church.
the Church of Rome and the Church of Love used similar
terminology - the Eucharist, the transubstantiation, Communion - they clearly meant different things by them. Unlike the Cathars,
the Church or Rome clearly did not produce a substance that turned
one into a higher being. Or, if it did, it told few about it.
Another name for the Cathars was the 'Albigensians' (the white or
pure ones). Notably, Al means God or All.
Gen is the root of gene, as
in DNA, Sian is phonetically Sion or sun.
Condemned by the Council of Tours in 1163 as heretics, a propaganda
war was launched by the Church against the Cathar's competing
ideology. Propaganda was not enough to dissuade the Cathars. The
Church sought to neutralize the threat posed by them first by
dispatching emissaries to debate and convert them.
When its best envoys failed to convert these heretics of the Church
of Love the Church of Rome called in the French gun-for-hire Simon
de Montford to exterminate these people to guarantee its own
survival and put forth itself as the only (blood-soaked) hand of
From 1209-1249 the first European genocide was conducted against the
Cathars by Pope Innocent III and a coalition force including French
Catholics. Promising spiritual rewards in exchange for the blood of
the Cathars, he sent 30,000 enforcers into the Midi and nearby
Languedoc to eradicate the Church of Love.
The first stop (and most bizarre episode) of this crusade occurred
in the town of Beziers where 222 Cathars lived amongst a population
of thousands of Catholics. When the Pope's army arrived the citizens
refused to open their gates. The axe-wielding butchers addressed the
locals - all of them Catholics - and with threats of death and
burning in hell demanded that they either leave town or turn over
the Cathars to them.29
The citizens of Beziers chose to stay put and protect the Cathars.
One local commentator writing in 1213 said they would rather 'die as
heretics than live as Christians'. On July 22, Mary Magdalene's
Feast Day, the Pope ordered the extermination of every man, woman
and child within the city gates of Beziers.
One crusader of
conscience was said to have asked a superior how they were to tell Cathar from Catholic. The reply was direct and chilling:
'Kill them
all. God will know his own'.
At dawn on that fateful summer morning, 7,000 women, children and
elderly crowded themselves into the Church of Mary Magdalene for
It must have been difficult to hear the word of God over the
sound of the Pope's axes ripping apart the barred wooden door at the
back of the church. After more then 700 years the grotesque sounds
of swords and axes meeting flesh and bone still reverberate faintly
in the ears of the sensitive. 20,000 people were slaughtered to help
preserve the Church of Rome's dominance that day. A hundred
innocents were killed for every Cathar.30
For the next forty years the Cathars were hunted, tortured, burned
at the stake and savagely murdered by the Church's hired killers. It
used psychological warfare to turn Christian against Christian,
neighbor against neighbor, and even brother against brother in a
bloodthirsty campaign that continued with the Inquisition. Estimates
place the total Cathars and Cathar sympathizers murdered between
300,000 and 1,000,000 men, women and children.
Throughout all the carnage report after report substantiated an
amazing testimony.
The Cathars rarely displayed fear, terror or even
pain even after the most hideous cruelties were inflicted upon them.
It was said their example caused many a crusader to undergo profound
spiritual transformations.
Later, at the siege of Montsegur - the
Cathars last stand - crusaders actually converted to Catharism and
fought along side them.
What could the Cathars have known that caused this spiritual
What baptism could possibly transform a
cold-blooded, axe-wielding murderer into a saint fighting for a new
The answer is in the Blue Apples of Rennes.
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