5G/5D - An Illuminating
Synchronicity signaling the Time of our Ascension
5G - A Dystopian View of our
5G and GMO - Electromagnetic Waves
and Genetic Engineering: Profit Driven Destruction
5G and 'Internet of Things' to
Create Unprecedented Surveillance
5G and IoT - Total Technological
Control Grid being Rolled Out Fast
5G and the Irradiation of Dogs,
Cats and Birds
5G Corporate Grail - Smart
Cities/Dumb People?
Español |
5G desde el Espacio - 20,000
Satélites a cubrir la Tierra
Español |
5G - El Panorama General o el
Asalto Final
5G Experiment in the Netherlands
is a Resounding… Failure!
5G Explained by Researcher Arthur
Firstenberg - Be Forewarned...
5G Frequencies Mimic COVID - The
5G - From Blankets to Bullets
5G from Space - 20,000 Satellites
to Blanket the Earth
5G from Space is Coming - What
that Means for Your Health
Italiano |
5G - Gli Effetti Dannosi della
Nuova Tecnologia
5G - Great Risk for EU, U.S. and
International Health!
Español |
5G, Grial Corporativo - ¿Ciudades
Inteligentes con Gente Tonta?
5G - Harmful Effects of a New
has Nothing to Do with Wireless
5G Induces Coronaviruses - New
Study models Millimeter Wave Influence on DNA
5G is an International Health Crisis in the Making
5G is a 'Prescription for
Biological Disaster' - EMFs Silently Destroying your DNA
Right Now
Español |
- Llamada de Atención Urgente - ¡El 5G es un Peligro para la
Vida y la Integridad Física!
5G Millimeter Waves are a Weapon
to make People Sick with Covid - Dr. Tom Cowan
Opposition in Italy' includes 400+ Municipalities taking
action to Halt Installation
5G Remote Kill Vector - Activates Graphene Oxide injected
into the Body
- "5G
Technology" will be the Backbone of Smart Cities - says
The Trilateral Commission
5G Telecomm Radiation is
the Perfect Tool to Mass Modify Human Brain Waves
5G Telecommunications Science
5G - The Big Picture or The Final
5G - The Final Assault
- The Most Dangerous Technology ever Invented
5G - The War on Earth's Natural
Ecosystems and Human Consciousness
Italiano |
5G - Ulteriore Avvertimento Urgente - Il 5G è un Pericolo
per il Corpo e la Vita!
- Urgent Wake-Up Call - 5G is a Danger for 'Life and Limb'!
5G Wireless - A ridiculous Front
for Global Control
About an Impending 5G Apocalypse...
A Critical Examination of the
'Coronavirus-5G Connection'
Activating 5G Towers could Kill
People who took COVID-19 Vaccines - Analysts Warn...
A Particle Physicist believes that
5G is a 'Directed Energy Weapon' designed for Control
Australia Bans Huawei from Massive
5G Network Project - China Rebuffed
Britain's First 5G Court Case and
the People Won
Español |
Bruselas se Convierte en la Primera Gran Ciudad en Detener
la Implantación de la 5G por Motivos de Salud
Brussels Becomes First Major City
to Halt 5G Due to Health Effects
Can 5G Cause 'Flu-Like Symptoms
and Disease'? - Electrical Engineer Whistleblower
provides Answers...
Italiano |
Centinaia di Api muoiono intorno a
Antenne 5G in California
China prepare further Massive 5G
Expansion in 2021
Español |
Cientos de Abejas Mueren en torno
a Antenas 5G en California
Italiano |
Come "La Sorveglianza e il 5G"
stanno Monitorando Rapidamente col pretesto della "Lotta
al Coonavirus
Español |
Dra. Chinda Brandolino sobre
Transhumanismo y Neurocontrol
Dutch State Secretary admits 5G
will be Used for 'Crowd Control'
- "Easy
to Take Down a Society that Is Digital" - UNCTAD
attempts accomplishing this Doom Scenario
Español |
El 5G y los OMG - Ondas
Electromagnéticas e Ingeniería Genética: Destrucción con
Fines de Lucro
Español |
- 'El
Oxido de Grafeno tiene su Banda de Absorción en 5G'
EMF Frequencies used for Crowd
Control Weapons form the Foundation of 5G Network
Engineer opens New 5G Cell Phone
to reveal 'Disturbing Reality'
Español |
Entrevista al Dr. Tom Cowan - Las
Ondas Milimétricas 5G son un Arma para enfermar a la
Gente con Covid
Español |
Estudio de la Correlación entre
Casos de Coronavirus y la presencia de Redes 5G
Everything to Know about the 5G
Rollout - Wi-Fi Depopulation Agenda
Frightening Frequencies - The
Dangers of 5G and What You Can Do About Them
Giant 5G Drones in Hawaii Skies? -
Pushback is Growing…
Governments, Scientists and
Doctors Worldwide call for a Ban on 5G
Español |
Grafeno - El Material para
Oxide has its Absorption Band in 5G'
Español |
Histórico 'Proceso Judicial contra
la Tecnología 5G' en los EE.UU.
How much 5G Exposure can Humans
Withstand? - Health Risks
How our Telus Wi-Fi downgrade from
5G to 2.4G avoided Genocidal EMF Frequencies in our Home
How "Surveillance and 5G" are
being Fast-Tracked under the pretext of 'Fighting
How the Military will fight using
5G in Electromagnetic Spectrum
Italiano |
Il 5G Non ha Niente a che Fare con
la Telefonia
Italiano |
Il Sistema di Antroposofia di
Rudolf Steiner ha un Unico Criterio sull Nesso tra G5 e
i Virus
Is 5G Worth the Risks?
It Turns Out that 5G might cause
Cancer After All
Español |
La 5G es el Último Sistema de 'Armas de Energía Dirigida' -
Dice Doctora en Física de Partículas
Español |
La 5G Explicada por el
Investigador Arthur Firstenberg - Estás Advertido...
Italiano |
La 5G Spiegata dal ricercatore
Arthur Firstenber - Siete Avvisati...
Español |
La Caída de los "Dioses"
Italiano |
La Cina prepara una ulteriore
Espansione Massiva di 5G nel 2021
Español |
La Conexión 5G
Español |
La Red de Vigilancia 5G
Español |
La Secretaria de Estado de Holanda
admite que el 5G será Utilizado para 'Control de
Español |
Los Peligros de la Red 5G - La
Tecnología en Contra de la Humanidad
Español |
Nanotubos Inyectados en las
Vacunas Covid - Resonancia con 5G y Alteración Cerebral
Español |
Peligrosa Exposición a las
Microondas y a la Radiación de los Teléfonos Móviles
Español |
- ¿Puede
el 5G causar Síntomas y Enfermedades Similares a los de
la Gripe? Respuestas...
Recent Case of Severe Microwave
Syndrome reveals Problems with 5G
Italiano |
Rivoluzione 5G - Tra Antenne e i
Troppi Rischi Ignorati dall'UE
Rudolf Steiner's System of
Anthroposophy has a Unique Take on the Connection
between 5G and Viruses
Senator Demands Proof that 5G is
Safe - So does the National Institute for Science, Law &
Public Policy
Several reasons '5G Wireless
Technology' will be a Catastrophe for Humanity
Study finds 5G Technology a
'Significant Factor' in Higher Covid Case and Death
Switzerland's 'Environmental
Agency' restricts 5G Deployment and Calls for Studies
Electric Shock' - From Electrification to 5G WiFi
Español |
Tecnología 5G - Más de 400
Científicos y Médicos advierte sobre los Peligros de
esta Nueva Tecnología
The 5G Connection
The 5G Electromagnetic "Mad Zone" poised to Self-Destruct -
The 5G "Dementors" Meet the 4G "Zombie...
The 'Coronavirus 5G Connection'
and Coverup
The Human Heart is Not a
Technological Construct - Block 5G from Gaining Momentum
Inside-Out Approach to Protecting against EMF Damage - The
Invisible Risk Factor of Autism
The Role of Hospitals, Covid
Injections and 5G in Genocide Depopulation
The Terrifying Potential of the 5G
US Space Force's 'New Mission'? - Protecting 5G...
The Wi-Fi Alliance coming Soon to
Your Neighborhood - 5G Wireless
Total Data Domination - 5G, IoT,
AI Surveillance and the Smart City
Italiano |
Tutto Quello che c'è da Sapere sul
Lancio della 5G - L'Agenda Wi-Fi per la Depopolazione
United Nations Staff Member says
5G is 'War on Humanity'
We have No Reason to Believe 5G is
Additional Information |
Electromagnetic Radiation from Power Lines and Phone Masts
poses 'Credible' Threat to Wildlife
Español |
El "Mito del Contagio" por el Dr.
Tom Cowan y Sally Fallon Morell - Reseña del Libro
"Neuromodulation" Technology is Real
Español |
La Revolución Tecnológica que
llega a América Latina y tiene a Uruguay como Líder
Español |
Las Principales Empresas
Tecnológicas de EE.UU. comienzan a Cortar los
Suministros Vitales de Huawei
Español |
Las Vacunas llevan Nanopartículas de Óxido de Grafeno -
Confirmado según los Análisis del Vial
Our Cellphone Addiction is turning
Wireless Tech into an Invisible Weapon that's Destroying
Programmed Death - mRNA Vaccine
Nanoparticles used to Control Appetite and Emotions in
Sixty Uses of
Graphene - The Ultimate Guide to Graphene's - Potential
Applications in 2019
Study Analyzes 'Wireless
Radiation-COVID Connection'
The "Contagion Myth" by Dr. Tom
Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell - Book Review
The Contagion Myth - Why Viruses
(including "Coronavirus") are NOT the Cause of Disease
The Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
Weaponizing Frequencies - The
Coming Tidal Wave
6G |
5G is Just Arriving but '6G is
Already in the Works'
6G - Closer than You Think
6G - Manufactured Dystopia - Globalists
Won't Stop Hacking Humans
Books - Treatises |
5G - Great risk for EU, U.S. and
International Health! - Compelling Evidence for Eight
Distinct Types of...
5G Risk - The Scientific
Technology and Induction of Coronavirus in Skin Cells
Agency - How the Federal Communications Commission is Dominated
- by Norm Alster
EMF*D - 5G, Wi-Fi and Cell Phones
- Hidden Harms and How to Protect
- by Joseph Mercola
Español |
Estudio de la Relación entre Nº de
Casos Coronavirus/1000h y Localización de Antenas 5G
for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency
Radiation from Wireless...
Let's "Talk" About EMF and 5G
Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse
- by Dean Henderson
Planetary Electromagnetic
Pollution - It is time to Assess its Impact -
by Priyanka Bandara; David O Carpenter
Radiation, Robot Bees and 5G
Radiation, Robot Bees and 5G - The
Nightmare Unfolds
Impacts of Artificial Electromagnetic Radiation on Wildlife - Flora
and Fauna
The Road to 5G - LTE-A Evolution,
Internet of Things and First 5G Aspects
Wars - China's Dangerous Domination of 5G and How We're Fighting
- by Jon Pelson
Multimedia |
Español |
- "5G
es Un Arma!" - David Icke
China - Surveillance State or Way
of the Future...?
Italiano |
Cina - Sorveglianza di Stato o la
Via del Futuro...?
Coronavirus Caused by 5G?
Español |
David Icke - La Conspiración del Coronavirus
- Covid 19 y 5G |
David Icke - The
Coronavirus Conspiracy - Covid19 and 5G |
Defeating 5G as a Mass 'DEW' - A
Directed Energy Weapon
Español |
Discurso del Presidente de Chile
sobre 5g - Máquinas para Leer e Insertar Pensamientos -
Sebastian Piñera
Kill Grid - The Vax, 5G and
Smartphones are Inextricably Linked
Español |
Llamada de Atención Urgente - ¡El
5G es un Peligro para la Vida y la Integridad Física!
Español |
Qué tienen que ver el Oxido de
Grafeno y la Nanotecnología en las Vacunas Covid con el
Italiano |
Ulteriore Avvertimento Urgente -
Il 5G è un Pericolo per il Corpo e la Vita
Urgent Wake-Up Call - 5G is a
Danger for 'Life and Limb'!
Español |
Viruela del Mono - Efecto de
Vacuna COVID-19 y 5G
Related Reports |
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Global Reset - Great Reset
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Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...
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Vaccines and Covid-19 - Gene
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