Find out where Religion originated from.
And that Religious characters are just myths from
ancient Egypt. If
you do your own research you will find it to be true. I'm currently
researching and cant find
any faults in this documentary.
Exposes The Deceptions of Religions!
"The Naked Truth" ("TNT") series consists of a one-hour and a
two-hour video that delve into the origins of religion, providing
some of the important information found in
The Christ Conspiracy and
Suns of God - Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled.
Why is there no contemporary evidence that Jesus Christ ever
This unique series is excellent for turning on friends and family to
this explosive info. It is also a superb teaching tool for schools
and churches, done in a very professional manner with distinguished
spokespeople. The series is not a dry, scholarly chronicle, but
incorporates relevant and fascinating facts into an accessible and
comprehensible format for everyone of all ages and educational
Find out the secrets behind Christianity!
Why are the religious symbols of ancient Egypt almost identical to
those of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions?
Learn how orthodox religious institutions have suppressed these
truths to consolidate their power over the masses!
The one-hour version of The Naked Truth is ideal for people on the
move, while the long version provides two riveting hours of
revelation comparing the ancient texts of the Hindus, Sumerians,
Persians and Egyptians with the holy books of later religions, in
order to expose:
Uncanny similarities like those between the
Virgin births of
Krishna, Mithra, Osiris/Horus and Jesus...
Underlying astrological symbolism such as the two fishes of
Christianity, representing the Age of Pisces...
sun worship of the pagans was transformed into "Son" worship
of today's Christians...
The history of the suppression of thought that has led to "holy
the Inquisition and other reprehensible acts by the so-called
The Naked Truth examines centuries-old texts from different cultures
that contain the exact same phrases - yet these cultures supposedly
never interacted!
Were ancient pre-Christian texts plagiarized by conspiratorial
religious zealots?
We all know it's easier to watch a video than to read a book, and
only with a video can we share the experience with friends and
family! Many people have had life-changing experiences while
watching these videos--they are that powerful in freeing the soul of
humanity from erroneous and enslaving ideologies.
The following is
an actual, unsolicited testimonial:
I viewed "The Naked Truth" videos and was "set free" from Christian
fundamentalism. I never fit in too well anyway, asked too many
questions.... Keep up the much needed and great work!
William Smith
Watched "The Naked Truth" video. Excellent
- loved it! Bravo! I am
going to show the stuff to some Muslim friends and maybe open their
eyes once and for all... I have been showing it to my friends, and
everyone loves it....
Very, very interesting news with this video; gave it to Iranian
friend whose daughter goes to church. Making long story short, the
church people saw it and several people got up and left, believing
this is the work of devil, and several other people stopped going to
church. A mini-revolution...!
Showed the videos to several other folks here at work, including a
Jew, and they are all saying, "Man this is cool!" I know! I love it!
Reza P.
Houston, TX
May 26, 2011
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