Numerology Forecast for...
The New Year 2014
Food, Water, Music -
by Nam Hari Kaur
30, 2013
3ho Website
Blink twice and it’s gone...
This is how swiftly things will be moving
in the calendar year of 2014. The Gift number of this year is a 5
(1+4=5), and number 5 creates a flow and force of powerful changes
and upheaval.
There will most certainly be new opportunities amidst this adrenal
junkie landscape, you just need to be grounded enough to perceive
them. Number 5 also represents the physical body and your capacity
for endurance.
You can’t be a spaced
out yogi in 2014, you have got to be strong and balanced.
Know Your Food
Once upon a time, back in the good ole’ days of Yogi Bhajan’s
classes in Española, he allowed a space for people to ask questions.
This was a very rare
event in his classes, and yours truly, sensing the importance of the
moment, immediately launched a half dozen auric flares of positive
intent, and was one of only five people to be chosen to ask him a
My question was,
“Sir, with all of
the increase of disease on the planet, and the ability of
diseases to mutate before there is an available cure, what can
we do for our health?”
His simple answer was,
“Food, you
are what you eat.”
We now need to have an
increased awareness of our food,
where it is coming from, and how it is prepared.
Also important for this
year is protein. You cannot have physical endurance without a
good high quality protein source. The body cannot repair itself
without the right type of protein.
Know what works for you,
and don’t judge yourself for it. Not everyone is cut out to be vegan
or lacto-vegetarian, and you can still go to heaven if you
eat an egg.
The Water
The overall number for 2014 is a 7 (2+0+1+4=7), and this is where
things get very interesting.
Number 7 is the Water
Element, and Mother Nature will be kicking up her heels in
response to the increasing melt-down of the polar ice caps. This is
real science my friends, and we are now witnessing the trend of more
extreme weather phenomenon on
planet Earth.
There will be a “surging
effect” at times, creating an influx of powerful water flow, which
will displace some people.
Not everyone will be
affected by this, however, if you live near an area that could be
flooded, you should definitely have your “Grab it and Go!” bag handy
by the door - just a simple little knapsack with essential items to
cover yourself for 3 days. Easy enough, you can do it!
The Water Element also affects our emotions, so be sure to drink
enough water, tea, juices, etc. when you feel stressed.
You can draw toxins out
of your system by taking a eucalyptus mineral salt bath, or by
sitting in a hot sauna. Yogi Bhajan commented once in a lecture that
many cultures throughout the world recognized the cleansing benefits
of sweating in a steam room or sauna.
He also said that when
you sweat through the armpits it detoxifies the brain.
through Music
Now shifting to the lighter and brighter side of 2014, it is
wonderful to note that the number 7 represents music and our ability
to elevate ourselves through singing and chanting.
This will become one of
the most powerfully effective healing modalities on the planet -
getting people together and singing around a campfire, or chanting
in yoga class.
Project the sound, the positive vibrational
frequencies, and spin them out into the Earth’s
electro-magnetic field.
This is how we can begin
to heal the planet, once enough of us begin to work together as a
collective psyche. In the future we will even have the ability to
shift part of the weather patterns through our combined positive
intention. Very cool.
Of course no yearly forecast would be complete without mentioning an
inspirational movie, and this year’s movie choice is “The
River Wild” starring Meryl Streep. It is an excellent
example of someone maintaining a meditative mind, in spite of
extraordinary circumstances.
What is so brilliantly
conveyed by the film, and is additionally a touchstone truth for
2014 is,
“Keep it together
till it comes together.”
Anything in life can
temporarily get shaky or fall apart.
The ability to hold the
frequency of your own Arc Line and electro-magnetic field is the
true test of a yogi. You will pass with flying colors if you keep a
steady spiritual practice, eat healthy, and take time out to relax
with friends, family, and community.
In the words of Yogi Bhajan,
“Sing songs that
relate to the spirit; it is such a beautiful emotional release.
You will always be grateful to yourself. It is a perfect way to
stay sane.”
Astrology Forecast 2014
January Through June -
by Lou
January 01, 2014
PsychicCosmos Website
volatility on the financial and social fronts manifests both
early and often. The roots of these frustrations began in the
latter part of 2013 and, with no seeming solutions on the
horizon, continue to fester on a global scale.
It seems that
everyone is jockeying for position and the words that aren’t
being spoken are even more important than the lip service that
is being paid to these problems.
Unusual weather in
the eastern part of the country (the U.S.) seems to add to the malaise as a
sense of futility seems to slow down any efforts to try and fix
all that seems broken.
“Getting by”
replaces the desire for change and settling for proverbial
crumbs seems easier than trying to effect change. An event
during the Winter Olympics reminds us of how fragile life is and
how what we perceive many dramatically differ from the reality
that is.
Trouble in the form
of armed conflict between old rivals (the Middle East?) on a
small scale continues to build tensions as “innocent” (term used
with a dollop of sarcasm) third parties seem all too eager to
get involved.
This could be a
possible prelude to something larger later in the year. Lots of
chest-thumping but little else as things seem to cool back down.
This is not a resolution, however, but only the opening act.
Perhaps the single
most volatile month of the year and, certainly the most profound
Although starting
off in a quiet fashion, the status quo starts to shake,
literally and actually shortly thereafter. A possible unexpected
seismic/meteorological event on the West Coast mid-month catches
everyone off guard. Financial markets seem to have their own
kind of trembler activity at the same time.
Germany, England or
the Netherlands could be the monetary epicenter for this event.
Suspicions fly and while the temptation is to blame “the usual
suspects” there is a need for closer examination to see behind
the illusion.
The last week in April could truly see the proverbial wheels
come off of this reality bus.
Multiple armed
conflicts seem to erupt simultaneously and while appearing
distinct, may actually be connected. Violent weather flares up
across much of the country and the likelihood of a second more
powerful seismic/geological event in the Pacific could spread
far beyond the epicenter.
To add to the
confusion, expect a major financial center or institution to
implode as the “house of cards” it existed on collapses under
the weight of its own falsehood.
Although much of the
world will be trying to make sense of the multiple events of
April, May itself is relatively calm.
The seeds of the
future have been sown and now it remains to seen just what will
bloom and arise from the wreckage of the old. Lots of lip
service from leaders but little else; they are as clueless as
the rest of us.
issues, especially those involving technology, make things
interesting throughout the month.
Hurricane season
starts early and strongly. The southern part of the U.S. could
be a target. More financial gridlock makes the promise of a
long, hot summer very likely.
A political figure
states that they’ve had enough and resigns although there may be
more to the story that comes to light. Energy issues also could
factor into the mix.
A possible blackout
in central Europe or on either U.S. coast could provide the
“excuse” for civil unrest, although many other factors have been
adding up as well.
Sidney Friedman’s...
20 Psychic Predictions for 2014
by Karl
December 30, 2013
InvestorPlace Website
futurist Sidney Friedman
reveals his
Friedman is a well-known psychic who’s accurately predicted
some of the world’s biggest events
over the last 15 years.
His website makes the
claim that 72% of Friedman’s predictions over that span have been
accurate. Some of Friedman’s past predictions include the 2012
New York floods, 2008’s drop in oil prices and Martin Scorsese’s
Oscar in 2007.
Here are Friedman’s 20 psychic predictions for 2014.
Predictions for 2014
Edward Snowden
will return to the United States and will NOT face trial.
Pope Francis
announces plans for a visit to North America. Chicago will
be one of the destinations. (And although it’s been revealed
the Pope will visit the Middle East for two days, the trip
actually will extend to four days.)
A fusion of
resources, a major collaboration between China and the
United States is announced. It most likely will regard
energy and assistance for developing countries.
A major
pipeline, not for oil, but for water is announced.
The feel-good
network will feel even “gooder.” Following several
ratings-challenged years, Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network will
see its ratings and revenues soar this year.
Unlike most
celebs, who keep their weddings closed and private, Kanye
and Kim’s wedding will be televised live. Some of the
revenue will go to charity.
Garlic is in the
Strange, eerie,
rumbling sounds are heard in the Midwest of the United
Most improbably,
the 2014 elections see Texas turning blue.
Snow falls in
southern Florida.
A major delay
occurs in the Oscar telecast.
Academy Awards predictions, once again, I do not see the
films. I do not go to the movie theater nor do I rent them
or read the reviews. If I were to see them, my own biases
could come into play. So these predictions every year are
entirely intuitive even though I have no clue who many of
these people are. Also, I pick not only some of the major
categories but also some of the odd ones. Here we go: Lupita
Nyong’o (12 YEARS A SLAVE) I foresee winning the OSCAR for
Best Supporting Actress. Bruce Dern (NEBRASKA) wins the
OSCAR for Best Actor. Steve McQueen (12 YEARS A SLAVE) wins
the OSCAR for Best Director. FROZEN wins the OSCAR for Best
Animated Feature. “Let It Go” (FROZEN) wins the OSCAR for
Best Original Song. GRAVITY wins the OSCAR for Best
Cinematography. 12 YEARS A SLAVE wins the OSCAR for Best
Adapted Screenplay. Jared Leto (DALLAS BUYERS CLUB) wins the
OSCAR for Best Actor.
A shock wave,
perhaps literally or perhaps figuratively, is felt in
Pippa Middleton
announces she is getting engaged.
Will and Kate
announce they are expecting another baby. And you can expect
a girl.
If anyone cares
(but apparently many do), Khloe Kardashian slims up with a
remarkable weight loss.
The United
States economy sees the unemployment rate drop to 6.6%,
maybe even 6.4%. Contrary to most current punditry, the DOW
sees a significant drop in late winter or early spring
(after beginning robustly bullish). It rebounds by November
and likely finishes the year higher than where it began,
perhaps 5 to 6 percent higher. The economy overall continues
to grow. Corporate investment finally surges. Keep in mind,
back in December 2008, post-crash, I predicted a 7 to 9 year
recovery and also predicted immediate gains in the stock
market in 2009 in spite of most analyst’s forecasts of
continued gloom. So far, I have been right on target. As
always though, consult your own investment advisor, do your
research, combine your knowledge with a bit of intuition,
and remember, it is NOT a stock market. It’s a market of
With sincere
hopes the following does not occur, I sense two natural
disasters striking nearly simultaneously in the United
Remarkably, for
the first time, a poll finally finds one person who actually
approves of Congress.
And for his predictions for 2014, Friedman includes an extra one
that he makes every year.
He believes that the
Chicago Cubs will make it to the World Series.
2014 Numerology Predictions
Reaching Our Limits -
by Hans Decoz
29, 2013
Numerology Website
2014 is the year when we become aware - aware of the destructive
nature and the inherent danger that exist in a world of extremes.
We will begin to see a
trend this year, through all areas of human life, to search for ways
to bring us together. There will be people in power who change
overnight, and institutions that will reconsider their ideologies,
giving us hope... but we will also see the negative forces become
more desperate and violent.
The number 7 rules the year 2014 - it is a 7 Universal Year, because
2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 7.
The number 7 is
analytical and self-examining. It starts a turnaround as, even the
mind, as cold as it is, recognizes that duality doesn't benefit
But other numbers play a role too...
In the chart below,
which breaks down the year 2014, the numbers in the upper half show
the positive influences of this 7 Universal Year, which are found by
continuously adding the digits in a pyramid-like system.
The numbers in the lower
half show the negative influences, and are the result of
subtracting. They are therefore mirrors of each other. The strongest
relationship any one number in this chart has, is with its mirrored
The Numbers of

The 9 at the top represents compassion and empathy, while the
negative influence of its mirrored partner, the 1 at the bottom,
reflects egotism and cruelty.
The contrast is obvious
and appropriate. The 3 and the 6 in the upper half tell us that art
and communication (3), and a deepening sense of responsibility (6)
will be the primary channels through which the energy of the 9 flows
in 2014, while their mirrored partners, the hostile 1 and the sly 2,
oppose them.
The 5 represents a big
change or shocking and unexpected event around October or November
of 2014, caused in large part by miscommunication (the 3 below it).
A matter of
Since the year 2008 - the first year of this current nine-year
epicycle that runs through 2016 - we've been experiencing an extreme
increase in polarization.
This schism affects the
human race across the globe. Whether political, social, economic,
environmental, or religious, our positions tend to be more and more
black and white. Gray, the color of compromise, is no longer
Polarization is the quintessence of a climaxing force delivered to
us precisely on schedule by this nine-year cycle. It's a natural, if
difficult and painful, part of our evolution. As a species, we are
young and immature, given to rebel and push the envelope.
We have created
long-term instability in our environment, economy, and social
structure because we can't see beyond the desire for instant and
superficial satisfaction.
Extremes continue to rule during this nine-year cycle, after which
we enter a new nine-year cycle that is dominated by information. The
2017 - 2026 epicycle will see the end of many centuries of long-held
secrets. No one will be able to hide then, no institution will be
able to hold on to its secrets.
Light will shine on
everything, and symbolize the most dramatic change in history.