The following section contains crucial information about the massive deception and manipulation of scientific concepts which so extensively impacts our view "reality" in this present day materialistic culture, and is quoted directly from Valdamar Valerian’s (Matrix III, Volume One, 1992, p.310-311):



"In late 1864, James Clerk Maxwell published his epic material on electromagnetic waves. His material dealt not only with electrical and magnetic waves, but also the relativistic/ethereal psychoactive component of these waves (representing electromagnetics of the second order and above).


The equations also included transformations that enabled the change from inertial frames of reference to non-inertial frames of reference. Maxwell’s original equations were written in Quaternion notation, a complex mathematical system available at that time before Vector Analysis was introduced by Oliver Heaviside. Today’s generalized equivalent of Quaternions is Tensors.

"In short, Maxwell’s original work gave the necessary information for gravitational propulsion and psychoactive devices. Someone somewhere recognized this, for shortly after his death, the mathematician Oliver Heaviside, the chemist Willard Gibbs, and physicist Heinrich Hertz decided to "edit" or "interpret" Maxwell’s famous equations which were, in the original form, the foundations of electromagnetics and Unified Field Theory (UFT). This "unholy trio", especially Heaviside, disregarded the Quaternions or Scalar components of Maxwell’s original equations, because they represented potentials and not fields.


He thought potentials were akin to "mysticism", because "everybody knows" that fields contain mass, and mass cannot be created from apparently nothing, which is what potentials are, both literally and mathematically; they are an accumulation or reservoir of energy. Furthermore, not only did they throw away the gravitational component with the Quaternion/Scalar, but also postulated that gravitation and electromagnetism were mutually exclusive, not interdependent. That was the death blow to subsequent efforts by scientists to realize a functioning unified field theory. Because of this one act, electromagnetism was reduced from its original five dimensions to only four: X, Y, Z, and time. The element of G was removed.

"Because of this deliberate act, twenty-two other errors exist today in electromagnetic theory. The very concepts of force, mass and charge are ill-defined, and the so-called "static" electrical charge has been discovered by Quantum mechanics not to be static at all, but to move rotationally by virtue of the quantum mechanical spin. Finally, adding insult to injury, the so-called "imaginary components" of Maxwell’s original equations as well as the mutilated version of the equations have also been discarded or ignored. With this last error, the door to hyper-spacial domains was forever closed, for the present mathematics and physics of electromagnetic theory do not allow for hyper-spacial domains (domains outside of three dimensions), superluminal signals (signals that exceed the speed of light or are infinite in speed), and a unified field theory.

"The edited version of Maxwell’s work, which every physicist and engineer has had to contend with, discards electrogravitation, and avoids the unification of gravitation and electromagnetics. It also prevents the direct engineering of gravitation, space-time, time flow rates, free energy devices, and quantum changes, which is viewed by the altered equations that are vector-based as only a statistical change. The quaternion approach captures the ability to utilize electromagnetics and produce local curvature of spacetime. Heaviside wrote a subset of Maxwell’s equations where this capability is excluded.

"Dr. Henry Monteith has independently discovered that Maxwell’s original quaternion theory was a unified field theory. Einstein assumed, because he only had access to the altered equations, that curving spacetime could only be achieved by the weak gravitational force due to mass, that the local frame would always be a Lorentz frame, which would mean that all operations would be constrained to "conservation laws of physics".

"In the 1960’s the Hertz (Hz) replaced Cycles Per Second. Since, then everyone thinks that all electromagnetic waves are hertzian. Only the upper portion of the spectrum before Infrared contains Hertzian waves. ELF and ULF are not; waves in biosystems and natural phenomena are not Hertzian in nature."

Valdamar Valerian









There are two researchers who have contacted me independently with what I feel is some quite significant information. The work of each these individuals dovetails and coincides to a great degree with that of the other on some very intriguing points. The information brought forth by each is very significant in relation to the truly ancient history of Montauk, and what’s more to the real history of the human race on earth as well.

Dr. Bruce Cornet of New Jersey was the first of the two to contact me. Dr. Cornet’s detailed and extensive research relates to the tetrahedral physics developed by Carl Munck, Bruce Cathie and Richard Hoagland (who popularized it), and applies tetrahedral formulas to the northeastern U.S. in particular in this case--as it relates to a planetary grid system and specific power points. Cornet has accomplished this by means of correlating the tetrahedral data to topographical features, geomagnetic anomalies and known locations of metaphysical/ parapsychological phenomena, and has cross-referenced this data this with the esoteric and ancient history of the region to come up with some most intriguing ideas.

To sum it up, Mr. Cornet has pieced together evidence and information as noted, related this to the photographs of Mars’ Cydonia region, and states that much of the northeastern area of the U.S. had actually been terraformed many millennia ago (obviously by some technologically advanced civilization) in what amounts to a replica or analog of the Cydonia region of Mars

Of particular note would be the lower Hudson Valley region of New York State, an area with a very significant history, both recent and not, of a great number of occurrences of paranormal, metaphysical phenomena. Areas of New Jersey and Pennsylvania would be included in this region, and Long Island and Montauk itself would be figure in this overall the scheme of things as researched by Cornet.

(This is a good place to mention that for some time I have felt or intuited a "connection" of some kind between the lower Hudson Valley region and Montauk. My feeling is that this connection could be "esoteric" and energy-related, and there could possibly be actual physical connections as well--perhaps tunnels. In fact I have had this intuition corroborated by a number of people. In terms of hard evidence, I offer this statement, which came my way through Bruce Cornet, from Mr. Bob Tidwell.

"I was assigned to Stewart AFB, near Newburgh (lower Hudson Valley area) in 1969, so I’m familiar with that area. (I was only there for two weeks, and that’s a story in itself. Stewart was used as a staging point for Montauk personnel.)"

Let’s keep in mind here that Montauk Air Force Station was officially decommissioned in 1969. Why would the Air Force need a staging area for a base which was closed? In fact, Stewart AFB was also supposedly closed right around this time as well, though it is well known throughout the area that it in fact is not the least bit closed--even today! Stewart AFB seems to have played a rather significant role in some way or other in the widely publicized "Hudson Valley UFO" phenomenon, tens of thousands of sightings of mostly huge boomerang-shaped craft throughout much of the mid and late 1980s).

Dr. Cornet wrote:

"By the way, Montauk occurs at the same latitude as Colchis on the eastern side of the Black Sea. Colchis was important as an early ancient Egyptian outpost, and the place where the Golden Fleece of Greek mythology was hidden. The Golden Fleece, according to Temple (1976), is Horus or Hero. Colchis is also where the native saffron and crocus plants are located, the only known source of a chemical that cures gout. Read The Sirius Mystery by Robert K.G. Temple. 

"Oh, and by the way, my area of specialization in geology was the Newark Supergroup, and one of the basins I concentrated my studies on was the Newark basin of PA, NJ, and NY. It is shaped like a giant Ark or Argo, with Philadelphia as its rudder, Newark near its bow, the Empire State Building at its prow, and the Statue of Liberty along its keel. Long Island and Montauk fit into this picture as a forward submarine extension of this Ark - something like a ramming device."

Bruce Cornet

Another researcher named Michael Lawrence Morton contacted me with some similar information: to whit, that he had applied the tetrahedral formulas of Munck, Cathie and to some extent Hoagland, to the area around Turtle Cove/Camp Hero using topographical maps, and came up with what was to him some very startling correspondences. Within the central area of Montauk Air Force Station itself according to the noted formulas, The two main bunkers and radar hill itself came up as being very major power spots--right on the nose so to speak!

Granted that these hills were the result of construction by the government and military within (mostly we think) the 20th century--nevertheless the data and numbers on these three small hills are so significant that it appears certain that the construction took place at these exact locations precisely because of their "tetrahedral", planetary grid significance: what’s more, it appears at least very possible that these exact spots could well have been the locations of the "Pyramids of Montauk", the existence of which at one time anyway does seem fairly certain.

Dr. Cornet estimated that the date that this large-scale terraforming would have taken place would have been at least 10-12,000 years ago. Interesting to note is that the Montauk Indians are believed to have inhabited what was until recently the island of Montauk for at least 8,000 years if not longer.








There are some signs and testimony that "negative", malevolent forces were not in control of the power spot and subterranean facilities /laboratories at Montauk Air Force Station, between (approximately) 1993 and mid-1997, although more recently this appears to have changed once again.

Between 1993 and 1997 the facility was operated by an Air Force contingent utilizing particle beam technology in defensive operations concerning Hale-Bobb and the object said to be trailing the comet; perhaps also against "hostile" UFOs.





In late February of 1998, a psychic in NYC told me that her reading on Camp Hero indicated to her that the time portal so to speak was currently shut down.

Not long after, in a phone conversation with Al Bielek, he told me more or less the same thing: that certain groups closed off the access to the portal (stargate) for those regressive forces which have been responsible for so much of the severe horror and abuse at Montauk--not only abuses against human beings, but abuses of the power point/interdimensional gateway itself.

According to Bielek, the Montauk Project per se, which Moon and Nichols have written about and which my report covers, was primarily being operated from the future, and that the project was (and still is) in support of the so-called "New World order" objectives, using a veritable army of 5-10,000,000 intensively programmed individuals in the U.S. alone.

Bielek informed me that these negative agencies have numerous other locations in the U.S. and elsewhere worldwide, some very close to the Montauk base itself; in fact some within a few miles (one directly north of the village of Montauk beneath an old Navy submarine base on Fort Pond Bay). So, it’s not as though they’ve packed up and gone home!

Bielek also told me that "positive" (for lack of a better word), Constitutionalist groups within the U.S. Air Force had been instrumental in rousting these creeps to some extent--NOT that the Air Force is totally unified on this or related issues. It seems that most of the armed services are in a condition of schizophrenia on the whole issue--with some elements supporting the New World Order and some not.

Bielek’s information indicates that the Camp Hero underground (as opposed to other underground facilities in and near Montauk) was recently the site of a defensive operation utilizing particle beam weaponry and other technologies, reportedly directed against malevolent ET intrusions. According to Al Bielek this Air Force crew deflected the Hale Bopp comet from a collision course with earth, and that the object "hiding" behind it was then destroyed (however an escape pod did manage to bail out before destruction). The reason this object was targeted was that the Air Force called in over 130 remote viewers to get a reading on the trailing object and came up with 130+ different readings--indicating to them that the object was being heavily cloaked/screened and therefore it’s intentions had to be considered hostile. Time manipulations have been involved in some of this defensive activity by Bielek’s accounting, and that the fact that the time portal has been shut off does in fact have some drawbacks from this perspective.

I subsequently contacted Preston Nichols to get his input on this. For the most part he did in fact corroborate Bielek’s information--in fact much of it came from Nichols. However, he can and will NOT say positively that there were no negative forces anywhere in the extensive Montauk underground during this period of time.

As best he could personally determine and through his active contacts with Air Force agencies recently at Camp Hero, there did not appear to be any EM mind control operations going on there at the time, but given the way projects can be hidden within other projects and the way compartmentalization works, secret agendas can be piggybacked onto "legitimate" operations with no way for anyone involved in the above board activities to even be aware of it. Nichols pointed out that his most recent investigations indicate that there are EM/RF mind control transmissions still being picked up in the vicinity--by his estimation emanating from Block Island, about 15 miles directly east of Montauk Point, but not emanating directly out of Camp Hero.

He confirmed Bielek’s statement that anti-"NWO" Air Force agents raided an underground base about 15 miles west of Montauk in Sag Harbor being operated by the Montauk Project’s mind control crew in August of 1996, and turned up records on 30,000 programees (New World Order shock troops--mostly recent ones) at that base alone! Apparently this caused (the Air Force) some consternation; in some respects there is a serious secret conflict or even a war underway between two opposing factions within the (covert?) government.

Apparently this "Montauk boys" programming operation in Sag Harbor was operated with the assistance of a Catholic religious order known as the Pallotine group: a monastic order working with the secret government to help train an elite fighting group of children along the lines of Delta Forces. More on this aspect later in this report.





The Montauk Project (especially the EM/RF mind control aspect) was reactivated--more like exhumed from the grave--in 1988, and a phase of the project was carried out at Camp Hero until around 1992. There are some indications that security had then become excessively problematical, as the first Montauk Project book by Nichols and Moon had been published and curiosity seekers and others were becoming far too prevalent and nosy. There are other rumors of conflicts among different groups over the use of the facility, and in 1993 the Montauk Project moved out.

The Project was eventually reorganized at Robins Air Force Base near Atlanta. However, after a period of time it seems Project directors realized that certain aspects of the Project just couldn’t be implemented adequately other that at Camp Hero, due it would seem likely to the geomagnetic characteristics of Montauk. Additionally, directorship of the Montauk Project appears to have shifted to the Navy at this time, as has occurred with HAARP. A linking of some elements of the Montauk Project to HAARP, previously often suspected and which may have already existed, has now been proved to be underway at the Camp Hero location.





It would seem that there were some sort of contentious or adversarial activities at the Air Force Station beginning in late 1997.

In mid-February 1998 in the immediate vicinity of Camp Hero State Park/Montauk Air Force Station, the following conditions were observed; consequently, clear proof now exists of a maintained covert subterranean facility operating at this location, a facility whose very existence has been covered up for years--as it is currently by covert federal intelligence/military groups, the NY State government and the NY State Parks System, and other local and regional governments and relevant agencies.

There is an old bunker southeast of the base proper outside the "restricted area" which is relatively close to the lighthouse and right on the Atlantic cliffs, with a paved circular area directly in front of it which was (at one time) an artillery emplacement. (This was the location where Siemens-subsidiary Cardion Corporation tested a very high tech particle beam radar system for at least five months in 1994; all clearly visible from the lighthouse).

The bunker entrance adjacent to this circular concrete area was recently demolished in an "unauthorized" and "unofficial" fashion in an obviously substantial endeavor, according to certain witnesses from the Montauk area. A section was completely broken through the thick concrete exposing an underground area. This hole was then subsequently cemented over again by certain authorities.

A contingent of people from Montauk were at this location checking out the current situation there after having witnessed the previous conditions just described.

Continuing along the remnants of Old Montauk Highway west through the locked "fisherman’s gate" towards the "fisherman’s (parking) lot", the first paved road on the right (heading roughly north) leads to the southeast entrance to Camp Hero/Montauk AFS. About halfway to that entrance along this road on the left (west side) is a large boulder which had somehow been moved a bit, and clearly visible underneath was a well-maintained concrete well or entrance with a metal ladder bolted to the side--all in good repair. Despite extensive drenching rains around this time, when a rock was dropped there was NO SOUND of it hitting any water. The boulder hiding this entrance was quite large and would require at least a few people to move it.

Further on this road at the base entrance, the extremely sturdy locked gate at this entrance was severely impacted, smashed and basically wrecked--although entry with other than a tank would not really be possible. The same thing also happened to the main entrance to Montauk Air Force Station off Highway 27 (Montauk Highway) about 6 months ago, and to at least one other entrance, at the baseball field "leased" (by whom I haven’t ascertained) to East Hampton Township for recreational use by the residents of the small neighborhood right nearby--the old base housing area.





Certain of the underground facilities at Montauk AFS, as noted, were used by the Air Force in what they considered legitimate defensive operations related to Hale-Bopp comet and an object (said to be) following it. Preston Nichols, as noted, was in fact working occasionally with the Air Force during this time on a sort of "consultant" basis. Nichols believes these operations were not in any way a part of the "Montauk Project".

At this time as well (1996-1997), Nichols was openly working with an Air Force contingent which had busted the "Montauk Project" mind control operations in Sag Harbor as described above. Apparently the Air Force was either unaware of the mind control operations at the WW 2 Navy base on Fort Pond Bay in Montauk or else these activities started up (again?) more recently (since 1997).

Nichols has affirmed that he had not been in the Montauk underground since late spring of 1997 when the comet departed our skies. His suspicions that the current tenants at Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station are Navy operatives connected to the HAARP project got some solid confirmation from a source who often receives reliable information from connections in certain ultra-top-secret intelligence and military agencies. This source has stated that the Navy/HAARP contingent has without doubt taken control of the Montauk underground installations, in a decidedly heavy-handed fashion; i.e., they were definitely not given the keys.

A linking of certain aspects of the Montauk Project with the global capabilities of HAARP is high up on the agenda right now, as well as using the Montauk (Turtle Cove) power spot to boost other HAARP (Tesla technology) operations and experiments.





This would be a good place to pass along some information conveyed to me by Preston Nichols in March 1998.

I asked Nichols if he was consciously aware of how one enters the underground facility at Montauk, and if so, whether he would tell me. He replied instantly, "Sure, I know. The main checkpoint entrance to the areas of the Montauk underground which I and Air Force personnel I was working with used is beneath the "Montauk Tower" building right in the middle of Montauk village!"

This was most interesting because that building has had an unusual history, and was the subject of some investigation on my part not long ago. The results of that investigation make up the latter section of Part 4 of my report on the Montauk Project. Suffice to say here that my investigations on this particular building, purportedly at this time privately owned "residential condos", turned up a substantial number of major anomalies, incongruities, and obvious indications of outright BS, lies and misrepresentation on the part of numerous government/ bureaucratic officials at various regional and local levels, real estate agents, supposed occupants... you name it.

The roughly 9-story building was constructed in the 1920s--a peculiarity in its time and still the tallest building on Long Island’s east end (that’s not saying much, mind you). After failing to attract many tenants, it was appropriated during WW II by the U.S. Navy, which operated a submarine base with underwater "sub pens" about a mile north of the village on Fort Pond Bay as well as at Camp Hero, and the "Montauk Tower" became a major command point.

It’s history after WW II is notably obscure; I think it’s safe to say that the structure was utilized by means of tunnels connecting it to Camp Hero at Montauk Point during the 1950s and 1960s before the "Montauk Project" per se got into gear, in certain forerunner projects being operated on Long Island, as well as during the Montauk Project from roughly 1970-1983. And as we now know, even after it’s supposed conversion to privately owned condominium residences, it is still in fact part of the secret operations in Montauk NY.

One thing I asked about continually when I was posing as a prospective buyer for certain units available (supposedly) for sale was what was the basement of the building used for; how did one gain access to the basement, and such. Never once did I receive a straightforward, clear response to this line of inquiry from any supposed tenants or realtors.

And guess where one gains access to the Montauk underground? Well, of course not by way of the penthouse apartment, though that "apartment" was unquestionably an Air Force facility staffed with Air Force personnel, at least up until mid-1997.

Nichols said that one enters an elevator which goes to the basement: however, this is NOT the main elevator for the six floors of "condos", which has no button for a basement level (I know because I was in it). After exiting in the basement, one walks to a small room off the main basement in which there is another elevator which seems to go down quite deep. One exits into a small room with armed guards and is there subject to what Nichols called a retina scan: word is that this does more than just correlate patterns in the iris and such, but in fact actually can scan thought and consciousness as a way of making an absolutely foolproof identification. From there one enters into the underground.

Considering the high levels of obvious bullshit surrounding everything about this building and what it’s supposed to be, I wasn’t too surprised to hear this from Preston Nichols; nevertheless, there it is in black and white: eyewitness testimony about how one gains entry to the Montauk underground facilities.

Towards the completion of the "Sky Pebbles" operation with the Air Force and prior to the U.S. Navy assuming control of the Montauk underground, Preston Nichols entered the underground by means of the entrance beneath the "Tower" building in the middle of the village of Montauk, in the company of an Air Force General. Nichols says this man had orders from the Pentagon granting him access to the subterranean facility; he and Preston were authorized to snoop around making sure that by all indications and evidence the operations being run there were the operations which had in fact been authorized.

A question arises however as to which levels or areas of the underground the general and Nichols were given access to. Furthermore, the way compartmentalization works, certain groups could be involved in certain activities without any knowledge that their operations may be a small part of some much larger project, the overall scope of which they are not even remotely aware. Also, secret agendas can be piggybacked onto "legitimate" operations with no way for anyone involved in the above-board activities to even be aware of it. Thus, at Montauk for instance, there could be Air Force people working on something to do with particle beam technology, with no knowledge that, for example, it’s being used against ETs. Again, there may be personnel there who are unaware that their particular activities may in some way "plug into" HAARP operations; or if they do know that, are completely ignorant of what some of the real objectives of HAARP actually are!





Of particular interest as well in this account is the fact that some cadre within the Air Force dispatched this general to the Montauk underground to check up on what was going on there: in other words to check up on what some other Air Force faction was doing or had done in the "Sky Pebbles" (Star Wars) particle beam operations.


This would tend to bolster reports of a massive, virtually across-the-boards split within the many levels and layers of the federal government--both covert and overt--and certainly within the military and intelligence agencies, into at least two main factions: pro- and anti- New World Order. Undoubtedly many further subdivisions and splinter factions exist within these two general camps.





In late 1996 I took a ride with Preston Nichols northeast of the village of East Hampton and north of Amagansett, in the Devon, Stony Hill and Springs areas. In the woods west of Albert’s Landing and Devon we found what seemed clearly to be the remains of an old bunker; several are known to have existed in the general area. This particular location seemed as though it had been excavated, cleared and then "landscaped" a bit--perhaps 5 to 10 years previous to our visit.

These bunkers, which date back to before and during WW II, connected underground and underwater to Montauk, via tunnels beneath Gardiner’s Bay. Noteworthy also is that there is said to have been a Nazi underwater submarine pen near Stony Hill, linked to an underground facility there. (Don’t laugh: there is voluminous evidence of a great many instances of a highly peculiar and rather constant Nazi presence and a strong Pro-Nazi element on Long Island before during and after WW2. Peter Moon has covered many facets of this entire mind-blowing story in the Montauk project book series coauthored with Preston Nichols, and I refer readers to this as well as to the sources Moon cites for further details.) As it seems the bunkers and underground facilities were still intact during the 1970s there is a strong likelihood these bunkers were somehow used in the Project--perhaps as a way to bring kids into the underground for programming. As at Camp Hero, there were recreational facilities quite nearby often used by youth groups, day camps and boy/girl scouts.

Later on this same trip, while driving through the surrounding woods, Nichols noticed and commented upon the numerous red standpipes protruding from flat cement slabs, all throughout this mostly undeveloped area. These seemed at first glance to be fire hydrants. There are some residences here, but the density is fairly sparse. It seemed a bit unusual to have so many hydrants in this kind of area, so we stopped and checked them out more closely.

It seems that a good percentage of these numerous standpipes were not in fact hydrants, because in most cases there was a smaller straight pipe with a vented cap adjacent to the larger pipe which looked like a hydrant. This immediately gives rise to the solid hypothesis that these larger pipes are not for getting water from but are in fact for pumping something, such as fuel, into--obviously into underground storage tanks, which would need to be vented. Some of these concrete slabs did not have this vent pipe, indicating that they were in fact the "real" fire hydrants in the area.

These same kind of standpipes with accompanying vent stacks are seen along Old Montauk Highway directly adjacent to Camp Hero.

Following this train of thought along some very substantial and well-bedded tracks, there can’t be too many reasons for numerous (fuel) storage tanks throughout this area; the private residences here use no common fuel tanks or anything like that. It stands to reason that such underground storage tanks are in fact for adjacent underground facilities, and the existence of bunkers in the general area which were once linked to the Fort Pond Bay Navy base and Camp Hero would lead one to think that this area still has such connections, and that there is some kind of currently active underground here.

Nichols also noticed on this trip the existence of triple phase electrical lines all throughout the area; this would be totally unnecessary in any residential or even light-industry area and would simply never be seen in such areas. Triple phase power lines are only for heavy industry or other activity in which major amounts of electrical power would be used. This does not fit at all with any of the visible, surface conditions and characteristics of this entire area of eastern Long Island. Shipbuilders or other known industries nearby would not use triple phase power.

My trip to the area in June and July of 1998 brought to light some other conditions regarding this general vicinity of East Hampton Township in relation to apparent underground installations, which is discussed further along in the article.

Changing locales a bit, there is some corroborative testimony regarding very substantial underground areas at Brookhaven National Laboratories, related by a building contractor from eastern Long Island. He told reporter Jerry Cimisi from Dan’s Papers on Long Island that he has on several occasions done on-site construction work in the subterranean levels of BNL, and stated in no uncertain terms that the underground areas at Brookhaven were vast--and that only refers to what he got to see!









On June 24, 1998, I visited the Camp Hero location. As has so often been the case, strangeness and peculiarities awaited me literally the instant I arrived in the area.

My first order of business was to check out the so-called "senior center" directly adjacent to the restricted portion of the old Air Force Station, which was completed about two years ago and is ostensibly operated by the Town of East Hampton. My knowledge of the demographics of the region leads me to seriously question the necessity of constructing this facility at the furthest eastern extremity of East Hampton Township. The number of seniors who are full time residents of the Town and who live in reasonable proximity to the location would have to number very few. What would be the point of incurring the excessive transportation costs of bussing folks from other areas of the Township to this remote location, when a facility could very easily have been constructed in a much more central location? No one I’ve had contact with has ever seen this facility being used for it’s intended purpose, nor any purpose whatsoever.

Not surprisingly, it was dead as can be, in midafternoon on a weekday. I spent about ten minutes "casing out" the place. After two years of even intermittent use one would expect to see some indications of wear and tear regarding things like paint, carpets, windows, doorknobs, doorsills (especially) and so on. Such is not the case with this "senior center". The building is literally spotless and appears virtually untouched since the completion of construction. These must be the neatest seniors on the face of the earth, and are apparently invisible to boot.

Earlier this year Preston Nichols visited the Camp Hero location with a British film crew that was filming a documentary on the Montauk Project. As Nichols has previously been specifically warned by a judge that if found on the restricted portion of Camp Hero he will be jailed, Nichols waited for the film crew off to the side of the main entrance road in visual proximity to the new senior center, while the crew went to the then-demolished main entrance gate and beyond, into the restricted portion. (The senior center is just east of this entrance road, in a field at the western border of the neighborhood which used to be base housing immediately north of the inner perimeter [restricted portion] of Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station. This housing was later deeded over to the town of East Hampton in 1984 and the properties sold via lottery to supposedly lower income families).

Nichols noted that, as usual, there was no indication of any activity whatsoever at the senior center and no vehicles parked there. Imagine his surprise then, when the exterior cellar door of the building opened up and a man came out, walked over to the entrance road, and looked down the road towards the main gate where the film crew was, clearly attempting to figure out who they were and what they were doing. One would have to wonder how this fellow could have been at all aware that anyone was at the base’s main entrance--as he was in the basement of the senior center which is several hundred feet from the entrance road and several hundred yards from the entrance gate; also questionable is why this person would even be the least bit interested in the presence of people at the base entrance, as he would supposedly have been an East Hampton Town employee.

Things became even stranger when this fellow realized Nichols was sitting at the side of the road watching the entire proceedings--he did a noticeable double take and retreated back into the basement of the "senior center"! Okay...

During my brief visit to the facility after having been there for about six or seven minutes, I observed a red pickup cruise rapidly past the senior center in the direction of the small neighborhood just east. It’s undeniable that some of the residents of this neighborhood are in fact base employees, as was elaborated on in my first report on the Montauk project. Less that a minute later, the pickup scooted back in the opposite direction. The driver was going at a noticeably fast speed both times. Such maneuvers could possibly be explained as someone having left somewhere (such as home), realizing they had forgotten something and quickly returning. The problem with that explanation is that the vehicle was going the wrong way--that is, first towards the residences and then away. There was no chance the driver had time to go to any of the houses in the area--also, there are few places of employment nearby the driver could have been coming from, suddenly realized they had forgotten something, and turned around. Even if that were the case, why suddenly turn around and leave if you were nearly home? This just seemed really odd and I believe I was being surveilled. Incidentally I noticed a video cassette of "Men In Black" on a table right in front of the window inside the building.

I checked out this senior center on two other occasions over the next two weeks: never any sign of activity, other that some things were moved around on a desk in a small "office" and the "Men In Black" video was gone. On one of these other occasions as I was just leaving I distinctly heard a vehicle zipping along the entrance road leading to the base’s main entrance gate. There is only one turnoff which is the road to senior center and the small neighborhood; the vehicle had already passed this intersection and no one could have gotten up to and then through that locked gate very quickly, yet within about a minute there was no sign of this vehicle anywhere around the area as I drove out! Bizarre, as usual. Also, though the main entrance gate was demolished in late 1997 along with nearly all other entrances, it has since been fully repaired and the high-security electronic touchpad and key entry system completely replaced.





Back to the events of my first visit. After being apparently surveilled by the red pickup while at the "senior center", I then drove up towards the lighthouse, turning right (south & west) off the paved road onto the dirt road which enters the "fisherman’s gate" and the unrestricted portion of Camp Hero. Although this area is open to visitors on foot, only vehicles with a special Camp Hero fishing permit may drive into this area. These permits number about 200, and are given out by lottery, along with a key to the gate. New York State and Town of East Hampton fishing or parking permits, though also required, are NOT sufficient to gain access to this location.

No sooner did I leave the paved road than a late-model white Blazer or similar vehicle with tinted windows and a conspicuously large antenna jutting up from its rear pulled off directly behind me. To my surprise the gate was unlocked and wide open, and I briefly considered driving in, but the close proximity of the other vehicle deterred me, so I backed up and parked along the dirt access road and walked in. There were absolutely no indications the white Blazer was being driven by a "fisherman" as it entered Camp Hero.

I was there to check out the reports mentioned above concerning a forcible entry into the old bunker by the cliffs, and also the report of an underground entrance covered by a boulder, along the southeast entry road to the base. I did find evidence that the bunker had been broken into--according to reports, in the later fall of 1997. As I had parked in a questionable location (the opposite side of the dirt road had a "No Parking" sign) I started to return to the car, and was intercepted by the white Blazer just as I was exiting through the gate. The vehicle popped up from a side road south of the gate and inside the perimeter at the exact moment I was going off the property and the driver scrutinized me thoroughly and blatantly. I repeat, no fishing gear of any kind whatsoever was noticeable on or in this vehicle and the driver was obviously not going fishing.

I drove my car around the loop at the lighthouse while deciding whether or not to drive in the fisherman’s gate to look for the underground entrance, which I then decided to do. As soon as I entered the still-open gate, I was approached head on by a late-model dark green Blazer, also with a large antenna and tinted windows, coming from the direction of the "fisherman’s parking lot". This vehicle, again, had no fishing gear of any kind visible on or in it, and the driver did not appear to be involved in fishing at all.

He slowed and scrutinized me closely as well, and appeared to be about to hail me down, but I kept going, checked my rearview mirror to ascertain that we were not in sight of each other and turned right onto the southeast entrance road to the base. The entrance gate to the inner perimeter on this road was in very ruined condition, and was held together by locked chains. (I noticed on a subsequent visit that the heavy steel of the gate had been cut in numerous places with a welding torch--hardly the kind of equipment teenage vandals would haul around on foot!) On the west side this road I did indeed find the manhole-type underground entrance, almost completely covered by a large boulder and some smaller rocks. If one did not know what to look for one would most likely never find the opening despite it being right next to the road. I stress again that I was not under visual surveillance at this point.

I then drove out of the area, and--what a surprise !--when I reached the gate, I was literally boxed in by the dark green Blazer, which somehow had gotten behind me (coming from the same direction as when I had first seen it about two minutes earlier), and the white Blazer as well, which again suddenly appeared from the side road, just in time to sandwich me between the two vehicles! The driver of the white Blazer, which was more or less facing my car, stared at me long and hard and in fact appeared to be smirking--almost laughing. This time I got a good look at the fully "Aryan" racial characteristics of the thin, youngish driver. (If I had to guess which branch of the military he might be in I would say probably Navy). I can’t imagine how the dark green Blazer could have retraced its path and gotten back in a position to be coming from the west again in such a short time as it took me to find the underground entrance and then head out--maybe two minutes at most.

I slipped out through the fisherman’s gate and was immediately tailed by the white Blazer, so I decided to pull into the lighthouse parking lot (I figured the Blazer would not pull in there so as to preclude any possible confrontation initiated by me and this proved correct; also I wanted to give the impression that I was hanging around the area to give these security guys something to worry about). I waited till the white Blazer disappeared on around the loop, and then I left.

I next went to the baseball field under East Hampton Town jurisdiction which is directly north of the restricted portion of Camp Hero and east of the small neighborhood, from which there are two locked, gated entrances to the inner base (although there is no fencing of any kind along the entire remainder of the perimeter in this area!!). One of these gates has been substantially dismantled with a welding torch and is held together by locked chains.

Several days later on Saturday, June 27, Michelle Guerin, who originally gave me the information about the bunker break-in and the manhole-type underground entrance, revisited this area of Camp Hero with some colleagues. Keep in mind that since she and others observed this underground entrance in February 1998 until my visit on June 24 1998, the condition of this underground entrance remained more or less exactly the same. Yet within three days of my thoroughly surveilled visit, and it would seem in response to it, Ms. Guerin noted that the boulder was moved and the entrance had been buried under a pile of dirt. I corroborated this information and found out some other things as well on July 2, as I will relay below.

I was informed by Nichols, who got the information from someone with connections to Brookhaven Labs, that BNL uses white and dark green Blazers for security and that’s who was surveilling me at Camp Hero on June 24.

It must be pointed out that the entire state of affairs regarding the "fisherman’s gate", the "fisherman’s parking lot" and the special access permits for this location is--like nearly everything about Camp Hero and its administration--peculiar, contradictory, confusing and suspicious. There is no way to do any "fishing" from the cliffs 50 feet above and 60 or more feet inland from the surf, and there are no direct access roads or paths from this "fisherman’s parking lot" to the surf. Although often completely empty, the lot is sometimes occupied by trucks with camper shells and RV-type vehicles, with people sitting around in lawn chairs. None of the vehicles I have ever observed there give any indication of being owned by fishermen, none of the people I have ever observed hanging around there seem to be doing any fishing and I have never observed anyone fishing (surfcasting or otherwise) along the beach below this area. These points are corroborated by everyone I’ve ever spoken with who has been there. What’s more, there is standard beach access for vehicles with East Hampton Town and NY State permits on the north side of the lighthouse. The entire business with this "fisherman’s lot" and access to same is clearly a total shuck-and-jive operation. These must be agents of some kind reporting in and/or awaiting directions, programming, etc.





I visited the area again with my 5 year old son on June 28 but did not go near any of the restricted or weird areas. I fact we spent nearly the whole time, roughly an hour, at the shoreline. My main focus was Turtle Cove itself, where I found the feeling to be quite energizing and definitely powerful, almost psychoactive.


It’s very dramatic and visually attractive spot as well, with a look and feeling more reminiscent of some of the West Coast than much of the nearby Long Island shoreline. Overall I liked Turtle Cove as did my son and found the energy there to be positive and strong.





My next significant foray to the vicinity of Camp Hero came on the evening of July 2. A quick walk to the fisherman’s lot showed that several pickup trucks with camper shells were now there, along with a late model, very large and luxurious motor home with Pennsylvania license plates and a very unusual-looking antenna on its roof. This nonresident having been allowed one of the relatively few Camp Hero fishing permits (and other Town & State permits required as well) while so many residents of the area fish for a living seems unlikely and/or incongruous to say the least. As well, a couple of the other somewhat scruffy-looking trucks had out-of-state plates also.

I next went to the manhole-type underground entrance which Michelle Guerin noted had been buried right after my June 24 visit. Indeed the entrance was buried under a large pile of dirt, but what I found after digging away some of the pile was that the entrance had in fact been sealed with a solid, 5 inch thick cement cap in which was embedded an iron rebar "handle"; in addition to which the entire entrance and cap were then buried beneath a large mound of hauled-in topsoil.

Obviously, this entrance is active to some degree, and it was sealed in such a way as to permit removal of the cement cap via the rebar handle with appropriate equipment. However, it was apparently not desirable to have this entrance easily located or identified, so the entire setup was then further obscured with the pile of dirt! Doubly weird in the true Camp Hero tradition. It is a fact that many of the other unusable, defunct or unoperational underground accesses on the base have been permanently sealed: that is not the case with this one.





I returned to the lighthouse parking lot where I teamed up with Preston Nichols and a fellow I will call "Mr. Coffee", whose emails to me concerning his involvement in a recent phase of the Montauk Project follow later in this report.

Mr. Coffee penetrated the restricted portion of Camp Hero while Nichols and I remained outside. Coffee wanted to see if he got any unusual feelings or picked up anything about the area. (A strong yes on both counts). While we were exiting the area to the west of the base (the opposite side from the lighthouse/fisherman’s gate approach to Camp Hero) along a dilapidated remnant of the old shore highway, I was struck by the sight of fresh and very clear tire tracks entering a large puddle or small pond (which never seems to dry up) from the direction of the base--tracks which neither exited the other side of the puddle nor backed up! Nichols had just finished observing that the puddle always seems to be there whether or not there had been recent rains, and felt that there could be some kind of entrance beneath the puddle.

Later that evening Nichols powered up some banks of signal receiving equipment he has installed in a bus, and gleaned the following information from the data generated by the equipment. The signals received indicated to Nichols that particle accelerators were in full operation at very high output, both offshore from Montauk Point (the subterranean facility extends out under the ocean) and at Camp Hero. Nichols then ascertained that the Delta-T antenna in the Camp Hero underground was emitting EM fields indicative of interdimensional/time travel operations.

This data would tend to reinforce the scenario that particle accelerators are being used in highly advanced, relativistic, interdimensional operations linked to certain aspects of the Montauk Project now merged with HAARP, under the control of the U.S. Navy and in conjunction with Brookhaven Labs. These are of course ultra-classified, above-top-secret agendas being pursued.

This also tends to reinforce a gradually strengthening impression that what is to me the most unarguably negative aspect of the Montauk Project, the mind control/(child) psychosexual abuse aspect, has been split off from the interdimensional/time operations, which are now under the larger umbrella of the Navy’s HAARP operations, into a separate project which however is under the Navy’s control as well. It’s important to keep in mind however, that HAARP, as is irrefutably proved by internal government/military documentation on the project, most assuredly already had its own covert agenda running with regard to utilizing the HAARP (Tesla) technology as a means of mind manipulation/control--perhaps somewhat more in the sense of a "weapon". According to the same documentation, these EM/RF weapons should be accessible for use against domestic "enemies" (U.S. citizens!): such as, people who disagree with the government (their own words)!!





Due to information relayed to me from several sources, I did some investigation in the area of the old WW 2 Navy submarine base on Fort Pond Bay, north of Montauk village. Word is that this is the current site of the Montauk Project mind control operations. As this is an old military facility and as the Montauk tunnel network definitely connects to this area, it would seem inevitable that the subterranean portions of this base, probably newly enlarged and refurbished, are being utilized for clandestine activities.

In fact I became curious about this area in 1991, before I ever knew (consciously at least) about the Montauk Project, when I realized that a fairly large area of land here was totally undeveloped, in a region where wholesale dismemberment of larger tracts of woodland and farmland for very expensive, lucrative real estate speculation and development is completely rampant. I wondered to myself what forces could have deterred all development of this area in such a heated real estate market, while so many acres of less accessible prime woodland and farmland has been devastated by the developers on eastern Long Island. (Some of the old Navy base property is within Koppleman County Park.)

The reasons for the total lack of development in this area became clear when I found out this is an "old" military facility. Furthermore this is in close proximity to Fort Pond, where my family used to come for late summer vacations in the late 1950s, and may have some connection to what appears to be an involvement to some degree in Montauk project activities on my part--an involvement which according to my consistent intuition dates from a rather early age. As does Camp Hero, this area has lots of "roller coaster" hills, most not more than 75 feet in elevation. It is indisputable that many of the hills at Camp Hero are manmade and conceal underground facilities--I feel strongly the same is true at the Navy base.

According to information relayed to me, the old Navy base is currently an active site for the "New World Order"-related Navy contingent running the present-day "Montauk Boys" mind control operations, and subjectively speaking, I would have to say the "vibes" and the energies in general in this neck of the woods are palpably weird, negative and downright disturbing, as I will soon elaborate on.

On July 7 I decided first to take the Long Island Rail Road from East Hampton to Montauk, as the line runs smack through the middle of the Fort Pond Bay area in question--the trip serving a double purpose as my son wanted to take a train ride. I had not taken the train along this stretch in probably thirty-five or more years. For some strange reason, although the train’s speed was quite rapid while going through the woods of Hither Hills State Park (directly to the west of both Koppelman County Park--which "covers" some of the old Navy base property--and of the remainder of the Navy base itself) the train slowed to a literal crawl while traversing the Navy base area, both on the trip into Montauk and on the westbound trip later.

What was also very strange is that on the westbound trip through the Navy base--no more than a mile from the train station, I became aware of a strong melancholy, withdrawn and depressive state of mind which not only came over me and even more so over my five year old son, but seemed very definitely to affect everyone else in our car to some extent--this while the train crawled slowly along. As the train left the area and picked up speed going into the Hither Hills the mood seemed to noticeably lift and lighten all around, though I must say my son seemed affected by this negative energy the rest of the day. (I think its likely the trains have to slow down here to decrease interference of some kind from the diesel locomotives with certain [electromagnetic] activities going on underground).

I can also recount an episode from summer 1986, when I went with my parents for a hike in the creeping dunes area of Hither Hills. As I recall there was an access road somewhere north of Montauk Highway at the eastern end of Napeague (possibly through the Lazy Point vicinity) from which one could enter this section of the park on foot.

Although it was a rather typical hot and muggy day, no one seemed to be feeling any discomfort at the outset. Yet within about 15 minutes, my mother, then in her early 60s and in quite good health, suddenly and without any apparent outward cause (such as spoiled food, heat, or whatever) became nearly totally incapacitated, though very vague as to what exactly was bothering her. She just appeared totally sapped of energy physically and mentally and felt very faint; she indicated that all she wanted to do was get out of the area. To me there was even at the time something really weird about this, as there didn’t seem to be any specific ailment or symptom which my mom could put into words--just felt terrible--really ill all over. The condition did not persist or show itself to be any kind of medical or other problem. She recovered rather quickly--within a half hour or so after leaving. This has always stuck in my mind as a very bizarre occurrence.

While waiting for the return train I and my son took a short walk to the so-called "bottomless" pond immediately north across Industrial Road from Fort Pond. Peter Moon has noted that this small (perhaps 300 feet in diameter) body of water is completely separate from Fort Pond and is reported to be exceptionally deep. Montauk being the remnants of an undersea volcanic mountain, perhaps this is an extinct lava tube filled with water. To the best of my ability I attempted to visually ascertain whether this body of water was notably and unusually deep, and it certainly seemed to be so: the water right at the edges of the pond was very dark. The bottom of the pond was not visible anywhere that I could see; it drops off immediately at the sides except for some boulders, and I was unable to touch the bottom right next to the banks with a stick roughly 10 feet long. This in direct contrast to Fort Pond itself no more that twenty-five feet away, where the sandy, gravelly bottom is clearly visible, and gently slopes away in rather normal pond-like fashion.

Subsequently I drove to the old Navy base area on Fort Pond Bay--first to Navy Road, which runs (roughly) east to west along the shore of Fort Pond Bay, and was again struck by the rather inexplicably depressive atmosphere here. Considering the general milieu and economic base of East Hampton Township and indeed of most of the Montauk area, and the generally agreeable way this area is geographically situated above Fort Pond Bay, one would rather expect the "look and feel" of the area to be much more pleasant and appealing.


Yet the feeling around there is strongly grim, unfriendly, unappealing, somewhat dilapidated and oppressive overall. Right after turning off Second House Road towards Navy Road I noticed a small landscaping/topsoil operation with no clearly observable sign or business name, which gave off a strange vibe and seemed to be an especially run-down business, though two young men were working--in robotic slow motion--digging in one of the piles of material. I spotted a sign on a post which read -- "Smile. You’re under observation by our new 24-hour surveillance camera." (!?!?). It seemed impossible for this run-down dirt-fill operation to have been the object of such severe and continuous intrusions as to warrant 24-hour surveillance!

Continuing west on Navy Road directly north of the railroad tracks, one comes to the end of this small neighborhood and approaches a locked gate, beyond which the road continues into the heart of the old Navy base itself. The roller coaster-style hills abound in this area. A definitely unfriendly man exiting through the gate on foot at this time responded monosyllabically to my queries as to whether this was an access to the County park and about which direction exactly one would go. Peter Moon had just informed me that when he visited this area, he crossed over the railroad tracks to the south and soon came across large quantities of trash and waste materials strewn throughout the woods of what is apparently Koppelman County Park. This would without doubt be illegal dumping of a decidedly nasty variety, as these woods are supposed to be for nature preservation and recreation; as well there are a number of residences in relatively close proximity.





After leaving the Navy Road area I turned up a road which roughly parallels the railroad tracks and Navy Road to the south (I think an extension of Industrial Road) and found myself behind a large trash-hauling truck from Mickey’s of Montauk which continued west on this road past the small neighborhood of a dozen or so homes, whence the truck turned right into a large clearing--apparently a workyard for Mickey’s trash-hauling operation. As it turns out this would be directly south of the area where Peter Moon had seen all the garbage illegally dumped! A couple of workers at this location, as with the workers at the landscaping/topsoil facility back a ways, seemed to be moving in a dazed, almost robotic fashion. (Mind controlled slave workers?)

East Hampton Town, of course, has authorized, designated landfill and recycling areas and the woods west of the village of Montauk is not one of these. Without doubt something peculiar, unpleasant and illegal is going on with this secretive dumping of trash, and there is very often a mafia connection to such illegal dumping in the northeastern U.S.--particularly in New York and New Jersey. The mafia has already been shown to be connected to covert, clandestine government operations in the Long Island area.

Could there be a connection between this dumping activity and secret projects? I believe there could be. Underground facilities generate waste just like any others--in fact would likely generate a fair amount of fairly toxic waste due to the nature of much of the clandestine activities. As for the more typical types of garbage generated by the large numbers of people who work and even live in these underground installations, where is this sizable quantity of trash supposed to go? These thousands of people are not considered residents of the Town of East Hampton and cannot be a factor in any demographic data for the town in terms of waste management operations and planning; so, where does all the garbage from the underground go? Could it be it’s hauled out by mafia-connected trash-hauling outfits who bring it to the woods near the old Navy base--among other places--for illegal disposal?! Also, consider what the subliminal effect would be upon someone hiking in the area and coming upon lots of rotting trash. Yech! Let’s go elsewhere!--a result surely quite desirable to those operating the subterranean facilities.






Preston Nichols had made a comment to me that while he had been working with the Air Force at Camp Hero on the Hale-Bopp operation, most of the moving around between different locations underground was done with golf carts. He further noted that there were extremely long corridors or tunnels going as far as Block Island offshore from Montauk Point to the east, and extending underground westward to East Hampton.

In agreement with this statement by Nichols, and also in agreement with information noted earlier in this report about the presence of unusual hydrants or standpipes and a triple phase power line in the Stony Hill area of East Hampton (known to have had bunkers and undergrounds dating to WW2), there is yet another area of the Town of East Hampton where there is a notable and rather illogical lack of real estate development. This is a surprisingly large area in fact, right between the Stony Hill and Fireplace neighborhoods on the north and East Hampton Village on the south.


As this has never even been productive farmland, the pressures for real estate development of these scrub woods would logically be extreme, and yet there is virtually no such development in an area several miles square. There is extensive development further out from the village in all directions, yet not here. This is sort of an island of rather thoroughly preserved woods here surrounded by very high-priced sub-rural homesites. It just seems inexplicable to me, considering the general thrust of real estate development in this region. Also in this general area there is a small antenna farm with some decidedly unusual looking receivers and other equipment.

I think this is probably the location of the East Hampton underground and that as with the Shadmoor region of Montauk (a Camp Hero military annex in the Ditch Plains area discussed in Part 4 of my first report), the Montauk Navy base and Camp Hero itself, extensive development is not allowed so as to prevent any kind of interference or conflict with the underground facilities that such development might precipitate.







For a number of years I’ve resided principally in Northern California. I know for a fact that schoolkids from all over Northern California on field trips to the San Francisco area use the "old" military facilities north of the Golden Gate (within the Golden Gate National Recreation Area) for bivouacking overnight, as the federal government (still the owners of the property--though the military facilities are supposedly "closed" or "decommissioned") offers the "accommodations" to school districts all over Northern California, to use for sleepovers during their field trips, etc. Uh-huh...

We got the following information from a schoolgirl who was there in that context recently. Although the area where they were spending the night was supposedly not militarily active, a missile mounted on a flatbed trailer, visible behind a chain link fence in the evening, was gone the next morning! One might well wonder what else might have happened during the night at this location where those kids were, given the documented tunnels, etc. In this region.

The region in and around the Golden Gate National Recreation Area on both the San Francisco and Marin sides, as well as areas of nearby Sonoma, Napa and Lake counties, are reported to have a number of extensive underground areas--some engineered and constructed since the arrival of white people and some far more ancient. As at Montauk and elsewhere, the covert government has created numerous underground installations at the many military and ex-military sites (and other locations) throughout the general area.

Peter Moon has made allusions to the fact that the San Francisco peninsula and the Golden Gate region as a whole is a substantial earth grid power point itself and this factor has been known and utilized by cultic, secret "brotherhoods" directly linked to the worldwide shadow government. There is a SAGE radar site in the Golden Gate area as well.

One of the covert government’s more "well known" facilities in the general area is Bohemian Grove in Sonoma County’s Russian River region. I can attest from personal recollection during the time I resided in nearby Santa Rosa in the 1980s, that over the years a number of local residents have reported on some decidedly peculiar and even vile and very ugly events occurring at this heavily guarded, completely isolated, remote, exclusive "campground" in the woods where many of the "shadow" government’s most powerful figures come to "unwind" and "party". These incidents were reported to local law enforcement agencies and made public through the regional news media.

Certain of these incidents, regarding the physical/sexual abuse of women by groups of men have been reported on by the local Sonoma County press and substantiated by testimony such as that emailed to me by "Sue Ellen" and reprinted in the section of this report immediately following . She describes her sister’s forced involvement in very unpleasant episodes at Bohemian Grove during the time she was employed at the Pentagon. I have recently read other testimony describing truly horrendous incidents at Bohemian Grove and the proclivities of some of it’s more "illustrious" members; people like George Bush.

Further substantiation of the conditions at Bohemian Grove comes from Cathy O’Brien.


 While I cannot personally vouch for the accuracy of the following material and though some reasonable doubts and suspicions about both Cathy O’Brien’s and husband Mark Philips’ credibility have been raised, I am nonetheless including here an excerpt from Ms. O’Brien’s The Trance Formation Of America, which describes her own experience at Bohemian Grove.


I am doing so because it does jibe substantially with my own personal knowledge of numerous allegations and charges made about Bohemian Grove on the local level, involving the same kinds of unpleasantries and atrocities related by Ms. O’Brien.

"I was programmed and equipped to function in all rooms at Bohemian Grove in order to compromise specific government targets according to their personal perversions. "Anything, anytime, anywhere with anyone" was my mode of operation at the Grove. I do not purport to understand the full function of this political cesspool playground as my perception was limited to my own realm of experience.

"My perception is that Bohemian Grove serves those ushering in the New World Order through mind control, and consists primarily of the highest Mafia and U.S. Government officials. I do not use the term "highest" loosely, as copious quantities of drugs were consumed there. Project Monarch Mind-Control slaves were routinely abused there to fulfill the primary purpose of the club: purveying perversion. Bohemian Grove is reportedly intended to be used recreationally, providing a supposedly secure environment for politically affluent individuals to "party" without restraint. The only business conducted there pertained to implementing the New World Order, through the proliferation of mind-control atrocities, giving the place an air of "Masonic Secrecy". The only room where business discussions were permitted was the small, dark lounge affectionately and appropriately referred to as the Underground.

"...My purpose at the Grove was sexual in nature, and therefore my perceptions were limited to a sex slave’s viewpoint. As an effective means of control to ensure undetected proliferation of their perverse indulgences, slaves such as myself were subjected to ritualistic trauma. I knew each breath I took could be my last, as the threat of death lurked in every shadow. Slaves of advancing age or with failing programming were sacrificially murdered "at random" in the wooded grounds of Bohemian Grove, and I felt it was "simply a matter of time until it would be me". Rituals were held at a giant, concrete owl monument on the banks of the Russian River. These occult-like sex rituals stemmed from the scientific belief that mind-controlled slaves required severe trauma to ensure compartmentalization of the memory, and not from any spiritual motivation."

1995 by Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips

This "owl" monument does indisputably exist, as attested to by many other accounts which tell also of similar grotesque, terrifying, perverted and even deadly horrors at the outwardly idyllic compound.

I’ve been in contact with a woman in Sonoma County who gave me a good bit of information on underground facilities in the Bay Area, including Hamilton AFB in Marin, which--surprise--has supposedly been closed in the mid-1980s but in fact is positively NOT closed. (The AF was still answering the phone as of a few years ago.) There is a foster care facility directly adjacent to the base property, and the FBI is on the board of directors for this "home". It’s virtually guaranteed that there have been ties to the Presidio Monarch Project operation at San Francisco’s Presidio Army base. At the Child Development Center’s day care facility on the base several hundred children were subjected to psychosexual mind control programming by Army Colonel Michael Aquino, an intelligence officer who also worked for the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Additionally Aquino was head honcho of the "Temple of Set", a Church of Satan offshoot based in San Francisco which provided both the seemingly requisite conceptual cult underpinning for the Presidio’s kiddie mind control operations.

In further exchanges she told of growing up in the Santa Rosa area; her dad was a dabbler in the OTO (Crowley) and similar mystical stuff. In the 1960s or 70s she happened to meet a fellow who was the Civil Defense coordinator for the Santa Rosa area in the 1950s. He told her that there was a substantial underground facility (which I have heard mentioned elsewhere) beneath an AT&T building in downtown Santa Rosa; further discussions revealed that this facility stretched for several miles to a military airfield. Part of this installation would now be directly beneath the Santa Rosa Mall, a major hangout for kids, and probably several schools, residential, industrial and office districts.

Back then, Ms. Gulson was not really able to plug this kind of info into any larger scenario. Later she became very interested in mind control activities by the government, especially involving children.

As in many other regions of the Unites States there is no shortage of clandestine, bizarre government operations throughout this area-- one of which is an underground facility/base constructed in 1992, about 15 miles. S.E. of Santa Rosa, near the boundary with Napa County.

I mentioned this information to my acquaintance, Judy Gulson, and she told me that she already knew of the facility.

Regarding this subterranean base: The Napa Sentinel thoroughly investigated the secretive goings-on in the mountains between Napa and Sonoma County. Their exhaustive research, involving many calls to Washington D.C. as well as to two local Air Force facilities, determined that, on the record at least, this was a classified operation (according to Travis AFB) and Hamilton AFB (in nearby Marin County) to construct an underground facility to be staffed and operated primarily but by no means only by FEMA!  Many black unmarked choppers were seen in association with both the construction and subsequent operation of this facility. A large microwave transmitter there is aimed at Santa Rosa.

On paper, and sinister enough in its own right if one takes onto account FEMA’s secret charter and agenda, this facility is ostensibly part of the "continuity of government (in chaos)" system of numerous, bomb/radiation-safe underground installations nationwide; a system supposedly designed to ensure the maintenance of law, order and government during a time of national emergency, social/civil upheaval, extreme natural disaster (perhaps induced by HAARP!), or other situation which causes a definite collapse to some degree of the federal government; FEMA’s operating charter also call for the reins (or is that "reigns") of the federal government and virtually all its powers being passed into FEMA’s control if deemed necessary.

However I personally think it’s very likely that this new underground base near Santa Rosa is actually more than a FEMA hangout.

A weird point in all this, which Ms. Gulson and I both noted, is that Hamilton Air Force Base, contacted by The Napa Sentinel during its investigation, was supposedly been closed a number of years ago; in fact at one point Marin County was supposed to acquire the property for use as some kind of park (sound familiar?). The deal never finalized, and most people think the installation is closed and mothballed. Guess what--it’s not! It is in some level of operation, staffed by at least some AF personnel.

Another very interesting point--immediately adjacent to this base is a privately-run foster home called St. Vincent’s Home for Boys, on the board of which is the FBI!  Oh really! I imagine other unlisted members of the board of directors are the NSA and CIA. As seems to happen so often in this whole business, there is a wellknown writer on mind control operations who according to some, is himself actually tied to the some agencies and operations he has written about; a man who has some strange connections, including to the above-mentioned foster care home. The following comes from Ms. Judy Gulson in northern California.

"The whole subject of Walter Bowart is really up for grabs and conjecture.

"A man in Petaluma has a web site called THE PAGE. His name is Walter Radtke--aka Walter Alter. Recently, I was in email contact with a woman named Kathleen Sullivan, an MK-ULTRA survivor. I was doing some research on mind control and somehow connected up with her. Kathleen was gearing up for this conference in Atlanta and was emailing all sorts of stuff. I happened to mention something about the Alter/Radtke Web Site and the information there. She became hysterical and claimed that Bowart is Radtke/Alter.

"Now, I have been in touch with Radtke/Alter..... never mentioned anything about Kathleen Sullivan. Out of the blue, he emails me saying that someone was accusing him of being Walter Bowart. He says, "Who’s Walter Bowart?" I became uneasy and answered, "With all of the information you have at your site, you surely must know of Walter Bowart!!!"

"I have never spoken with this man in person. I know where Walter Radtke lives; he is in the phone book. This past weekend I was in Petaluma and drove by his house. Kathleen said that he would be living in a cul de sac. The reasons for that are security, she says. Sure enough, he does live in a cul de sac.

"In addition, after further research, I found that a corporation owns the house. Walter Radtke/Alter tells me that he works at St. Vincent’s Home....right next door to ("decommissioned"!) Hamilton AFB..... and the FBI is on the board of the Home. The Home is privately held. There is much strangeness.....not the least of whom is Kathleen herself."

Judy Gulson






In the summer of 1998 Preston Nichols was contracted to do some scientific work for a private party in the Sierra Nevada Mountains east of Sacramento California. Nichols became aware that Beale Air Force Base, somewhat near his location, was emitting signature EM/RF frequencies indicative of "Delta T" interdimensional/time travel operations in progress.


Furthermore Nichols also noted the presence of extensive and pervasive "435 Mhz" transmissions capable of implementing mind control, weather control and other relativistic, high-energy physics functions such as interdimensional/time travel operations. The transmission blanketed the entire central Sacramento Valley region--even beyond some of the lower mountains to the west. Only after several mountain ranges were passed did the signal finally begin to diminish. Nichols reported that he had never seen such a pervasive signal and believes that is somehow propagated upon the water molecules in the air, enabling it to "saturate" an area, especially a geographic basin area such as the Sacramento Valley, in a way unlike other EM/RF transmissions.


Indications are that a ground based transmission is being deployed. Nichols speculated that there is some kind of link to HAARP operations going on, very likely but not exclusively to the weather control aspects of HAARP.





A man now living in Calgary named John Tooker has had substantial recall of personal involvement in the Montauk Project. Tooker believes that he was in fact a participant during the Montauk Project operations in the late 1970s and early 1980s, while in an altered state of mind and/or some alternate, parallel reality or "timeline". Tooker says he was rather a different person when he worked on advanced time-related technologies at the Camp hero base; that is, literally--that he may have been subjected to some kind of age regression and/or transfer of consciousness, along the lines of that reported by Al Bielek, and that he was "Daniel John Waters" during this period a Camp Hero.

Mr. Tooker has reported on some extremely timely info about some VERY odd goings on in Calgary, which sound amazingly similar to a lot of the information coming in about Denver. (Denver has been named by some as the "capital" for the western U.S. sector in the possibly impending New World Order).

Given the fact that Calgary is in roughly the same geographical relationship to the continental divide (the Rockies) as is Denver, perhaps there is some esoteric/earth energy relationship as well, which may make Calgary suitable for use as another Western North America NWO "nerve center".

Tooker informed me that a Canadian Armed Forces base in Calgary, although recently "closed" and decommissioned (here we go again) is in fact still functioning, but has become extremely secretive about doing so. This is based not only on direct observation but also eyewitness testimony from a security guard who was working there; just recently, this guard, who is a close friend of Tooker and has worked with him on some research was summarily transferred from the location without explanation.

There was more notable weirdness--quite significant in my opinion--which he told me of going on there; for instance, so-called cell phone transmitter towers have been appearing everywhere in Calgary. A similar state of affairs exists in New York City, where these transmitters have been installed on nearly every street corner!

These so-called cell phone transmitters are being installed in tremendous numbers all over the country now, and that while cell phone communications may be one of the purposes of these towers, there is in fact a covert purpose as well and that such transmitters are being unquestionably used for mind modification/control of the general population: most of the towers are operating at ten kilowatts of power or higher--much more power than is needed for only cell phone transmissions.

(My current residence is in a very sparsely populated mountain region of Northern California, and sure enough, within the past two years one of these transmitters was installed on a mountain quite nearby.)

Al Bielek, having left Denver after living there for about 18 months, told me the city was literally crawling with "Montauk boys" and to some extent "Montauk girls"; young people with Aryan (Germanic/Nordic) racial characteristics programmed with the Montauk and "Monarch"-type techniques to be sleeper agents to be utilized in the covert government’s astonishing array of brutal, vicious, psychotic, satanic and murderous "operations" and "activities", and also during the projected implementation of the so-called New World Order. Bielek had a number of casual interactions with some of these people while in Denver.

Bizarrely, and remarkably like what Al Bielek was telling me about Denver, Tooker said that the streets of Calgary have as of fairly recently become inundated with a tremendous number of street people, the great majority of whom fit the "requirements" for the typical "Montauk Boys" to a T! Holy shit!

There is solid evidence, some in photographic form, of a tremendous, many-leveled and multipurpose subterranean city easily one hundred square miles beneath the finally completed Denver International Airport, which houses a vast array of different underground facilities including those necessary for a national government to operate, as well as underground freeways and a subterranean rail line connecting this to other subterranean complexes operated by the covert government.

In addition to all this the floor of the main terminal at Denver Airport is constructed of a material which is said to be impervious to particle beam and EM pulse weapons. The floor and walls have a number of esoteric Masonic symbols and phrases, as well as murals depicting global destruction and apocalyptic themes. If the place was plastered with Buddhist, Jewish or Christian symbolism, you can bet some Constitutionalist or civil libertarian would be raising hell.

Obviously many more subterranean installations exist nationwide and worldwide.

I have been told by Preston Nichols, which was corroborated by other sources, that in fact large portions of Long Island have underground facilities, (including of course Brookhaven Labs--a point confirmed to Long Island reporter Jerry Cimisi by a private contractor who’s worked often on the Brookhaven facility), AND that these are connected to many other such facilities nationwide (and worldwide) by an extensive and elaborate super-high-speed underground rail system.

Nichols also told me that the Lower Hudson Valley region, where so many hundreds of thousands have had "UFO" sightings, contacts, and like experiences, has major underground installations--vast in fact. This is borne out by Ellen Crystal’s research in the Pine Valley, NY region, where she documents numerous instances of craft disappearing underground and the sounds of tremendous subterranean construction activity; also by Larry Warren (principal Bentwaters AFB/Rendelsham RAF UFO witness), who said that the Plattsburg, NY area (Upper Hudson Valley) was the site of an enormous subterranean government military installation; as well Mr. Warren was has been in an underground base in Egypt while in the service, which he says was about as big as NY State! (Bentwaters itself, of course, is situated above a huge underground.)

In yet another correspondence to me from Judith, she comments on a recent trip she made through several northeastern states in 1997.

"Back to the underground. According to conspiracy theories, experimentation may be going on there--possibly underground living quarters--do you know anything more, proven or theory, about what may be actually happening? I took a 4 day trip through DC, MD, OH, PA--driving in July--I saw some very unusual situations there. First, unexplained spikey dust all over the forests in MD & PA. In PA, on the turnpike in about the center of the state, I ran across this weird area, where again, the vibes were very high, the traffic was mesmerized in there, you go through 3 tunnels in and 3 tunnels OUT of there. There were an inordinate amount of 18-wheelers in there with NO identifying names or signs on the sides. There were thousands of cars in there, lined up bumper to bumper, not moving and it was a major freeway, for reasons unknown. I got out of my car and found that the steep embankment there was throbbing--you could hear the sounds of machinery below the surface. It was spooky--but obviously something was going on down below. Of course, PA is mining country, but this seemed too close to the surface...I spoke to a doctor who knew the area and knew PA. He had heard of this particular stretch of PA and knew that whatever was going on was highly unusual."







A gentleman from Pennsylvania named Ron Hannivig contacted me after reading HAARP’s Covert Agendas with some startling testimony about the U.S. (shadow) government’s long interest in and experience with the fundamentals underlying much of what HAARP technology is based upon long before there was HAARP--which to great extent is the awe-inspiring technology developed by of the "father" of our modern AC electrical power system, Nicola Tesla.

Hannivig reports that he personally worked on the construction of a "Tesla EM Tx site" in West Australia during the 1960s; a location roughly on the other side of the world from Montauk.

According to Mr. Hannivig, there are a number of such sites worldwide, which would correlate with what others have discovered about HAARP.

From Ron Hannivig:

"Been reviewing your work regarding the ongoing activity out on Long Island, NY ... by way of messages being forwarded to my attention - and thought you might be interested in considering my findings.

"From what I can gather - at the time, the area around Montauk Point, Long Island, NY was a prime portal - a "wormhole", in the time/space conundrum. By the way ... it is understood there is another such "wormhole" located not too far from Montauk - in Block Island Sound ... very near Fishers Island, NY (this island is actually in NY - however, it’s located right off the coast of New London/Mystic, CT). This wormhole appears at a pinpoint location ... and been trying to verify the report/s for about a year.

"Back in the mid 1960’s - I had worked during the construction phase of a massive Tesla EM Tx (electromagnetic transmission) site located upon The North West Cape of the Exmouth peninsular, West Australia ... and was there the day it was officially turned over to The US Navy. It was subsequently named the Harold Holt US Navy Communications Base...named after the former Prime Minister of Australia - who mysteriously drowned while he was in office. At the time of his drowning - I was in West Australia, and nobody I knew believed it was an accident.

"Today - we (my Australians contacts and myself) believe Prime Minister Holt had been seriously questioning the true mission of this American US Navy base upon Australian soil - and as a result, was rubbed-out.

"The prime requirement of these Tesla EM Tx sites are their location relative to MN (magnetic north) and those selected targets to be zapped by an electromagnetic slug (of sheer energy) ... setup an electromagnetic force field ... cause holographic type illusions to simulate UFO type activity ... fully distort the time/space conundrum ... Of course, this list can continue on, to include mind altering experiments, etc... Furthermore, this same great arc alignment includes a fourth plot point - which is the interpolated timely position of MN ... a prime factor in implementing this quantum type technology. Four plot points representing interconnecting events, all of them falling upon a common great arc ... becomes prima facie evidence.

"Therefore, given this alignment - relative to MN ... the generating facility for the activity on Long Island, NY would actually be located on the other side of the world. Distance is not a real factor ... it’s the alignment, relative to the elusive positions of MN. Finally ... if I had not actually worked at this massive West Australia Tesla EM Tx facility - I would likely not have been able to make this connection. Any questions, please feel free to ask. The dedicated target of The Tesla facility I know to be at Exmouth is just south of Long Island, NY."

Ron Hannivig

I do believe Mr. Hannivig has a fairly solid grasp of the nature and purpose of these sites in general, although I found some of the scenarios painted as to the potential and/or planned uses for these sites and the "Tesla" technology to be unlikely and a little extreme. Hannivig indicated that in his firm opinion the Tesla technology as implemented through HAARP would be utilized to trigger a major undersea seismic event in the Atlantic during summer 1998. Hannivig pinpointed a target date of August 24, 1998. Coincidentally or not, this date has been mentioned a number of times this year by a number of "psychics" as a date when a massive cataclysm some kind would occur, resulting in a tidal wave striking the Eastern coast of North America, and also an exceptionally large hurricane, "Bonnie", did indeed begin to pose a substantial threat to the Eastern seaboard on this very date (no tsunamis or similar cataclysms generated however).

I ran Hannivig’s ideas past Preston Nichols and I find myself in agreement with his general assessment of Hannivig’s ideas: that is, although such a scenario is technically possible, there is way too much the overt government/"Establishment" and the covert government/New World Order would stand to lose--far to much of the country’s and the world’s industry, banking, commerce, wealth and power, as well as great numbers of military, governmental and scientific facilities are centralized or located along the Atlantic seaboard of the US for such a move to be seriously considered or enacted.

Hannivig noted that the Tesla EM/Tx site which would likely implement this would be on the opposite side of the globe--in Australia. Yet on July 18 1998 at least three significant tsunamis caused by a seismic event occurred in the South Pacific, and as many as 8,000 people--mostly children--may have perished on Papua/New Guinea’s north coast, in addition to which entire villages and a large portion of the whole culture, a way of life, were utterly decimated. The story of this immense human tragedy completely vanished from sight and consciousness within days and was subsequently unilaterally avoided by the mass media...for some strange reason.

My thought was this. Given the undeniable and relentlessly "Nazi"-like, pro "Aryan" mindset and worldview of so many in the covert government. Perhaps the scenario Ron Hannivig envisioned was fairly correct--but in reverse. In other words, perhaps the HAARP facilities on Long Island were utilized to trigger the undersea quake which caused the devastating and deadly tsunamis in New Guinea. After all, nothing vital to Establishment or covert (global) government interests in terms of global resources or power base was lost and no white people perished: only thousands of brown-skinned people’s lives were lost.

Mr. Hannivig has commented in reply that the Papua/New Guinea tsunamis could have been artificially triggered. One would have to plot the trajectories in terms of the relations to Magnetic North to determine where the Navy’s HAARP/Tesla sites would need to be in order to have triggers the undersea tremors off New Guinea, and if in fact there are such transmitter sites at these locations.