by Nikki Harper
August 02,
WakeUp-World Website

As the world braces for
the 5G rollout, we're being sold a
vision of a wonderful, tech-enabled future.
Smart homes, smart
business, smart highways, smart cities, smart cars,
...what's not to love?
Except that governments,
scientists and doctors worldwide have been stating the obvious for
years now:
it's not very smart
to deliberately endanger the health and wellbeing of every
citizen on earth, and to endanger life on earth itself.
Why are the powers that
be not listening?
5G will involve the creation of millions of new base stations on
earth, as well as over 20,000 new satellites in space.
Your smart home will
mean harmful
EMF radiation coming from your
fridge, your cupboards, your heating system, even individual
grocery items.
Smart highways and
smart cities will mean inescapable EMF radiation wherever you
live, wherever you work and however you get from one to the
Smart cars will bathe
you and your family in EMF every single day.
If you're reading this,
you probably already knew the above.
But unless you've been
following closely, you may be unaware of the scale of the evidence
against 5G or indeed the scale of the efforts to stop it.
It's quite breath-taking
to see how much has been ignored, ridiculed or sidelined.
Evidence of Harm
More than
10,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies
have found evidence of harm caused to humans by EMF radiation.
Studies have linked it to
cancer, cardiovascular disease, cognitive disease, DNA damage,
miscarriage, autism, altered gene expression, impaired sperm
function and much, much more.
And it's not just harm to humans. There is also overwhelming
evidence of harm to ants, insects, bees, frogs, plants, trees - our
very ecosystems themselves.
The threat from 5G in space is enormous too.
It has been proven that
ionospheric disturbances alter blood pressure and melatonin
production (Schumann
Resonance and Sunspot Relations to Human Health Effects in Thailand),
leading to,
...and other issues.
Appeals Have Been Ignored
There is a very
impressive list of governments and
organizations which have warned against or tried to ban
wireless technology, as far back as 1993.
Scientists and doctors
from across the world have also
joined forces many, many times to
appeal against wireless tech and 5G.
Why have their calls not been heeded?
Perhaps Abraham R
Liboff, a research professor at the Center for Molecular
Biology and Biotechnology at Florida Atlantic University,
puts it best:
"Here the public's
continuing exposure to electromagnetic radiation is largely
connected to money.
Indeed the tens of
billions of dollars in sales one finds in the cell phone
industry makes it mandatory to corporate leaders that they deny,
in knee-jerk fashion, any indication of hazard."
Conflicts of
Governments and industry have such a vested interest in 5G that they
clearly cannot be impartial over its regulation or its risks.
This is laid bare in this
illuminating review (World
Health Organization, Radiofrequency Radiation and Health - A Hard
Nut to Crack) of the conflicts of interest in just one of
the WHO working party on this
Meanwhile, concerned citizens and experts alike are being painted
...by major institutions
and in
the mainstream media - who are free
to get the facts as wrong as they can get away with.
We can fight back - but
when the 'New York Times' can get the science
so badly wrong and
refuse to correct it, it's clear
that getting the truth out there is not a simple matter...
Expert after expert has been crystal clear
on the risks posed by 5G and the expansion of wireless technology:
"There is every
indication that cell phones cause brain tumors, salivary gland
tumors and eye cancer.
Yet, because the cell
phone industry provides a substantial proportion of research
funding, this reality is hidden from the general public.
The Interphone Study,
a 13-country research project, substantially funded by the cell
phone industry has consistently shown that use of a cell phone
protects the user from risk of a brain tumor!
Does anything more
need to be said?
It is time that fully
independent studies be funded by those governmental agencies
whose charter is to protect its citizens so that the truth about
the very damaging health hazards of microwave radiation becomes
clear and well known."
Lloyd Morgan, BS
Electronic Engineering
Director Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States
"Very recently, new research is suggesting that nearly all the
human plagues which emerged in the twentieth century, like
common acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children, female breast
cancer, malignant melanoma and asthma, can be tied to some facet
of our use of electricity.
There is an urgent
need for governments and individuals to take steps to minimize
community and personal EMF exposures."
Samuel Milham MD, MPH
Medical epidemiologist in occupational epidemiology
"Based on the existing science, many public health experts
believe it is possible we will face an epidemic of cancers in
the future resulting from uncontrolled use of cell phones and
increased population exposure to WiFi and other wireless devices
We need to educate
decision-makers that ‘business as usual' is unacceptable.
The importance of
this public health issue can not be underestimated."
David Carpenter, MD
Professor, Environmental Health Sciences,
Director, Institute for Health and the Environment,
School of Public Health, University of Albany.
"Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health
problem of the 21st century.
It is imperative
health practitioners, governments, schools and parents learn
more about it. The human health stakes are significant."
William Rea, MD
Founder & Director of the Environmental Health Center, Dallas
What will it take before
sanity prevails...?
It's imperative that
collective voices keep speaking up and keep alerting the public to
what is going on here.
Mankind is rightly,
finally, waking up to the dangers of climate change and other
ecological issues, but we may end up missing the boat for one of the
biggest dangers of all:
"I have no doubt in
my mind that, at present time, the greatest polluting element in
the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic
Robert Becker, Ph.D
Nobel Prize nominee noted for decades of research
the effects of electromagnetic radiation