by Marco Torres
PreventDisease Website
Marco Torres
is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate
for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public
Health and Environmental Science and is a professional
speaker on topics such as disease prevention,
environmental toxins and health policy.
A very interesting aspect of
this discussion is that
vaccines and heavy
metal contamination is a primary driver for most these
diseases, yet conventional medicine encourages every
person to accept vaccinations to prevent disease.
Yahoo Lifestyle recently published
10 mysterious diseases via
LiveScience. The problem is, not
one of the diseases listed is mysterious at all.
In fact, every single illness they list
as unexplainable has causes and treatments which have been sourced
for many years now, and some of these causes may shock you.
Part I
September 27 2010
What They Say
It's been nearly 30 years
since experts first identified
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,
and the disease remains among the world's most potent killers,
particularly in developing countries.
According to a 2009 report from UNAIDS,
more than 33 million people worldwide are living with HIV, as many
as 2.7 million people were infected in 2008 and 2 million people
died that year.
While a cure has yet to be discovered,
better treatments and education have made a difference, and a
vaccine is currently in the works.
What is Known
The international nonprofit scientific organization
Rethinking AIDS gave its full
support early last year to 37 senior researchers, medical doctors
and legal professionals who requested that the medical journal
Science withdraw four seminal papers on HIV authored by Dr.
Robert Gallo - papers widely touted as proof that HIV is the
"probable cause of AIDS."
HIV Does Not Cause Aids
"With new findings that undermine
the scientific integrity and veracity of Gallo's four papers,
the entire basis of the theory that HIV causes AIDS may now be
questioned," says Rethinking AIDS president David Crowe.
The most highly respected scientists and
academicians debated the possibility that HIV-1, the most widespread
and deadly human AIDS virus, evolved from accidental vaccine
contaminations and subsequent transmissions to mostly African
Documented science virtually proves, through the process of
elimination and a review of the most updated evidence, the origin of
HIV/AIDS as an iatrogenic (i.e. man-made) outcome of specific
vaccination experiments.
Early Hepatitis B Vaccines and the “Man-Made”
Origin of HIV/AIDS
Known Treatments
What They Say
Alzheimer’s is a degenerative
brain disorder that gradually destroys a person’s memory and ability
to learn, make judgments, communicate and carry out daily
As the disease progresses, patients may
also experience changes in personality - such as anxiety,
suspiciousness or agitation - as well as delusions or
hallucinations. There isn't a cure yet, but as researchers gain more
insight into the biology of the disease there is new hope for
preventing the onset of the disease and treating it when it does
Reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease
for some of the latest findings
What is Known
There are a growing number of Clinicians and Scientists who are
convinced that
excitotoxins play a critical role
in the development of several neurological disorders, including
Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
Rabbits that drank distilled water did not develop an animal version
of Alzheimer's disease, but when ordinary
tap water containing copper was
given to them, they did, said Dr. Larry Sparks of Sun Health
Research Institute in Sun City, Arizona, who led the study.
"Copper is an essential nutrient but
has also been implicated as an important factor in Alzheimer's
disease," Sparks and Bernard Schreurs of West Virginia
University wrote in their study, published in the Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences.
Mice fed
junk food for nine months showed
signs of developing the abnormal brain tangles strongly associated
with Alzheimer's disease.
A great number of studies have shown that when you vaccinate an
animal, the body’s inflammatory cytokines not only increase
dramatically, but so do the brain’s inflammatory chemicals. Those
who are prone to developing one a neurodegenerative disease, such as
Alzheimer’s, will be at a drastically increased risk as we have seen
experimentally when even animals exposed to subtoxic concentrations
of environmental toxins and vaccinated develop neurologic worsening.
How Vaccines Damage Your Brain
Gluten toxicity might act through inflammatory mechanisms or
cross-reactivity with neurons. Gluten-sensitivity is a brain and
nerve disease.
Five Generations Harmed by Gluten
Metal poisoning, a toxic accumulation of heavy metals in the soft
tissues of the body also causes Alzheimer's.
Many kinds of nanoparticles enhance the formation of insoluble
fibrous protein aggregates (amyloids), which are associated with
human diseases including Alzheimer’s.
Dr. H.J. Roberts, a diabetic specialist and world expert on
aspartame poisoning, has also written a book entitled
aspartame is escalating Alzheimer's Disease, and indeed it is.
Aluminum is another major component in these aerosols. Although it
is our planet's most abundant metal, our body has no biological need
for it.
Pesticide Action Network North America [PANNA]
lists it as,
"toxic to humans, including
carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity,
neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity."
Yet, aluminum is commonly used [this is
a very short list] in,
deodorants and antiperspirants
over-the-counter medications
soft drink and beer cans
[aluminum leeches from the cans]
baking powder
cake mixes
processed cheeses, and other
food products and additives
Over the past decade, independent
testing of
Chemtrails around the country has
shown a dangerous, extremely poisonous brew that includes: barium,
nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF].
Heavy Metals Poisoning and Clandestine Weather
Modification Programs
Known Treatments
What They Say
With more than one billion
cases in North America every year, the causes of 30 to 50 percent of
adult colds - presumed to be viral - remain unidentified.
We can't cure this nuisance, but we can
often get through it with simple remedies such as bed rest, chicken
soup and drinking plenty of fluids. Immune boosting supplements and
foods are among the latest weapons in our arsenal, while safety
concerns have led experts to warn against the use of over the
counter medications for young children.
What is Known
Conventional medicine and the
pharmaceutical industry would have you believe that there is no
"cure" for the common cold, that you should protect yourself against
the flu with a vaccine that is laden with toxic chemicals, and that
during the midst of a cold or flu, it is favorable to ease your
discomfort with a variety of medications that can suppress your
Unfortunately, all three of these positions represent a lack of
understanding of what colds and flus really are, and what they mean
to your body.
What Most Doctors Won't Tell You About Colds
and Flus
Known Treatments
What They Say
Our attention focussed on the
"swine flu" this past year, but there are still fears this powerful
bird flu virus - officially known as Avian Influenza A or H5N1 -
could mutate into a strain that can be transmitted from person to
person, or combine with human and swine strains.
With no immunity to offer protection,
nearly 60 percent of people who have contracted the virus died from
it, regardless of their health or age.
So far, nearly all of the people who
become infected handled infected birds, but there still isn't a
vaccine despite the fact that the virus has been on experts' radar
for several years.
What is Known
Investigative journalist Ida Honorof wrote,
"the most brazen, obscene
electioneering ploy" ever and added that it was proposed by the
President "and his coterie of scientific hacks, fabricated to
cause pure unadulterated panic and guarantee political capital,
rammed through without consideration of people's health and
lives and approved by a band-wagon Congress" eager to make the
nation's "health" a bipartisan concern.
The above quote was not written about
the avian flu epidemic but the 5 million swine-flu vaccine program
of 30 years ago.
The hastily contrived program for swine flu
resulted in hundreds of Guillain Barre Syndrome paralysis victims as
well as countless deaths for a flu pandemic that never materialized.
Tired Of The Bird or Avian Flu Yet? Some
Experts Claim It's A Hoax For Profit
Last year, Czech newspapers questioned if the shocking discovery of
vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus which were
distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter were part
of a
conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.
Speculations of Origins of Swine Flu
Proliferate Across Internet
Just as there was no evidence of the avian flu virus mutating to
cause a pandemic, there is also no evidence of any mutagenic process
involved in the H1N1 swine flu virus.
Talmage Holmes, a relationship
manager for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) in Columbus, Ohio, states that pregnant women should not have
any special worries.
"Pregnant women are at no greater
risk than others." says Dr. Holmes. "Until there has been
mutation or re-assortment of the avian flu virus' genetic
material, the risk to all humans is very low."
Junk Science and Contradictions Dominate WHO
Pandemic Statements and Policies
Despite any consequences, there's always a tremendous push by
government and medical establishments to blindly vaccinate the
public in the face of any outbreak of flu or disease. There is also
the admission (from these same establishments) that every vaccine
carries its own element of health risks.
So if the intention is to protect public
health by vaccinating, why is there never any intervention or policy
on how to protect people from the vaccines themselves?
The H1N1 Vaccine Is A Much Greater Risk To
Your Health Than The Flu Itself and also
15 Important Reasons Why You Shouldn't
Vaccinate Your Children Against The Flu
In a move that can only be described as incredibly reckless,
scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
have been conducting experiments in
which they infect ferrets with both the H1N1 swine virus and the
H5N1 bird flu virus to see if they will "reassort" and create a new
hybrid flu virus.
CDC Playing With Fire: Mixing H1N1 Swine Flu
and H5N1 Bird Flu To Create For Super Flu
This past January, the head of health at the Council of Europe,
accused the makers of flu drugs and vaccines of influencing the
World Health Organization's decision to declare a pandemic.
Drug Firms Cashed In On Swine Flu Scam
Known Treatments
What They Say
People diagnosed with this
peculiar disorder have an insatiable urge to eat non-food substances
like dirt, paper, glue and clay.
As many as one third of children ages
1-6 exhibit this behavior, but it also affects adults too -
especially pregnant women. Potential risks include exposure to
toxins from ingesting unhealthy substances (like lead in paint) and
bowel obstructions.
While health experts believe pica may be
linked to iron or zinc deficiency, the exact cause - and cure - have
yet to be found.
What is Known
Caused by nutritional
deficiencies in the body. After the nutrient levels return to
normal, the cravings stop.
Malnutrition is identified in most cases
of pica, which lends some weight to this assumption. Malnutrition is
common among individuals that eat clay, and although medical tests
were able to identify the iron deficiency, it is not clear whether
pica was prompted by the deficiency or the inhibition of iron
absorption caused by the iron ingestion led to the deficiency.
However, many clinical reports reveal
that iron supplementation is efficient in abolishing the food and
non-food pica associated with an iron deficiency state.
brighthub.com and
Dirt Cravings
An odd craving young children
and adults often have is a craving for dirt. When the body
receives poor nutrition, it's common for the body to have
inadequate iron levels. Low iron levels (anemia) may cause an
unusual craving for dirt. Clay cravings can be a result of
anemia as well. Eating dirt is dangerous for children and adults
because it can cause serious illness and lead poisoning. Pica
treatment for dirt cravings would be to reestablish adequate
iron levels.
Ice Cravings
Children and adults can
experience a strong craving to chew on ice. A strong ice craving
is often caused by an iron deficiency in the body. After iron
levels have returned to normal the cravings usually stop. Ice
cravings can cause serious damage to the teeth; therefore, it's
important to seek Pica treatment for ice cravings.
Wood Cravings
Poor nutrition may cause a
craving for wood, like mothballs or matches. This craving is
another symptom of an iron deficiency. Charcoal can often be a
craving of an iron deficiency as well. Injuries to the
intestines, mouth, teeth, and esophagus can occur from eating
wood and charcoal, making treatment for Pica absolutely
Soap Cravings
Soaps is often an unusual
craving for children and adults to have if they suffer from Pica
because of the taste. Children and adults may crave soaps
because of a zinc deficiency; however, iron deficiencies can
also cause a craving for soaps. Soap cravings can lead to sores
in the mouth and throat.
Other Cravings Caused by Pica
The most common cause of
craving non-food items is an iron deficiency caused by a poor
diet. It is important to discuss with a doctor unusual cravings.
Some people are unable to absorb vital nutrients, which can
result in the cravings. The list of non-food cravings is
endless, but a few of the most common cravings include: paint,
metal, chalks, dry rice, gasoline, paint thinner, toilet paper,
rocks, and laundry detergent, and bleach.
If a person eats a non-food item, they are at risk of multiple
health conditions. Their intestines can become blocked or they
can become seriously ill.
To reduce the risk of developing an
iron deficiency, proper nutrition needs to include adequate
consumption of red meats and have blood tested for anemia need
to be conducted at least once a year.
Known Treatments
Part II
September 28, 2010
What They Say
Doctors still don't fully understand the immune system... or what
happens when it turns on us.
Currently, doctors know of at least 80
autoimmune disorders - including Lupus, multiple sclerosis, type 1
diabetes and celiac disease - but there are at least 40 or more
other illnesses related to the immune system. In these conditions,
the body's immune system starts to see muscles, joints, tissues and
even organs as enemy invaders.
Unfortunately, doctors can't do much
except treat the symptoms and help patients identify and avoid
potentially life-threatening flare-ups.
For more information, see
Autoimmune diseases: a primer.
What is Known
Environmental pollution is also a cause for concern to those
genetically predisposed to an autoimmune disease.
Second-hand smoke, food chemicals or
chemicals in the air, jet fuel fumes, UV exposure and other forms of
environmental pollution are amongst the triggers considered to
provoke the onset of autoimmune diseases.
Exposure to Hairspray, Lipstick, Pollution,
Can Trigger Autoimmune Diseases
Vaccines, all vaccines, are immune suppressing; that is
they depress our immune functions. The chemicals in the vaccines
depress our immune system; the virus present depresses immune
function, and the foreign DNA/RNA from animal tissues depresses
Vaccines and Immune Suppression
Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) induces thymus atrophy in rats
and may directly bind to, and activate, leukocytes. Anti-WGA
antibodies in human sera have been shown to cross-react with other
proteins, indicating that they may contribute to autoimmunity.
How Wheat And Gluten Play A Critical Role in
Human Disease
All systems of the body are dependent upon enzymes. When fluoride
changes the enzymes, this can damage the immune system.
distorted enzymes are proteins, but now they have become foreign
protein, which we know is the exact cause of autoimmune diseases,
such as lupus, arthritis, asthma, and arteriosclerosis.
Dangerous Is Fluoride To Your Health?
nanoparticles are associated with
autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus,
scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Unregulated Nano Products Flooding Market,
Presenting Dangerous Toxicity Potential
Known Treatments
What They Say
Considered one of the most
puzzling of mental disorders, schizophrenia robs an individual of
the ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Symptoms range from delusions,
hallucinations, disorganized speech, lack of motivation or emotions,
but the disease still has no defining medical tests.
Though we can't
cure this disease yet, the Schizophrenia Society of Canada
recommends that we should do more to understand it - and remove the
stigma and barriers so patients and families can get the support
they need.
Visit the
Schizophrenia Society of Canada
website for more information.
What is Known
Over the past few years, the
worldwide media, as well as federal officials in the United Kingdom,
Canada and the U.S. have earnestly promoted the notion that smoking
pot induces mental illness such as Schizophrenia.
Investigators at the Keele University Medical School in Britain
compared trends in marijuana use and incidences of schizophrenia in
the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2005.
Researchers reported that the "incidence
and prevalence of schizophrenia and psychoses were either stable or
declining" during this period, even the use of cannabis among the
general population was rising.
"[T]he expected rise in diagnoses of
schizophrenia and psychoses did not occur over a 10-year
period," the authors concluded. "This study does not therefore
support the specific causal link between cannabis use and
incidence of psychotic disorders… This concurs with other
reports indicating that increases in population cannabis use
have not been followed by increases in psychotic incidence."
Researchers at the University of
Minnesota note that prenatal viral infection is associated with the
development of schizophrenia and autism.
These researchers took laboratory mice
and exposed them to flu viruses in the womb and found that this
produced a gene expression pattern consistent with what is seen in
Research 2009 Jul; 112(1–3):46–53.]
In 2005 the same researchers showed, for
the first time, that prenatal flu virus infection in early pregnancy
leads to,
"alterations in a subset of genes in
brains of offspring potentially leading to permanent changes in
brain structure and function."
Synapse - 2005 Aug; 57(2):91–9
RNA viruses whose replication and
transcription takes place in the nucleus.
Cédric Feschotte wrote on recent
research led by Professor Keizo Tomonaga at Osaka University
in Japan. Feschotte said this virally transmitted DNA may be a cause
of mutation and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and mood
Does Human DNA Come From a Virus?
From the same study, examine the
tremendous difference in brain chemicals (called neurotransmitters)
between flu-infected and uninfected laboratory mice.
Research 2008 Feb; 99(1–3):56–70.]
This science is being inappropriately used to target pregnant women
for early flu vaccination.
Hidden Epidemic explains the
history of autism is rooted in childhood schizophrenia, which is
what autism was called in an earlier era. There is unequivocal data
to show cases of schizophrenia are caused by infection.
Known Treatments
What They Say
Mad Cow disease, which can be contracted by eating contaminated
beef, is a better known version of this rare brain disorder.
While it is always fatal and
quick-acting, doctors have not been able to understand why the
disorder develops or how it can be prevented. CJD is type of prion
disease, where a prion (an abnormal bit of protein) causes brain
wasting. However, research into these rare conditions may offer
wider benefits.
Thanks to their potential ties to cancer,
investigating prion diseases could offer clues to treating and
preventing conditions like melanoma and lymphoma.
See the recent story in the
Vancouver Sun for details.
What is Known
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease has
been linked to reuse of tools used in brain surgery have deepened
the understanding of infection risks and raised the bar for
infection control in hospitals.
Significant Number Of Canadian Hospitals Are
Not Sterilizing Equipment.
Many kinds of nanoparticles enhance the formation of insoluble
fibrous protein aggregates (amyloids), which are associated with
human diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Creutzfeld-Jacob
Unregulated Nano Products Flooding Market,
Presenting Dangerous Toxicity Potential.
Due to the contamination of the food supply with hormones,
antibiotics, slaughterhouse wastes, genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
and pesticides, there is a greater incidence of food-borne
disease (FBD). Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease is one of the diseases
induced by FBD.
Food Safety: From the U.S. to India, via
In a recent issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Dr. Robert
P. Friedland, a neurologist at University of Louisville in Kentucky
and colleagues suggest that farmed fish fed contaminated cow parts
could transmit Creutzfeldt Jakob disease.
Farmed Fish vs. Wild Fish: How Healthy Is The
Fish At Your Favorite Grocery?
Known Treatments
What They Say
Chronic Fatigue is a classical MUPS (medically unexplained
physical symptoms) disease.
A diagnosis is typically based only on
the ruling out of other possibilities. While CFS patients complain
of debilitating exhaustion, and are often bed-ridden for days at a
time, there's more to this disease than just "feeling tired all of
the time." Patients experience a variety of symptoms, such as joint
pain, headaches, depression, blurry vision and increased allergies
or sensitivities.
Even worse are the misunderstandings
sufferers often face from loved ones and the medical community - not
everyone believes this disease "exists".
What is Known
Patients with CFS show signs of immunological, neurological and
endocrinological abnormalities.
Besides profound exhaustion, symptoms
include sleep disorders, cognitive problems, muscle and joint pain,
sore throat and headaches. 1 in 8 over 85 have chronic fatigue
syndrome or fibromyalgia.
According to the American College of Rheumatology, fibromyalgia
affects 3 million to 6 million Americans, 80 percent to 90 percent
of whom are women. The condition is most often diagnosed during
middle age, but at least one of its symptoms appears earlier in
Latest research indicates that fibromyalgia is the result of
internal biochemical imbalances that cause physical symptoms such as
pain, weakness and mental impairment. Because it is a syndrome - a
collection of signs and symptoms - rather than a disease,
fibromyalgia can't be diagnosed by an invariable set of specific
symptoms or reproducible laboratory findings.
Fibromyalgia: New Insights Into a
Misunderstood Ailment
Some hypotheses suggest that CFS is not caused by a virus at all but
by disturbances in the homeostasis of endogenous hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) and result in mitochondrial dysfunction and malfunctioning of
the ATP cycle.
Research has demonstrated that at low, non-toxic doses, exogenous
H2S produces a reversible state of hibernation-like deanimation in
mice, causing a decrease in core body temperature, an apnea-like
sleep state, reduced heart and respiration rates, and a severe
metabolic drop. These characteristics are not unlike the symptoms
and extreme "de-animation" experienced by CFS patients.
Moreover, H2S affects biological
networks that are disrupted by CFS including neurologic, endocrine
and immunologic systems. Therefore, a plausible etiology of CFS is
an increase in the activity of endogenous H2S, thereby inhibiting
mitochondrial oxygen utilization.
Researchers Propose To Develop Antivirals and
Vaccines For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Toxic mold disease is "the latest in a series of environmentally
related pseudo-illnesses" that include multiple chemical
sensitivity, also known as idiopathic environmental intolerance, and
chronic fatigue syndrome, which was attributed at one time to
infection with Epstein-Barr virus.
Existence Of Toxic Mold Syndrome Questioned
Radio wave sickness should be suspected if you have chronic fatigue
syndrome (CFS) or fibromyalgia.
The World's Largest Health Experiment: What
You Don't Know Can Kill You
Known Treatments
What They Say
Sufferers of this mysterious illness complain of intensely
“creepy-crawly” skin and odd fibrous strands which protrude from
open wounds.
The skin lesions contain tiny threads or
fuzz balls that are black, red or blue. People who think they have
Morgellons often experience
disabling fatigue, mental decline described as "brain fog," mood
disorders and joint pain.
While some health experts attribute the
“disease” on a shared psychotic delusion, others believe the
symptoms to be real.
What is Known
For the past several years there have been consistent and credible
reports that the US Army’s biological warfare research facility at
Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, has experimented with a
lab-created disease very similar to Morgellons.
Morgellons Victims Across the US and Europe
Morgellons nano machines seem to have some kind of hive or 'group
intelligence.' There is strong evidence linking Chemtrail aerosol
fibers to Morgellons fibers. There are
more than 10,000 families who
report that they suffer from this disease, but it is believed that
the actual number may be much higher.
Many of these reports involve
multiple family members, including numerous children suffering the
effects of the disease.
Morgellons: Emerging Nanotechnology is
Threatening All Living Things
Known Treatments