by benjamin
January 18, 2010
BenjaminFulford Website
The members of the Bush/Clinton Nazi crime
family made a fatal error when they decided to attack Haiti with an
earthquake weapon.
An international hunt down and kill order has
been issued against Bill Clinton,
George Bushes Senior and Junior
and General P.K. Keen among others, according to sources affiliated
with various secret societies. This Nazi cabal sent a CIA agent to
Black Dragon Society to give forewarning of
the attack.
The agent talked about
the Tsunami unleashed against Indonesia and
“the oil companies won a war and nobody knew
about it.”
Well, now everybody knows about it.
The Japanese Yakuza now know the Kobe earthquake of 1995 was the result of a
deliberate attack and they are eager for revenge. The people of Indonesia
now know the tsunami was a deliberate attack and they know who ordered it.
They are also eager for revenge.
The Chinese now know the 1976 earthquake that
killed 655,000 people was a deliberate attack and are eager for justice. The
people of Haiti also know who attacked them and will also seek revenge. etc.
There is now nowhere on earth for these
criminals to hide.
It was not lost on the Black Dragon Society that the attack on Haiti came on
the anniversary of the Kobe earthquake but the society has a policy of not
responding to threats. If they think they are going to unleash a Tsunami
against Tokyo and get away with it, they are truly insane.
The criminal cabal is also wrong in their belief that they will be able to
grab more plunder in the form of “aid” for Haiti. This is not going to
Meanwhile, new information about the Asian agents of the Federal Reserve
Board can now be made public. The so-called “Ming” faction of the Chinese
has in fact been thoroughly infiltrated, bribed and conned by the Federal
Reserve Board faction led by
David Rockefeller,
Zbigniew Brzezinski
George Soros.
As always, these people reveal themselves
through their actions.
When they sent the Emperor to Washington to try to cash giant checks for the
Federal Reserve Board, they tipped their hand. Japanese power broker
Ichiro Ozawa ordered the emperor to meet Chinese Vice-President Xi
Jinping (習近平) as soon as he returned. When it turned out the emperor
returned empty-handed, there was much consternation in China.
We have learned from Pentagon sources that many senior members of the Red
and Green in Taiwan have been bribed by the Federal Reserve Board. In
addition, the Feds promised to hand over Japan to Chinese rule by 2011 and
offered Xi the job of “Emperor of the World.”
Ozawa himself is a deep sleeper Fed agent.
He brought large delegations of members of
Parliament from the Democratic Party of Japan to China. There, according to
a member of one delegation, they were each put up in a fancy guest house
occupied by 20 extremely beautiful and intelligent women. Most of the
delegates accepted generous gifts of honey and money and agreed to obey
“Chinese” (i.e. secret Fed) rule.
According senior members of the DPJ Ozawa personally selected or vetted all
DPJ Parliamentary candidates.
They were selected on the basis that they,
“must follow Ozawa’s manifesto like students
studying a text book.”
Ozawa himself is following instructions from the
Federal Reserve Board. He is surrounded by two British, one French and one
Chinese “secretary” who “handle” him.
Prime Minister Hatoyama is also, as mentioned before, a freemason
according to his wife and a member of the British royal family. As such, he
is bound to obey orders from the grand lodge in London on pain of death.
The entire farcical show about the fate of US bases in Japan is just a show
for public consumption. The current criminal US government has already shown
it has no intention of defending Japan by begging China to become part of a
“G2” with the US. The US has already made a secret decision to relocate its
forces to Guam.
Of course the Chinese Ming faction has been fooled into believing these
criminals really intend to hand control of Japan and the world over to China
in 2011. All they are really trying to do is buy time so that they can
complete their plans for the mass murder of 4 billion people under the
pretext of an “alien invasion.”
There have been countless attempts to force-feed this writer information
about “aliens” and portals to other dimensions and space fleets and stuff
like that. My answer has been to say this: Even if there is a huge alien
presence on and around earth it is obvious then that we are under some sort
of quarantine or else anybody could go to the nearest space port and buy a
ticket to another planet.
Humanity must sort out its problems on its own and not just sit around
waiting for help from aliens or some Messiah while the Nazis plan their mass
These criminals who have destroyed Western civilization are so arrogant
that they just cannot comprehend that their entire evil structure of
domination is headed for an inevitable collapse.
The good news is that the benevolent forces working in Asia and the West
are getting very close to victory. While all funds linked to the criminal
cabal continue to be frozen, the forces of good are finalizing their
preparations for the new financial system.
Once the new system is announced, there will be a move made against
the Western media moguls like Rupert
Murdoch to force them to start telling the truth to the people of the
When people start learning how much of what they were taught as history was
just lies and manipulation there will be great anger, bewilderment and
finally joy in the realization that a horrific nightmare is coming to an
We firmly believe that world peace, an end to poverty, and end to
environmental destruction and an era of unprecedented progress and
prosperity will begin this year and not in
This year of the tiger will be one of the most significant dates in
human history ever.