by Smombie Gate
October 12, 2018
SmombieGate Website

5G companies play on the ignorance of local politicians
to get what they want, and when that doesn't work, slander,
bullying, smearing and label-lynching become the strategy du jour.
5G can only be dealt with on a
local basis.
Mark Steele, a 5G campaigner, has been highlighting the
dangers of a secret 5G rollout by Gateshead Council where residents
are complaining of increased illness and Cancer in the affected
There's enough evidence
to conclude the new
smart 5G arrays on the top of
new LED lampposts emit Class 1 Radiation frequencies and should be
treated as a danger to the Public.
Gateshead Council
ignorantly rebutted clear evidence and created false allegations on
social media posts and printed leaflets stating that Mark Steele is
spreading Pseudo Science and that the arrays are not
dangerous or 5G:
"Please be assured
that there is no scientific basis or credible evidence for any
of these scare stories about street lights causing cancer and
other illnesses."
They misused Police
Powers to gag Mark Steele and yesterday he left a free man and
Gateshead Council to fork out £11k of taxpayers money to cover the
court cost amounting to woeful ignorance.
In Court, none of the
Council Officers could explain what 5G is; and their leading
Government expert refused to attend the Court hearing.
In conclusion, the Judge
refused to gag Mark, stating:
"The public have a
right to know."
The secret
5G rollout issue in Gateshead
is now officially of public interest and will be treated as a
landmark case for other people to start using this Court's ruling to
challenge their Councils.
We know Surrey,
Westminster and Luton all have these toxic Microwave EMF arrays
installed on their new LED streetlights. We now know even if these
arrays are currently 2G, 3G or 4G they can be 5G enabled by fitting
a 'lens' that 'focuses' the frequency.
The Judge declared Mark Steele as a credible expert and engineer on
EMF and GSM technologies, which proves Gateshead Council are liable
for corruption, misleading the public, making people ill and
attempting to discredit Mark Steele and all others such as Smombie
Gate fighting 5G rollouts.
Councils are struggling at the moment, over 50% are almost bankrupt
because over half of their resources are being spent on the increase
of Adult Social Care, so any supplier proposal with the promise of
more revenue is irresistible.
Smart City companies are going into Councils with amazing futuristic
presentations detailing the first step, which is to install the 5G
infrastructure, i.e. the lampposts on streets and motorways.
The benefits will be,
24/7 Police
surveillance that sees through walls
smart road signs
4k live streaming
on the move
vehicles and public transport
mobile virtual
mobile augmented
a fast connection
for Elon Musk's new brain implant called
the Neuralink giving people
the Internet inside their mind
All these features are
all a wet dream for Councils who will be the first ones to become
Smart Counties because they will be able to increase taxes
and the local economy in theory will 'thrive.'
In reality, scientific evidence is mounting across the planet that,
EMF, RF, 3G, 4G, 5G,
WiFI and WiGIG is causing Cancer, killing bees, driving out
wildlife and lowering peoples quality of life.
All because big business
says it's good for the people, and they're continuing to mislead us
all of the dangers of continuous use in close proximity and on the
skin, let alone what 5G really is, which is an effective battlefield
We know that Gateshead isn't the only Council who is misleading the
public on the 5G rollout and it's seemingly been going on for a few
Luton, Surrey and
Westminster are next along with all Councils that have installed
these arrays that are being installed by particular companies (we'll
leave you to do your own work on how you think these companies
Who is paying for
these 5G rollouts?
Who's given
consent on behalf of the People?
Who has done
research to prove the new infrastructure's safety?
As usual, these important
issues are being rubbished by the media and beneficiaries to big
But they'll soon see our
wrath, as we now this ruling.
All Hell is going to
break loose in Great Britain and we're going to take the fight to
them. We will NOT be silenced, and you will not willfully poison our
bodies and our families bodies with Class 1 radiation - WE DO NOT
Mark Steele of
SaveUsNow has made this a big part
of his life. It's people like Mark and all of you who get involved
that make a difference to our lives.
The 6 links below are enough proof to convince anyone what's going
on around us without our consent.
See the video
proof of
Gateshead's toxic 5G signals
18 new scientific
3D mapping using
WIFI and 5G
Midlands 5G
rollout plans
Leaked corporate
presentation about the dangers of 5G masts,
Elon Musk's '5G
Umbrella' that's planned for Earth's atmosphere without our