by Eric Phelps
June 14, 2014
in5d Website
Spanish version
Doc Marquis wrote a book entitled
'Secrets of the Illuminati'. While this topic has been explored
before, no author has been able to bring a truly occultic angle to
the discussion.
In other words, Marquis looks at the
plan to bring in the New World Order from the viewpoint of a former
witch. In his book, Marquis includes a chapter entitled, "Is It
Catholicism Or Witchcraft?"
At the beginning of this chapter,
Marquis makes a quite startling statement,
"I must emphatically state that
Catholicism and witchcraft are one and the same...there is no
difference between witchcraft and Catholicism."
Then, Marquis examines Catholicism and
witchcraft from the vantage point of a former witch.
Marquis identifies several critically
important areas in which the practice of
Roman Catholicism and witchcraft are identical. We will first
list these areas of commonalty and then comment specifically upon
These common areas are:
1. The altar. |
2. The golden goblet known as a
chalice. |
3. Colored candles used in
services. |
4. The use of incense.
5. The use of bells in the
ceremony. |
6. Praying to statues.
7. The use of Latin in services.
8. The use of a golden scepter
in giving a large blessing to the people. |
9. Common belief in Purgatory. |
10. The common belief in the
host. |
11. Common belief in the five
elements. |
Now, let us examine each of these areas
of commonalty:
The altar in every Catholic church is
prominently positioned at the front of the church
The "Mysteries of the Mass" are
celebrated on and around the altar. In witchcraft, also, the
altar is similarly used for three purposes:
To practice certain
metaphysical rites, such as the casting of certain
spells or to honor occult deities.
To hold the tools of
To perform human
The Roman Catholic altar also
holds their tools of their magic, and they daily perform
human sacrifice.
Remember, we are looking at this
subject through the eyes of a former high-level witch who is
now a born-again Christian. This daily human sacrifice is
performed according to the false belief in
"transubstantiation", the belief that the priest magically
transforms the wafer into Jesus' body and the wine into His
Marquis states,
It is shocking to realize that
Roman Catholics are daily
performing human sacrifice in a manner similar to that of
witches throughout the centuries.
The Catholic Golden Goblet, or Chalice
"It is this cup that the
wine poured into it becomes the... literal blood of
When a witch does a
human sacrifice,
after the victim's throat is sliced open, the
spilled blood will be collected in a chalice, just
as the Catholics do, except the witch's chalice
holds the real thing."
In Satan's eyes, the Catholics
are performing the same rite as the witches.
"Candles were introduced to the Catholic mass
about 320 A.D."
There is no Scriptural reasons
for them, unless... you are a practicing witch. Below is a
list of
different colored candles a
witch would use throughout the year.
See if you can recall any of
these colors used during a Catholic mass:
White - Purity, Truth,
Red - Strength, Health,
Vigor, Sexual Love
Light Blue -
Tranquility, Understanding, Patience
Dark Blue -
Impulsiveness, Depression, Change
Green - Finance,
Fertility, Luck
Gold/Yellow -
Persuasion, Charm, Confidence
Brown - Hesitation,
Pink - Honor, Love,
Black - Evil, Loss,
Discord, Confusion
Purple - Tension,
Ambition, Power
Silver-Gray -
Cancellation, Stalemate
Orange - Encouragement,
Greenish-Yellow -
Sickness, Anger, Jealousy
"Using these colored candles
and the right spells, a witch can cause anything to
happen... our Catholic friends are not only using these
occult tools, they also pay for them when they go to
various statues and light... candles."
"Incense is a constant tool that is used by
They will take a philter
(incense burner), walk around the altar, and then wave it
out toward the crowd with an invocation... Not only do
witches use incense, but they will consecrate their altar
and their fellow witches in the exact way the Catholics
Bells are also utilized by both Roman
Catholics and witches
The bells are actually baptized,
and in both witchcraft and Catholicism, altar boys attend
the priest in sounding the bells.
Witches were praying to images or statues for
many centuries before Catholics began the practice.
"Until recently, most of the rites of
witchcraft were said in Latin..."
Why is it, when the witches
stopped using Latin as much as they did, about twenty years
ago, that the Catholic mass was stopped being told in Latin?
Today, it is spoken mostly in
American English, the same way in which a witch's mass is
"...when the Pope, Cardinals, or priests want
to give a huge blessing, they will take out a golden
scepter, or wand, dip it in holy water, and then wave it on
the people... "
Wands are nothing new in the
When a witch wants to direct his
power he can do it by means of wands. He can also control
the demonic forces at his disposal by using a wand to
consecrate a circle with a pentacle inside.
Holy water is also used by a
witch to purify himself and his instruments, and the water
is made holy in both witchcraft and Catholicism by mixing
water with salt.
The teaching of Purgatory is not found in the
According to Catholic catechism,
Purgatory is described as,
"a logically deduced place. Since a Catholic could not go
straight to heaven if he had sinned, and since he could not
go to hell if he had not died in mortal sin, there had to be
a place in between where he could be purified" - Purgatory.
However, the belief in Purgatory is "totally occultic in
Witchcraft teaches that after a
person goes through Purgatory, he is reincarnated and is
more powerful in his next life than he was before. After
several reincarnations, he will become purified enough to
live with the gods and goddesses, precisely the same end as
the Catholics teach.
Both Catholics and Witches teach that the
host becomes the actual body of their respective gods
To the Roman Catholic, the host
becomes the actual body of Jesus Christ; the witch
believes the host actually becomes the body of their pagan
deity, "I.H.S. - or Iris, Horus, and Semiramis".
This concept is known in both
circles as trans-substantiation.
Both witchcraft and Roman Catholicism teach
that the universe is comprised of five elements:
These occultic five elements are
also found in the Catholic mass.
Spirit - of the wafer
god they sacrifice daily.
Water - Holy water they
use to purify and baptize
Air - symbolically used
through the incense
Fire - used in tangent
with the incense burning
Earth - The elements of
the wafer come from the earth in agriculture, and
the flesh of their sacrificed deity,
Jesus Christ,
also came from the earth.
Doc Marquis's conclusion is inescapable
and damning:
The practice of occultism has come full circle from
ancient Babylon to the Roman Catholic Institution today.