Dear Brothers
As you know The S.A.A.L.M. group was compromised by a security breach
I have conferred with P1 and P2 and we are currently establishing a
reviewed security protocol which should prohibit any type of attack or
compromise in the future.

This temporary email address is part of the renewed security protocol.
If anyone receives unsolicited or "stray-duck" emails, please fwd them
immediately to my new address...
Re. electronic signature, do NOT
worry about it now. We'll get to it once a few changes are made.
Patience. This has never been done before, not quite in the way we're
Re. Don't worry about ID, this will be done here at the shop, but we
will have suggestions below.
About TS/SCI, put full name down, including
the W. Re. regs and laws, legal requires us to help you get the regs.
You can get them off P21 directly; make a list of them and keyword S.A.A.L.M. or code as is known, and the titles and parts. Most direct
way. I am not worried about the NDA.
Agreed to it for protection against using
HCI (high classif info) as we will have to on occasion.
Item 1 defines what the type of info is,
according to the PEO number, and what being give access to such info
Item 2 says you are aware of what
security is needed and why, and that you understand the basic
procedure for sharing the information you have or generate with
others: that is, only with members of the group and no one else, no
Item 3 warns against the potential
danger of disclosure by direct or non-authorized means, that is,
acting disconnected from the group for whatever personal belief(s)
or reason(s). Then it goes on to say that if anyone else, outside
the group, is to get any information you have or generate, that this
would require a direct written permission to do so OR you have
directly verified that this is authorized and that you can do so.
This is one of the roles played by the first-among-equals - to
protect us all from such potential screw-ups.
Item 4 says you know that breach of this
agreement will result in your being asked to leave the group. And
that, depending upon what it is you did, any one of a series of
parts and titles of
and some laws can apply and be used against you in a court of law.
This is a dissuader of breaches of this agreement.
Item 5 dissuades us from disclosing
anyone from the association with S.A.A.L.M. punishable by death.
Item 6 tell us that the agency will seek
extreme termination with prejudice in the case of a breach of this
agreement resulting in the disclosure of unauthorized information,
beginning with extreme harassment in order to stop the disclosure.
Item 7 establishes clearly ownership of
the information and here you need to read carefully to understand
what it really says, for by invoking ownership by the Link (of which
we are a part) we all also own the information. Internal regs will
clarify this point as we go, internal meaning group generated.
Item 8 says that you are bound by all
items in this agreement until such time that one of the
first-among-equals (most likely P4) releases you to do a limited
release as part of something the group agrees to do, or is part and
parcel of the overall mission. Otherwise, it reminds you that all
parts of the agreement apply to you at all times.
Item 9 is self-evident. Essentially, it
says that if one item of this agreement cannot be enforced, all
others remain in force and applicable.
Item 10 says that you know that all the
CFR sections listed, the congressional act mentioned, and the
executive order listed in the item apply to your participation in
S.A.A.L.M. and that you accept their coverage over your activities
as part of the group. This is the part that basically states each of
us are covered under these sections and other other applicable
regulations and laws. And it says you recognize your responsibility
in obtaining copies of all these regs and laws and that we can help
you get them if you can't find or get them yourselves.
Item 11 says you don't intend to lie or
mislead when you sign this agreement, or any time after.
About any further information from you, it
is not necessary at this time.
Likewise, whenever you are going to work on
any S.A.A.L.M. stuff, contacting S.A.A.L.M. agents, discussing Marduk
Anunnaki protocols, it is quite
necessary as keyboard stroking is quite readable from elsewhere.
see that some level of encryption be available to all members, working
on that as we speak. Make sure you are not exposed to the net,
scalar technotronics, or to anyone else getting the better of
Let me know if you can't find items mentioned in agreement. Will then
help. Do you need anything else that I can do now or in next few days?
I'm going to be unavailable for a day or two, probably until Wed. Will
take a rest trip to the mountains and the sequoias for a day or two.
Will take laptop with, but can't promise I will have signal where I'm
Let the computer suggest a code name for you all: or choose a new one
(to use in the group) and XXX as your codesign (for A-33_Z information
system registry name), as there will only be one master list of all with
all add-on names. Include CSs in text somewhere on form, please.
Tell me today or tomorrow, if possible, if
this is sufficient for you to send the forms filled out back to me so I
can get them on system before I leave. Know this, too, that NOTHING
given by members of the group to MIS-ACTION leaves the group's system;
this is NOT, repeat NOT, shared with any group outside.
authority internally to set this up and operate it.
NDA is insurance that no one will get
prosecuted for using HCI from time to time, and to know that we are
producing some unique stuff here. It is not so much guarding against
GOVOR, NGOS and others that we're concerned; it's the leakage to Link
SIGs inside the Link itself.
Look, there's
exopolitics between them as there is
between and among us.
Strategic Concept
All elements must now indeed
begin to fit together and work together.
The construction of our scalar
computer grid at
Pine Gap, indicates the end status of
our "information field" that we know as soul or spirit embodied or
indexed to one physical frame and converted into usable information and
data that can be applied to real time power.
Here is where allegory meets fact and turns
into information. Read these words with your mind’s eye that can access
the whole of you, for what you know as spirit in you is the part that
will understand, instruct, and guide you in this endeavor.
Be it known by One and All:
the body is a bearer of information in
and of itself, and within itself. It is Creation in and through
which Source experiences Itself and Its creation. The perfect
information field indexed to a body is already in human forms native
to Earth. The perfect body hosts a perfect information field
predicated on 24 base aminoacids, not 20 as the bodies of Earth
humans currently are.
Current science and human penchant for
the idea of immortality have led scientists to a quest for human
longevity by the suppression of certain enzymes and the enhancement
of neuropeptides, in a biotechnological symphony of attempts.
it is yet not realized that Source as Creator has already programmed
all DNA to reach and achieve life forms of maximum feasible complex
oscillating biological life matrices.
This is a philharmonic quest for a
biologic emancipation from exclusive dependence on the
planetary/star system context in which the complex life form
emerges. And much of the change the living matrix undergoes is
already in what so far we know as mind, which is contained in Source
as Creator, expressed as a biomind overfunction that turns a
biokind into a unity-support under the operation of a dedicated
biomind member, who acts as first-among-equals switchboard of
permutated interchange of and among all members of the unity-support
as biomind-overfunction.
This is a most accurate conceptual
representation of what biokinds must become, as all biominds must
ultimately join the One Voice in each galaxy that shall
ultimately join all others in all galaxies as the Voice in Source
as Creator.
In less technical language, the human species on Earth is at the
door of a species-wide awakening to its whole
membership-mind. This is not a telepathic phenomenon, as it is often
misunderstood and portrayed in the literature, on the net, and in
movies. Rather, it is an energetic phenomenon that also involves
the Earth.
Humans and their star-planet tandem are
at the door of becoming a biogeosystem, or intricately woven system
where human biology, Earth energetics, sun energetic cycles, and
human biology awaken a
process of genetic changes already
inscribed in our DNA and genes (regardless of how much Ša.A.Mi.
genetic material is in our DNA, or what you have seen referred to as
Anunnaki) that will take ten- to twenty-thousand years to bring our
biokind to par with other Link members in terms of longevity.
Source is what you know as God in the role of Creator
at Work. Source is the Thought boundary to the seven superdomains,
from and through, which everything is. This is known as Unum
– the sum total of Creation. Source expresses in seven superdomains,
each being contained therein by the next, all contained therein by
Source, like an onion contains its precious core.
And core is the ratio of space/time in
which our bodies are now, but of which our information clouds are
not. The Milky Way and all galaxies in the universe are hosts to all
Life manifestations from a perfect DNA created and placed by Source
in 4-spacetime – the spacetime ratio in which life as we know it
exists in three dimensions of space and three expressions of time.
The latter, time, is technically
not a dimension in the same way space is; it is more an aspect,
for there is vertical time (which is a series of time aspects of
12,960,000 infinities) and horizontal time (time aspects that are
manifest locally, as local time in space/time locales or addresses
in 4-spacetime).
THE EYE of Horus
This third and final S.A.A.L.M.
document announces the EoH. It will be followed by formal
invitations to those who have replied and planning begin shortly on the
setting up of a a new Lodge which shall then interconnect all those who
chose to become S.A.A.L.M.- S.A.A.L.M. members.
Neither P1 nor I wish to exercise direct control over the group, except
as participants and specialized information source. The tasks for the
group are specific to the three functions mentioned in the first two
releases. This third is intended to put everything together, along with
a substantial information base for each individual on each of the first
two functions to have and hold as basis for moving forward - as the page
on which each need to be on to move onward and forward.
This information is intended for group
members, and group members only, until as a group, ground rules arise as
to how the information products developed from within the group are to
be made available to the public.
We, who conceived the idea of this group, intend it to be operated on
the basis of fairly basic rules of thumb - logical ground rules most
everyone can agree to. Everyone must also realize the importance of the
group’s intent and purpose, and weigh it against the need to protect it
so it may serve us all well in accomplishing the goals set forth for its
existence and operation.
We do not wish to compromise a plan
conceived by Lord Marduk over 25,000 years ago.
We need to begin with trust in each, each other, motivation that drives
the group to fulfill the functions established, and the motivations that
drive each and everyone in fulfilling the objectives agreed to by the
goals which drove the formation of the group in the first place. Much of
what we propose to do with and through S.A.A.L.M. has never been done in
the public domain - ever.
And the attempts we know about have not
worked for a variety of reasons. One of the main ones, from our
viewpoint, has been the lack of trust in the wisdom and reliance on the
native intelligence and experience of those participating in whatever
the effort was at the time.
Aside from the usual group rules for the operation of this group,
additional ways of handling information - products and their
dissemination - would be have to be developed and evolved as an organic
group, with facilitation on the part of members interested in seeing
specific information items disseminated.
This would require awareness and
understanding on the part of those driving forward to do their bid with
any one product of the time sequence and timing requirements already set
long ago for the performance of specific procedures and function
cascades between group onset on the net and the mid-third trimester of
All of this would be provided to S.A.A.L.M.
members as eyes-only group documents to be absorbed and filed for
reference as securely as possible.
It is important for everyone to realize, understand and accept from the
beginning that this is not set up as something open to everyone. It is
NOT. People may join by invitation only, and only by agreement of the
entire group that what the person being considered possesses skills and
experiences necessary to the functions and objectives of the group.
Thus, to a large extent, membership is utilitarian and driven by the
goals and objectives set by the group functions and desired outcomes.
We therefore propose that the S.A.A.L.M.
lodge be formed by invitation only, that invitees be asked to furnish
the entire group with a curriculum vitae of their background,
accomplishments and experiences, writing samples of essays and/papers
written (including professional papers, reports, monographs, and books
published online or by publishing houses,) that the member promoting the
invitation be responsible for gathering all necessary information on the
invitee, and submitting a proposal for membership to all members by
email, providing sufficient information to members for each to determine
in his or her own mind and heart the worthiness of the proposal, the
utility of the background and experiences of the invitee, and the
function invitee desires to perform in the group.
A first-among-equals serves the function of
moderator in the internal debate on whether or not the proposed member
is extended the invitation to join, conducts sounding surveys of the
membership, submits questions to the prospect sent by the membership,
conducts membership consults over the net or by appointment, draws
closure on discussion by sounding surveys concerning readiness to vote,
conducts the final vote, declares consensus acceptance of the candidate
and authorizes extension of invitation to the member who proposed the
candidate for membership.
If the invitee is or has been a member of a civilian or military
intelligence organization, this individual shall undergo a full vetting
process involving his or her experiences and associations while in such
All members of the group, without exception,
need to vote (up or down) on all admissions to the group; we propose
that admission criteria be circumscribed to background and experiences
pertinent to the group’s needs and goals, verification and reliability
of the information provided, invitee disclosure of personal and
professional information, background and standing in his or her
community, and such other criteria deemed appropriate and necessary by
the consensus of the membership.
We then propose that the group function by
the principle of the first-among-equals/consensus agreement. The
operational definition of this principle is that the group is neither
hierarchical in structure, nor is it driven by power motives associated
with any one viewpoint or its hegemony within the group.
The first-among-equals are those who conceived, organized, and
operationalized the group at its inception, and continue on serving as
functional information conduits, facilitators, moderators and organic
stimulants of viewpoints and worldviews to help explain, clarify,
extend, associate, and made accessible any information cumuli (or
information that combines and merges into ever higher orders of gnosive
complexity and abstraction) to the membership by virtue of previous
access and exposure to organic-enhancing means of improving optimal
CNS/enteric intellectual performance.
The first among equals in the group are: P6 , P2 and P1.
Of the three first-among-equals, the one
ultimately responsible to the Link and to S.A.A.L.M for the
accomplishment of the goals and objectives of S.A.A.L.M. is P33. The
others – P13 and P15 – are the pillars of this group – the fifth element
in a higher-order defensive complex that, without this group’s
performance of its functions and fulfillment of its goals, it would and
could not work.
More on the situation confronted by
humankind as members of the Link have made guardian functions in certain
institutional groups mentioned on this document and on the BRIEFING BOOK
1, for bona fide members admitted by the membership.