2.2 International Threats
1) This section provides information pertaining to threats of a
terrestrial, international nature. The information describes
organizations whose true agendas and activities are kept secret.
These secret societies are differentiated by their areas of
influence in regards to Satanic, Global, and Regional Organizations.
Although many of these organizations publicly appear to have
differing and unrelated interests and agendas, they are all
interrelated with a common goal of world domination.
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2.2.1 Satanic Organizations
1) This portion of the document contains subsections that describe
threats from Satanic Cult organizations. All of the leaders and many
of the members of the global and regional organizations are also
affiliated with one or more of the organizations described in this
section, which includes
the Illuminati, Freemasons, Jehovah’s
Witnesses, Mormons, and
Skull and Bones societies. These groups are
presented in the order in which they were created.
2) The term
Satanism is used to describe a system of ritual
sacrifice and torture that is commonplace all over the world today.
Satanism is just another name for the worship of a highly
destructive, negative force that has been given many names over the
centuries such as Nimrod, Set, the Devil, and
Lucifer. Satanism
perverts everything positive.
3) Satanism is based on the
manipulation of energy and
consciousness. Their rituals create an energy field of vibrational
frequency that connects the consciousness of the participants to the
Reptilians and other consciousness of the lower fourth dimension.
4) The leading Satanists are full-blood reptilians cloaked in human
form. These rituals invariably take place on vortex points so that
the terror, horror, and hatred created from them enters the global
energy grid and affects the Earth’s magnetic field. Thought forms of
that scale of malevolence hold down the vibrational frequency and
affect human thought and emotion.
The Reptilians and their crossbreeds drink blood because they are
drinking the person’s life force and because they need it to exist
in this dimension. They will often shape-shift from human into
reptilian form when drinking human blood and eating human flesh.
Without human blood the reptilians cannot hold human form in this
6) There are ’regeneration rituals’ where an aging Satanist stands
in the center of a circle of babies or young children. As they are
sacrificed the ritual allows the Satanist to absorb their life force
and regenerate his or her body. The world’s most famous Satanist,
Alister Crowley, advocated human sacrifice and admitted to
sacrificing children. He performed just such a sacrifice 150 times
every year between 1912 and 1928 and sacrificed almost 2,500 young
boys in that period alone. Satanism at its core is about the
manipulation and theft of another person’s energy and consciousness.
7) The astrological energies constantly generated by the movement of
the planets and the cycles of the Sun and Moon are also employed to
add to the power of the rituals. So, there are particular days for
their most important Satanic ceremonies. On these days, unimaginable
numbers of people, mostly children, are sacrificed. Some of the main
dates are: spring equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox,
Halloween, winter solstice and every full Moon.
8) What is called
Satanism is the ruling hierarchy of the
brotherhood pyramid under the command of the reptilians. Your
position is decided by the "purity" of your bloodline and the level
at which you operate within the global network known as Satanism. In
other words, the power of the "demons" that have taken possession of
you during Satanic ritual. In this way, the other-dimensional
hierarchy is reflected in the ’human’ hierarchy of the Illuminati.
9) The Satanic network is vast. Satanists are very organized and
extremely ruthless. They are very strong in the medical profession,
police, the judiciary, coroner offices, politics, government
administration, and so on. There is tremendous infighting within
Satanism, as they battle for supremacy by seeking more and more
powerful demonic entities. They hate each other as much as they hate
10) The whole Satanic network is ruled by
fear. Cult members are
disciplined by having to watch their children tortured, beaten to
death or brutally raped. Others are sacrificed. Satanists are
deluded into thinking that they control the demons when actually the
demons are just using them as pawns.
11) Many sacrifices are babies produced by women called "breeders",
who give birth in secret. Other sacrifices are people the Satanists
have kidnapped. It is common for Satanists to die in rituals
designed to transfer their power and demons to another person. When
they die, their consciousness becomes the property of the demons, as
ritually agreed when they become Satanists. The deal involves
demonic power for the Satanists on Earth in return for their "soul"
when they leave their body.
12) Drinking human blood appears to be vital to reptilian entities
to hold open DNA codes that maintain an outward "human" appearance.
The reptilians also feed off an adrenaline that enters the
bloodstream at times of extreme terror. The ritual is performed to
increase this terror to its maximum at the time of death. Consuming
the heart is also at the center of these sacrifice rituals and they
have been performed in the same way for thousands of years. The
heart represents the very essence of who we are.
13) During sex, the two energy fields merge, especially at orgasm,
and this is a common way that reptilian entities take possession of
people. When a possessed person has sex with someone, it opens up
the energy connection for his or her sexual partner to be possessed
also. The Reptilians and other demonic entities are obsessed with
sex because it allows them to possess the victim and to "vampire"
their life force. Drugged and alcoholic states also open people to
possession, as does fear and deep depression.
14) Sex with children has been part of the Illuminati modus operandi
from ancient times. Sexual and Satanic abuse of children are aspects
of the same agenda. This allows the demonic entities in the
perpetrator to take control of their victim. They want to absorb the
energy of children before puberty and orgasm because the energy is
still "pure". Every year, more than 2,000 children disappear in
America alone and many end up with Satanic cults or in the
underground bases.
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1) The global secret society network of today is topped by
Illuminati and, at the very peak, by a reptilian species. It has had
to be done in this covert way because there are not many of them
compared to the human population and they would be overwhelmed if
enough people knew what is really going on.
2) The Illuminati are also known as
the serpent cult or serpent
brotherhood. Their secret language includes the lighted torch, the
pyramid and all-seeing eye, the lion, the snake, fish, flying
reptile (gargoyle), and other reptilian symbolism.
3) The
Priory of Sion, Knights Templar,
Knights of Malta, Teutonic
Knights, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and a long, long list of others,
are the same organization, the all-encompassing network called
The elite families, no more than 13 at the peak of their pyramid,
created and manipulate this system of control through a network of
secret societies. This network and the bloodlines it serves are
known as the Illuminati, the "Illuminated Ones". In other words,
they are illuminated into knowledge that everyone else is denied.
The Illuminati is an organization within all significant
organizations. It’s like a cancer. The highest-ranking member of the
Illuminati is a man code-named
Pindar from the Alsace-Lorraine
region of France. Pindar means ’Penis of the Dragon’.
5) Although Illuminati concepts can be traced back through history
to the earliest sects claiming exoteric knowledge, the order was
first publicly identified in 1776. On May 1 of that year, the
Bavarian Illuminati was formed by
Adam Weishaupt, a professor of
Canon Law at Ingolstadt University of Bavaria in Germany.
6) One of his cofounders reportedly was
William of Hesse, the
employer of Mayer Rothschild.
The Rothschilds and German royalty
were connected through Freemasonry. The Bavarian Illuminati was
banned by Pope Clement XIV in 1773, which caused Weishaupt to break
with the church while studying to be a Jesuit priest.
7) The Illuminati originated within the Muslim Ismaili sect, a group
closely connected to the Knights Templar who brought Illuminati
ideals to Europe centuries before. The Illuminati were indoctrinated
with ancient esoteric knowledge and were opposed to what they saw as
the tyranny of the
Catholic church and the national governments it
8) Weishaupt evoked a philosophy that any means to gain their ends
was acceptable and the key to Illuminati control was secrecy.
Weishaupt and his Illuminati sought a world government based on
their philosophy of human-centered rationalism. In 1777, Weishaupt
blended his brand of Illuminism with Freemasonry after joining the
Masonic Order’s Lodge Theodore of Good Council in Munich, Germany.
9) The Bavarian government cracked down on the order in 1783.
Authorities saw the Illuminati as a direct threat to the established
order and outlawed the organization. This action prompted many
members to flee Germany, which only spread their philosophies
further. Secret Illuminati orders sprang up in France, Italy,
England, and even the new lands of America. Freemasonry
1) During the late Middle Ages, among the only organized groups able
to move freely throughout Europe were the guilds of stone masons,
who maintained meeting halls or "lodges" in every major city. The
masons, who traced their own secret knowledge of architecture and
building back to Egypt and beyond, were essential to the
construction of Europe’s churches and cathedrals.
Freemasonry is the largest worldwide secret society and was
spread largely by the advance of the British empire in the
nineteenth century. Already possessing certain esoteric or secret
knowledge, the Masons were an ideal vehicle for the covert
distribution of anticlerical teachings.
3) Occult geometry, sometimes called "sacred geometry", long has
utilized geometrical symbols for metaphysical and philosophical
concepts. Masonic lore traces its origins back to the construction
of the biblical Tower of Babel and King Solomon’s Temple of
4) The Freemasons originate from:
The Knights Templar-Rosicrucian-Babylonian
Brotherhood underground created their own initiation structure to
pass on the secret knowledge to the chosen few and keep it out of
5) Freemasonry was born in Scotland among the Brotherhood bloodline
families, especially the reptilian St. Clair/Sinclairs. They were
based at Rosslyn or Roslin Castle just South of Edinburgh in a
region steeped in Templar tradition.
6) The biggest rite of world
Freemasonry are the 33 degrees
(initiate levels) called the Scottish Rite. The other main stream of
the ’craft’ is the York Rite, after which New York was named, which
is the center of United States Freemasonry to this day.
7) Freemasonry quickly became a vehicle for
political and economic
manipulation with its members working through all sides to the same
end. Their agenda was to diminish the power of the monarchies in
Europe and replace them with political systems designed in a way
that allowed the Brotherhood to control them. It was based on the
structure in ancient Sumer and Babylon and this has continued to
this very day.
8) The Brotherhood Elite and the reptilians
do not care who
introduces their Agenda, so long as someone does and the most
influential of their bloodlines are not always the most famous
people. Often the most influential ones work in the background
the real power lies.
9) Freemasonry is a cesspit of deceit and hypocrisy, and the oaths
made to the secret societies and your fellow initiates override any
oath you may have made to your country or to people such as a
president, prime minister, congressman, Member of Parliament,
policeman, or judge. The Mason swears to keep the secrets of another
Mason, protecting him even if it requires withholding evidence of a
crime, giving false testimony, perjury, or rendering a false
verdict. Jehovah’s Witnesses
1) The Jehovah’s Witness or Watchtower Society worships the Hebrew
angry god Jehovah. Jehovah is an English translation of the Hebrew
Yahweh or
Lord, a word that was expressed only as
2) After admonishing Moses and his people not to kill, steal, or
covet another’s property, Jehovah ordered them to the lands of the
Amorites, Hittites, Canaanites, and others to kill men, women, and
children and take their lands and possessions.
3) The
Jehovah’s Witness, or Watchtower Society, is another
Illuminati religion used for mind control and a front for
It systematically disconnects its members from non-members in the
way of all mind control cults. The Jehovah’s Witnesses are a replica
of the Mormons, even down to the Freemasonic founders, like
Charles Taze Russell.
4) Charles Taze Russell was from the
Illuminati’s Russell bloodline,
which also founded the infamous
Skull and Bones Society at Yale
University. Russell was a Satanist, a paedophile according to his
wife, and a friend of
the Rothschilds, who funded the Jehovah’s
Witness operation into existence, along with other Illuminati
5) Charles Taze Russell was a high-degree
Freemason and Knights
Templar. He promoted Zionism, another Rothschild creation. Russell’s
family was formally known as Roessel and went to Scotland from
Germany. Both are massive occult centers.
6) From the start,
Charles Russell used his new Watchtower Society,
based at Bethel, Brooklyn, New York, as a front for black magic, or
Enochian magic as his brand of Satanism was called.
Russell was
buried under a pyramid in the United States after he was ritually
killed on Halloween 1917.
7) The Jehovah Witness organization uses trauma-based mind control
for unspeakable mind control projects. Jehovah Witnesses are told to
believe in and welcome Armageddon because that is when the world
will be destroyed and only they will avoid the holocaust.
8) Witnesses and their children are
separated from society and only
the minimum necessary contact with non-believers is encouraged. This
isolates them from other information and visions of reality. They
attend meetings three times each week to be brainwashed with the
religion’s dogma, hatred, and fear. They are told to avoid
independent thinking, not question the council, and to hate in the
name of their God. The shunning laws are breaking up many families,
causing many divorces, and driving people to suicide.
Witnesses are discouraged from listening to popular music,
celebrating festivals and holidays with non-witnesses, and urged to
read the Bible every day. Not only the minds, but the clothing and
hairstyles of the Witnesses are monitored. Every area of their lives
is dictated, including the movies and television programs that they
watch; celebrating birthdays; lotteries; relationships after
divorce; inter-racial marriage; drinking tea and coffee; wearing
cosmetics and jewelry; national anthems; contraception methods; oral
sex in marriage and masturbation.
10) No questioning or rebellion against the leadership is tolerated
and Witnesses are pressured to inform on each other. Encouraging
Witnesses to "confess their sins" to an elder opens the way for
unlimited blackmail. Nor is the privacy of these confessions
maintained. They are kept in a constant state of fear and
unworthiness. Mormons

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1) The Mormon Church is another
’vision’ religion that very
powerfully locks into the Brotherhood network, as all religions do.
The Mormon Church, or more formally, the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints, was founded by Joseph Smith after he claimed an
’angle’ called Moroni appeared to him in 1823. Moroni, he said, told
him of the existence of a book of gold plates containing: "the
fullness of the everlasting gospel" and "an account of the former
inhabitants of this continent and the sources from which they
sprang". The location was revealed to him, and in 1827 with the help
from two ’magic stones’ called Urim and Thummim, he translated the
plates into English. From this came the Book of Mormon two years
later and his followers became the Mormon Church in 1830.
2) The pillars of the early church were
Smith, his brother Hiram,
and Brigham Young. They were all high-degree Freemasons and from the
same Merovingian bloodline. The expansion of the church was funded
by Kuhn, Loeb, and Company (the Rothschild bank in the United
3) Mormons recognize the Bible, but claim that Smith’s writings are
equally divine. They set up communities called Stakes of Zion and
eventually settled in Salt Lake City, Utah.
4) The Mormon Church at Salt Lake City is a major center for
Illuminati trauma-based mind control. The Illuminati look for
families with a history of child abuse and trauma because each new
generation of these bloodlines become more open to mind control as
their DNA is reprogrammed by the experiences. The Mormon Church is
obsessed with genetics and its massive genealogical data banks are
used by the Illuminati to keep records of who has reptilian
5) The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, which is covered in
Illuminati symbols like the all-seeing eye, stands over a large
underground reptilian base that can be accessed from the temple
site. Reptilians and hybrid bloodlines reside permanently in the
underground society and are sold-out Satanic worshipping,
blood-feasting, shape shifters.
6) Satanic ritual goes on within the
Mormon Church. In an
underground chamber called the Pink Room, Mormon leaders dressed in
black robes, worship Lucifer in a ritual called True Order of
Prayer. Newly delivered babies are sacrificed while the mother is
tied to a cross-shaped stone alter.
Skull and Bones
1) Skull and Bones is the American chapter of an earlier German
secret organization, known as Chapter 322, the "Brotherhood of
Death", or "The Order". It was founded at Yale University in 1832 by
General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft.
2) The Russell family was at the center of Russell and Company, a
firm that became enriched first by the slave trade and then by opium
smuggling in the early nineteenth century. The pirate symbol of
skull and crossed bones was adopted as the Order’s insignia. It was
also the official crest of the Bavarian Illuminati.
3) Skull and Bones has close links with Freemasonry. Masonic
emblems, symbols, a German slogan, even the layout of their
initiation room are all identical to those found in Masonic lodges
in Germany associated with the Illuminati.
4) Each year,
only fifteen Yale juniors are selected to participate
in Skull and Bones during their senior year. The Order has its own
membership designations. Neophyte members are called Knights. Once a
full member, they are known as Patriarchs. Outsiders are
derogatorily referred to as "Gentiles" or "vandals".
5) Active membership in Skull and Bones comes from a core group of
about 30 families. Nepotism runs deep in The Order. Prescott Bush,
former president George Bush, and president George W. Bush
are all
6) The Skull and Bones Society is a political recruiting agency and
the epicenter of New World Order control. The order has been called
a "stepping stone" to the
Council on Foreign Relations,
Bilderbergers, and the
Trilateral Commission. It poses a great and
present danger to our freedoms and to our constitutional rights by a
clandestine elite that are manipulating history.
7) Skull and Bones is a
blood drinking, Satanic secret society for
the bloodline families. The ’Eastern Establishment’ are the force
behind America’s most sinister and Satanic secret societies, the
Skull and Bones Society, based in a windowless mausoleum at Yale
University in Connecticut known appropriately as the ’Tomb’.
8) Bloodcurdling screams are heard coming from the tomb of Skull and
Bones. It has an interior with all the trappings of a late Victorian
gothic fantasy. There is heavy dark furniture, medieval armor,
animal heads and everywhere there are skulls and bones including a
skeleton called madam Pompidor. Within the tomb, bonesmen operate on
Skull and Bones time, which is five minutes ahead of the time in the
rest of the world, which is referred to as barbaric time.
9) Membership in The Order involves the worship of the skull. The
reason why skulls and bones figure so prominently in it is a kind of
strain of imagery that dates back to Masonic societies of Germany in
which it was important for a youth to contemplate his death.
10) The Skull and Bones initiation ceremony is held in April in the
tomb’s basement. One distinguished member serves as Master of
Ceremonies. Once enrobed, he is known as Uncle Tubing. The shortest
member is appointed little devil and dons a satanic costume. A Bonesman with a deep voice is dressed as Don Quixote. Another is
dressed as the college’s founder. Still another is given papal
vestments and initiates lay naked in a coffin.
11) Every Thursday and Sunday at 6:30, they gather for dinner in the
Firefly Room. Non-alcoholic drinks are served in skull shaped cups.
Skull and Bones is a dry society. Thursday night is a sort of
general autobiographical session in the basement of the tomb. In the
presence of occult Masonic ritual skeletons, coffins, and death
heads, someone tells the narrative of his life. But on Sunday, there
is a special session that is given the name of Connubial Bliss and
that session is a sexual autobiography.
12) The Skull and Bones is particularly important for initiating
American elite bloodline young people into the web. For nearly two
centuries, Skull and Bones have produced the stewards and leaders of
the American ruling class, the Eastern Establishment elite core of
diplomats, spies, supreme-court justices,
senators, and presidents.
13) Skull and Bones is a lifelong society. This is a vicious group
of inter-breeding bloodlines seeking to impose their will and their
structure of life upon the global population.
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2.2.2 Global Organizations
1) The subsections within this portion of the document describe
organizations with global agendas. They are arranged in the order in
which they were created. These organizations include the Round
Table, United Nations, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, Trilateral
Commission, and the World Trade Organization.
The Round Table
1) The Round Table Groups were established around
1910 by the trust
of English diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes’s first Round Table
group was established in South Africa with funding from the British
Rothschild family to train business leaders loyal to Britain in ways
to maintain control over the country’s wealth.
2) The
Round Tables started out as a collection of semisecret groups
formed along the lines of Illuminati and Freemasonry with "inner"
and "outer" circles and a pyramid hierarchy. Rhodes called his
secret society the Round Table after the legendary meeting place of
King Arthur.
3) Armed with immense wealth gained from control of gold, diamonds
and drugs, Round Tablers fanned out throughout the world to take
control of fiscal and monetary policies and political leadership in
all countries where they operated. The goal was to form the world’s
nations into one English-speaking entity so as to maintain peace and
bring both stability and prosperity to underdeveloped areas.
4) By 1915, other branches of the Round Table were set up in
the United States, Australia, New Zealand and
India. In the United
States, the Round Table was represented by the
Rockefellers, J.P.
Morgan, and Edward Harriman. Cecil Rhodes was also a member of an
organization called
the Committee of 300, which is also known as
Olympians. It consists of 300 people who, in each generation, run
the world under the supervision of even smaller groups above them in
the highest levels of the pyramid. These 300 families are the most
reptilian on the planet and that is how they qualify for their
appointment to this network. United Nations
1) The
United Nations organization was an outgrowth of the old
League of Nations that was instigated by Woodrow Wilson and members
of the Milner-Rhodes secret societies. The concept was resurrected
when representatives of the United States, the Soviet Union, Great
Britain, and China met at the Dumbarton Oaks estate near Washington
DC, from August 21 to October 7, 1944.
2) Formal construction of the UN began at the United Nations
Conference on International Organization held in San Francisco. A
resulting charter was signed in June and went into effect October
24, 1945, little more than two months after World War II ended. The
United Nations was created essentially by the
Council on Foreign
3) Today, the UN supervises the
World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund (IMF). The UN also houses a number of social agencies
including the International Labor Organization (ILO), Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
4) The UN network includes the World Health Organization (WHO), a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Anglo-American-Swiss pharmaceutical
cartel that produce vaccines that cause untold harm to the physical
and spiritual being of billions. The UN Population Fund uses
’population control’ for a policy of
eugenics. Instead of stopping
war, thousands of people have been killed under the banner of the UN
5) In 1947, the United Nations formed the
World Federation of Mental
Health with Montegu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England who
funded and manipulated Adolf Hitler. Running alongside this was the
United Nations Social and Cultural Organization under the leadership
of mind programmer, Julian Huxley. The United Nations is the world’s
largest, continuously-run, brainwashing program for leaders of
developing countries.
6) The United Nations was a vital achievement for
the illuminati.
They tried and failed with their League of Nations after the First
World War and so they engineered the Second World War. The plan has
always been to create so many "problems" in the world that the only
answer to them is perceived to be a global government to "sort out
the mess" (problem-reaction-solution). Those pressing for world
government are the same people who are creating the problems to
justify it.
7) Another scam is to persuade us that a
world government would be
the way to bring all people together as one humanity, caring and
sharing, and recognizing we are all one family. Very nice sentiment
on the face of it, but from the illuminati point of view, that is
their worst nightmare. They want humanity to be divided and ruled,
not united and free. They manipulate people into missing the
fundamental difference between "One World" (coming together in
mutual support and co-operation) and a global centralized fascist
1) The
Bilderbergers are a group of powerful men and women many of
them European royalty who meet in secret each year to discuss the
issues of the day. It still has no official name, but it has been
identified with the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeck, Holland. Where
it was first discovered by the public in 1954.
2) Attendees include prominent businessmen, politicians, bankers,
educators, media owners, and military leaders from around the world.
The Bilderbergers also are closely tied to Europe’s nobility,
including the British royal family and royalty from Sweden,
and Spain.
3) After the Second World War, Britain’s
Lord Victor Rothschild and
Polish socialist Dr. Joseph Retinger encouraged Dutch Prince
Bernhard to create the Bilderberg group. The Prince personally
chaired the group until 1976. Since 1991, the Bilderberg
chairmanship has been held by Britain’s Lord Peter Carrington.
4) The Bilderbergers usually meet once a year at plush resorts
around the globe, and their activities are cloaked in total secrecy
despite the attendance of top-level American media members. Although
the group claims to merely hold informal discussions on world
affairs, there is evidence that its recommendations often become
official policy.
5) The idea of a common European currency was discussed several
years before it became policy. There were also discussions about the
U.S. establishing formal relations with China before President Nixon
actually did it. It was reported that one of the decisions of the
1998 Bilderberg meeting was to encourage British prime minister Tony
Blair to press harder for Britain’s entry into the growing European
Club of Rome
1) In
1968, came the Club of Rome, headed by the Bilderberger and
Freemason, Aurelio Peccei. The Club of Rome, set up at the
Rockefeller family’s private estate at Bellagio in Italy, created
the environmental movement. The Club of Rome has used the
environment to centralize power and confiscate land.
2) It claims to be campaigning to
’save the planet’ when in truth,
it is just another front for the Agenda intent on controlling the
world. It is sponsored by those who are demonstrably creating the
very environmental problems that they say they wish to stop.
3) The Club of Rome has been charged with the task of overseeing the
regionalization and unification of the entire world. Most of the
directives for the planning of the world government are presently
coming from the Club of Rome.
4) The Club has divided the world into ten political/economic
regions, which it refers to as "kingdoms". These regions are:
1. North America
2. Western Europe and Scandinavia
3. Japan
4. South
Africa, Australia and Pacific region
5. Eastern Europe and Northern
6. Mexico, central and South America
7. North Africa and
middle East
8. Central Africa
9. India and Southeast Asia
5) The Club of Rome encourages the creation of a world forum where
statesmen, policy-makers, and scientists can discuss the dangers and
hopes for the future global system. The World Future Society is
where the political, economic, and spiritual aspects of the
one-world government all come together. One of the organization’s
directors was Robert S. McNamara, the former president of the World
Bank and Secretary of Defense.
Trilateral Commission
David Rockefeller, the former chairman of the Council on Foreign
Relations, instigated the creation of the Trilateral Commission. The
concept of the Trilateral Commission was originally brought to
Rockefeller by Zbigniew Brzezinski, then head of the Russian Studies
Department at Columbia University.
2) Brzezinski’s plan for a commission of trilateral nations was
first presented during a meeting of the ultra-secret Bilderberg
group in April 1972, in the small Belgian town of Knokke-Heist.
Reception to Brzezinski’s proposal reportedly was enthusiastic. With
the blessing of the Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign
Relations, the Trilateral Commission began organizing on July 23-24,
1972, at the Rockefeller estate at Pocantico Hills, New York. It was
officially founded on July 1, 1973, with
David Rockefeller as
chairman. Brzezinski was named founding North American director. The
total exclusive membership remains about 300 persons.
3) According to the commission’s official yearly publication,
"The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 by private
citizens of Western Europe, Japan, and North America to foster
closer cooperation among these three regions on common problems."
4) The Trilateral Commission has headquarters in
New York, Paris,
and Tokyo. An executive committee of 35 members administers the
commission, which meets roughly every nine months rotating between
the three regions.
5) Just a few examples indicate that those espousing
policies often end up implementing those same policies in the
government. Three years after his paper was published, Harvard
political scientist Samuel Huntington was named coordinator of
security planning for President Carter’s National Security Council.
In this capacity, Huntington prepared Presidential Review
Memorandum 32, which led to the 1979 presidential order creating the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, a civilian organization with
the power to take totalitarian control of government functions in
the event of a national "emergency".
6) Yale University economist
Richard Cooper headed the commission’s
task force on monetary policy, which recommended selling official
gold reserves to private markets. Cooper became undersecretary of
state for economic affairs, presiding as the International Monetary
Fund sold a portion of its gold.
7) Many of the original members of the
Trilateral Commission are now
in positions of power where they are able to implement policy
recommendations of the Commission; recommendations that they,
themselves, prepared on behalf of the Commission. A cabal of
powerful men are out to control the world by creating a
super-national community dominated by the multinational
corporations. World Trade Organization
1) The controversial General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
renamed in 1995; the World Trade Organization was widely seen as
nothing more than a vehicle to further the Bilderberger goal of
removing all trade barriers. Noting that free trade "breaks up old
nationalities" and "hastens the social revolution",
Karl Marx in
1848 proclaimed, "I am in favor of free trade."
The Illuminati first created the GATT "free trade" agreement to
stop nation states from defending their economies from the
importation of goods that are destroying local jobs. Illuminati
agents like Peter Sutherland of Ireland, the Bilderberger head of
GATT, later became head of the World Trade Organization in the
Illuminati stronghold of Switzerland. This replaced GATT and now has
extensive powers to impose enormous fines on nations who do not
follow its rules.
3) The end of trade borders in Europe under the Common Market
removed more control by individual countries over their economy, and
the same with the North American Free Trade Agreement between the
U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
4) The powers of the World Trade Organization insure that poor
"Third World" countries cannot use their land to feed their people
first, nor keep out imports that are causing hunger and poverty by
destroying local employment.
5) The trans-nationals pay little or no tax to these countries and
by owning the land, at the expense of the people, they can pay
poverty wages to the workers who have no other form of employment
and no chance of self-sufficiency. The Illuminati trans-nationals
are leeches sucking these countries dry of money, opportunity, and
The Illuminati view humans in the same way that most
humans view cattle.
6) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
World Bank told
debt-ridden, poverty-stricken countries that they had to cut
subsidies for food and health care and "restructure" their economies
in line with the instructions of the IMF and World Bank. If they did
not, they would not get any further "help". By now, these countries
could not revert to self-sufficiency because the Illuminati
trans-nationals controlled much of the food-growing land and they
were faced with both world trade restrictions and debt repayments.
People starved.
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2.2.3 Regional Organizations
1) The following subsections describe organizations that pose a
threat to specific regions on this planet. They are arranged in the
order in which they were created. These organizations include the
Federal Reserve, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and
the Council on Foreign Relations.
Federal Reserve
1) One of the most important coups was the creation in 1913 of the
Federal Reserve, the so-called ’central bank’ of the United States.
It is neither Federal nor has any reserves. It is a cartel of
private banks owned by the 20 founding families, mostly European,
which today decides the interest rates for the United States and
lends non-existent money to the U.S. government on which the
taxpayers have to pay interest. Profits exceed $150 billion a year
and the Federal Reserve has not once in all its history published
audited accounts.
2) The elite bankers from the Rockefeller-Morgan-Rothschild-Harriman
cartels met secretly at Jekyl Island in Georgia to discuss tactics
and the nature of the bill they wished to be passed. They pushed the
Federal Reserve Bill through Congress just before Christmas 1913
when many congressmen were already home.
3) They also introduced a Federal Income Tax Bill in 1913. To do
this they needed an amendment, the 16th, to the American
Constitution, and that required the consent of at least 36 states.
Only two states agreed, but Philander Knox, the Secretary of State,
simply announced that the required majority had been achieved and
the bill was introduced. To this day, the enforced payment of
federal income tax is illegal.
4) The function of the Federal Reserve is to Foster a flow of money
and credit that will facilitate orderly economic growth, a stable
dollar, and long-run balance in our international payments. But has
the Fed accomplished its stated goals? Since 1976 the United States
has had a negative trade balance, and, in 1985, for the first time
since 1914, the U.S. debts owed to foreign creditors exceeded
foreign debts owed to U.S. creditors. If the true functions of the
Fed are as claimed, then it has failed miserably.
5) International bankers, like the
Rothschilds and the Warburgs of
Europe and the houses of J.P. Morgan, Huhn, Loeb and Company,
Schiff, Lehman and Rockefeller make money by extending credit to
governments. The greater the debt of the political state, the larger
the interest returned to the lenders. The national banks of Europe
are actually owned and controlled by private interests. These same
private interests can be demonstrated to own and control the Federal
Reserve System.
6) Prior to the 1930s paper bills could be redeemed for gold, since
Section 10 of the Constitution specified gold and silver as the only
lawful tender. Older Federal Reserve notes bore the inscription,
"Redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury, or any
Federal Reserve bank." But no more.
7) Money today is increasingly mere
electronic blips in a computer
accessed by plastic cards at ATMs. There is nothing to back it up.
Yet this illusionary money is loaned at interest by great
institutions. As the total amount of money grows, its worth
decreases. This is called inflation, in effect a built-in tax on the
use of money. And, inflation can be manipulated by those who control
the flow of money. The result of this whole system is massive debt
at every level of society and banks often have the right to seize
physical property if its paper money is not repaid.
8) The same force that created the banking system and controls
of the banks, also created the political system and controls all of
the major governments. This has allowed these governments to pass
banking laws that allow their banks to lend at least ten times what
they have on deposit. This system of "fiat" money and "fractional
reserve lending", means that banks can create money out of thin air
whenever they choose. Debt does not exist except as figures on a
computer screen.
9) The head of the Federal Reserve is currently the Illuminati
Satanist Alan Greenspan, who is also a member of the Bilderbergers,
Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. He is
high up in the Illuminati ritual hierarchy. The "Fed" decides the
interest rates in the U.S. which has a fundamental effect on the
world economy because of the interdependency the Illuminati have
built into the system. Royal Institute of International Affairs
1) In a secret meeting at the
Hotel Majestic in Paris, offshoot
organizations connected to the original Round Table group were
created. The first came in 1920 with the formation of the Institute
of International Affairs, also known as Chatham House, at 10 St.
James Square in London. It was given the title Royal Institute in
1926. The second came with the American branch, the Council on
Foreign Relations, in 1921.
2) These were designed to control even more completely British and
American politics and much of the wider world. They are both the
same organization under different names. The Royal Institute of
International Affairs was formed by the friends of Cecil Rhodes.
3) The Royal Institute connects into the top levels of politics,
banking, business, and the media. As with the Round Table, Royal
Institute branches were established in Australia, Canada,
New Zealand, Nigeria, Trinidad, Tobago, and India, where it is known as
the Council of World Affairs.
Council on Foreign Relations
1) President Woodrow Wilson’s assistant,
Colonel Mandel House, along
with both British and American peace conference delegates met in
Paris’s Majestic Hotel on May 30, 1919, and resolved to form an
"Institute of International Affairs," with one branch in the United
States and one in England. The U.S. branch was incorporated on July
21, 1921, as the Council on Foreign Relations.
2) Article II of the new CFR’s bylaws stated that anyone revealing
details of the CFR meetings in contravention of the CFR’s rules
could be dropped from membership, thus qualifying the CFR as a
secret society.
3) Since 1945, the CFR has been headquartered in the elegant Harold
Pratt House in New York City. The building was donated by the Pratt
family of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. The CFR’s invitation-only
membership, originally limited to 1,600 participants, today numbers
more than 3,300, representing the most influential leaders in
finance, commerce, communications, and academia.
4) Council members are in the forefront of America’s globalist
activism. CFR officials include nearly all past and present senior
U.S. government officials who deal with international matters. A
1997 mission statement stated the council is merely "a unique
membership organization and think tank that educates members and
staff to serve the nation with ideas for a better and safer world."
5) However, the CFR has had its hand in every major twentieth
century conflict. It is a group of men and women set on world
domination through multinational business, international treaties,
and world government. The one common objective of CFR members is to
bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and national
independence of the United States. Primarily, they want the world
banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in control of global
6) Through 1988, 14 secretaries of State, 14 treasury secretaries,
11 defense secretaries and scores of other federal department heads
have been CFR members. Nearly every CIA director since
Allen Dulles has been a CFR member.
7) In January 1943, the secretary of State,
Cordell Hull, formed a
steering committee that drafted the original proposal of the United
Nations. All of the members with the exception of Hull were in the CFR. While the
CFR created the United Nations, it is still only a
branch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London,
which is only an offshoot of the Round Table, which is only an
agency of an even higher authority in the hierarchy.
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