by Alfred Lambremont Webre
June 28,
NewsInsideOut Website

Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
The Monday after my
participation in the June 23-24, 2018
CALL TO ACTION SUMMIT, I telephoned my local Internet Service
Provider (ISP)
Telus.com and asked them to downgrade our Wi-Fi
from 5G to 2.4G for health reasons.
(We are renting and so
cannot hardwire our Internet connections through the walls of the
house, thereby avoiding the EMF health hazards of Wi-Fi.)
Our Telus customer representative, a Filipina by ethnic origin,
thanked us for alerting her and Telus to the human health hazards of
5G Wi-Fi, gave us the first available appointment on Wednesday June
26, and said she would be sending the link to the Abort5G/BanDEW
Summit to Telus.com management for their review.
Downgrading our Wi-Fi from 5G to 2.4G with our Telus technical
service representative was a piece of cake, and a
health-consciousness-raising exercise.
Our Wi-Fi was reorganized
so that 5G has been eliminated completely from our home, leaving
only 2.4G, less harmful to health for the reasons set out in our
letter of appreciation to the Telus rep below.
The Telus rep, himself an
industry techie of some experience, asked us to send him more
information on the health hazards of 5G, so he could pass it on to
his management.
Below is our letter to our Telus Service Representative, with our
We urge you to read it
and to take action to Abort 5G/BanDEW,
by preventing 5G
from being installed in your home Wi-Fi or in your mobile
smartphone or cell phone, and
by downgrading
your Wi-Fi to 2.4G or lower or hand-wiring your Internet
connection, and
by downgrading
your mobile from 5G to a lower frequency connection, or
by discontinuing
your mobile service altogether [I did after doing this
research, and now discontinued 5G/DEW targeting on me and
feel so much better physically and psychologically!
Our letter to Telus.com
ISP after a downgrade from 5G to 2.4G, thereby avoiding genocidal
EMF frequencies in our home:
Dear Telus Rep Hi!
Thank you for your
assistance as our Telus service representative in implementing
and supporting our downgrade from 5G to 2.4G with Telus for
health reasons.
Here are some of the links Links about the human health hazards
of 5G technology that we spoke of yesterday, and that you asked
me to send you.
#1 link is the first link I sent to Telus customer service when
reporting this issue to Telus and requesting a downgrade from 5G
to 2.4G for health reasons.
1 - This
is an international online Summit I was invited to
participate in: Abort5G-BanDEW COMMUNITY CALL TO ACTION
SUMMIT – Participate at:
When I spoke with
the Technical Department that ordered your unit to our
house, the Telus rep she said "Thank you so much for your
consciousness and for alerting us to these issues, I am
sending this information and link up to the Telus
2 - 5G/DEW
Health documentary – This is a 27-minute documentary I
produced for the Summit on the detrimental human health
effects of 5G. WATCH TrueTube Video:
TrueTube – 5G/DEW CALL TO ACTION: Banning 5G Phones & 5G
Internet-of-Things, DEW, Neurotech Nano, Scalar, Plasma
Weapons, HAARP & Chemtrails – 27+ min. video, as presented
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
NOTE: There
are some additional online sources on the detrimental health
effects of 5G provided by the Summit, including reasons why
Telus customers should use only 2.4G and not 5G.
In my legal opinion
as an international lawyer and Judge, Telus may be opening
itself to potential consumer products liability lawsuits by
offering hazardous 5G, in the same way that tobacco companies
opened themselves to consumer products liability from smokers
who got cancer and other diseases from smoking tobacco.
I can send you these additional research resources if you wish.
Please let me know via return email.
Please feel free to send this email to your corporate ladder at
Thank you,
In good consumer health,
Reader Jim Gerlach contributes a valuable technical update
with a distinction about 5G that makes a difference.
Jim writes:
"Thanks for the rich
article on 5G. A wise choice to stick with 2.3ghz or better yet,
hard wired networks and dispose of all toxic wireless devices.
"I wanted to be sure you understood that 5.1Ghz is not the same
as 5G. 5G, which is only in the test phase in a few cities, is
planned to be in the millimeter wave frequencies of 23-100 Ghz
range, unlike the present 5.1 Ghz wireless emissions from many
present routers and wireless devices.
Not sure if you
understood the difference in the probable intended confusion
between the two technologies-naming conventions.
2.3 Ghz and 5.1 Ghz
are inclined to break DNA, while 5G millimeter frequencies are
expected to unzip DNA and cause a large increase in eye, and
skin cancers.
"It does appear that Verizon [an ISP in the USA] has found a way
to get these high millimeter frequencies to now penetrate trees
and other items. That bodes poorly for our bodies trying to
defend from this new onslaught of frequencies.
"Keep up the great work!"

full report: