by Emily Mangiaracina
December 08,
LifeSiteNews Website

a correlation
between wireless radiation
and 5G intensity
with COVID-19 symptoms,
and that their
effects on the body overlap...
A study (Evidence
for a connection between Covid-19 and exposure to Radiofrequency
Radiation from Wireless Communications including 5G
PDF version) recently
published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI) proposed that wireless communications radiation, including
5G, may contribute to COVID-19 symptoms.
The evidence for the connection between
5G, as well as other forms of
wireless communications radiation (WCR), consisted of two main
the statistical
correlation between COVID-19 symptoms/mortality and
area-specific WCR intensity, including that of 5G
the overlap
between WCR effects on the body, and COVID-19 symptoms...
Authors Beverly Rubik
and Robert R. Brown began by drawing attention to a May 2020
study showing a,
significant correlation between the intensity of radio-frequency
radiation and mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries
throughout the world,"
...as well as a U.S.
study that found that areas with 5G technology had significantly
higher COVID-19 case and death rates, independent of population
density, air quality, and latitude.
The U.S. study focusing on the 5G
connection to COVID-19 made three different kinds of analyses and
found that 5G technology was a,
significant factor for the higher [COVID-19] case and rates in
all three analyses, while population density, air quality and
latitude were significant for only one or two of the analyses."
Rubik and Brown then drew
a comparison of bioeffects from WCR, including 5G, and COVID-19
symptoms, showing a list of overlapping physical effects.
Symptoms from both WCR and COVID-19 included,
blood changes
such as short-term rouleaux (blood "clumping"), and
long-term reduced hemoglobin (in severe COVID-19 cases)
oxidative stress
and injury in tissues and organs
immune system
disruption, including suppression of T-lymphocytes and
elevated inflammatory biomarkers
intracellular calcium, which facilitates virus entry and
(heart beat irregularities)
Rubik and Brown
highlighted the fact that glutathione (a "master antioxidant")
deficiency has been
proposed as the most likely cause
of serious manifestations in COVID-19, and cited
studies showing
diminished glutathione levels from WCR exposure.
They noted that,
"the finding of low
glutathione levels" in COVID-19 patients "further supports
oxidative stress as a component" of COVID-19.
The study noted that WCR
has already been recognized as a "physiological stressor," shown to
cause detrimental health effects ranging from increased cancer risk
to DNA damage to learning and memory defects.
While noting that correlation does not prove causation, the study's
"postulate that WCR
possibly contributed to the early spread and severity of