At the eastern most end of Long Island sits Montauk Point, known to
most New Yorkers for its scenic beauty and landmark lighthouse. To
the immediate west of the lighthouse, there is a mysterious and
derelict Air Force base on the grounds of old Fort Hero. Although it
was officially decommissioned and abandoned by the U.S. Air Force in
1969, it was subsequently reopened and continued to operate without
the sanction of the U.S. Government.
The entire financing for the base is also a mystery. No funding can
be traced to the military or government. Officials of the U.S.
Government have probed for answers without success.
The secrecy of the operation has prompted legends to thrive across
Long Island. However, it is unlikely that any of the local people of
Montauk, or those who spread the tales, know the full story of what
actually went on there.
A circle of insiders believe the Montauk Project was a development
and culmination of the phenomena encountered aboard the U.S.S.
Eldridge in 1943. Popularly known as the “Philadelphia Experiment”,
the ship actually disappeared while the Navy conducted radar
invisibility experiments.
According to these accounts, over three decades of secret research
and applied technology ensued. Experiments were conducted that
included that included electronic mind surveillance and the control
of distinct populations. The climax of this work was reached at
Montauk Point in 1983. It was at that time that the Montauk Project
effectively ripped open a hole in space-time to 1943.
Perhaps the person best qualified to tell the real story is
Nichols, an electrical engineer and inventor who has studied the
Montauk Project for the better part of a decade. His interest in the
project was spurred in part by unusual circumstances in his own
life. He was also able to legally acquire much of the equipment that
was used for the project.
His continued investigation ultimately
revealed his own role as the technical director of the project.
Despite brainwashing and threats to silence him, he has survived and
has decided it is in the best interest of all to tell his story.
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Because of the subject matter of this book is controversial, we
would like to offer some guidelines.
This book is an exercise in consciousness. It is an invitation to
view time in a new manner and expand your awareness of the universe.
Time rules our fate and ushers in our death. Although we are
regulated by its laws, there is much that we do not know about time
and how it relates to our consciousness. Hopefully, at the very
least, this information will broaden your horizons.
Some of the data you will read in this book can be considered as
“soft facts”.
Soft facts are not untrue, they are just not backed up by
irrefutable documentation. A “hard fact” would be documentation or
hard physical evidence that could stand up to scrutiny.
By the nature of the subject matter and security considerations,
hard facts about the Montauk Project have been very difficult to
obtain. There is also an area between soft and hard which can be
termed “gray facts”. These would be very plausible but not as easily
provable as a hard fact.
Any serious investigation will show that a Montauk Project did, in
fact, exist. One can also find people who have been experimented on
in some fashion or another.
This book is not an attempt to prove anything. The purpose is to get
a story told that is of essential interest to scientific
researchers, metaphysicians and citizens of the planet Earth. It is
the story of one particular individual and his circle of contacts.
It is hoped that more individuals will come out of the closet and
that researchers will come forth with more investigations and
This work is being presented as non-fiction as it contains no
falsehoods to the best knowledge of the authors. However, it can
also be read as pure science fiction if that is more suitable to the
short glossary has been provided in the back to assist with
ordinary electronic terms and those of a more esoteric nature.
Scientists who read this book should understand that the definitions
are designed to assist the general reader’s understanding. They are
not purported to be the latest technical jargon. Likewise, the
general reader should understand that the diagrams in this book are
included for the benefit of technical people.
If one is interested,
they can get a further understanding of those terms and symbols by
studying the Radio Amateur’s Handbook or a text of similar nature.
Back To
The origin of the Montauk Project dates back to 1943 when radar
invisibility was being researched aboard the USS Eldridge. As the
Eldridge was stationed at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, the events
concerning the ship have commonly been referred to as the
“Philadelphia Experiment”. Having been the subject of different
books and a movie, only a quick synopsis will be given here.*
* Further information about the
Philadelphia Experiment can be found in Appendix E.
The Philadelphia Experiment was known as the Rainbow Project to
those who manned and operated it. It was designed as a top secret
project that would help end World War II. The forerunner of today’s
stealth technology, the Rainbow Project was experimenting with a
technique to make a ship invisible to enemy radar. This was done by
creating an “electromagnetic bottle” which actually diverted radar
waves around the ship. An “electromagnetic bottle” changes the
entire electromagnetic field of a specific area - in this case, the
field encompassing the USS Eldridge.
While the objective was to simply make the ship undetectable by
radar, it had a totally unexpected and drastic side effect. It made
the ship invisible to the naked eye and removed it from the
space-time continuum. The ship suddenly reappeared in Norfolk,
Virginia, hundreds of miles away.
The project was a success from a material standpoint, but it was a
drastic catastrophe to the people involved. While the USS Eldridge
“moved” from the Philadelphia Naval Yard to Norfolk and back again,
the crew found themselves in complete disorientation. They had left
the physical universe and had no familiar surrounding to relate to.
Upon their return to the Philadelphia Navy Yard, some were planted
into the bulkheads of the ship itself. Those who survived were in a
mental state of disorientation and absolute horror.
The crew were subsequently discharged as “mentally unfit” after
having spent considerable time in rehabilitation. The status of
“mentally unfit” made it very convenient for their stories to be
This put the Rainbow Project at a standstill.
Although a major breakthrough had occurred, there was no certainty
that human beings could survive further experimentation. It was too
risky. Dr. John von Neumann, who headed the project, was now
summoned to work on the Manhattan Project. This concerned the making
of the atom bomb, which became the weapon of choice for ending World
War II.
Although it is not well known, vast research that began with the
Rainbow Project was resumed in the late 1940’s. It continued on,
culminating with a hole being ripped through space-time at Montauk
in 1983. The goal of this book is to give you a general
understanding of the research and events subsequent to the
Philadelphia Experiment and up to 1983 at Montauk.
I will begin by
telling you how I, Preston Nichols, stumble across it.
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In 1971, I began working for BJM*, a well known defense contractor
on Long Island. Through the years, I got a degree in electrical
engineering and became a specialist in electromagnetic phenomena. I
was not then aware of the Philadelphia Experiment or its
accompanying phenomena.
* BJM is a fictitious name for the
company I worked for.
Although I was not extraordinarily interested in the paranormal at
that time, I had obtained a grant to study mental telepathy and to
determine whether or not it existed. I sought to disprove it, but I
was surprised to find out that it did, in fact, exist.
I began my research and found out that telepathic communication
operated on principles that are strikingly similar to that of radio
waves. I had discovered a wave that could be termed a “telepathic
wave”. In some respects, it behaved like a radio wave. I set out to
get the characteristics of this “telepathic wave”. I studied their
wave lengths and other pertinent facts. I determined that while a
telepathic wave behaves like a radio wave, it isn’t exactly a radio
Although it propagates in a similar
fashion to that of electromagnetic waves and possesses like
properties, not all of these fit into normal wave functions.
I found all of this very exciting. I had discovered a whole brand
new electromagnetic function that was not in any of the text books
I’d ever seen. I wanted to learn as much as I could and studied all
the activities that might use this type of function. My interest
into metaphysics had been launched.
I continued to research in my spare time and collaborated with
different psychics to test and monitor their various responses. In
1974, I noticed a peculiar phenomena that was common to all of the
psychics that I worked with. Every day, at the same hour, their
minds would be jammed. They couldn’t think effectively.
that the interference was caused by an electronic signal, I used my
radio equipment and correlated what came on over the air waves at
the times the psychics were non-functional. Whenever a 410-420 MHz
(Megahertz) cycle appeared on the air, they were jammed. When the
410-420 MHz cycle was off, the psychics would open back up after
about twenty minutes. It was obvious that this signal was greatly
impeding the ability of my psychics.
I decided to trace the signal. Placing a modified TV antenna on the
roof of my car, I grabbed a VHF receiver and set out looking for the
source of it. I tracked it right to Montauk Point. It was coming
directly from a red and white radar antenna on the Air Force base.
At first, I thought that this signal might have been generated
accidentally. I checked around and found out that the base was still
active. Unfortunately, security was tight and the guards wouldn’t
give any useful information. They said that the radar was for a
project run by the FAA. I couldn’t press the point beyond that. In
fact, their statement didn’t make a lot of sense. This was a World
War II radar defense system known as “Sage Radar”. It was totally
antiquated, and there is not any known reason why the FAA would need
such a system I didn’t believe them but couldn’t help being
intrigued. Unfortunately, I had hit a dead end.
I continued my psychic research, but didn’t get anywhere on the
investigation of the Montauk antenna until 1984, when a friend of
mine called. He told me the place was now abandoned, and that I
should go out there and check it out. I did. It was indeed
abandoned, with debris strewn everywhere. I saw a fire extinguisher
left amidst many scattered papers. The gate was opened as were the
windows and doors of the buildings. This is not the way the military
normally leaves a base.
I strolled around. The first things that caught my eye was the high
voltage equipment. I was very interested as it was a radio
engineer’s delight. I am a collector of ham (ham radio = Amateur
radio) gear and radio
equipment, and I wanted to buy it. I figured it would be available
cheap if I made the proper arrangements though the Surplus Disposal
Agency in Michigan.
After examine all the equipment, I contacted the disposal agency and
spoke to a friendly lady. I told her what I wanted, and she told me
she would see what could be done. It appeared to be abandoned
material and looked like a scrap contract. If this was so, I’d be
able to take what I wanted. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear from her so
I called her back three weeks later.
She informed me that there had
not been any success with tracing the equipment. They couldn’t find
out who owned it. Neither the military or the GSA (General Services
Administration) claimed to know anything about it. Fortunately, the
Surplus Disposal Agency said they would continue to track the matter
further. After another week or two went by, I called her back.
said she’d turn me over to a John Smith (fictitious name), located
at a military overseas terminal in Bayonne, New Jersey.
“Talk to him and he’ll set
something up,” she said. “We like to keep our customers
I met John Smith. He didn’t want to
discuss anything on the phone.
He said that no one officially
admitted to owning that equipment. As far as they were concerned,
the equipment was abandoned and I could go in and take whatever I
wanted. He gave me a piece of paper which appeared be official and
said to show it to anyone who might question my presence in the
area. It was not an official document nor was it registered with
anybody, but he assured me that it would keep the police off my
He also referred me to the caretaker of the Montauk Air Force
Base who would show me around.
Back To
I was out at the base within the week. There I met the caretaker,
Mr. Anderson.
He was very helpful. He told me to be careful and showed me where
things were so that I wouldn’t fall through the floor and that type
of thing. He said I was welcome to take anything I could this trip,
but if he ever saw me out there again, he’d have to kick me out. His
job, after all, was to keep people off the base. He realized that
the permission I had was semi-official at best. He was also kind
enough to tell me that he went out for a drink every evening at
I had taken a trip to Montauk with a fellow named Brian. Brian was a
psychic who had helped me with my research. As we foraged around the
base, we went in two different directions. I went into a building
and saw a man who appeared to be homeless. He told me that he had
been living in the building ever since the base was abandoned. He
also said that there had been a big experiment a year earlier and
that everything had gone crazy. Apparently, he’d never gotten over
it himself.
In fact, the man recognized me, but I had no idea who he was or what
he was talking about. I did listen to his story. He said he had been
a technician at the base and that he’d been AWOL. He had deserted
the project just before the base had been abandoned. He spoke about
a big beast appearing and frightening everyone away. He told me a
lot about the technical details of the machinery and how things
worked. He also said something that was very strange. He told me
that he remembered me well. In fact, I had been his boss on the
project. of course, I thought it was pure nonsense.
I didn’t know then that there was any truth to his story. This was
just the beginning of my discovery that the Montauk Project was
I left the man and found Brian. He was complaining that things
weren’t right and that he was feeling some very funny vibrations. I
decided to ask him for a psychic reading right there. His reading
was strangely similar to what the homeless man had just told me. He
spoke of irregular weather patterns, mind control and a vicious
beast. He mentioned animals being affected, crashing through
windows. Mind control was a main focus of Brian’s reading.
The reading was interesting, but we were there to cart out the
equipment. Much of it was heavy and we weren’t allowed to bring a
vehicle right onto the base. We had to back pack it. I was thus able
to acquire much of the equipment left behind from the Montauk
A few weeks later, I was surprised by a visitor who barged into my
lab. He came straight to the lab, which was in back of the house. He
didn’t ring the door bell or anything. He claimed to know me and
said that I had been his boss. He went on to explain many of the
technical details of the Montauk Project. His story corroborated
what psychics and the homeless man had told me. I didn’t recognize
him but listened to all he had to say.
I was sure that something had gone on at the Montauk base, but I
didn’t know what. My personal involvement was evident, but I still
didn’t consider it very seriously. I was, however, puzzled by
different people recognizing me. I had to make it my business to
investigate Montauk. So, I went out and camped on the beach for a
week or so. I went to bars and asked the locals for stories about
the base. I talked to people on the beach, on the street, wherever I
could find them. I asked all about the strange activities that were
purported to have occurred.
Six different people said that it had snowed in the middle of
August. There were listings of hurricane force winds that came out
of nowhere. Thunder storms, lightning and hail were also reported
under unusual circumstances. They would appear when previously there
had been no meteorological evidence to expect such.
There were other unusual stories besides the weather. These included
stories of animals coming into the town en masse and sometimes
crashing through the windows. By this time, I had taken different
psychics out to the base. The stories confirmed what psychics had
been able to determine through their own sensitivity.
I finally got the idea to speak to the Chief of Police who also
informed me of strange happenings. For example, crimes would be
committed in a two hour period. Then, all of a sudden, nothing. Keep
in mind that Montauk is a very small town. After the quiet, another
two hour period of crimes would occur. Teens were also reported to
suddenly group en masse for two hours, then mysteriously separate
and go their own ways. The Chief couldn’t account for it, but his
statements lined up perfectly with what the psychics had indicated
about mind control experiments.
I had collected some really bizarre information, but I didn’t have
many answers. I was, however becoming very suspicious. I had often travelled to Ham-fests, (where Ham radio equipment is bought and
sold) and there more people would recognize me. I had no idea who
they were, but I would talk to them and ask them about Montauk. As I
did, more information came, but everything was still a big puzzle.
Back To
In November of ‘84, another man appeared at my lab door.
His name
Duncan Cameron. He had a piece of audio equipment, and he wanted
to know if I could help him with it. He quickly became absorbed in
the group of psychics I had working with me at the time. This
endeavor was a continuation of my original line of research. Duncan
showed a keen aptitude for such work and was extremely enthusiastic.
I thought he was too good to be true and became suspicious of him.
My assistant, Brian, felt the same. He didn’t like Duncan's sudden
involvement and decided to go his own way.
At one point, I surprised Duncan by telling him that I would be
taking him some place to see if he recognized it. I drove him to the
Montauk Air Force Base. He not only recognized it, he told me what
the purpose was for each of the various buildings. He knew exactly
where the bulletin board in the mess hall was and many other such
minute details. Obviously, he had been there before. He knew the
place like the back of his hand. He provided new information about
the nature of the base and what his own function had been, Duncan’s
input dovetailed very nicely with the previous data I had collected.
When Duncan entered the transmitter building, he suddenly went into
a trance and began spitting out information. This was curious, but I
had to shake him repeatedly to break him out of it. When I brought
him back to the lab, I applied techniques that I’d learned to help
Duncan unblock his memories. Layers of programming were now coming
out of Duncan. A lot of information concerned the Montauk Project.
Many different things were revealed, until finally a shocking
program came straight to the awareness of Duncan’s conscious mind.
He blurted out that he had been programmed to come to my place,
befriend me and, then, kill me and blow up my entire lab. All my
work would be totally destroyed. Duncan appeared to be more outraged
at all this than I was. He swore that he would no longer help those
who had programmed him, and he has worked with me ever since.
Further work with Duncan revealed even more bizarre information. He
had been involved in the
Philadelphia Experiment! He said that he
and his brother Edward had served aboard the USS Eldridge as members
of the crew*.
* An account of Duncan’s role in the
Philadelphia Experiment is in the book “The Philadelphia Experiment
& Other UFO Conspiracies” by Brad Steiger with Al Bielek and Sherry
Hanson Steiger.
A lot of things surfaced as a result of my work with Duncan. I
started to remember things about the Montauk Project and was now
certain I’d been involved. I just didn’t know how or why. The puzzle
was slowly clearing up.
I found Duncan to be an extremely
operational psychic and through him I was able to confirm new
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I visited Montauk many more times, often with different people who
had been involved. A small group of us began to realize that we had
stumbled across one of the highest security projects the country had
ever known. We figured that we had better do something fast with
this new found knowledge. If we didn’t, we might end up dead.
As a group, we decided action had to be taken. We weren’t sure
exactly what to do, so we sat around and discussed it. What was the
best thing to do? Publish it? Immediately? We talked about it
extensively. In July of 1986, we decided that I should go to the
United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) in Chicago and talk
about it. I did, and it created an uproar. Word got around fast to
those who didn’t want the Montauk story to be revealed. Suddenly,
here I was, giving an unannounced lecture. The information got out
to hundreds of people, swept under the rug without creating a public
furor. To this day, I still appreciate the open forum and free
speech that the USPA provided me.
Now, we decided to feed the information to the federal government.
One of associates knew the nephew of a senior senator from the
Southwest. The nephew, who we will call Lenny, worked for the
Senator. We gave the information to Lenny, who passed it to his
uncle. This information included pictures of the orders given to the
different military personnel, which we had found strewn about the
The Senator did a personal investigation and verified that military
technicians had in fact been assigned to the base. The Senator also
discovered that the base was decommissioned, derelict and mothballed
since 1969. Having served his country as an Air Force general, he
was particularly interested to know why Air Force personnel were
working on a derelict base. And, where did the money come from to
open up the base and run it?
After they did their own investigation and saw the pictures and
documents we supplied them, there was no question that the base had
been active. They verified that Fort Hero (which is the name of the
original World War I base that surrounds the entire area of the Air
Force base) and Montauk were indeed derelict and simply listed as
property held by the General Services Administrations since 1970.
The Senator got very involved and travelled to Long Island to find
out what he could about Montauk Air Force Base. He was not greeted
with enthusiastic cooperation despite having very impressive
personal credentials. People reported seeing him looking through the
fences and trying to find out what was going on. He visited me and
told me to keep quiet about it as speaking out any further could
jeopardize his investigation. That is why I have kept this story
quiet until now.
When the Senator completed his investigation, he couldn’t find any
trace of government funding, no appropriations, no oversight
committees and no payments. He eventually retired due to advancing
age, but I have since been informed by Lenny that he sees no problem
with my story being published. He also said that the Senator is
still in the picture and that the investigation had been reopened.
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While the Senator was searching for paper trails that might reveal
the secrets of Montauk, I knew that they would not solve my personal
mysteries one bit. I had been recognized by people I didn’t know,
and it was obvious that I had severe memory blocks. What made things
so hard to reconcile was that I had a full set of “normal” memories
which told me where I had been.
My memory improved while working with Duncan, and I eventually
realized that I must have been existing on two separate time tracks.
As bizarre as it may sound, it was the only sensible explanation
under the circumstances.
As my memory was still largely blocked, there were three avenues of
approach to the problem.
First, I could simply try to remember the
other time track, through regression or hypnosis. This proved to be
very difficult for me and was virtually of no use.
Secondly, I could
look for clues and hints (in our normal time track) that the other
time track did, in fact, exist.
Thirdly, I could try to find the
answers through technology. This would include theories of how the
other time track was created and how I ended upon it.
The third approach was the easiest. I am told that many people might
find this very confusing, but I was familiar with the theories of
the Philadelphia Experiment and was not intimidated by physics or electromagnetics. I found it plausible. The second approach also
proved extremely helpful, but clues were hard to come by.
It was now 1989. I started to roam around the plant at BJM, where I
was still working. I would talk to different people and dredge up
what information I could without trying to appear suspicious. I
would also walk around and just sense my own personal gut reaction
to the different places in the plant.
I became particularly irritated when I would come to a certain room.
My innards would just churn. I sensed very strongly that there was
something in that room that was disturbing me. I had to investigate
it. I rang the doorbell and was told that I couldn’t come in. It was
a high security area. Reportedly, only ten people at the plant had
the proper clearance to be in that room.
I found that virtually no one knew anything about it. Finally, I did
find two people who’d been in there, but they said they couldn’t
tell me anything. One of them must have turned me in, because the
security personnel visited me shortly thereafter. It was time to lay
low for a while.
About a year after my futile investigation, the room was totally
cleared out. The doors were open and anyone could walk right in. It
was obvious that there had been all sorts of equipment. Dirt
markings revealed that four round things had stood on the floor. I
presumed they were coil structures. It was clear that there had been
a console. There was also a huge power line that still ran into the
room. The entire place gave me the creeps, but I was driven to find
all I could.
I discovered an elevator in the back of the room. I got in and found
only two buttons: Main Floor and Sub Floor. There was also a
numbered key pad. I pushed the button for Sub Floor and tried to go
down, but the elevator would only go so far. I heard a voice that
told me to punch in the proper coded numbers on the key pad. I
didn’t have the code and a beeping noise went off for about thirty
seconds. Security was alerted. I had hit another dead end.
I wasn’t scoring any points with security, and it was time to lay
low once again. I began to think of how I could show that something
very unusual was going on.
I also recalled earlier strange experiences that had occurred while
working at BJM. There was a period when, all of a sudden, a band-aid
would appear on my hand. It hadn’t been there fifteen minutes ago! I
couldn’t remember putting it on. This happened more than a few
One day, I had been sitting at my desk and my hand suddenly started
to ache. The back of the hand was sore, and there was a band aid on
it. I absolutely knew that I had not put that band aid on nor had I
had it put on. I became very suspicious. I got up and went down to
the nurse.
I said to her, “This may sound
wacky, but was I in here for a band aid?” “No, you weren’t in
here,” she told me. I asked her where I’d gotten it and she
said, “You must’ve gotten it from one of the first aid kits.
Don’t you remember?” “I’m just trying to figure it out,” I
said, and I walked out. I thought in my mind, “I’m not going to
get a band-aid at BJM except from the company nurse.” I wanted a
record, so I made a conviction that I would never use a first
aid kit.
I eventually remembered the reason I had
sustained so many injuries to my hands. In my alternate reality, I
frequently had to move different equipment. I was just about the
only one who could move it as most people would go wacky when they’d
get near it. For some reason, it didn’t seem to bother me. But it
was heavy and hard to maneuver. With no one to assist me, bruised
hands and band aids became a regular occurrence.
I kept to my conviction not to use any band aids from first aid
kits. I continued to check with the nurse when they appeared, and
the records indicated I’d never been to her.
As this was an irregularity, she must have reported it to security.
They visited me and said, “Why are you asking about band aids, Mr.
Nichols?” I knew better than to pursue that anymore.
Recalling these experiences with the band aids helped spur my memory
back to 1978. I remembered sitting at my work bench one day. All of
a sudden, I smelled the scent of burning transformers. It was
pungent, like the smell of burning tar. It came and disappeared very
fast. This happened at 9:00 o’clock in the morning. The rest of the
day continued as normal until 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon when the
whole plant began to smell like putrid smoke from burning
I thought to myself, “That’s the same smell I smelled at 9:00
o’clock this morning.” But now it occurred to me that the event
probably hadn’t happened at the time I had thought. You can’t burn
up a transformer and have the smell disappear as fast as it had that
Many more events of this nature had occurred. Each puzzle tended to
confuse the general issue. Streams of unfamiliar people continued to
recognize me. I began to get executive mail that would normally be
for the vice president of a company. For instance, I would be asked
to come to a conference concerning patents. I didn’t know what they
were talking about. I was also called to meetings with a certain
executive. He always appeared very agitated whenever we spoke.
Most of the inquiries I received from these people were about the
Moonbeam Project. I didn’t know what it was. But one day, I had an
intuitive urge. The basement of the BJM building in Melville had a
very high security area. Consciously, I had no clearance to be in
that area, but I walked in anyway. Normally, when you walk from one
security area to another, you must hand the guard your badge and he
gives you another badge (with a different designation).
This permits
you to walk in the secure area. I simply went in and gave him my
badge from the lesser security area, and what do you know? He gave
me a badge with my name on it! I’d had a hunch and it worked.
I walked around and let the churning in my gut determine what
direction I should go in. I ended up in a posh mahogany paneled
There was a large desk with a name plate on it that read,
“Preston B. Nichols, Assist Project Director”.
This was the first
tangible physical proof I had that something out of the ordinary was
definitely occurring. I sat at the desk and looked through all the
papers. It was impossible to take the papers out of the place as I
knew I would be searched very thoroughly on my way out of this high
security area.
So, I committed everything I saw to memory, to the
best of my ability. I had an entire second career here that I knew
almost nothing about! I can’t even talk about most of it. It is top
secret. I’m bound not to mention it for thirty years because of an
agreement I signed when I went to work for BJM. However, I didn’t
sign a single thing regarding the activities of the Montauk Project.
Sifting through the material, I spent about six hours in my newly
discovered office. Then, I decided I’d better get back to my regular
job before the day was through. I handed back my badge and walked
out. A couple of days went by before I decided it was time to go
back and check things out again. Once more, I handed the guard my
badge, but this time he didn’t give me anything back. He said, “By
the way, Mr. Roberts (fictitious name) wants to see you.”
A man, Mr. Roberts, came out of an office that had “Project
Director” written on it. He looked at me and said,
“What do you want to come in here
for, sir?” “To get to my other desk,” I replied. He said,
“You don’t have any other desk here.”
I pointed to the office where my desk
had been. But as I entered the room with the Project Director, I
found it to be gone. In the couple of days since I’d been there,
they had removed every trace of myself from the room.
Somebody must have realized that I had visited my office when I
wasn’t supposed to. I had entered in an ordinary state of mind which
was not to their liking. They apparently had not turned on the
program (switching me to an alternate reality) for that particular
day and must have been wondering why I’d shown up. They must have
concluded that the process was leaking and that I was some how able
to remember my alternate existence. As a result, they stopped
everything. I was pulled aside through security channels and was
told that if I breathed a word of what I’d seen, I’d be locked up in
jail and the key thrown away.
I tried to think of other strange incidents that had occurred. I’d
kept a suspicious eye and had been experiencing two separate
existences. How the hell had I been at Montauk and working at BJM,
apparently during the same time period? I had already arrived at the
conclusion that I must have been working two jobs simultaneously
because there was a period of time when I’d come home and be totally
At this point, all of what you’ve read was one huge confused mess in
my mind. I knew that I’d been working on two separate time lines or
maybe more. In fact, I’d discovered quite a bit, but it was more
confused than clear. I was, however, able to make a major
breakthrough in 1990. I had begun constructing a Delta T* antenna on
the roof of my laboratory. One day, I was sitting on the roof and
soldering all the loops together into the relay boxes (which relay
the signals from the antenna downstairs to the lab).
* A Delta T antenna is an octahedronal
antenna structure that can shift time zones. It is designed to bend
time. Delta T=Delta Time. Delta is used in science to show change
and “Delta T” would refer to a change in time. More about the nature
of this antenna will be covered later in the book.
Apparently, as I sat there and held the
wires together to solder them, the time functions were causing my
mind to shift. The more soldering I did, the more I became aware.
Then, one day - bang! - the whole memory line blew open for me. All
I could figure was that the Delta T antenna was storing up time flux
waves as I was connecting it together. It just kept pushing my mind
a little bit with regard to the time reference. The antenna was
stressing time (bending it) and enough bend was created so that I
was subconsciously in two time lines. This was my memory
Whatever the explanation, I was very pleased to have regained so
much of my memory. I also believe my theory about the Delta T
antenna is correct because the more time I spent working on the
antenna, the more memories came back. By early June 1990, all my key
memories had come back.
In July, I was laid off. Subsequent to my firing, all of my close
connections were removed as well. After having worked at BJM for the
better part of two decades, I no longer had any links or friends to
the company. My information sources had been effectively severed.
You now have a general idea of the circumstances whereby I regained
my memory. The next part of the book will contain the history of the
Montauk Project that includes a general description of the
technology involved.
It is based upon my own memories and the
information that has been shared with me by my various colleagues
involved with the Montauk Project.
Back To
The U.S. Government began a weather control project in the late
1940’s under the codename “Phoenix.” The information and technology
for this came from
Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian scientist who had
studied with Freud and Carl Jung.
Reich was an extremely brilliant man but highly controversial.
Although he experimented extensively and wrote many volumes, few of
his critics have taken an honest look at all of his research because
much of it is not available. Part of this can be attributed to the
Food and Drug Administration who supervised a massive book burning
of all his available materials and also destroyed much of his
laboratory equipment.
Reich was known in part for his discovery of “orgone”
energy, which
is orgasmic or life energy. His experiments revealed orgone energy
to be distinctly different from ordinary electromagnetic energy. He
was able to prove the existence of this energy in the laboratory.
His findings were written up in various psychiatric and medical
journals of the period.
The discovery of a type of energy called
“orgone” was not so controversial. It became very controversial with
the powers at be when he reported curing cancer with his theories.
He also associated “orgone” energy with “cosmic energy” and the
Newtonian concept of “the ether”. None of these views won him
support from conventional scientists of the 1940’s.
At the turn of the century, scientists had embraced the Newtonian
“ether”. This is referred to a hypothetical invisible substance as a
medium for light and radiant energy. Einstein, who embraced the
theory in his early years, eventually determined that there could
not be a calm ether sea through which matter moves. Not all
physicists bought Einstein’s argument, but Reich didn’t disagree. He
pointed out that Einstein disproved the concept of a static ether.
Reich considered the ether to be wave-like in nature and not static
at all.
Conventional scientists have since recognized the existence of
phenomena that are a cross between particles and waves. They are
sometimes referred to as “wavicles”. Common research has also shown
that vacuum space contains complex properties that are dynamic in
Although it is not my cause to take up the case of Reich, his
concept of the ether has proven itself functional in my research. It
does not matter whether we are actually referring to “wavicles” or
even more esoteric phenomena when we talk about the ether. Is is the
word that Reich used, and it is easier for me to use in describing
this for the general public. The reader is invited to read up on
Reich as his work is vast and encompasses much more than can be
covered in the scope of this book.
For instance, he found practical uses for his theories such as
modifying the weather. He found that violent storms accumulate “dead orgone”, which he termed “DOR.”
Dead orgone refers to the
accumulation of “dead energy” or energy that is on a descending
spiral. Orgone and DOR were found to be present not only in
biological organisms but in empty regions of the environment as
well. An active and enthusiastic go-getter would be considered to
have plenty of orgone energy, whereas a complaining hypochondriac
who wanted to die would have DOR energy.
For example, he found that the more DOR in the storm system, the
more violent the storm. He experimented with many forms of DOR
busting, and came up with a simple electromagnetic method to reduce
the violence of storms. In the late 1940’s, Reich contacted the
government and told them he had developed technology that could take
the violence out of storms. Despite what disinformation you may
hear, the government already knew what Reich could do and considered
him a brilliant man. They asked for his prototypes and he was happy
to oblige since he wasn’t interested in the mechanical development,
just the research.
At this point, the government’s technology team merged Reich’s
discoveries with their own weather monitors and produced what is
known today as the “radiosonde.”
The government’s contribution to the radiosonde dates back to the
“airborne metrograph” * of the 1920’s. This was a mechanical device
that recorded temperature, humidity and pressure. It was sent up in
a parachute balloon and recorded information on a paper tape. The
balloon was designed to burst so that the parachute would bring the
metrograph back to Earth. The public were encouraged to retrieve
them for a $5 reward, which was considerably more money in those
days. This was how the government obtained data on the weather.
* The word “metrograph” is more
clearly defined if you understand that “metro” signifies that it was
a meteorological device and that “graph” means to write.
As these devices were returned via the mail, the time that elapsed
before the recorded information could be read was much too long.
In the late 1930’s, a new device was designed that was called a
“radio metrograph.” This was similar to the airborne metrograph
except that it contained electrical sensors. These sensors were
connected to a transmitter that would transmit to a receiver on the
The radio metrograph was the state-of-the-art weather device when
Wilhelm Reich contacted the government in the late 1940’s. He gave
them a little balsa wood package that could be sent up in a balloon.
According to witnesses, approaching thunderstorms actually split up
and went around the test sit on Long Island.
The government combined the technology of the radio metrographs with
Reich’s DOR busting device and called it the “radiosonde.” It was
developed until consistent effects on the weather could be
By the 1950’s, radiosondes were being sent into the air en masse at
a rate of about 200 per day.
Since these radiosondes were sent up in balloons, they would not
come down hard enough to self destruct upon impact. The public would
find them, and it would be impossible to keep the actual units
secret enough without arousing suspicion. They publicized the
apparent purpose of recording weather data, which uniformed
examination would back up. The real purpose is not that obvious. If
someone tuned into one of these packages, the signal would not
appear unusual when normal radio equipment was used. So far so good!
They showed the public a data receiving station; set up to receive
the inaccurate and unusuable data. A small production run of this
receiving equipment was produced.
There were literally hundreds of these radiosondes in the air every
day. With the radio range being limited to 100 miles, there should
have been a “pile” of receivers known as radiosonde receptors and
they should have been very common. As I am a surplus radio collector
“nut”, it is quite strange that I have never seen a radiosonde
receptor or the equipment that should accompany one. It is very
unusual to have a data transmitter (in this case, the radiosonde)
with no receiver to pick it up. This indicates that the Government
didn’t use the receivers!
My next clue was to look at the specification sheet for the
radiosonde tube which emphatically states that the life expectancy
is only a few hours. Despite this, I have had a tube on the air for
over 2,000 hours, and at this time have built over twenty such units
with only one failure. This is a good industrial failure rate but is
a major red flag. My only explanation is that if some local amateur
radio operator finds or buys a radiosonde on the surplus market, he
will read the data, get misled and not bother building a circuit
that will run for a “only a few hours.” He will use another tube.
It appears that the Government does not want the public to use these
tubes and find something unusual and thus blow their secret. This is
why misinformation in the spec sheet preserves the secret. In fact,
they are not telling a lie because the battery pack was designed so
that the tube would burn out after three hours or so. This is caused
by back bombardment of the cathode, which would cool slowly and then
By the time these radiosondes hit the ground, they were dead. This
way the public, who were encouraged to return them, wouldn’t be able
to pick up live units. If there was no secrecy involved here, why
would the government design a battery to burn out a costly tube that
would have to be replaced after a very short usage? More
disinformation was accomplished by packing the sensors in sealed
vials, which implies that upon exposure to the air, the sensors are
short lived. Because of these precautions, the secret was maintained
for over forty years, which is excellent security.
Upon further examination of the radiosonde and its circuitry, I
discovered that the temperature and humidity registers in the
radiosonde didn’t work. Not any of them!
The temperature sensor was useless for recording the temperature,
but it did have a function.** It acted as a DOR antenna while the
humidity sensor acted as an orgone antenna. If DOR was sensed by the
antenna, the transmitter would be broadcast out of phase and bust up
the DOR and take the violence out of a storm. Conversely,
transmitting in phase would cause the DOR to build up.
** For those technically oriented, the
temperature sensor is essentially a thermistor; but instead of being
carbon based, it contains noble metals and exotic elements. It is a
very poor temperature sensor because as the temperature cycles it up
and down, the resistance curve changes and it doesn’t hold its
calibration. The humidity sensor suffers from the same problem.
The humidity sensor had the same effect with orgone energy.
Transmitting in phase would build up the orgone energy and
transmitting out of phase would reduce it.
The radiosonde also contained a pressure element that would act as a
switch signal and would maintain either DOR or orgone. This was how
they built up the orgone energy.
The transmitter consisted of two oscillators. One was a carrier
oscillator, which runs at 403 MHz. The other ran at 7 MHz and is a
relaxation oscillator. This one would pulse on and off depending on
what was encountered. Somehow, this monitored the etheric function
of the radiosonde. I haven’t discovered everything there is to know
about radiosonde, but I have done a scientific analysis of it which
I’ve included in the appendix (see
Appendix A) for those who are
What I have told you about the radiosonde is hard evidence that can
stand up to scrutiny. It establishes the credibility of my story
that there was a secret project that involved weather control. We
can’t say exactly whether the radiosondes were used just to bust up
violent storms, but the possibility was also there to build them up.
The government abandoned the weather control aspect eventually.
Changing weather, if it were proven in court, could lead to many law
What is more intriguing than the weather aspect is the entire
prospect of orgone and DOR energy and what could be done with that.
In theory, this means that the government could have targeted
communities, buildings or an entire populace and transmitted orgone
or DOR energy. These type of activities have been reported in Russia
for years. Not much press coverage has been given the U.S. effort in
this regard, but there has been some activity. Whether it has been
used harmfully or in war, I cannot answer, but the potential was
there. Forty years of development could also have made this a very
refined technological device.
Please refer to
Appendix B for additional information on
Back To
While the Phoenix Project was investigating the weather and the use
of radiosondes, Project Rainbow resurfaced in the late 1940’s.
Project Rainbow (which was the code name for the operation that
brought about the Philadelphia Experiment) was going to continue
research into the phenomena encountered on the USS Eldridge.
project was concerned with the “electromagnetic bottle” technology,
which eventually resulted in today’s stealth fighter craft.
At about the same time, Dr. John von Neumann and his research team
were called back. They had worked on the original Rainbow project
and went to work on a new endeavor. This was similar to the Rainbow
Project but had a different gowl. They were to find out what went
wrong with the “human factor” of the experiment and why it failed so
In the early 1950’s, it was decided that the remnants of Project
Rainbow and the radiosonde project should be included under the same
umbrella with the human factor study. After that point, the title of
“Phoenix Project” was used to refer to all of these activities.
The project headquarters was at Brookhaven Labs on Long Island and
the first order of business was to put Dr. von Neumann in charge of
the entire project.
Dr. von Neumann was a mathematician who came to the United States
from Germany. He also became a theoretical physicist and was noted
for his very advanced concepts of space and time. He originated the
computer and built the first vacuum tube computer at Princeton
University, where he also served as the head of the Institute for
Advanced Study.
Dr. von Neumann had what could be described as a “good technical
feel.” He had the ability to apply advanced theories to technology.
His background in math gave him enough theory to communicate with
Einstein, and he could in turn pass this on to the engineers and
serve as a bridge between the two.
As von Neumann began work on the Phoenix Project, he quickly learned
that he was going to have to study metaphysics. He had to understand
the metaphysical side of man. The Rainbow technology
had dissolved
the physical and biological structure of human beings. People were
stuck in bulkheads and changed beyond recognition in some cases. But
it was the esoteric workings of the mind that had been affected
first, in each case.
Von Neumann and his team spent about ten years working out why human
beings had troubles with electromagnetic fields that shifted them
through different places and times. They actually found out that
humans are born with what is known as a “time reference” point. At
conception, an energy being is attached to a time line and we all
start from that point. To understand this, it is necessary to view
the “energy being” or soul as distinct from the physical body of the
person concerned.
Our whole reference as a physical and metaphysical being stems from
that time reference which actually resides within the
electromagnetic background of our planet. This time reference is the
basic orientation point you have to the universe and the way it
operates. You can imagine how you would feel if the clock suddenly
started moving backwards and time as well. It is this time reference
point that was thrown out of kilter with the individual crewmen of
the USS Eldridge and caused them untold trauma.
The Rainbow technology turns on and creates what can be called an
alternate or artificial reality. It creates a stealth effect by not
only isolating the ship, but the individual beings as well, within a
“bottle effect.” Those beings were literally removed from space and
our universe as we know it. This accounts for the invisibility of
the ship and of the people on board. The alternate reality thus
created has no time references at all because it is not part of the
normal time stream. It is entirely out of time. To be in an
artificial reality would be like waking up and not knowing where the
hell you are. All of this would be very confusing.
The Phoenix Project was faced with
solving the problem of bringing human beings into the “bottle” (and
eventually out again) while at the same time connecting them to
their real time reference (that they would know as the planet Earth,
This meant that when they were in the
alternate reality or “bottle”, they had to be supplied with
something that would give them a time reference. They solved this by
feeding into the “bottle” all the natural backgrounds of the Earth -
at least enough to convince them of a continuous stream time
reference. To do otherwise, would likely cause those in the “bottle”
to experience transdimensional disorder and problems of this sort.
This is why it was necessary to set a phony stage. They could then
feel some degree of normality.
Dr. von Neumann was the ideal candidate for the job since he knew
computers. A computer had to be used if they were going to calculate
the time references of specific people and replicate those
references while they were passing through an “electromagnetic
bottle” or alternate reality. The people inside the “bottle” would
be going through zero time and essentially a “no reality” or a
disoriented one at best. The computer had to generate an
electromagnetic background (or phony stage) that the physical being
would synchronize with as well. If that wasn’t done, the spirit and
the physical body would go out of synch, thus resulting in insanity.
There are two points to be brought out here:
the physical being
the spiritual being
This is why the time reference would lock in
the spirit and the electromagnetic background would lock in the
body. This whole project started in 1948 and was finally developed
in 1967.
When this project was complete, a final report was written and
submitted to Congress. Congress had funded this particular project
thus far and followed the results. They were told that the
consciousness of man could definitely be affected by electromagnetics; and additionally, that it would be possible to
develop equipment that could literally change the way a person
Not surprisingly, Congress said no.
They were concerned that if the
wrong people got a hold of this technology that they themselves
could lose their minds and be controlled. It is a very valid concern
and word was given by 1969 to disband the entire project.
Back To
It is no secret that Congress has tried to brow beat the CIA into
finding out everything that goes on in the intelligence community.
They have cut their funding, limited their legal powers, and even
the most naive person would likely admit to a credibility gap of
some degree. However, we are not dealing with the CIA proper here.
Indeed, if the CIA is involved, it would be a splinter wing or wings
that are being used by a source other than the CIA director.
When Congress disbanded the Phoenix Project, the group at Brookhaven
had already built an entire kingdom around this project. They had Reichian and stealth technologies which could definitely affect the
mind of man.
The Brookhaven group went to the military and informed them about
this fantastic new piece of technology they were working on. They
told them about a device that could make the enemy surrender without
a battle simply by throwing a switch. Of course, the military was
very interested. This was every war expert’s dream. Imagine, a
device that makes the enemy give up before the battle starts!*
* I have included in
Appendix C some evidence that suggests mind control devices were used against the
Iraqis during the Persian Gulf War.
The military became enthusiastic and were ready to cooperate. They
were informed that they didn’t need to get involved in the financing
because that was covered by the group at Brookhaven National labs.
But, the Brookhaven people needed a place where proper
experimentation could be done in seclusion. They needed certain
equipment and personnel from the military. They gave the military a
list of all technology required.
Of particular import on the technology list was the old Sage Radar.
For this, they required a huge radiosonde that would operate around
425 to 450 MegaHertz. From earlier research, it was known that this
was one of the “window frequencies” for getting into the human
consciousness. A very high powered radar device was needed that ran
at 425 to 450 MHz.
The military had just what they were looking for: a mothballed Air
Force base at Montauk Point that housed an obsolete Sage Radar
system that fit the bill. This system already had the RF sections
and the modulator that would be required to build a huge radiosonde.
The Sage Radar at Montauk was originally part of the early warning
defense system used during the ‘50’s and ‘60’s. Today, satellites
and over-the-horizon radar make this technology obsolete for defense
purposes. It certainly raises an important question, even if one
doesn’t believe this story. Why was an old antiquated defense system
turned on and utilized for a period of over ten years?
The name for this project was known as “Phoenix II” by the officials
concerned. It has since been colloquially named by myself and others
involved as the Montauk Project.
Up until then, Congress had been informed about what had occurred.
But at this point, independent people were carrying forward with a
project denied by Congress and were operating outside of any
controls. They were even using the U.S. military in the process. Of
course, it quickly becomes, “Who is using who?”
But, the point being stressed here is that it was being done without
the supervision of elected officials and in spite of their
The Montauk Base was being reopened. The Sage Radar had been shut
down since 1969/1970 when the base was turned over to the General
Services Administration. It was a surplus government base without
anything on it, and government financing for it had ceased.
It is obvious that major funding would be required for such an
endeavor. The financing is shrouded in mystery, but it appeared to
be totally private. I do not have documented evidence myself of the
financing but have been told by my Montauk acquaintances that the
original money came courtesy of the Nazis.
In 1944, an American troop train went through a French tunnel
carrying 10 billion dollars worth of Nazi gold. This train was
dynamited in the tunnel while carrying 51 GIs. General George Patton
was in Europe at the time and investigated this, but he couldn’t
understand how an American troop train could be dynamited in western
Allied territory. As a general and human being, he cared about the
GIs. The 10 billion dollars was also a mystery, but Patton’s efforts
were blocked.
I’ve been told this gold eventually showed up at Montauk, and it was
10 billion dollars of gold priced, then, at $20 an ounce. This was
the equivalent of almost 200 billion dollars in today’s currency. It
was used to finance the project initially and for years to come.
After it was all spent, the project was allegedly financed by the
infamous Kruppfamily **, who controlled the ITT corporation.
The Krupp’s were the owners of the
German munitions factories for World War I and II. After being found
guilty of war crimes and complicity with Hitler at the Nuremberg
Trials, the head of the Krupp family was paroled from a light prison
sentence and allowed to continue his notorious arms dealings.
In late 1970 and 1971, the Montauk Air Force Base, 0773rd Radar
Battalion, was actively being reestablished. They had to establish a
staff, get the equipment working and set up the whole research
facility. This took about a year, and by late ‘71, the Montauk
Project was underway.
The strictest security measures were employed, part of which were
entirely valid. Although confidential stealth technology was
involved, it is no secret that the stealth aircraft was designed
with a radar resistant absorbing coating and a reduced surface cross
section. What is secret are certain aspects of the “electromagnetic
bottle” technology and how that was propagated.
We’re not going to
discuss this or describe it as it remains a duly authorized military
secret that concerns the defense of the United States. With this
book, we are concerned with disclosing a project that should never
have been activated in the first place. With no military or defense
purposes to begin with, it was only designed for controlling the
minds of the population and in spite of Congress forbidding this
The staff was a mixture of military employees, government employees
and personnel supplied by various corporations. I was one of the
latter and came to the project in 1973.
There were a number of Air Force technicians who had worked on the
Sage Radar in the ‘60’s. The Air Force had assigned them to Montauk
even though it was listed on the books as a decommissioned, derelict
base. The technicians told the Phoenix group that they could change
the general mood of the base by changing the frequency and pulse
duration of the radar. They had noticed this as a professional
curiosity after years of working with radar.
This was a surprise to the Phoenix people, and they found it very
interesting. By changing the pulse rate and pulse width, they could
change the general way people were thinking. This was what they were
looking for.
This new information prompted what I now refer to as the “Microwave
Oven” experiments. They took the reflector (which looks like a huge
banana peel and which can be seen from a distance when you are at
the Point), rotated it almost due west and angled it down so that it
was focused on one of the buildings, in what they though to be a
safe place.
Inside that building they had a chair inside a shielded room.
they’d sit someone in the chair - this was usually
Duncan Cameron
Then, they would open and close the door to determine how much
UHF/microwave energy was getting into the room
All this was being
done while the antenna was rotated and focused to a point in front
of the building. At the same time, the transmitter was blasting gigawatts of power.
They experimented by running the transmitter at different pulse
widths, different pulse rates, and different frequencies. They tried
everything they could think of, just plain empirical
experimentation. They just wanted to see what would happen to the
person in the chair if he was bombarded by “x” frequency, pulse,
etc. They observed that certain changes made a person sleep, cry,
laugh, be agitated and so on. There were rumors that whenever the
Sage Radar ran, the mood of the whole base would change. This was
very interesting to the project supervisors as they were primarily
concerned with the study of human factors.
They wanted to see how they could train and change brain waves. This
was done by changing the repetition rates of the pulse and the
amplitude in correspondence to different biological functions. In
this way, a person’s thoughts could be controlled. With the 425-450
MHz of radio frequency power, they actually had a window into the
human mind. The next step would be to find out what was inside of
Although the door to the shielded room was closed most of the time,
it didn’t work properly. The subjects were exposed to a strong
enough field to influence the brain waves but not enough to do
damage. However, if exposed to it for several days on end, it could
be quite damaging.
Duncan sustained serious brain and tissue damage as a result of
continuous exposure to 100 kilowatts of RF power at a distance of
about 100 yards. The radio waves baked his brains and chest.
Anywhere in his body where there was a change of density, zones of
heat or energy would be created by the concentration of the
microwave beams.
Upon visiting a doctor in 1988, Duncan’s doctor commented upon the
unusual scar tissue in his lungs. He’d never seen anything like it.
Another doctor who was consulted said he’d only seen it in the
service when someone had gotten in front of a high powered radar
Previous research in or about 1986 indicated that Duncan was
actually brain dead. Initially, I had asked different psychics to do
readings on Duncan. They determined he was brain dead. I also knew
that it was possible to inject a particular dye into the brain and
have x-rays or CAT scans can reveal what areas of the brain are
using oxygen. Brain dead individuals suffer from a lack of oxygen to
the cerebrum. If the psychic readings were accurate, his brain would
not be using much oxygen.
I asked a neurologist with whom I was friendly with, and he said it
was definitely possible that some one could be brain dead and yet be
walking around. He cited some post mortems done on people in England
in the U.S. whose brains had unusual coatings inside the skull. The
coatings were about a millimeter thick.
More interesting yet was a case he’d encountered about ten years
ago. He took out a group of x-rays of a normal human being and
showed me the red areas. He also indicated blue areas but told me
they were areas that didn’t require much oxygen.
Then, he put up
another x-ray where the entire brain was blue. This meant that the
person was alive and was walking around like a normal human except
he has memory loss problems from it. He was essentially brain dead
and the brain was using just enough oxygen to keep it from rotting.
I noticed the corner of the x-ray and was surprised to see Duncan’s
name. Based upon this information, Duncan is indeed brain dead.
I asked the doctor for an explanation, but he wasn’t sure. He could
only offer a theoretical conclusion based upon psychic powers. He
said that his profession recognized the existence of psychic
phenomena but did not understand it.
At this point, we learned that the only reason Duncan is alive today
is due to his strong psychic aptitude. The psychic part of his mind
takes over the physical part of his mind and runs the body. His
brain stem is alive; his spinal chord is alive; his body is alive,
but his actual higher brain is dead. His psychic energy runs the
body through the brain stem.
Duncan was not the only person affected. We don’t know how many
people were involved but the body count was probably high.
It wasn’t until 1972 or ‘73 when it was finally realized that
stealth technology dealt with non-burning radiation. One theory was
that actual non-burning radiation, which is the higher order of
components (as opposed to burning radiation), actually went through
the reflector and would be opposite to the focal point of the
They tried it and turned the antenna around 180 degrees. They aimed
the burning rays into the sky and hit the person with the
non-burning rays. Then, they found they had the same mood altering
capabilities, if not more than they had before, but this did not
damage the people. But at what cost to the persons previously
experimented on!
At this point in the project, they were interested in monitoring
people and changing their thoughts and moods, etc. It was not
necessarily how they changed but the fact that they changed under
certain circumstances. Different army units were invited to come to
the base and have R&R there. As far as the soldiers were concerned,
it was free R&R in a beautiful location.
The outer base had a nice gymnasium and a bowling alley with
excellent food and accommodations. Unbeknownst to the servicemen,
they became guinea pigs for the mood control experiments. However,
these were not the only guinea pigs. Experimentation was also done
on the townspeople, Long Island, New Jersey, upstate New York and
Connecticut civilians, just to see how far it could go. However,
most experimentation was done on the vacationing soldiers.
Time was spent monitoring different pulse types, trying this and
trying that. They would note and categorize the different effects.
It was all pure empirical experimentation and a huge data base was
collected. Once they had enough data, they began to make some sense
out of which functions did what.
During this period, they also experimented with frequency hopping.
Frequency hopping consists of the transmitter instantaneously and
randomly shifting around to any of five different frequencies (that
were being fed to the transmitter). This point became very important
later on as it was key to bending time.
They discovered that very fast frequency hops made the modulations
more psycho-active. A data base was then developed that would list
the frequency hop times (times you go from one frequency to
another), how they pulse modulated, the rate the pulse modulated at,
the pulse width, and the power output they pulsed it at. This was
then coupled with the responding effects it had. The data base was
very extensive and covered an extremely broad range of causes and
After the extensive experimentation, they developed a control panel
with which they could set different pulse modulations and timings.
They knew that these different pulses and functions represented
certain thought patterns from the individual. They could set the
modulators and timings so that a transmission would be generated
that would place thought patterns into an individual. This meant
they could literally set this pulse at anything they wanted and
expect a desired effect to take place.
All of this took about three or four years to research. The
transmitter was now fully operational and hooked up. Programs could
be typed in that would put the transmitter through its phases.
Programs were derived that could change the moods of people,
increase the crime rate, or make people agitated. Even animals
within the vicinity were programmed to do strange things.
The researchers were able to derive programs whereby they could
focus on a car and stop all the electric functions in it. I don’t
know what the modulations were, but I understand they found this
quite by accident.
One day, there were military vehicles riding around the base. They
suddenly ceased to operate without any function. An investigation
ensued to find out what was occurring with the transmitter at the
time, and a program was developed. At first, the program could only
get the lights in a car to dim. It was eventually refined to where
the program caused all electrical functions in a vehicle to cease.
Several years of research and collecting information had finally
yielded a
mind control device.
The next objective was to create a
precision technology with the material. In order to do this, help
from very strange sources was enlisted.
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