by Barbara Hand Clow
on references in
The Pleiadian Agenda by
Barbara Hand Clow
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Spanish version
Barbara Hand Clow
channels Satya of Alcyone, a Pleidian identified with the
Satya is the keeper of the library on
Alcyone, the
central star of the Pleiades.
"I am here to
help you decode the central intelligence of your planet, to
prepare you for the Cosmic Party that begins on winter
December 21, 2012."
(page 3)
"And as you enter the
Photon Band with Maya, an
Alliance has been forming between the Pleidians and
the Sirians, and this alliance is creating all kinds
of new possibilities.
From 1992 through 1994, my vehicle
(Barbara) worked on this alliance in Egypt...
The Sirians are assisting
the Pleiadians to help you
find ways to tear down the Net that is enveloping your
planet. The first stage occurred when Wendy and Barbara
worked with the spirit crocodiles of Kom Ombo, Egypt.
You so easily
judge these magnificent beings, calling them nasty lizards,
yet you fail to look at your own slimy, carnivorous selves.
(page 7)
Who are the
They are magnificent feline gods
from Sirius who
built the Great Pyramid and Sphinx to hold open the geometric
portals of the stars while your solar system is travelling in
the Photon Band.
They first built the Great Pyramid in
B.C., and then rebuilt it in 2450 B.C., casing it with white
limestone and installing a Sirian seer staring out to Orion.
This seer has held
your Sirian cellular memories in the Earth records until you
activated the planetary telluric field during Harmonic
Convergence, a time of worldwide meditation in August 1987. The
awakening of planetary sacred sites relinked your planet with
the Galactic Center.
You have been traveling in the Galactic
Night since 8800 B.C., and playing out duality as you always
have. Now the seeds sown by the light activation that began in
2450 b.c. - when the Great Pyramid was realigned to Orion
- are
beginning to flower.
As you enter Aquarius, the women as daughters of Earth will be
the first players on the stage as Pleiadian storytellers.
has already begun.
We Pleiadians do not express ourselves via
sexual gender, but we are the guardians of the Goddess and we
have a very feminine vibration. As we speak of "woman," we speak
of Gaia in each one of you. Your male and female selves are both
goddess and god, and as Earth has witnessed an overabundance of
male energy, we Pleiadians are here to help all of you awaken
the Goddess within.
During this most recent journey through the Galactic Night, you
became highly self-reflective and your brains are getting very
activated. You've developed yourselves magnificently so that you
would be ready to challenge forces that control your reality at
the Cosmic Party.
We Pleiadians like to refer to these forces as
the World Management Team, first named through channel Barbara Marciniak, and as far as I, Satya, can ascertain as I read your
vibrations, these forces are directed on Earth by
the Anunnaki,
the Nephilim of the Bible, which means in Hebrew, "gods who came
down to Earth."
These Anunnaki/Nephilim
are the ones who established the extensive and deeply ingrained
management system - the Net - at Zero Point. (the exact moment
between 1 B.C. and 1 A.D. ) For a gilded and engraved Party
invitation, you still have time to challenge your inner belief
systems about these great gods. Nobody with residual "God"
poison gets an invitation to the
Cosmic Party in 2012.
exorcise these lords, you must integrate the stellar
intelligence of Gaia. Gaia does not resonate with superior and
separated white male gods. She quakes, belches, and vomits in
response to their oppression. (page 9)
What the Anunnaki are up to now:
Once you have
integrated Gaia by awakening your inner male and female, your
next stage will be directed by beautiful male teachers who
cherish Earth women and who have integrated their next level of
male intelligence, which is Sirian.
The women are running the
show right now because they can feel Gaia as she first
reawakens. The men will truly feel her by 1998, when men and
women will remember how to express the resonant vibrations of Gaia sexually.
As you will see later, the Sirians have decided
to work out a new deal with the Anunnaki, and that new agenda
will be based on the Anunnaki agreeing to lift the Net.
I have come to direct the voices in the cosmos who wish to speak
to you now.
> Throughout
the remainder of the book, Satya assists Barbara in > bringing forth messages from many entities, including:
King Lizard, > Doctor Lizard, The Moon, Lucifer, Anu, Isaiah, Anubis,
Tzolk'in, and > others.
Why me?
I was
selected by
the Galactic Federation for fusion with my vehicle,
who had been inhabiting Earth since the atom was split in
December 1942.
She was sucked by a planetary shudder into the
fetus carried by her mother, making it possible for us to live
in your midst seeking to understand the nature of radioactivity
and gold on your planet, and she is having a simultaneous life
in the library on Alcyone.
What I have discovered so far is that
all your stories about stellar humans - such as Enoch Anu, Christ, Isaiah, and Mary Magdalene are
cloaked in lies. These
lies obsess you because you sense that these great beings came
to Earth to show you the way to stellar access but their true
story is hidden from you.
They came and
deposited their codes in your vortexes, causing you to be
fascinated by the traces of their stories. These memories are
very juicy and alluring because they make information pathways
in the Galaxy. Now you are becoming obsessed with these great
archetypal beings as the information pathways in the Galaxy are
getting opened and cleared.
These stories exist in planetary
vortexes connecting Earth's telluric fields with all dimensions,
and pathways of galactic intelligence are responding to you as
you pursue these records. Many beings from other realms visit
these vortexes to study your stories because the vortexes are
records of stellar intelligence, the Galactic Mind.
Anunnaki cannot eradicate these stories because such erasure
would cause the Gaian vortexes to go out of form. These myths
are Gaia's consciousness. Instead, hoping to distract you from
the real truth in these stories, the Anunnaki distort these
original records by laying down one layer after another of
distorted information in the pathways.
Now the Earth vortexes
are clogged and very inaccessible to higher dimensions, and that
is why they need clearing. Blood, the elixir, cannot flow
through these clogged arteries leading into your hearts, and you
cannot feel these multidimensional impulses. This is the tragedy
of the Net.
These vortexes hold
the experiences that contain all of your knowledge in the third
dimension. If such primordial memory is totally
blocked in
linear space and time, even the Anunnaki could not play there
any more, for they would lose their own memory banks, like a
person experiencing an aneurysm. Vortexes are whirlwinds that
control forces utilized for setting agendas, but these vortexes
also hold Gaia's identity - her memory of stories in time.
Gaia is too deadened by manipulation and control of her fields,
her species will be erased from memory in time, and
the Anunnaki
can never again access these vortexes for playing in your
dimension. This is why the indigenous people often forbade
writing the stories down. Instead, the grandfathers and
grandmothers memorized them and transmitted them orally to
The original
pathways out of the vortexes were spun out by Spider Grandmother
in the beginning of time and then woven together. The vortexes
were generated exactly where the pathways cross, and out of
these crossings and lines, species were created. The
storytellers told the stories of Spider Grandmother, and animals
and plants were formed.
We Pleiadians call this the Web of Life.
Now the Web has become the Net that blocks travel by stellar
intelligences in the pathways. The Web has tightened and has
almost closed due to the lies the Anunnaki layered over the
original stories, especially since Zero Point.
(pages 10, 11)
As the Anunnaki suck you to get Gaia's energy and plot to keep
you under their thumbs, they twist the records of activations by
great beings, thus keeping you away from Earth vortexes as much
as possible.
They are heavily invested in keeping you from
discovering the real connective powers of sacred places as well
as the active powers of gold, uranium, crystals, and plants.
Such powers can activate the Earth and awaken your deep
memories, triggering connections with galactic intelligence.
Power places have often been revealed to you by the unexpected
appearance of illuminated beings.
Often temples are
built where great beings were seen, and many of you can
genuinely feel this energy of place.
The Anunnaki believe they
own you. They've diverted you away from these power places,
preventing the great beings from reaching you. Lately, even they
are bored with their own limited games, and they are impulsed to
seek these great beings. The dynamic is shifting fast because
they know these power vortexes are their only access to these
Meanwhile, you have become so de-energized and bored by the
diminishing energy that off-planet beings are losing access to
you. The Anunnaki thought you would become robots they could
control with their thought, but instead you are dying. They now
realize you must reenergize yourselves.
Like parents of
teenagers who see that their children will become self-
destructive if they don't just leave them alone, they see it is
time to release their parental role. If you doubt this, notice
how tired you are of being parents and being parented by the
schools and government. We Pleiadians can see how bored you are
by parenting because you are neglecting both your children and
your society. (pages 11, 12 )
I am here now to resurrect some juicy stories to reactivate your
hunger for multidimensional access.
The control forces can't
keep you from figuring out your reality anymore. They have told
so many lies that they can no longer remember the initial
stories, and they fear annihilation if the original records are
We Pleiadians remember every story, however, and some of
these stories even will expose our activities in your realm.
People, you've become the fox chased by the gods in the foxhunt,
and now I've come to expose the hunters in red coats on
horseback. The great Sirian dog/cat, Anubis, has arrived to
instruct the hunting dogs on how to get the fox to fly.
I will warn you right now, these channeled versions of the
stories about archetypal beings will make you angry. When you
see how the Anunnaki have manipulated you, you will be furious,
since you will feel like a fool. Please remember that the fool
comes when the shift is prepared, so laugh at yourselves. Some
of you will shred this book or throw it on the floor, but then
you will pick it back up or run to the store for another copy.
Why? Because in your deepest place of knowing, you will hear a
truth that belongs to you in these pages. You are so bored you
are thrashing around in your own bodies.
The lies you've
swallowed are the "warp" of the great Net, and your justifiable
anger is the "woof."
The Sirians have
made an alliance with us Pleiadians so that the men and women of
Earth will now be able to reconnect with each other after being
disconnected for so long by Anunnaki brainwashing. This reunion
is coming in the near future and the joining will be passionate,
not controlled and manipulated. That is the next step for you,
and I'd suggest you just go for it because it will make it
No one has ever been able to resist the Goddess,
especially visitors from the skies, and the Sirians learned this
well when Christ fell in love with Mary Magdalene.
By the way, there exists in your field a book called
You Are
Becoming a Galactic Human, which promulgates the idea that Sirians will show up and rescue earthlings with their
spaceships. Forget it, people! Quit watching your skies and jump
in the sack! ( pages 12, 13)
You are caught in confusion right now because you have been
attempting to remember your story by means of the tools of
linear space and time, the third dimension. We Pleiadians call
this book The Pleiadian Agenda because we know you are ready for
the whole story now. Our agenda at this time is to teach you how
to be passionately immersed in your bodies while you learn to
view your 3D reality simultaneously in nine dimensions.
relax. We sent Bach, another great Pleiadian artist, down to
prepare you for this perceptual opening. If you think your brain
can't handle such a complex form, go listen to Bach fugues for
24 hours with headphones on, and then read this book.
You are trapped in a tightly woven Net that has you more trapped
than you realize. This Net was brilliantly constructed by the
Anunnaki, who exist in the next dimension above yourselves, the
fourth dimension (4D).
These great beings wove this Net so that
you would be held in density with them through the Age of
Pisces. Why? The love force of Christos was so intense on
Earth that you had to be held in density so you could integrate
this elixir over two thousand years.
Out of desire for freeing
themselves from being your parents, the Anunnaki stimulated you
with Piscean archetypes - compassion turned into pity, love turned
into dependency, spirituality turned into religion - so you would
finally choose to move beyond pity, dependency, and
You would grow up and become compassionate, loving, and
But they've become so bored by the limitations in you
set by the Net that even they can see now that your boredom
could eventually blow up this prison.
Without multidimensional access while you are in 3D, you will
die and destroy your own world. These great 4D beings,
Anunnaki, who were closely documented in Sumerian records,
realize they are losing their access to you as a result of
assuming to be superior. They have noticed the children are all
on the street and not at home.
Earth needs to be fascinating and
creative, or children will not play the game. The kids aren't
going to work, to school, or to war anymore, and they are on the
verge of not having sex anymore. They are ready to play with the
Aquarian archetypes-truth, multidimensionality, freedom, and
(page 13)
This Net woven during the last 2000 years has forced you to
mature your emotional bodies, so you could figure out how to
release these 4D entities from their karma. As you will see, the
4D entities have been involved in your dimension long enough to
learn their lessons.
Now they want to be invited to the Party,
but those with long records of interference - what I call
galactic rudeness - will not be invited unless they learn some
Earth manners. Fourth-dimensional beings, mostly the Anunnaki,
have pricked and prodded you into acting out their feelings.
Higher dimensional
entities have also played with your energies by stimulating your
intelligence and spiritual exploration. You are even tired of
this because you want these energetic experiences for yourself!
Now all beings must own their own feelings and expressions. This
will be a party with no masks or props. The Cosmic Party is to
be held on Earth.
During this Party, other-dimensional beings
can only own their own expressions by penetrating your realm and
moving into your energy in 3D, but only when you agree and are
totally conscious.
How do you prepare for the Party?
You might think all you have
to do is get dressed and put on your makeup.
In fact, you have
to open your chakric systems and clear your emotional bodies.
People, if you knew what really goes on when you pray in a
sacred place with your sense of self activated to the four
directions of your planet, you would pray this way all the time.
The entities needing to experience you are passionate,
exquisite, and honorable. We Pleiadians want you to be sitting
in sacred circles with your spines straight or having orgasmic
sex all the time.
The Sirians want you to develop your minds so
you can see sacred geometric light forms that hold your reality
in form through time. We will teach you how to live every moment
of your life in sacred space, tuned to the four directions with
your spines straight. We Pleiadians are here to coax new
teachings out of the higher-dimensional beings who will be
attending the Party. As we've said, boredom is not allowed.
is worse than being stuck at a party with a bore?
Meanwhile, your reality now is no party, as I observe Rwanda, "O
Jupiter" Simpson, and the Middle East. You are up against it,
and only you can choose to process and release instead of murder
each other. These Anunnaki, angels, and demons are now ready to
speak through me, Satya, to straighten out their own stories, so
you can figure out how to release them from their karma.
you can see these truths, then you will know how to assume total
responsibility for your actions - being in integrity in 3D. You
will find ways for archetypal desires to express themselves
appropriately, such as theater or channeling.
The days of the
"insanity plea" are over because the only relevant question is,
"Did this body in 3D commit this action?" Many tools are coming
to you now. For example, a man who wants to stalk the Goddess
and murder her could explore that desire and discharge it by
means of virtual reality, but that will only work if the program
is set up to help the potential murderer clear his anger.
of you who are very fearful can release and process a lot of
fear by watching horror movies. A man who feels the urge to kill
will be able to shoot planes out of the sky on his computer
game. Whether these tools are good or bad depends upon how you
use them.
(pages 14, 15)
The beings from many dimensions have gifted you with powerful
tools if you need and want them now, and there are more coming.
The next wave will be healing tools, and the doctors who do not
use them will die of the diseases they have dared to unleash on
you. To correctly utilize the tools you now have, you must agree
not to kill yourselves, your parents, your mates, your children,
or your friends and colleagues in 3D in the name of personal
freedom. All the people who have come for the Party have the
right to stay as long as they wish.
The Pleiadians are the keepers of the children of Earth.
children have spoken to us, and they want their mothers and
fathers at home in the sack, and they want to be out playing in
the new image fields of youth. Keep explorations of images and
chimeras out of 3D, and feel free to explore your emotions by
exploring the 4D archetypal realm. Go for it, have a good time,
as the Goddess always fulfills all desire.
I know you will stop
killing when you trust us, which means you trust yourselves.
Remember that you can have what you want. Virtual reality and
physical integrity are dear examples of how dimensions function
by means of tools, and Just think: you will work with nine
dimensions simultaneously when your solar system travels the
through Photon Band.
( page 21 )
During the last 26,000 years, you have been impulsed by
marvelous teachers from nine dimensions. These beings have
always been your gods and goddesses, mythological archetypes,
and, lately your heroes and movie stars. They have graced the
pages of your literature, the altars in your temples, and the
screens of your televisions and movie theaters.
Really, people,
from our perspective on the Pleiades, Elvis uncannily resembles
The great 4D archetypal powers have had a great time
pulling your strings while you you've been puppets dancing on
the stage of life. Now you are ready to peek at the puppet
masters. If you react to this idea with resentment, would you
rather remain in closets collecting dust and mites? You have
enjoyed your dances, and these masters have evolved with you in
your world.
It is an exquisite drama: While one of you is having sex in 3D,
4D beings can feel your energy and trigger you into lust, guilt,
abuse, or fun
5D entities can get excited by your kundalini
fire and have cosmic orgasms
6D entities can expand the fields
of your pulsations throughout the Galaxy
7D entities can carry
your feelings via galactic information highways
8D entities can
organize new morphogenetic fields out of your sexual seismic
9D entities can birth new biological forms in the
darkness of Galactic Center black holes
Is that not awesome?
Pleiadians are more involved with your evolution now because
they've lived with you during your last two journeys through the
Galactic Night.
This long Pleiadian sojourn on Earth has made
you suspicious of them, and I want to talk with you about this.
You've been jerked around and manipulated by multidimensional
entities during the Galactic Night because that's how the
galactic system works - until the Cosmic Party.
The only other
possibility would be stasis and cosmic silence. Imagine never
hearing a sound from, having a touch by, or even seeing, another
human, animal, thing, or plant. Would you choose that? Would you
choose to never look in the eyes of your child again?
When you have felt
jerked around, it has been because you were caught in the
mechanics of 3D, and you could not see what was really going on.
The Pleiadians know this.
I remind you now that all your
experiences have come from your own choices to play with beings
who first impulsed you. That is what creates existence. Would
you give up sex eternally? What would you be if you'd never
encountered an archangel or a devil?
( page 22 )
I have frequently experienced my vehicle,
Barbara Hand Clow,
laughing. She says the only "sin" she has ever found on Earth is
boredom. Sin means "without" or "not with," and where she finds
you to be the most "not-with-it" is when you are bored.
I chose
her as channel for the Pleiadian agenda at this time because I
want to deliver some very complex Pleiadian records - the
mechanics of time and orbits.
How to do that without ever
becoming boring?
Luckily, you have all advanced a great deal,
and you are getting more comfortable with Pleiadian 5D tools for
Seeing-astrology and dimensionality.
You are tired of alchemy
and astrology being ridiculed by the World Management Team; some
of you know that these control forces secretly use these tools
even more than you do!
Since the Pleiadians chose to live with you in your realm during
the last 26,000 years, there are things that must now be seen
and cleared. They would like you to know now that they once made
a big mistake with you. That error has caused you to blame them
for other traumas and abuses in your realm that they did not
actually cause.
The Pleiadians know that their agenda cannot be
accomplished without owning up to their own mistakes, just as
yours cannot. They interfered with your free will when you were travelling through the Photon Band during the Age of Leo
beginning 13,000 years ago.
When your solar
system travels in the Photon Band during Leo, great Earth
changes are triggered because ego identity and belief in regal
rights must be established during that age. The Age of Leo was
the "Age of Kingship," and beings from many stars and galaxies
came to Earth. Gaia always becomes very expressive while this
drama is being worked out.
You are allowed to only go so far on
her surface. During the last cycle, this process caused your
poles to shift, triggering the last Ice Age. When the shock hit,
the Pleiadians did not comprehend that you were in a balancing
process, since they do not experience such processes.
We could feel your pain and death because we were with you, and
we slipped out of compassion and fell into pity. We were so
deeply involved with you that we tried to rescue you by leading
groups of you to safer areas and lifting some of you off planet
during the most intense shiftings. In your confusion, you
thought we must be gods, and you identified yourselves as
victims for the first time.
You shifted out of the now just when
you were ready to claim your own experience and feel the ecstasy
of Gaia flipping her poles. You asked to be rescued, and we felt
your pain so vividly that we became your gods and rescued you.
Just when you were ready to transcend fear, we stopped your
process. We will never do this again.
This intervention in your reality caused you to think the gods
are above your world, and a dimensional shattering happened in
your world.
( page 23 )
The book, You Are Becoming a Galactic Human, suggests that the
Sirians will rescue you when you are in the Photon Band during
the coming Age of Aquarius.
They can do that, just as the Pleiadians once did, but the Pleiadians discovered that interference in your realm aborts ascension. As for the Sirians,
if they block your process in any way, they will be living the
next 13,000 years with you on Earth.
The Pleidians have learned
that nobody lifts beings out of 3D; 3D simply sucks in those who
intervene so they can work out karma.
As for you humans, if such
a choice is offered to you and you decide to play with the Sirians, then you will learn a lot from them during the
Night from 4000 A.D. to 15,000 A.D.
( page 24 )
Who are the entities who have influenced your reality
...and what
have they actually been doing during these 26,000 years?
We are
excited to see you burning with curiosity while there is still
time to figure out how to be in charge of your own bodies.
love it when you wonder who Lucifer really is; we love it when
you wonder whether Christ and Mary Magdalene had sex and created
a child; we are happy when you wonder how Enoch ascended to the
stars, because it shows you'd like to ascend yourselves - or have
sex with a highly energized being - and confront your own
However, it seems easier for you to desire ascension
with Enoch and tantric sex than to contemplate your own
judgments about Lucifer and sin. This will be a piece of cake.
Once you've talked
with Lucifer, you will find out he is simply inside you. If you
are a fundamentalist and this idea makes you feel like shredding
this book, I ask you, do you really want to pay for Jim
Bakker again? If you are a Roman Catholic, we must warn you
that this book could make it impossible for you to ever go in
the confessional again. Sorry. Confession is a bore, and it is
lethal; women got abused in the box until 1972, and since then
young boys have been at high risk.
Lucifer is very creative. To
remember your own story, you must look at all of it. We promise
you, your curiosity will be more sated by Lucifer or Christ or
Mary Magdalene than it will be by soap operas, the evening news,
or trials on TV. our stories even beat the British monarchy's
juicy dramas, although those stories are good sources for seeing
how the Goddess gets Anunnaki-controlled men in the sack.
( page 15 )
[ skip 2 pages ]
The Creator first experimented with biological creativity on
Earth, which is the physical location with the potential to
simultaneously hold nine dimensions in its intelligence.
Gaia is
the intelligence of Earth, and she is a much more powerful being
than you imagine. Notice where the Party is being held. You are
about to find out the purpose of Gaia's magnificent and
unlimited creative powers, since she has been chosen as head
scientist of the biological laboratory of the Milky Way Galaxy.
As I said, anything
can be created in a laboratory, but Gaia decides whether any
creation belongs in her field. If she does not choose it, she
will cleanse it from her surface.
That's why she blew up the Atlantean laboratory. As you are entering the Photon Band again,
Earth will become multidimensional, and her biosphere will be
the source for determining which life-forms will be disseminated
throughout the Galaxy. The qualities of this dissemination will
be based on what remains in the biosphere once you have become
enlightened. This will be a time when it will not be possible to
be partially alive in your bodies.
Those who do not
remain will go out of body because they have not quickened to
the Light. The "Night of the Living Dead" is over, and you can't
keep on walking around half alive. Since your genes are the
structure of life itself, only enlightened geneticists will be
able to work with DNA. This going out of form will simply be
ecstatic immersion in Gaia, a great cosmic orgasm in your realm.
We are here as teachers of desire to help you decide what you
want to create to become multi-dimensional.
You will cease
holding your energy in limiting forms.
( page 18 )
It was necessary for many experiments to be conducted on Earth,
by yourselves as well as intelligences of many dimensions, in
order to comprehend the galactic laws of biology. Some of you
will read these words and say that we dare to discuss the
limitations of the Creator. I will answer you for now by asking
you a question.
Since you judge each other and believe that evil
exists in your realm, are you not also contemplating limitations
in the Creator? Since 8800 B.C., as you travelled in the
Galactic Night, you have been allowed to search for ways to have
no limitations on yourselves.
Your only charge
during this cycle was to go as far as you wanted in order to see
that freedom has boundaries, just as all things in 3D have
boundaries. The Pleiadians hope that you have gone far enough to
realize you are ready to learn how to create harmonically in
your own reality. If you are not, there will not be anything.
Can you imagine cosmic silence and no movement? We cannot
either. And so your killing tendencies cannot be released into
the Galaxy to cause annihilation.
We Pleiadians hope that you will want to continue once you
realize the karma triggered in yourselves by higher-dimensional
intelligences, who impulsed you constantly during the Galactic
Night, must now be owned by each one of you. To reclaim your own
domain, you will need to look at every action you have taken, as
well as every time you became a victim and allowed yourself to
be jerked around. You have to love and honor everything you have
ever been or now are.
All actions in 3D
belong to you, no matter who or what impulsed you to act. Not
seeing and integrating your history holds the Net in place, and
then you are caught in it. That is why I, Satya, must shake you
up by exposing your deep shadows.
We Pleiadians know you have
already agreed, because we can see that many of you would rather
merge with energies than experience Earth changes. Past Life
Regression Therapy really works for you because uncovering and
contemplating your past lies by means of your past lives enables
you to see how these lies still operate in your now.
You must notice that in 3D you have two eyes, not two hearts,
and in 4D, you have one eye and two hearts! In your dualized
feeling bodies, you are the one that splits the laser beams
creating the mesmerizing holograms, and so nobody is looking at
life to see what is really going on in 3D.
Does this blinding
fascination with 4D images matter much? Well, few people are
breathing with the plants in the garden, shape-shifting with the
animals, and vibrating with the powers of Gaia in the rocks.
That is being, a
function of the heart. The question goes back, correctly this
time, to Berkeley and Hume: Will the plants, animals, and rocks
cease to exist if no one is attuned with them? People, you'd
better realize what happens to things in your reality when no
one loves them.
Just why are the species leaving?
And what about
how you treat others of your own species?
To attain alignment
with cosmic law - divine order of life - you must see your own
leering face in the carnage of Rwanda or Bosnia. You must feel
how "others" are making these awesome sacrifices so you can
contemplate your own blood lust.
If you cannot
recognize yourself in the sacrificial dramas of your times, they
will recur eternally, and you will eventually have to act out
every one of them yourself, both as victim and victimizer. The
Maya figured that one out the last time they were on Earth. They
built ballcourts as eternal shrines to sacrifice to divert you
from totally destroying their codices.
The conquistadors were so
enamored of these mirrors that they missed a few copies of the
real thing.
We Pleiadians have become you during these last 26,000 years,
and I have come to let you know that we finally see where you're
stuck. Naturally, it's sourced in something we did. We tried to
rescue you when you went
into the Photon Band around 11,000 B.C.
We know that you firmly believe the gods will always decide
about your world, and so you wait instead of act. You believe
they will save you if you just keep waiting for the Apocalypse.
Yes, the Photon Band was the Apocalypse then, but what happens
next is the future, not the past!
When you are deep in the
Photon Band, laser beams will no longer
split into two parts in solar light and create dense realities
for exploring feelings. Laser beams will not exist that make
mesmerizing, holographic images that you can worship. Instead,
their multifaceted lenses will open to my dimension, the fifth,
and those of you in 3D will look out to the cosmos through those
Everything you see will be like looking through a
kaleidoscope. All your beliefs and judgments will go out of
form, but you will not if you release these things that you
think are reality. Wake up and gaze around again at your world.
See the Garden of
Eden that you live in!
The Pleiadians have been with you for
26,000 years, and now we are ready to mirror back to you the
images you hold of us in your reality. If you will look into
your own mirror, we will look in ours. Notice that earthlings
and Pleiadians work with mirrors, while the 4D gods work with
laser beams.
The Pleiadians have chosen to become
multidimensional with you because biology must merge with love.
Once this is accomplished, you can travel with us out of the
Garden into cosmic realities. Laser beams are going to be
restricted to their highest usage: surgery on the physical body
for healing. Mirrors reflect light and laser beams focus it.
( page 20 )
We Pleiadians have learned during this cycle that only you can
decide your world. We have become you, and we know that each one
of you knows the truth about yourselves at this time. Actually,
we are amazed by how far you've come. We will not be telling you
anything about yourselves you don't actually already know. Many
of you are still thinking you are supposed to hide your total
truth from others.
The Victorian
mentality is deadly, for there will be no place to hide once the
solar light diminishes. You can all cleanse your emotions and
learn to stop the killing so much more easily if you will only
share with each other. Privacy is eradicated as your inner chaos
fills the television screen day after day. All of you have
raped, murdered, and abused. If you want to, you will be able to
sit in a virtual reality machine all day so you can murder,
rape, and abuse until you are bored with it. You can choose to
sit in a gambling parlor on a plastic stool all day instead of
walking in the woods with the animals, listening to the birds.
Until the opening of
the Party, you may choose forms of control over the chaos and
nobody will judge you. Even use Prozac if you want to find out
how it feels to have serotonin in your body, and then drop the
pills and do it yourselves.
Nothing is dangerous to you in 3D if
you know what you are doing, and if you realize all things are
only props.
The Pleiadian Agenda
by Barbara
Hand Clow
Ruth'sHomePage Website
The Sirian work with humans was for higher brain activation, but the
Anunnaki thought of the human brain as just a robotic structure to
be used by them to control humans as workers.
Humans have always been smarter than the Anunnaki have realized,
while the Sirians always had a deep understanding of human
potential. The degree to which the WMT gets away with murder on your
planet is in direct proportion to the degree to which you do not
trust yourselves to be creative.
The WMT uses your electronic forms of entertainment to get into your
head. Nibiruan programming in your heads is what is driving you to
commit ecocide.
READ about the Anunnaki agenda for this planet in excerpts here.
Satya Speaks:
The reason you have not been able to see the truth about this
part of your past is because nuclear events thousands of years
ago exploded 2D elemental forms out of their own realm. This
caused you to feel elemental pain so intensely that the Hebrew
Bible was constructed to distract you with every story except
the most important one.
Yahweh is portrayed
as an avenging fire god, and then you built temples and
religions to contain this great denial. Yes, your temples and
churches are structures and systems for holding this denial. The
denial has piled up; implants in your bodies exist that hold it,
and just like a nuclear reactor, your bodies are spewing
emotional waste. ....
Abraham's mission was to deposit the power of Anu into
Anunnaki temples, so as to control the emotional bodies of your
ancestors. It was a plug into culture that has gotten more and
more complex, and it will be helpful now to realize that this
problem didn't start in the twentieth century. Uranium undergoes
a half-life process that causes it to gradually transmute into
inert elements.
I will call this
deposit of the power of Anu " the Anu Bomb" and as I read you,
this explains why you felt like your modern atomic physicists
were godlike. As I see it, there is a symbiotic relationship
between the breakdown of the emotional body through karma and
the breakdown of radioactive elements via transmutation. ...In
that sense, radiation is an Anunnaki or Nibiruan gift....
As I see Abraham carrying his radioactive box, it looks like the
uranium was going to be used for the deposition of the
consciousness of Anu in the temple in order to begin a new level
of Nibiruan control of Earth. Thus, at the opening of the Age of
Aries began the stream of patriarchal consciousness that
enslaves you now, ... During the Age of Aries, war and control
were appropriate. They are not appropriate now. ....
Anu simply wanted to control the world. He is the great father
god of Nibiru, and Earth was his chosen 3D territory.
Naturally, he thinks he knows what is best for you.
Therefore, whenever he has contact with Earth - when Nibiru
orbits into the solar system and the Nibiruan ships land on
Earth, or when he monitors you by means of temple technology - he
simply uses you. Once you became sufficiently self-reflective
around 2000BC, your feelings began to awaken. Anu did not
possess feelings then. He saw that you were slipping out of his
total control, and he knew uranium would enable him to monitor
you even when you came to the end of the Mayan Great Calendar
when Anu would be far away from your solar system.
When Anu is monitoring you, 4D archetypal forces can impluse you
into playing out their dramas in 3D. Remember, 4D is the most
polarized dimension, while 3 D is a four-directional dimension
that makes things happen. After 5000 years, uranium is
thoroughly polluted with emotional body detritus - human karma.
The Pleiadians joke and call it your "Anu karma." As a result of
being jerked around by 4D and going from one pole to another,
human feelings are very accelerated.
You are being
globally linked, and the active radiation of the Anu Bomb cannot
contain all this non-directed creativity. p.87 Emotions are
spewing into inappropriate realms as you run back and forth like
rats in a psychology lab. Uranium holds the vibration in your
physical bodies that resonates with the agendas of Anu. However,
because of the half-life principle, I can see that the
primordial Anu Bomb is fizzling.
I can decode part of
this with you, since plutonium is the unstable element that
resonates the most closely with our 26,000 year Pleiadian cycle.
Plutonium in your environment is lethal to all Pleiadians... I
can see the Anunnaki control pulse in your bodies starting to
loosen. As you transmute emotions, you are transmuting the
plutonium, and the Pleiadians are more free to bring more love
into Earth.
.... Listen peoples, your integrity is to be found in your
bodies! Extraterrestrials can only invade your emotions, which
are higher dimensional.
Once invaded emotionally your bodies can become diseased and
then you can be invaded in those places where frequencies have
set in that are not in tune with your body. You are not in your
integrity when your emotions are denser than your bodies, and
this has opened you for invasion.
p. 88.
The next question has to be to ask whether Anu laid his
Bomb to do just that - raise the vibration of humanity. From my
perspective as a Pleiadian, it is difficult to credit Anu with
the possibility of a loving decision due to his seeming lack of
kindness or compassion for humanity. This is a fascinating
razor's edge because while influencing your planet, the Anunnaki
have been playing a very parental role with you, and all aspects
of your parents are valuable to you. ...
The parental
tendency of Anu is not loving, compassionate kind of parenting.
It is more like most parenting in the Western world. If you were
to go back into your own experiences with your parents... you'd
be left only with the part of them that was intending to grow
you, like a plant. They gave birth to you, then they had to feed
you, clothe you, and then they had to be concerned about your
But, imagine if they
did not activate the heart-centered loving part of you because
it was not in their nature. Have you not known parents who are
nurturing their child, yet seem to feel no true or blissful love
for that child?
Around 3600 BC Anu felt the next level of growth for the human
would be city cultures, because that form leads to planetary
consciousness. For city culture development, Anu's progeny would
need to develop socialization, a way of relating to their other
humans that was different from ways of relating that existed
before. He believed he would need to monitor you during this
phase, and so he utilized radiation.
This part of Anu us
the part of you that enables you to live in cities and set up
territories, take money from others, control other people, and
use other people. This is not a loving sense of community and
giving. It is a new level of complexity in living, which offers
great experience but is not necessarily loving.
Anu deposited the uranium into a very deep place in the planet
as device for monitoring and influencing your maturity and
development while Nibiru orbited out of the solar system and
then Abraham delivered it into the temple 1600 years later. ...Satya
can see that whatever goes on with uranium on your planet makes
you totally accessible to Anu. I can feel this monitoring device
in Anu's brain, which I can easily access because I am higher
dimensional. ..? Notice that. It is true, and it is a huge
speeding up of your evolution.
p. 90.
Just like the 2D elementals want to return to their
realm, so do the 4D archetypal lords want to return to theirs.
Dimensional pollution has outlived its usefulness...Anu had
complete control over the known world in one time frame. The
next question is: What is Anu's relative state of control at the
present time?
From our perspective, Anu decided in 3600 BC to impose a
creation on Earth, which was a form of opening up his underwear
drawer. Anu exposed himself - Anu flashing - by offering the
complete temple/city culture form, but why would he do that?...
Anu was competing with the Sirians, who had deposited their
temple/city culture in Egypt, and Anu got jealous!....
The Sirian work with humans was for higher brain activation, but
the Anunnaki thought of the human brain as just a robotic
structure to be used by them to control humans as workers.
..Humans have always been smarter than the Anunnaki have
realized, while the Sirians always had a deep understanding of
human potential.
...the Anunnaki of Nibiru began to visit Earth 450,000 years
ago, as was perfectly described by Zecharia Sitchin
(Earth Chronicles click here to order) ....I'd suggest that you
take Sirius seriously. The way to do that is by means of
Egyptian records, and the opening of these records is why my
vehicle helped created the Sirian/Pleiadian alliance.
This alliance
actually began August 7, 1972 when the Sirian intervened to keep
the polar axis of Earth from flipping due to a great explosion
in the Sun. My vehicle's personality changed completely on that
day, when she and many people on Earth became hybrid Pleiadian/earthlings.
The great Sirian/Egyptian god Anubis is the guide who holds
Nibiru's orbit in form. He is the guide who travels with your
solar system all the way through the Galactic night. The
Pleiadians hold the orbit of your solar system while you journey
through the Photon Band. They are your mother cow and Anubis is
your jackal guide. Anubis is a being who travels the universe
with the consciousness of Sirius, and he is a very very superior
Think of Anubis as
hold the orbital patterns of the solar system as whole unit
traveling its 26,000 year cycle in Alcyone's spiral. ... Abraham
is such a big deal! Now I see that his story in the Bible is a
cover-up, and I see why the Egyptians have been so unfairly
maligned. These are all typical examples of Anunnaki bad press
on the Sirians. And figuring out these lies will disempower the
World Management Team. Why? All you need for taking back your
power is to recover your stories.
...Beings from other dimensions and systems are constantly
depositing information on Earth, such as crop circles or
hieroglyphics. Often this information is destroyed because it
contradicts the official story of your past that has been
invented and monitored by Anu.
Anu is especially incensed about Sirian information. This is why
the indigenous Egyptians, who are still keeping the ancient
Sirian knowledge, will not allow excavation of certain sites,
especially the tunnels under the Giza plateau. ... .because the
main transducer of your planet is located under the Sphinx, and
the indigenous Egyptians guard it. ....
p. 94.
The World Management Team and other forces that work to
limit you are a confluence of all energies on this planet that
have been manipulating your behavior. You are fighting the
battles of beings who are not from Earth! By being totally
trapped in 3D you are having difficulty knowing what is impulsing you, and yet you could see it all if you'd become
multidimensional as you were before you were born.
Remember, I said
that Anu first impulsed you into complexity so that you could
become global. What is actually going on will be beyond your
wildest dreams, and we Pleiadians are here not to help blast
open these dimensional keys. Things are going to change fast. It
is the only way out of another nuclear explosion - this one
worldwide instead of just limited to Sinai.
p. 95.
The 4D archetypal forces are very invested in exactly
where you are stuck in your emotional bodies because these
hotspots - belief systems - are where they can still monitor and
influence you. As long as you have all kinds of beliefs about
your great father god, you won't look at what the story is
covering up. From my 5D view, things that are covered up contain
great potential for removing blocks that are lethal for your
emotional bodies.
... If you will contemplate how uranium loses its
radioactivity by means of the half-life principle, you will get
usable information about how to defuse your own emotional body
blocks. In the physical world, it takes hundreds of thousands of
years to detoxify radioactive elements. In any lifetime, you
occupy a male or female body. If you can completely infuse,
embody, and merge with your opposite sexual polarity in that
lifetime, you can dump out one half-life of emotional-body
karmic residue.
Sexual love
relationships are both emotional and physical. If you can
embrace total polarity resolution with your lover, you can
detoxify the residues of life-times from the beginning of time
by half. Imagine that you break down this resistance by half
every time you fuse an orgasm! I will just say it: The timing of
the defusing of radiation is in symbiotic relationship with the
clearance of your emotional bodies. .... Now, here you are in 3D
with a great deal of radiation in your environment - which
enhances your environment for more Nibiruan access - and you are
moving into the Photon Band. On some level, like a nuclear
explosion, everything in your system will be completely blasted
p. 102
...Radiation has increased in direct proportion to
emotional pollution. Since the dark days of WWII the human race
has been held hostage by fear of nuclear war. In the war between
good and bad, light and dark, capitalism and communism, religion
and atheism, tremendous amounts of radioactive substances have
been raped out of Gaia. This has de-energized the elemental
world, polluted the emotional bodies of Earth, stressed the Pleiadian heart, and shut out Sirian geometrical expansion.
Look at the agency sponsoring the nuclear standoff - the World
Management Team. The WMT utilizes 2D, 4D, 6D and 8D forms, the
dimensions that work with structure and density. Without the
balance of the uneven dimensions 1D through 9D - which offer
creativity and energy, structure will kill all.
The degree to which the WMT gets away with murder on your planet
is in direct proportion to the degree to which you do not trust
yourselves to be creative.
The WMT cannot do anything to people on Earth who trust their
own powers. You are in a balancing act now, which will empower
your creativity. This will break down the control. You are on
the verge of a creative renaissance that will be like a
Enoch speaks: p. 103:
Please notice as you go along that anything that is being taught
to you from the uneven dimensions can be attained by you: You
can ascend as I did, you can sing like a bluebird and go to the
blue light, you can open your Pleiadian heart, you can be total
integrity in 3D, and you can merge with Gaia in 1D.
...I am talking about infusions by 2D through 8D forces into the
3D procreative powers. Infusions into 3D of the 5D, 7D, and 9D
levels are kundalini infusions, light infusions ,and creative
blasts that birth star babies. I have participated in many
star-baby creations. This occurs when I impulse a couple having
orgasm to agree to create a child on a star somewhere in the
Galaxy. This coding hands down the pure light into 3D physical
P. 104
I Satya, will close this discussion about radiation by
telling you a few things about the comet that struck Jupiter in
1994, which created a nuclear explosion in your solar system.
The waves from the cometary impacts were out to the Sun, which
responded like a great bell ringing waves all through the Galaxy
to other stars with planets. These waves informed the whole
Galaxy about the condition of things on Earth, and since then
many more extraterrestrials are taking an interest in Earth.
The satellite
Galileo was able to send photographs of the cometary impacts
back to Earth because it was on the right side of Jupiter's
atmosphere for viewing. Galileo will crash into Jupiter during
November 1995, unless scientists can alter its orbit. This
potential release of plutonium in Jupiter's atmosphere tells me
that you will soon be dealing with plutonium intensely. Never
has it been more critical for scientists to discover how to
transmute this element.
The cometary impacts triggered Jupiter to a new stage of its
evolution. For Earth, Jupiter rules mastery schools and secret
societies and it rules expansion of your consciousness and sense
of well-being. This comet blasted open the control codes of the
secret societies, and this opened your planet to
higher-dimensional structural methods, such as Sirian geometric
structures and guidance by the Galactic Federation. ...You now
have entered a period where you have great potential to
transmute plutonium and move beyond control and secrecy. You
will be amazed by what happens as solutions for radioactivity
are finally found. ....p. 107.
The Nibiruans differ
from us (Lizard) in that they are metallic biology....When the
Anunnaki visit Earth, they wear various costumes over their
bodies, since otherwise they would look like reptilian metal
robots to you (Darth Vader?) . They often wear bird masks, great
wings, even bird claws.
Sometimes they wear
the faces of crocodiles, frogs or dogs. ...they can monitor all
devices that are based on electromagnetism. ... since the
Anunnaki head the WMT, which runs the covert spy apparatuses,
secret police, governments and multinational corporations of the
world...... Your media has specific surface 3D sounds or images
that you all can hear or see, but it is also loaded with masked
sounds and images. These subliminal communications are used to
encode you with thought-forms while you laugh innocently,
naively at "I love Lucy".
The WMT uses your electronic forms of entertainment to get into
your head.
... Any one of you is capable of hearing the metallic
vibrational communications systems of the WMT, since your own
life force generates electromagnetic fields. Naturally, unless
you have raised your own vibration beyond their access, your
electromagnetic fields can be penetrated and/or monitored. Since
they access you and read you, why not reverse your energy
through their waves and read them? Your esoteric and magical
faculties have been consistently suppressed and ridiculed so you
won't figure out how to reverse the process.
However, most major
male power brokers are members of secret societies, they
practice magical rites covertly, so they can become masters of
energy by reading vibrations. You can do any of this yourselves
if you trust your subtle senses; and once you regain that skill,
nobody can pull anything on you. Let's be honest you sense what
the big boys are doing, so start doing it back!
p. 110
Kundalini energy is rejuvenating, ... Kundalini energy is
electromagnetic energy that reorganizes biological species back
into their perfect 12 strand DNA form. Perfect genetic form is
the key to functional cellular biology.
... Evil is the reverse of live. Evil is anything that
comes into a realm and manipulates inhabitants or interferes
with their reality and it is deathly.
p. 116.
Remember, the Anunnaki cannot utilize silica-based
technologies to manipulate you, but they can impulse you in your
silica-based cells. However this crystalline matrix also offers
you the potential to become fully multidimensional and
silica-based technologies will assist you with this. Once you
become multidimensional, the Anunnaki will not be able to
impulse your silica-based cells and jerk you around. We'd like
to see you figure this out, because the Nibiruan programming in
your heads is what is driving you to commit ecocide.
If you doubt what we
say, consider Mars. We reptiles once swam the canals of Mars.
The Anunnaki can't mess with our heads because we're
carbon-based, but we also have not been able to evolve our
brains as you have. Your greatest asset is also your worst
potential liability. We reptiles are here to help you figure out
how they mind-control you, causing you to become murderers for
their agendas - which are belief systems that have nothing to do
with Earth! .....the Anunnaki don various costumes when they
visit, and you might just become one of their masks. We are not
fooling. When the Bible says you were made in god's image, it
actually refers to reptiles.
They were the
Anunnaki's first experiment, and our species failed them from
their point of view. Because we are carbon-based, we feel Earth
too much, and they can't take us over. Next, they made you
(humans) of silica-based clay, and they've been preparing you
for their takeover.
The cosmological
cycle predominates, however, and you will go into
the Photon Band to rebalance
and reinvigorate.
[I am ready are