Don Croft and Stephanie
Metatech Website
Introduction by Stephanie Relfe
Many people have talked about the
danger of living or working near cell phone towers due to
electromagnetic pollution. Our bodies use electrical signals.
They rely on NATURAL energies. Muscle testing can show that the
effects of cell phone towers are negative to our bodies.
More information on this is at:
But, there is another side to cell towers that is even more
dangerous, that even less people know about. The fact is that
the tower is not the problem. It is the electronic circuits that
are placed on that tower. Many people believe that once a tower
is set up for cell phones, other instruments are being added
that are being used, or will be used, for electronic mind
control. The technology for this has been with us for decades,
and only gets more efficient as time goes by. A good reference
for this is
Don Croft has come up with a new wonderful device, a "Tower
Buster". Small and cheap, you can easily make these to join in
the war to fight negative energy on earth. To understand how the
following device is so powerful, you will need an understanding
of Don Croft's technology, which was developed from the
technology of genius Wilhelm Reich.
Please read "Chembuster" at:
The following is by Don Croft
After hearing from Tara, a young
mother who has made a cloudbuster, boosted some key energy
sites, and neutralized many transmitters where she lives, north
of Chicago, I was sort of jolted on Tuesday into the realization
that the Holy Handgrenades may be overkill for the martial law
transmitters (Editors' note: This is Don's term for the
technology that is believed to be added to the cell phone
towers), so after Carol got back from her adventure this week I
quickly made up what I consider to be the minimal orgonite (the
50% resin, 50% metal filings mix described at Chembuster) in
device for neutralizing these damned things.
By 'overkill' of course, I only mean that the HHg is more
powerful than it needs to be just to neutralize a primary or
secondary martial law transmitter. I bet a lot of my readers
follow the principle of ‘appropriate technology’ already.
Our efforts are better spent making many more of the appropriate
Tower Busters for the vast number of the new martial law
transmitters, and save our HHgs for multiple arrays, vile
vortices, masonic temples, satanic murder sites, our in-laws’
shrubberies, etc., for which they're more appropriate.
The Tower Buster is a 3oz paper cup, like the ones for bathroom
dispensers, filled with a half/half mix of resin and metal
particles into which I insert a single, funky quartz crystal.
Like the Ugly Duckling, these lonely crystals are dear to me
because they demonstrate that our devices work extremely well
with an absolute minimum of attention to quality and refinement.
My objective from day one has been to enable the most unholy,
non-psychic of folks (not unlike myself) to be empowered by
achieving miraculous results, and I still advocate waging
spiritual war on the regime which is poisoning our lovely
Here’s some evidence that I’ve struck a nerve of the planetary
regime by telling the world about this tower-busting trick: In
early May, I wrote a short article about the purpose of the
martial law transmitters and about how one can easily neutralize
them. I sent that article out to a network of hundreds of
e-groups made up of people who typically resonate to new
information like this.
At the same time, I posted it on the cloudbuster forum and sent it to my friend, Ken Adachi, who
posted the article, along with some photos of typical ‘mind
control towers,’ on his very well attended site,
www.educate-yourself.org. Within two days, I was prevented from
posting or moderating any more in the original cloudbuster
forum, hosted on Yahoo, and my huge address book was erased by
someone at Earthlink, my server.
Yesterday Carol and I drove by the remaining martial law
transmitter in our county which has not been neutralized and she
tossed the tower buster into the brush by the side of the road.
That's our 'drive by' technique. We weren't close enough to the
enclosure to risk detection of the device--we feel certain that
anywhere within a quarter mile (slightly less than .3 kilometer)
is sufficient, and it's best to shallowly bury it.
Even though Carol advised me after I'd made the prototype that
four hematite beads would have made it work better, I opted to
test the one I'd made, since many of you don't have easy access
to hematite beads. She says this grounds the energy faster so
that the orgone field will build up more quickly in case the
transmitter gets turned on full blast right away.
She did allow,
though, that the field was instantly sufficient to cancel out
the nasty energy coming out of that transmitter, which is a
primary one, by the way, apparently controlled through a
satellite, and that it would easily eat up the stuff even
if/when the traitorous feds turn it on full blast this fall.
Many folks are saying that the orgonite devices all seem to be
operating intelligently, and I got an uncharacteristic
telepathic message concerning that first tower buster that went
something like this, ‘Don’t worry about it, Bub, I can handle
As you probably guessed, the reason I did this is so that more
towers will get busted in time to prevent the high treason being
referred to as 'martial law’ from being attempted at all.
I admit that the prospect of making 300 HHgs next week, which is
what will be needed to neutralize all of the primary
HAARP arrays, underground bases, etc, in my part
of the country, was daunting, but I can easily make 250 Tower
Busters and 50 HHGs (for hard targets). I found four brand new
HAARP arrays along the interstate on my last trip to Seattle
from Spokane—300 miles..
The internet has amply demonstrated that the trend in the
emerging paradigm is away from centralized power toward more
responsibility and freedom for the individual and each community
is a montage of elegantly unique individuals with boundless
As consolation to those who fundamentally hate to look at evil
and are inclined to punish those of us who do, the presence
of so many orgonite devices, spread across the landscape at each
primary transmitter location, will uplift humanity in these
regions for two reasons:
1) they are synergistically
neutralizing a primary producer of dead orgone
2) they are spinning the good orgone out into the atmosphere
in direct proportion to the feds' efforts to produce the
bad, ugly stuff. Of course, the fonts of dead orgone are all
operating at about 15% now to keep everyone from integrating
the emerging paradigm information, so I guess that would be
reason number three to bust them right now.
The main reason for these
transmitters is to enforce compliance to the planned,
potentially imminent worldwide tyranny, which is determined to
decimate the world's population back to the numbers that existed
before the industrial revolution so that they can more
efficiently manage humanity, whom they have always considered
their chattel (See
The Georgian Guidestones)
Nobody wants to think about an overt, global tyranny that would
make Hitler, Robespierre, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot pale into
historical insignificance, but this has been the cherished hope
of the Illuminati for perhaps six millennia, in the studied
opinions of some people. Let's deprive those old farts in
White Brotherhood of their long-cherished goals, okay? After
that, we’ll be looking at a very bright future, beyond our
fondest hopes.
That’s right—I said, ‘White Brotherhood.’ Why do you think
Trust (formerly Lucifer Trust) is the only institution that
refers officially to them as the ‘saviors and benevolent guides’
of humanity. Yikes. Have you ever read some of the UN literature
written and published by that trust? If you do, you’re in for a
rough ride if you have a tender heart. They’re the official
publishers for the United Nations, which now formally promotes a
‘population reduction’ policy instead of it’s former ‘zero
population growth’ recommendations. Actually, only the
terminology has changed, becoming more blatant and revealing
lately. The policy has always been the same as it is now.
The Lucis Trust’s other big interest is the new age movement,
which it claims to foster and shepherd. Can you see why I cringe
a bit every time someone signs a note to me with ‘Love and
Light?’ Words are important and revealing, no matter how
enlightened and holy we believe we are.
Editor's Note: Remember that Lucifer is a light-bringer, and
was very beautiful.
More information on the Lucis Trust at:
What we’re doing right now with our
Tower Busters and Holy Hand-grenades can be compared to turning the
Nazis’ high explosives around Paris into chocolate or delicious,
stinky cheese.
Can you imagine a more fun and rewarding pastime than
this one? It might be a good time now to start thinking about what
we’ll do with these useless transmitters. I’d like to make a kind of
tree-house in one next summer. No doubt the free energy electrical
generators that are at many of these transmitters, underground, will
come in pretty handy for us all.
A reminder: It's still important to use the holy hand-grenades to
restore the compromised vortices, neutralize locations of predatory
institutions, and sweeten our neighborhoods and cities, so the Tower
Busters are in no way meant to make the HHgs extraneous.
I feel that it's important to state that globalism is not inherently
bad. In fact, it's the next logical step in the maturing process of
our species. We just don't need it crammed down our throat this way,
that's all. We really are better than that, in spite of what the CIA
spin artists in the universities and media want us to believe.
Disabling these towers is even more important right now than
chemtrails, we sincerely believe.
Tower busters are available for sale from:
(neither Don Croft or Stephanie Relfe make any money from sales of