Governments routinely "Classify Information" pertaining to the Manipulation of the Human Nervous System...
In his report, he also wrote that with the change of parameters he can produce pins and needles sensation or perception of severe buffeting in the head and claimed that this energy,
In other words, Allan Frey was on the path to finding the way how to manipulate the human nervous system at distance.
For the next two decades Frey, funded by the Office of Naval Research and the U.S. Army, was the most active researcher on the bio-effects of microwave radiation in the country.
In 1975, Allan Frey published his research on blood-brain barrier in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, where blood-brain barrier (protecting brain from poison entering it together with blood) of rats, illuminated by pulsed radiofrequency, allowed dye to penetrate into their brains.
His findings were confirmed by 13 different laboratories in 6 countries and with the use of different animals.
In 2012, Allan H. Frey wrote an article where he described,
This was supposed to help the U.S. Air Force to obtain the approval of people to build radars in their vicinity...
According to Frey, the same Brooks Air Force Base later tried to,
Allan Frey concluded:
For that matter the general public (in the whole world) does not know anything about,
In March 2021, the American scientist James C. Lin wrote an article on Havana syndrome, where he wrote that,
On December 5, 2020 the U.S. Academy of sciences published a study on Havana syndrome, where it stated:
But on March 2, 2023 the American television CNN published an article on the report of the 7 U.S. intelligence agencies.
It said that,
In this way the U.S. intelligence agencies tried deny the validity of the scientific report by U.S. Academy of Science and to hide from the world general public the fact that pulsed microwaves can be used to attack their minds.
There is a large body of scientific experiments proving that extra low frequencies of electromagnetic radiation can produce effects in the human nervous system.
What is common to microwaves and extra long electromagnetic waves is that both of them carry electric and magnetic fields.
The neurons are full of ions and this electrolyte can easily function as an antenna, in which electromagnetic waves will produce electrical currents, which are essential parts of nervous impulses in the brain.
At the International Conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems in 1983, sponsored among others by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Office of Naval Research, Friedman Kaiser from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Stuttgart lectured on effects of extra low frequencies of electromagnetic waves on the human nervous system or,
He stated:
He called this phenomenon "entrainment" and suggested that,
There is no better explanation for the Friedman Kaiser's lecture than that the ELF electromagnetic frequencies produce electrical currents in the electrolyte inside of the nervous tissue.
In the closing speech at that conference Samuel Koslov, a leading personality of the mind control project Pandora of the American Navy declared:
Already in 1980 John B. Alexander, former director of the U.S. Los Alamos National Laboratory in his article in the Military Review on remote control of human brain's activity, wrote:
In 2014, Chinese scientists published the results of an experiment in which they searched for microwave conductivity of electrolyte solutions. In the introduction they stressed that their experiment,
For their experiment they used a solution of salt.
The chemical formula of salt is NaCl. It means it contains atoms of sodium and chloride. Ions of both of those atoms play an important role in the firing of nerve cells.
The experiment proved that this electrolyte is conductive for microwaves up to 20 GHz frequency (see this).
It is highly reasonable to expect that if those microwaves are pulsed in the frequencies of the frequencies of activity of neurons in the brain they will be "entrained" to oscillate with those frequencies.
The MCS America organization, which fights against pollution, confirms this conclusion in its study on Electromagnetic Fields Sensitivity.
The study states:
The veracity of those "speculations" or "conspiracy theories" is confirmed by the experiment, where 20 volunteers were exposed to the pulses of 217 Hz used in cell phone telephony and at the recordings of their electroencephalograms evoked potentials (or simply told electrical currents in the frequency) of 217 Hz were found (see this) or another one, where cell phone microwaves pulsed in 11 to 15 Hz produced changes in EEG during the sleep in 30 volunteers (see this).
As well Australian scientists found out that:
To complete this information it is necessary to say that the nervous system functions digitally and nervous actions differ by frequency and number of nervous impulses in which great number of neurons synchronize their action. In this way the activity of the human brain can be completely controlled including the thoughts.
Robert Becker, who has been twice nominated for the Nobel prize for his research on electric potentials in organisms published in 1985 a book "Body Electric", where he quoted the experiment, which was released voluntarily on basis of Freedom of Information Act.
The author of the experiment J. F. Schapitz stated:
In one of the four experiments subjects should have been given a test of hundred questions, ranging from easy to technical ones.
Later, not knowing they were being irradiated they would be subjected to information beams suggesting the answers to the questions they had left blank, amnesia for some of their correct answers and memory falsification of their correct answers.
After 2 weeks they had to pass the test again.
The results of those experiments were never published.
But evidently already at this time the secret services were working on technologies,
For governments it is not difficult to pulse the cell phone signals in the brain frequencies and in this way,
The difference between pulsed microwaves and extra long electromagnetic waves is that,
For sure so far the legislations around the world (except from Chile and Brazil) do not prohibit such actions to the governments or anybody else on human brains (for example Elon Musk is building system of more than 20.000 satellites around the planet and working on neuralink research at the same time).
Neurotechnologists around the world, who do not dare to disclose the national security information they had to sign, before starting research in the area, are calling for creation of legislations protecting people against such manipulations of their minds (see this).
The proposal of such legislation presented to the European Union, signed by 11 world organizations, you can find at the address here.