Uri Dowbenko
13, 2001
Rense Website
You can call it
"genocide." You can call it "crimes against humanity."
Or you can call it "population control." Whatever you
want to call it, the target is the same - people.
In other words, if you regard humanity as a race of "useless
eaters" (that's
Power Elite-Ruling Class jargon),
you would employ your extensive resources for population reduction.
In fact, believing in Malthusian and Darwinian ideology would
require you to cull the masses - and not just by the usual means of
wars and "low-level conflicts."
A strategic propaganda campaign through Government-Media would be
enacted to promote "public health" practices, which are actually
hazardous to the well-being of the population.
This genocide by stealth - using "public health" to promote slow
death - is the subject of
Death in the Air - Globalism, Terrorism and
Toxic Warfare by Dr.
Leonard Horowitz.
A health science investigator and author of many ground-breaking
books, Dr. Horowitz was one of the first to discover and publicize
the "smoking gun" documents, which showed that US Government defense
contractors like Litton Bionetics were responsible for the
production of the AIDS virus, a man-made disease used for
bio-warfare and "population control."
"Acceptance is not easy in this
regard," writes Horowitz in the book's preface. "Coming to terms
with such facts leads by necessity, through Elizabeth Kubler
Ross's 'death and dying' process.
In her model, denial is
always the first step in integrating a horrifying painful
It is not pleasant to consider the possibility that
many of our public servants cannot be trusted, but even worse,
that friends and family members may have been injured by such
biochemical attacks."
The biochemical attacks to which he
refers include a panoply of population reduction techniques:
Man-made bio-warfare agents like
AIDS and Gulf War Syndrome.
Toxic pharmaceuticals made by
multi-national chemical companies with ties to the genocidal
Rockefeller-I.G. Farben Syndicate.
So-called "chemtrails," which
rain death and sickness from the skies on an unsuspecting
vaccinations for
polio, hepatitis B et al
Air-borne pesticides like
Malathion and Anvil, used by public health officials to
supposedly control diseases like the West Nile Virus.
Dr. Horowitz writes that,
"the alleged outbreak of a type of
arbovirus provided an excuse to spray 'mosquitoes' as
well as millions of predominantly Jewish, Black and Hispanic
residents in the tri-state metropolitan region" during the
so-called "outbreak" of West Nile Virus in New York City.
The decidedly racist subtext of this
genocide by stealth is one of the predominant themes of the book.
The expendables, those whom the deranged Malthusians have decided
are to be eliminated, are targeted again and again in illegal
government "experiments" or "public health programs."
Using humans as guinea pigs has
certainly not ended, and because of its promotion through government
agencies like CDC, it has become defacto state-sanctioned genocide.
"By 1930, John D. Rockefeller's
Standard Oil company had 'married' the
I.G. Farben chemical
pharmaceutical cartel," writes Dr. Horowitz in the book.
"Farben's directors - the cream of
the SS and Third Reich - decided that Jewish people would best
serve as slave labor in their corporate 'concentration camps.'
Hitler's 'racial hygiene' program, historic documents showed,
evolved from the 'public health' and 'scientific eugenics'
effort of the
Rockefeller Family, the
British Royal Family and other
powerful notables including
Prescott Bush - George W. Bush's
"It was Rockefeller money that primarily built the Kaiser
Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity
in pre-Nazi Germany, forerunner to today's Cold Spring Harbor
Labs' operation," Horowitz continues.
"Then, the Rockefellers installed
Ernst Rudin as the Institute's director. He later became
Hitler's chief racial hygienist. Margaret Sanger, the
grand matriarch of 'family planning' and world 'population
control' worked vigorously at that time to herald the necessary
elimination of 'dysgenic' people - mainly Blacks and the
mentally retarded."
The "population control" movement and
its twisted history based in eugenics is also responsible for the
multi-billion dollar abortion industry and its promotion as "birth
control" - but that's another story
With strong financial ties to the multi-billion dollar scam called
"The Cancer Industry," which promotes a phony "War on Cancer" as
well as useless albeit expensive "cures" and "research," this
chemical-pharmaceutical beast of a cartel is also heavily involved
in the bio-warfare industry, the production of toxic chemicals often
tested on unwitting US citizens.
"George H. W. Bush's Secretary of
State, James Baker III, was reported to have owned part
of the [Gulf War] vaccine manufacturing company against whom
ailing Gulf War veterans had filed a lawsuit," writes Horowitz.
"Moreover Mr. Bush is said to have
been a major shareholder in that company -
Biosystems of Houston."
Why is this significant?
The so-called
Persian Gulf War needs to be reconsidered as a bio-warfare testing
ground - against American troops by American commanders.
"In fact Bush became a board
director at Tanox-affiliated Baylor College of Medicine after
leaving the CIA directorship," Horowitz continues.
"Tanox was
closely linked to Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo, who under employment by the
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, isolated and patented a
'pathogenic mycoplasma' originally taken from an AIDS patient
that somehow contaminated many of the vaccines given to allied
military personnel traveling to the Gulf. Only French soldiers
who did not receive the American-made vaccines did not develop
Gulf War Syndrome."
By the way, Tanox and Baylor College of
Medicine first tested their mycoplasma or fungus-infected vaccines
on Huntsville, Texas prisoners.
The prisoners consequently developed
Gulf War Syndrome - before the Gulf War even started.
In other words, Gulf War Syndrome was predictable - and therefore
preventable. So why were US troops dosed with infected vaccines?
Horowitz's conclusion is chilling.
"The US military, generally
comprised of nationalistic, sovereign thinking, patriotic
individuals who pledged to kill and die to defend the US
Constitution against all foreign and domestic enemies,
represented a 'clear and present danger' to the evolving
World Order."
It was decidedly an Illuminati "two-fer-one."
Accomplish two objectives in a single operation:
Kill off the America-centric
military with slow death Gulf War Syndrome,
Make money by selling polluted
The propaganda campaign waged through
the media about the efficacy of vaccines is pure psychological
operations, or PsyOps, in military-speak.
It's a way to confuse the
"enemy" - the American public-to believe that black is white and
white is black and vaccines will "prevent" disease - rather than
lower the immune system and infect a younger generation with toxins
that will eventually become cancer in middle age.
Heavily documented, Dr. Horowitz's book describes in detail the many
modalities of slow death disguised as public health policy.
For instance, aerial spraying of neuro-toxic pesticides has become a
commonly accepted practice, despite the outrageous risks to humans
and animals. The so-called med-fly "epidemic" required spraying
toxic chemicals over heavily populated areas, according to public
health officials. This charade did nothing but debilitate the immune
systems of the elderly and other minorities who happened to live in
the affected area.
Horowitz notes that,
"in 1998, Dan Rather reported on the
CBS Evening News the 'emergency' spraying of Malathion by 'black
helicopters' simultaneously over Miami Beach and Los Angeles for
an alleged 'fruit fly infestation."
A world-renowned speaker on health
issues himself, Dr. Horowitz writes that,
"I thought it odd that
there would be":
emergency fruit fly infestations
in urban settings as most pest captures I knew were in rural
sudden simultaneous infestation
of the same species more than three thousand miles apart. In
this case, it seemed too convenient that the US disease
control and agricultural officials together with the
military had decided to kill two fruit fly infestations with
one helicopter dispatch
the predominant 'fruit flies' in
Miami Beach and Los Angeles were elderly Jewish, Hispanic
and Blacks. Who better than these 'pests' might they desire
to spray?"
Reported with a straight face by
Government-Media shill Dan Rather, this wacky story was accepted as
gospel truth by a gullible TV audience.
Dr. Horowitz concludes this report by saying that,
"moreover I knew that Dan Rather
could not be trusted as he had personally admitted in June 1992
being used for CIA cover stories and counterintelligence
propaganda stories."
Death in the Air has additional chapters
Chemtrails (contrails
containing toxic chemicals sprayed from aircraft; officially
called "Operation Cloverleaf," according to government
the bizarre toxic Red Tide
phenomenon in New Jersey
HAARP and atmospheric
heating "experiments"
the so-called abortion pill
RU-486 (Mefeprex) and its deadly side effects
the euphemistically named "non
lethal weapons"
psychological operations against
CIA mind control programs (MK
electromagnetic weapons
used for mind control. Dr. Horowitz also describes the early
roots of contemporary eugenics and its racist Ruling
Class origins, most notably the people-hating Paul
Ehrlich and his propaganda classic, The Population
If you didn't get it, Ehrlich
considers people to be the cancer of Planet Earth. Today
even though his false prophecies have been thoroughly
discredited, Ehrlich's lie-of-a-book remains mandatory
reading to brainwash future generations of college students.
Death in the Air reveals how
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are used for
genocide, how the US Geological Survey promotes government
propaganda, and how vaccinations are a tool for global genocide -
linking the infection of Gays in America and Blacks in Africa with
the man-made disease called HIV/AIDS.
Facts presented by Dr. Horowitz also effectively discredit the
popular myth of "vaccination safety," promoted by the mass media and
public health officials.
Color reproductions of astonishingly graphic genocidal art at the
Denver International Airport and its ominously named "New World
Airport Commission" are also found in the book. These murals are
illustrations that depict nothing less than the Death of Humanity
(the death of indigenous peoples, Blacks, Latinos and Whites) and
the rise of Global Eco-Fascism.
Dr. Horowitz's previous book
Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola
(1996) was an underground best seller - a scathing indictment of the
criminal Military-Industrial-Medical Complex, referenced by actual
government documents and reports as evidence.
Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse
(1999) was an expose' of the occult mysteries of biological and
psychological warfare. Death in the Air is a must read - a
brilliant and disturbing work of investigation amid the prevailing
subtext of genocidal public policy.
The issue of "public health" and its abuse by government officials
is a dagger in the heart of every American, and Dr. Horowitz
presents clear-cut evidence of malevolent intent and criminal
The book, however, ends on an optimistic note.
"Ultimately the choice to assimilate
this knowledge and intelligence is both practical and
spiritually uplifting," he writes.
"Although this factual account may
seem overwhelmingly bad, if not horrifying, these revelations
have come in cadence with the greatest spiritual renaissance in
"For the most part we are not required to blindly follow medical
advice: consume toxic chemically treated foods and drinks, or
even breathe polluted air," he continues.
"My family, for instance, has chosen
to rely on alternative health professional and self-care
practices. We do not pay for costly health insurance, but
invest our savings in a healthy lifestyle. We have learned
to treat ourselves with periodic fasting, detoxification,
deacidification, immune boosting, oxygenation and bioelectric
and bioacoustic therapies."
Anyone who wants to understand
"bio-spiritual warfare" should read Death in the Air.
"I have seen the difference my
protests have made in people's lives around the world," Dr.
Horowitz writes. "A simple sharing about
vaccine risks today can save an
infant, a child, or a parent's life tomorrow."