by Dr. Nick Begich
EarthPulse Website
Over the last several years Earthpulse
has been investigating the latest developments in technology. We
explore subjects related to improving the human condition and expose
projects which we believe are risky and unnecessary.
This essay is about some of the science
being developed and contemplated by military planners and others
which could profoundly effect our lives. The intent of this essay is
to focus discussion on these new systems by bringing them into the
light of day.
The United States military and others
believe that this is the case.
Many of these systems are well on their
way to being used in the battlefield.
Zapping the
There are many new technologies being explored that will cause
people to experience artificial memories, delusions and physical
problems. These new technologies are being designed to minimize
death (although death is possible) and to be virtually undetectable.
Many of these new weapons are being called "non-lethal" in terms of
their effect on people.
In a recent hearing in a Foreign Affairs Subcommittee of the
European Parliament 1 the issue of these new technologies was
discussed. I was one of those called to testify along with a number
of other people. One of the most interesting speakers was from the
International Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland, who gave an
excellent presentation on "non-lethals".
One of the points which he
made involved the definition of "non-lethal".
Part of the definition involved the idea
that such weapons would result in a less than 25% kill factor for
those exposed to them. He explained the fallacy in this by noting
that land mines would even fit this definition because they did not
kill over 25% of their victims. He explained that lasers which could
permanently blind a person could also fit the definition. He also
gave the example of "sticky foam" being used on an adversary and
that this might not kill the person unless it landed on the victim's
face and caused a slow and agonizing death by suffocation.
The main point made was that non-lethals
could indeed be lethal. Many of the panelists concluded that the
term non-lethal was not accurate in describing these new systems and
seemed more like a ploy to gain acceptance for the new technology.
Another relevant point made in the hearing was the frequency of use
of these weapons in non-combat situations or policing actions.
Comparisons between Bosnia and Northern Ireland were made. It was
pointed out that in conflicts where rubber bullets and other
non-lethal systems were available they tended to be used with
greater frequency because the troops using them believed that they
would not kill.
Others in conflict situations using
weapons clearly designed for killing used much greater restraint. As
of the date of the hearing "peace keepers" armed with modern weapons
had not fired a shot in Bosnia whereas in Northern Ireland there
were often injuries and deaths from the use of "non-lethals".
One of the most revealing documents I have found regarding these new
technologies was produced by the Scientific Advisory Board of the
Air Force. The Air Force initiated a significant study to look
forward into the next century and see what was possible for new
weapons. In one of the volumes published as a result of the study,
researchers, scientists and others were encouraged to put together
forecasts of what might be possible in the next century.
One of those forecasts shockingly
revealed the following:
"One can envision the development of
electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be
pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body
in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular
movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep,
transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and
long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an
experience set."2
Think about this for a moment - a system
which can:
manipulate emotions
control behavior
put you to sleep
create false memories
wipe old memories clean
Realizing this
was a forecast and not necessarily the current state of technology
should not cause one to believe that it is not a current issue.
These systems are far from speculative. In fact, a great deal of
work has already been done in this area with many systems being
The forecast went on to say:
"It would also appear possible to
create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the
possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction.
When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes
the human body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs.
This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly
heated tissue.
This expansion is fast enough to
produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should
be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5-15
kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be possible to
"talk" to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most
disturbing to them."3
Is it possible to talk to a person
remotely by projecting a voice into his head?
The forecaster
suggests that this would be "disturbing" to the victim - what an
understatement, it would be pure terror. A weapon could intrude into
the brain of an individual represents a gross invasion of his
private life.
The idea that these new systems could be
created in the next several years should be cause for significant
discussion and public debate.
From National
Defense to the Justice Department
On July 21, 1994, Dr. Christopher Lamb, Director of Policy
Planning, issued a draft Department of Defense directive which would
establish a policy for non-lethal weapons. The policy was intended
to take effect January 1, 1995, and formally connected the
military's non-lethal research to civilian law enforcement agencies.
The government's plan to use pulsed electromagnetic and radio
frequency systems as a non-lethal technology for domestic Justice
Department use rings the alarm for some observers. Nevertheless, the
plan for integrating these systems is moving forward. Coupling these
uses with expanded military missions is even more disturbing. This
combined mission raises additional constitutional questions for
Americans regarding the power of the federal government.4
In interviews with members of the Defense Department the development
of this policy was confirmed.5 In those February, 1995, discussions,
it was discovered that these policies were internal to agencies and
were not subject to any public review process.
In its draft form, the policy gives highest priority to development
of those technologies most likely to get dual use, i.e. law
enforcement and military applications. According to this document,
non-lethal weapons are to be used on the government's domestic
The definition of "adversary" has been
significantly enlarged in the policy:
"The term 'adversary' is used above
in its broadest sense, including those who are not declared
enemies but who are engaged in activities we wish to stop. This
policy does not preclude legally authorized domestic use of the
non-lethal weapons by United States military forces in support of
law enforcement."6
This allows use of the military in
actions against the citizens of the country that they are supposed
to protect. This policy statement begs the question; who are the
enemies that are engaged in activities they wish to stop, what are
those activities, and who will make the decisions to stop these
An important aspect of non-lethal weapon systems is that the name
non-lethal is intentionally misleading. The Policy adds,
"It is
important that the public understand that just as lethal weapons do
not achieve perfect lethality, neither will 'non-lethal' weapons
always be capable of precluding fatalities and undesired collateral
In other words, you might still destroy property and kill
people with the use of these new weapons.
In press statements, the government continues to downplay the risks
associated with such systems, even though the lethal potential is
described in context of their own usage policy.
In Orwellian double speak, what is
non-lethal can be lethal.
Red Cross
Questions are not being raised just by the author of this article,
they are being raised by the International Committee of the Red
Cross. In their report from mid-1994,8 a number of points were
The idea of "war without death" was not new but began in the 1950's,
according to the report. The military interest in these systems
dealt with chemical weapons, later advancing to radiation weapons.
The report looked at the ramifications of international law
regarding use of these new technologies.
It pointed out weaknesses in the
international conventions regarding the use of chemical weapons:
"Therefore, when the Convention (Chemical
Weapons Convention) comes into force next year, activities
involving them - activities such as development, production,
stockpiling and use - will become illegal, unless their purpose
is a purpose that is expressly not prohibited under the
Convention. One such purpose is 'law enforcement including
domestic riot control purposes'.9
Unfortunately, the Convention does
not define what it means by 'law enforcement' (whose law? what
law? enforcement where? by whom?), though it does define what it
means by 'riot control agent', namely 'any chemical...which can
produce rapidly in humans sensory irritation or disabling
physical effects which disappear within a short time following
termination of exposure'. States parties are enjoined 'not to
use riot control agents as a method of warfare' ".10
In other words, we can use on our own
citizens what we cannot use in warfare with real enemies who are
threats to national security. This explains why the development of
some types of non-lethals has moved out of the Department of
Defense into the Department of Justice. For the
Department of Defense to continue to work on some of these weapons,
as instruments of war, is now illegal under international law.
The Red Cross report went on to discuss the shift from weapons
of war to police tools which they called - "riot control agents".
What does this mean for Americans?
This places Americans, and citizens of
other countries, in a lesser protected class than individuals
seeking to destroy our countries - our real adversaries. This
language really represents a way for countries to continue to
develop these weapons. This is a loop-hole in the agreement. So
while the treaty looks good on the surface, it is hollow rhetoric
In another section of the report, "Future Weapons Using High Power
Microwaves" are discussed at length. This section describes
microwave frequencies developed for use in weapons against machines
and people.
One of the uses described is an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
weapon which gives an operator the same ability to wipe out
electronic circuits as a nuclear blast would provide. The main
difference is that this new technology is controllable, and can be
used without violating nuclear weapons treaties.
This section of the report then described energy levels needed for
the following to occur:
"Overheats and damages animal
"Possibly affects nervous
"Threshold for microwave
"Causes bit errors in unshielded
"Burns out unprotected receiver
diodes in antennas"
The effects are based on radio frequency
radiation being pulsed "between 10 and 100 pulses per second". The
report confirmed that non-thermal effects were being researched.
These non-thermal effects included damage to human health when the
effects occurred,
"within so-called modulation
frequency windows (10 Hertz is one such window11) or power
density windows12".
The way these weapons work was clearly
described when the report noted their effect on machines:
"A HPM (High Power
Microwave) weapon employs a high power, rapidly pulsating
microwave beam that penetrates electronic components. The
pulsing action internally excites the components, rapidly
generating intense heat which causes them to fuse or melt, thus
destroying the circuit...HPM (weapons) attack at the speed of
light thus making avoidance of the beam impossible, consequently
negating the advantage of weapon systems such as high velocity
tactical missiles."
In other words, with this kind of weapon
there is no machine which could get by this invisible wall of
directed energy.
Another report on non-lethal technologies, issued by the
Council on
Foreign Relations points out that,
"The Nairobi Convention, to which
the United States is a signatory, prohibits the broadcast of
electronic signals into a sovereign state without its consent in
This report opens discussion of the use
of these weapons against terrorists and drug traffickers.14
The CFR report recommends that this
be done secretly so that the victims do not know where the attack is
from, or if there even is an attack. There is a problem with this
approach. The use of these weapons, even against these kinds of
individuals, may be in violation of United States law in that it
presumes guilt rather than innocence. In other words the police,
CIA, DEA or other enforcement organization becomes
the judge, jury and executioner.
Going to another document by a Captain Paul Tyler, we can
look at the debate between classical theories and recent research.
There is a gulf of conflict between these two schools of thought.
The debate centers on the classical idea that only ionizing
radiation (that which generates heat in tissue) can cause reactions
in the body, while new research indicates that subtle, small,
amounts of energy can cause reactions as well.
What Tyler wrote in 1984, as an officer
in the Air Force, puts the debate simply.
He said,
"Even though the body is basically
an electrochemical system, modern science has almost exclusively
studied the chemical aspects of the body and to date has largely
neglected the electrical aspects. However, over the past decade
researchers have devised many mathematical models to approximate
the internal fields in animals and humans.
Some of the later models have shown
general agreement with experimental measurements made with the
phantom models and animals. Presently most scientists in the
field use the concept of specific absorption rate for
determining the Dosimetry (dosages) of electromagnetic
radiation. Specific absorption rate is the intensity of the
internal electric field or quantity of energy absorbed...
However, the use of these classical concepts of electrodynamics
does not explain some experimental results and clinical
For example, according to classical
physics, the frequency of visible light would indicate that it
is reflected or totally absorbed within the first few
millimeters of tissue and thus no light should pass through
significant amounts of tissue. But it does. Also, classical
theory indicates that the body should be completely invisible to
extremely low frequencies of light where a single wave length is
thousands of miles long.
However, visible light has been used
in clinical medicine to transilluminate various body tissues."15
In other words, the classical theories
are partially wrong in that they do not fully explain all of the
reactions which are observed in the body. The Navy has abstracted
over a thousand international professional papers by private and
government scientists which explore these issues.
Tyler continues,
"A second area where classical
theory fails to provide an adequate explanation for observed
effects is in the clinical use of extremely low frequency (ELF)
electromagnetic fields. Researchers have found that pulsed
external magnetic fields at frequencies below 100 Hertz
(pulses/cycles per second) will stimulate the healing of
nonunion fractures, congenital pseudarthroses, and failed
arthroses. The effects of these pulsed magnetic fields have been
extremely impressive, and their use in orthopedic conditions has
been approved by the Food and Drug Administration."16
Even the FDA, one of the most vigorous
regulatory authorities in the country, accepts these non-thermal
Tyler adds,
"Recently, pulsed electromagnetic
fields have been reported to induce cellular transcription (this
has to do with the duplication or copying of information from
DNA, a process important to life). At the other end of the non
ionizing spectrum, research reports are also showing biological
effects that are not predicted in classical theories. For
example, Kremer and others have published several papers showing
that low intensity millimeter waves produce biological effects.
They have also shown that not only are the effects seen at very
low power, but they are also frequency-specific."
Tyler goes on to discuss the results of
this new thinking and the possible effects of these low energy
radiations in terms of information transfer and storage, and their
effects on the nervous system.
Research has shown that very specific
frequencies cause very specific reactions, and, once a critical
threshold is passed, negative reactions occur.17
Institute for
It has been fourteen years since Tyler's paper was delivered and the
controversy began to take form. Now there is even more energy being
pressed into the anchoring of the newest means of killing and
maiming one another.
"Imagine a world where land mines
don't blow up but give off an eerie sound that makes intruders
feel sick. Or a war where attackers don't use missiles to stop
tanks but microwaves to shut down engines."18
The Institute for Non-Lethal Defense
Technologies at Penn State College has been established in
cooperation with the United States Marines. The institute was
created to evaluate weapons created by organizations outside the
The new institute will look at legal,
ethical, political, environmental and physical effects of these new
the Environment
There has been a good deal of speculation about the possibilities of
creating artificial weather and of controlling the weather. This it
not new and has been the subject of on-going military research for
decades. Moreover, in 1976 the United States signed international
treaties calling for a ban on "geophysical warfare".
The use of new weapons is not limited to governments and
sophisticated science laboratories. In April ,1997, the United
States Secretary of Defense, William Cohen made the following
"Others are engaging even in an
eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter climate, set off
earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of
electromagnetic waves."19
This is not new either but has its roots
in 1960-70's era research by American scientists and continues to
appear in numerous articles and reports. The idea of creating
artificial weather including cyclones is being explored.
In a recent article in the Wall
Street Journal it was reported that,
"a Malaysian company, BioCure Sdn.
Bhd., will sign a memorandum of understanding soon with a
government-owned Russian party to produce the Cyclone."20
The deal with the Russians was set up so
that if the technology did not work the Malaysians did not have to
pay for the attempt.
There have been other reports of Russian
research into this area.
Nukes for the
Bad Guys?
It was reported in the Jerusalem Post that Iran paid $25
million for two tactical nuclear weapons smuggled out of the former
Soviet Union in the early 1990's and that technicians from Argentina
were involved in the secret operation.21
This was an interesting report because
these kinds of weapons are relatively small. The U.S. government has
been concerned about these kinds of weapons being launched at the
country or one of our allies. While this is a concern, perhaps a
bigger concern might be the fact that these small weapons could be
smuggled into the country.
Is this possible? Could this happen in
the United States?
Considering the fact that our government
can not keep boatloads of drugs out I suggest that the landing of a
small tactical weapon is not only possible but highly probable and
that someone with the will to do so would be successful in his
What else might be on the way?
In a 1989 patent a most interesting bit
of science is revealed. The development of new energy weapons has
occupied the imaginations and resources of our national and private
laboratories. One such weapon idea is owned by the United States
Department of Energy. It is a new kind of weapon which allows
electromagnetic or acoustic energy to be focused into a tight
package of energy which can be projected over great distances
without dissipating.
When scientists think of this energy
being projected through the air it was always assumed that the
energy would dissipate, dispersing at such a rapid rate that no
weapon's effect could be realized. What has been discovered is that
there is a way to create such a system.
In a U. S. patent the following summary
"The invention relates generally to
transmission of pulses of energy, and more particularly to the
propagation of localized pulses of electromagnetic or acoustic
energy over long distances without divergence."22
"As the Klingon battle cruiser attacks the Starship Enterprise,
Captain Kirk commands "Fire photon torpedoes". Two darts or
blobs of light speed toward their target to destroy the enemy
spaceship. Stardate 1989, Star Trek reruns, or 3189, somewhere
in intergalactic space. Fantasy or reality. The ability to
launch localized packets of light or other energy which do not
diverge as they travel great distances through space may
incredibly be at hand."23
The patent describes the energy effect
as "electromagnetic missiles or bullets" which could destroy almost
any object in their path.
Star Wars
Remember Star Wars?
That weapon concept would move the
theater of war to space. In 1995, the funding for Star Wars was
widely reported as a dead issue when full funding was defeated by
the United States Congress. Star Wars did not end.
As many unpopular programs do - they
just get new names.
"This year the Ballistic Missile
Defense Organization (once called the Strategic Defense
Initiative) got $3.7 billion. That's up from $2.8 billion in
1995, and is very near the peak level spent during the Cold
What is interesting is that - the
billions spent on Star Wars systems, which these became known as,
were only for "research" according to the military's mission
statement. The technology is being advanced in the hope that a
system might be developed early in the next century. The external
threats are now being characterized as rogue states and terrorist
organizations which might gain delivery technologies.
While the threats are not imagined and
need to be addressed, it is not responsible to create word games
which end public debate and allow systems thought to be discontinued
the latitude to proceed.
In another "offshoot of the Reagan administration's Strategic
Defense Initiative" satellite-disabling lasers have been developed.
A test, at less than full power, was performed at the end of 1997 to
demonstrate the ability of the system to hit its target. The
demonstration was a success and now many are concerned that this may
provoke an arms race in space.25 This is the same concern which was
raised when this technology was first discussed in public forums.
There was a good deal of objection and yet here we are two decades
later delivering on the "impossible" technology.
One of the things which has always bothered me as a researcher is
how the little guy is always held to a high standard of
accountability while big organizations get away with murder. I am
not suggesting that individuals should be held to a lesser standard
- quite to the contrary. Organizations responsible for the security
of the nation should be held to the highest standards.
We must ask ourselves what these
agencies are charged with protecting and whether their actions
follow the values expressed in law.
An article appeared recently which
illustrates the point, as follows:
"A former CIA officer from the
agency's top secret 'black bag' unit that breaks into foreign
embassies to steal code books was charged with espionage Friday
for tipping off two countries about the CIA's success in
compromising their communications."26
Douglas Groat was fired in 1996
from the CIA's Science and Technology Directorate and
could now face the death penalty. These super secret teams are sent
around the world to break into embassies and other locations to
steal codes and other information so that the National Security
Agency (NSA) can intercept a country's classified
communications and know their contents.
The article concluded,
"The CIA has never publicly
acknowledged the existence of its black-bag teams because their
operations are by their nature illegal. And they not only target
America's adversaries but embassies of friendly powers."27
Consider the contents of this article
from the perspective of one of our allies. Remember a few years ago
the outrage of our government when we discovered that the State of
Israel was using its intelligence gathering resources in the U.S.
It was an outrage - or was it just the
game we all play? Why should we expect anything less of our allies
then we expect of ourselves?
Lost in the
In this essay I hoped to disclose some of the technology which is
here now and advancing rapidly. More than this, I am hopeful that
the information would be useful in assessing the state of technology
from what appears in some of the open literature. What has happened
in the United States which has allowed segments of our government to
set agendas which run counter to the values most of us hold?
The transparency of government - the idea that we should be able to
look into our government and see clearly the values of the
population reflected there is an absolute expectation. Are there
risks in transparent government? Yes, an open society necessitates
that certain risks be taken.
As technology advances, the ability to control populations and
manipulate outcomes also advances. Because we know how to control
the weather, create earthquakes, force behavioral changes and
manipulate the physiology of people does not mean that we should do
it. The age we are in requires even greater safeguards of personal
freedoms, not further constraints upon it.
If freedom is what is being defended
than freedom is what must be inherent in the actions our governments
take in creating aspects of our reality.
February 6, 1998, Brussels,
Belgium, European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Subcommittee
on Security and Disarmament.
New World Vistas: Air and Space
Power for the 21st Century - Ancillary Volume; Scientific
Advisory Board (Air Force), Washington, D.C.; Document
#19960618040; 1996; pages 89-90.
Department of Defense Directive,
Policy for Non-Lethal Weapons, Office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense, Draft July 21, 1994.
Interviews in late February by
Nick Begich.
Department of Defense Directive,
Policy for Non-Lethal Weapons, Office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense, Draft July 21, 1994.
"Expert Meeting on Certain
Weapon Systems and on Implementation Mechanisms in
International Law", Report of the International Committee of
the Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland, May 30 - June 1, 1994.
Issued July 1994.
Chemical Weapons Convention,
Article II.9(d).
"Expert Meeting on Certain
Weapon Systems and on Implementation Mechanisms in
International Law", Report of the International Committee of
the Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland, May 30 - June 1, 1994.
Issued July 1994.
Discussion with Dr. Patrick
Flanagan on August 2, 1995.
"Expert Meeting on Certain
Weapon Systems and on Implementation Mechanisms in
International Law", Report of the International Committee of
the Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland, May 30 - June 1, 1994.
Issued July 1994.
"Non-Lethal Technologies;
Military Options and Implications", Report of an Independent
Task Force sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations,
Malcom H. Weiner, Chairman, released June 22, 1995.
Low-Intensity Conflict and
Modern Technology, Lt Col. David J. Dean USAF, Editor, Air
University Press, Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research,
and Education, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, June 1986.
Low-Intensity Conflict and
Modern Technology, Lt Col. David J. Dean USAF, Editor, Air
University Press, Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research,
and Education, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, June 1986.
Anchorage Daily News; "Future
Weapons May Avert Deaths"; by Michael Raphael.
Office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense News Briefing,
Secretary of Defense William Cohen, April 28, 1997.
Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and
U.S. Strategy at the Georgia Center, Mahler Auditorium,
University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
The Wall Street Journal;
"Malaysia to Battle Smog With Cyclones"; by Chen May Yee;
page A19, November 13, 1997.
Anchorage Daily News; "Report
Says Iran Bought Nuclear Arms"; page A-8, April 11, 1998.
U.S. Patent #4,959,559;
"Electromagnetic or Other Directed Energy Pulse Launcher";
Inventor: Richard W. Ziolkowski; Assigned to the United
States of America as represented by the U.S. Department of
Energy, Washington, D.C.
Investor's Business Daily; "Star
Wars: Force Not with Us, US Remains Defenseless Against
Missile Attack; August 25, 1997; page 1.
Anchorage Daily News; "Army
Laser Zaps Satellite"; by Paul Richter (Los Angeles Times);
October 21, 1997.
Anchorage Daily News; "Ex-CIA
Officer Faces Charges of Espionage"; by James Risen (Los
Angeles Times); page A-3, April 4, 1998.