April 2004
CoastToCoast Website
George Green majored in Geophysics at
Colorado School of Mines and Law and Business at the University of Illinois.
He is an expert in UFO Phenomena, investigation, and making contact.
He has
had contact with ET's and shares their message in a book (they authored)
called “The Handbook for
The New Paradigm.”
Mr. Green has information on how this planet
began, how the so called elite have plans for:
ET Information
In a one-hour interview, contactee George Green (nohoax.com)
shared some of his experiences with aliens and UFOs. He said that while
stationed at Edwards AFB he witnessed a disc inside a hangar that looked
similar to the Billy Meier photos.
In the 1980's, Green said he went to visit
Meier at his complex in Switzerland, and it was there that he
began having direct contacts with aliens, who he said looked human in
appearance. Later Green said he moved to Idaho, to be able to more clearly
receive transmissions from the beings, who informed him that Earth was
considered a "prison planet" by other species in the galaxy.
After an hour, Art ended the interview and moved on to Open Lines.
A New Paradigm
In his last appearance on C2C, George Green explained that he
receives telepathic information from Pleiadian beings, which he has compiled
into three handbooks.
Volume One is a somewhat philosophical treatise,
which posits that negative forces are conspiring to cut short the existence
of mankind.
"It is with careful and focused intent that
the reality of this earthly experience is being engineered into a
pattern of downward movement into the darker and heavier energies that
are at the lower end of the scale in which the human body can exist," he
Because of this, the contact between the spirit
of the body and its connection to a larger Soul is breaking down, he
This disruption is being taken advantage of by,
a "group of separatists" who hope to use "a
chain reaction" that will allow "for chaos to such a degree that their
focus can reorganize this chaos into their own matrix."
"The plan behind this destruction is ambitious beyond your imagination.
It involves the creation of a negative polarity universe/galaxy," Green
goes on.
Yet, all is not yet lost for humanity if they
can start to take personal responsibility for their thought processes, he
"Then, despite the continued push of
deceptive encroachment into your awareness, you must begin to discern
what is truth. You must hold to your resolve to move through this to a
new and greater understanding," he counsels.
George Green on Depopulation
YouTube Website