Nick Begich, MD
Mind Control
The Ultimate Brave New
Part 1 of 2
"Earth Rising II: The
Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul"
Extracted from Nexus Magazine
Volume 13, Number 2 (February - March
Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling
the mind can have benefits, but they have a dark side
that military and intelligence planners have been
exploiting for decades. |
It would also appear possible to
create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the
possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction...
Thus, it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a
fashion that would be most disturbing to them.1 — US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st
The idea that the brain can be made to function at a
more efficient
and directed level has been the subject of research by scientists,
mystics, health practitioners and others for as long as mankind has
contemplated such matters. In the last decade, advances in the
science of the brain have begun to yield significant results. The
results of the research are startling, challenging and, if misused,
will be frightening. The certainty to be expected from the research
is that it will continue to proceed.
The idea that people can be impacted by external signal generators
which create, for example, pulsed electromagnetic fields, pulsed
light and pulsed sound signals is not new. The following information
demonstrates some of the possibilities and gives hints of the
potentials of the technology. On the positive side, researchers in
the field of light and sound are making huge progress in a number of
areas, including working with learning disabilities, attention
deficit disorders, stroke recovery, accelerated learning,
drug/alcohol addiction and enhanced human performance. The research
has shown that certain brain states can be influenced in a way which
causes changes within the brain itself. These changes allow
individuals the possibility of influencing specific conditions in
the mind and body otherwise thought beyond our direct control.
The military and others interested in such things have also focused
a large amount of research into this area for the purpose of
enhancing the performance of soldiers while degrading the
performance of adversaries.
What is known is that great strides in the area of behaviour control
are now possible with systems developed and under development by
most sophisticated countries on the planet. These new technologies
represent a much different approach to warfare which our government
is describing as part of the "Revolution in Military Affairs". While
these new technologies offer much for military planners, they offer
even more to citizens generally. Their potential use in military
applications and "peacekeeping" creates the need for open debate of
this new realm of intelligence-gathering, manipulation and warfare.
The most basic ethical questions regarding use of these technologies
have not been adequately addressed.
At the same time that defense and intelligence-gathering
capabilities are being sought, independent researchers are fully
engaged in seeking positive uses for the technology. The potentials
of the technology, like all technology, are great as both a
destructive or constructive force for change. The idea of enhancing
physical and mental performance while bypassing what heretofore was
a long and arduous road to achieve the same results is exciting.
Maintaining the research in the open literature and ensuring that
constructive uses are encouraged is critical.
I began looking into technologies for stimulating brain performance
about fifteen years ago. At the time, there were limited tools
available compared to what is now possible. Now it is possible to
obtain light and sound, electrocranial and biofeedback tools for use
in this exploration. Moreover, there are audio materials also
available for use with most of these tools. These audio materials
can be used for learning languages, behaviour modification or
enhanced performance. The biofeedback side of the new technology is
being used to train people to reach specific desired brain states
for optimum performance.
The use of light and sound devices for stimulating brain activity
which is conducive to accelerated learning and relaxation is a
growing area of interest to many people. Moreover, the use of these
tools in conjunction with biofeedback has been the subject of
quickly evolving research. The combined technologies of brain state
inducement and biofeedback offer exciting possibilities. It has been
found with the combination that a person, in a matter of several
weeks, can learn to modify purposefully his/her brain activity in a
way which would have taken a Zen master twenty years to accomplish.
It has been shown that some children with attention deficit
disorders can be taught to regulate their brain activities so that
they can learn efficiently without chemicals. It has been
demonstrated that recovering stroke victims can more rapidly recover
when working with brain-biofeedback practitioners and these new
The research is also teaching us a good deal about our
suggestibility in terms of influences which have an impact on our
behaviour. The underlying message that comes with the new technology
is the necessity of providing safeguards against misuse.
Additionally, recognition of the everyday stimulation we all get and
the effect of these information inputs on our learning processes
becomes more clear. The suggestibility of humans, particularly when
in a fatigued condition, has been exploited by terrorists, cults and
others in pursuit of their own aims. The passive suggestibility of
radio and television as we weave in and out of the semi-sleep states
is for the most part not even recognized. The passive learning
situations become even more relevant when we consider how we
"receive the news" in our daily lives. The ability to influence
thinking, behaviour and performance is indeed a two-edged sword.
The 1980s and 1990s were focused on building up the physical body.
The 21st century will see a focus on building the mind and
optimizing mental performance. The idea of merging the new
technologies into education is interesting and also calls into
question who will decide what is to be learned. In the interim, the
possibilities are incredible for those interested in such pursuits.
The control of our mental function is no different than the control
of the muscles in our bodies. Learning to control or coordinate the
activity of our minds will propel our bodies through a much more
productive and fuller life. The new tools may offer just such
On the other side of the issue is the potential for misuse and
exploitation of the science. Military planners, law enforcement
officials and others are now seeking the covert use of these
technologies for controlling the ultimate "information
processor"—the Human Being.
"Dr Gottlieb, born August 3, 1918,
was the CIA’s real-life ’Dr Strangelove’—a brilliant bio-chemist
who designed and headed MK-ULTRA, the agency’s most far-reaching
drug and mind-control program at the height of the Cold War.
Though the super-secret MK-ULTRA was ended in 1964, a
streamlined version called MK-SEARCH was continued—with
in charge—until 1972."2
During this period, substantial interest in mind control was
stimulated by Soviet use of microwaves. In 1988,
"thirty-five years
after security officers first noticed that the Soviets were
bombarding the US embassy in Moscow with microwave radiation, the US
government still has not determined conclusively—or is unwilling to
reveal—the purpose behind the beams".3
The US government did know
what was happening. The Soviets had developed methods for disrupting
the purposeful thought of humans and were using their knowledge to
impact diplomats in the United States embassy in Moscow.
In 1994, a report concerning the
MKULTRA program was issued,
containing the following information:
"In the 1950s and ’60s, the CIA engaged in an extensive program of
human experimentation, using drugs, psychological, and other means,
in search of techniques to control human behavior for
counterintelligence and covert action purposes.
"In 1973, the CIA purposefully destroyed most of the MKULTRA files
concerning its research and testing on human behaviour. In 1977, the
agency uncovered additional MKULTRA files in the budget and fiscal
records that were not indexed under the name MKULTRA. These
documents detailed over 150 subprojects that the CIA funded in this
area, but no evidence was uncovered at that time concerning the use
of radiation.
"The CIA did investigate the use and effect of microwaves on human
beings in response to a Soviet practice of beaming microwaves on the
US embassy. The agency determined that this was outside the scope of
the Advisory Committee’s purview.
"...The Church Committee found some records, but also noted that the
practice of MKULTRA at that time was ’to maintain no records of the
planning and approval of test programs’. ...MKULTRA itself was
technically closed out in 1964, but some of its work was transferred
to the Office of Research and Development (ORD) within the DS&T
under the name MKSEARCH and continued into the 1970s.
"The CIA worked closely with the Army in conducting the
experiments. This connection with the Army is significant because MKULTRA began at the same time that Secretary of Defense
issued his 1953 directive to the military services on ethical
guidelines for human experiments.
"Throughout the course of
MKULTRA, the CIA sponsored numerous
experiments on unwitting humans. After the death of one such
individual (Frank Olson, an army scientist, was given LSD in 1953
and committed suicide a week later), an internal CIA investigation
warned about the dangers of such experimentation. The CIA persisted
in this practice for at least the next ten years. After the 1963 IG
[Inspector-General] report recommended termination of unwitting
testing, Deputy Director for Plans Richard Helms (who later
became Director of Central Intelligence) continued to advocate
covert testing on the ground that ’positive operational
capability to use drugs is diminishing, owing to a lack of
realistic testing. With increasing knowledge of state of the
art, we are less capable of staying up with the Soviet advances
in this field’. ...Helms attributed the cessation of the
unwitting testing to the high risk of embarrassment to the
Agency as well as the ’moral problem’. He noted that no better
covert situation had been devised than that which had been used,
and that ’we have no answer to the moral issue’."4
They did have the answers to the moral questions on human
experimentation but chose to ignore them, destroy the records, hide
the truth and still continue in their efforts. Nothing has changed
as each participating organization, using national security laws,
avoids disclosure and accountability. The records which were
destroyed contained the evidence necessary perhaps to send some
participants to jail for society’s version of behaviour
modification. Once again, there was no accountability and no
recognition of the rights of the individuals damaged by these
Mind Wars
"For the first time in some 500
years, a scientific revolution has begun that will fundamentally
change the world as much as the Renaissance and Enlightenment
did. A handful of extraordinary new advances in science are
taking humans quickly and deeply into areas that will have
profound implications for the future."5
One of these areas is control of the human mind. The issues
surrounding behaviour modification, mind control and information
warfare become crystal clear as the facts unfold.
The following is taken from a current military document, "The
Information Revolution and the Future Air Force" by Colonel
John A.
Warden III, USAF, which clarifies their position in the emerging
area of research, taking a much different direction than the one
described above:
"We’re currently experiencing, on an unprecedented global basis,
three simultaneous revolutions, any one of which would be more than
enough to shock and confound us. The first revolution, a
geopolitical revolution, sees a single dominant power in the world
for the first time since the fall of Rome. The opportunities that
are inherent in this situation are extraordinary, as are the
pitfalls. Unfortunately, there is no one around that has first hand
experience in how to deal with that kind of single power dominant
"The second revolution, and there’s a lot of discussion about this
so far, is the information revolution. As other people have
mentioned, it is following inexorably in tandem behind Moore’s law
of computing power. Attendant to it, though, is not the creation of
new ideas and technologies, but also an exponential growth in the
velocity of information dissemination, and for us that is of
extraordinary importance. A key part of this information revolution
has an awesome impact on competition. The business that introduced a
new product ten years ago could count on probably five years before
it had to look seriously at potential competitors based overseas.
Today, you’re lucky if you can count on five months or even five
weeks before you are facing the overseas competitor. In today’s
world, success simply demands rapid introduction of successively new
products or military systems. Success now goes to the organization
which exploits information almost instantly, while failure is the
near certain fate of the organization which tries to husband or hide
ideas. Real simple—use it or you’re going to lose it.
"The third revolution, which is a little bit more complex, is the
military/technological revolution, or in some places called
revolution in military affairs. I’m convinced that this is the first
military technological revolution ever because we now have, for the
first time, a conceptually different way to wage war. We can wage
war in parallel now. In the past, communications and weapons
technology, especially weapons accuracy, have constrained us to
waging serial war. This changes almost everything.
"Biological Process Control:
As we look forward to the future, it
seems likely that this nation will be involved in multiple conflicts
where our military forces increasingly will be placed in situations
where the application of full force capabilities of our military
might cannot be applied. We will be involved intimately with hostile
populations in situations where the application of non-lethal force
will be the tactical or political preference. It appears likely that
there are a number of physical agents that might actively, but
largely benignly, interact or interfere with biological processes in
an adversary in a manner that will provide our armed forces the
tools to control these adversaries without extensive loss of life or
property. These physical agents could include acoustic fields,
optical fields, electromagnetic fields, and combinations thereof.
This paper will address only the prospect of physical regulation of
biological processes using electromagnetic fields.
"Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of
knowledge in the field of neuroscience. We will have achieved a
clear understanding of how the human brain works, how it really
controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be
manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the
development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which
can be,
pulsed, shaped, and focused
that can couple with the human
body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular
control emotions (and thus actions)
produce sleep
transmit suggestions
interfere with both short-term and long-term
produce an experience set
delete an experience set
This will open the door for the development of some novel
capabilities that can be used in armed conflict, in
terrorist/hostage situations, and in training. New weapons that
offer the opportunity of control of an adversary without resorting
to a lethal situation or to collateral casualties can be developed
around this concept. This would offer significant improvements in
the capabilities of our special operation forces.
"Initial experimentation should be focused on the interaction of
electromagnetic energy and the neuromuscular junctions involved in
voluntary muscle control. Theories need to be developed, modeled,
and tested in experimental preparations. Early testing using in
vitro cell cultures of neural networks could provide the focus for
more definitive intact animal testing. If successful, one could
envision a weapon that would render an opponent incapable of taking
any meaningful action involving any higher motor skills (e.g., using
weapons, operating tracking systems). The prospect of a weapon to
accomplish this when targeted against an individual target is
reasonable; the prospect of a weapon effective against a massed
force would seem to be more remote. Use of such a device in an
enclosed area against multiple targets (hostage situation) may be
more difficult than an individual target system, but probably
"It would also appear to be possible to create high fidelity speech
in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and
psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the
gigahertz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature
perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of
the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce
an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible
to create an internal acoustic field in the 5–15 kilohertz range,
which is audible. Thus, it may be possible to ’talk’ to selected
adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them.
"In comparison to the discussion in the paragraphs above, the
concept of imprinting an experience set is highly speculative, but
nonetheless highly exciting. Modern electromagnetic scattering
theory raises the prospect that ultrashort pulse scattering through
the human brain can result in reflected signals that can be used to
construct a reliable estimate of the degree of central nervous
system arousal. The concept behind this ’remote EEG’ is to scatter
off of action potentials or ensembles of action potentials in major
central nervous system tracts. Assuming we will understand how our
skills are imprinted and recalled, it might be possible to take this
concept one step further and duplicate the experience set in another
individual. The prospect of providing a ’been there—done that’
knowledge base could provide a revolutionary change in our approach
to specialized training. How this can be done or even if it can be
done are significant unknowns [sic]. The impact of success would
boggle the mind!"6
The above report was a forecast for the year
2020. However, the
reality is that these technologies already exist and there are a
number of patents in the open literature which clearly show the
possibilities. This research is not new but goes back to the 1950s.
"A new class of weapons, based on
electromagnetic fields, has been added to the muscles of the
military organism. The C3I [Command, Control, Communications and
Intelligence] doctrine is still growing and expanding. It would
appear that the military may yet be able to completely control
the minds of the civilian population."7
The targeting of civilian populations by the military is a
significant departure from its history. In the past, the military
has used persuasion through real information rather than using
deliberate deception and mind manipulation to win populations over.
"A decoy and deception concept
presently being considered is to remotely create the perception
of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low
power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with
properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is
reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to
originate (regardless of the person’s position in the field)
within or just behind the head.
The phenomena occurs [sic] at
average power densities as low as microwatts per square
centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By
proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may
be created. Before this technique may be extended and used for
military applications, an understanding of the basic principles
must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to
optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy and
deception operations but is required to properly assess safety
factors of such microwave exposure."8
Actual testing of certain systems has proven,
"that movements,
sensations, emotions, desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological
phenomena may be induced, inhibited, or modified by electrical
stimulation of specific areas of the brain. These facts have changed
the classical philosophical concept that the mind was beyond
experimental reach."9
The first widespread interest in the subject of
mind control hit the
mainstream of military think-tanks after the Korean War when
returning prisoners of war exhibited significant behavioural
changes. In 1956, the following was written into the United States
Congressional Record:
"Reports of the treatment of
American prisoners of war in Korea have given rise to several
popular misconceptions, of which the most widely publicized is
’brainwashing’. The term itself has caught the public
imagination and is used, very loosely, to describe any act
committed against an individual by the Communists. Actual
’brainwashing’ is a prolonged psychological process, designed to
erase an individual’s past beliefs and concepts and to
substitute new ones. It is a highly coercive practice which is
irreconcilable with universally accepted medical ethics. In the
process of ’brainwashing’, the efforts of many are directed
against an individual. To be successful, it requires, among
other things, that the individual be completely isolated from
normal associations and environment."10
The ethical considerations have not changed, but the military’s
position on the ethics has changed as it has gained significant
capabilities in these areas.
"Psychological warfare is becoming
increasingly important for US forces as they engage in peacekeeping
operations. ’In the psychological operations area, we’re always
looking to build on our existing technologies, so much of this is
evolutionary,’ [military planner] Holmes said. ’It is critically
important that we stay ahead of the technology curve."11
temptation to dabble in this area has now overcome the ethical
A Russian military article offered a slightly different slant to the
problem, declaring that "humanity stands on the brink of a
psychotronic war" with the mind and body as the focus.11a These "psychotronic"
weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various
sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism. In both
cases, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally
keep the body in equilibrium.
According to a US Department of Defense directive (S-3600.1,
December 9, 1996), "information warfare" is defined as,
information operation conducted during time of crisis or conflict to
achieve or promote specific objectives over a specific adversary or
An "information operation" is defined in the same
directive as "actions taken to affect adversary information and
information systems". These "information systems" lie at the heart
of the modernization effort of the US armed forces and manifest
themselves as hardware, software, communications capabilities and
highly trained individuals.
Information warfare has tended to ignore the role of the human body
as an information or data processor in this quest for dominance,
except in those cases where an individual’s logic or rational
thought may be upset via disinformation or deception...
Yet, the
body is capable not only of being deceived, manipulated or
misinformed but also shut down or destroyed—just as any other
data-processing system. The "data" the body receives from external
sources, such as electromagnetic, vortex or acoustic energy waves,
or creates through its own electrical or chemical stimuli, can be
manipulated or changed, just as the data (information) in any
hardware system can be altered. If the ultimate target of
information warfare is the information-dependent process, "whether
human or automated", then the definition implies that human
data-processing of internal and external signals
can clearly be
considered an aspect of information warfare.12
On a much grander scale, the use of mind control was contemplated as
far back as 1969 by a former science adviser to President Johnson.
"Gordon J. F. Macdonald, a geophysicist specializing in problems of
warfare, has written that accurately timed, artificially excited
strokes ’could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce
relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth... In
this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the
brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over
an extended period...’"13
This capability exists today through the
use of systems which can stimulate the ionosphere to return a pulsed
(modulated) signal which, at the right frequency, can override
normal brain functions. By overriding the natural pulsations of the
brain, chemical reactions are triggered which alter the emotional
state of targeted populations.
Subliminal Messages and Commercial Uses
One of the areas where this new technology is being used is in
systems to dissuade shoplifters, using sound below the range of
"Japanese shopkeepers are playing CDs with subliminal
messages to curb the impulses of the growing band of shoplifters.
The Mind Control CDs have sound-tracks of popular music or ocean
waves, with encoded voices in seven languages... warning that anyone
caught stealing will be reported to the police."14
A number of devices have been developed to
influence behaviour in
this way, and patents have been awarded. The following summations
are taken from some of these patents dealing with both audio and
video programming—only this time, we are the program:
"An auditory subliminal programming
system includes a subliminal message encoder that generates
fixed frequency security tones and combines them with a
subliminal message signal to produce an encoded subliminal
message signal which is recorded on audio tape or the like. A
corresponding subliminal decoder/mixer is connected as part of a
user’s conventional stereo system and receives as inputs an
audio program selected by the user and the encoded subliminal
"Ambient audio signals from the
customer shopping area within a store are sensed and fed to a
signal processing circuit that produces a control signal which
varies with variations in the amplitude of the sensed audio
signals. A control circuit adjusts the amplitude of an auditory
subliminal anti-shoplifting message to increase with increasing
amplitudes of sensed audio signals and decrease with decreasing
amplitudes of sensed audio signals. This amplitude controlled
subliminal message may be mixed with background music and
transmitted to the shopping area."16
"Data to be displayed is
combined with a composite video signal. The data is stored in
memory in digital form. Each byte of data is read out in
sequential fashion to determine: the recurrence display rate of
the data according to the frame sync pulses of the video signal;
the location of the data within the video image according to the
line sync pulses of the video signal; and the location of the
data display within the video image according to the position
"This invention is a combination of a subliminal message generator
that is 100% user programmable for use with a television receiver.
The subliminal message generator periodically displays user
specified messages for the normal television signal for [a] specific
period of time. This permits an individual to employ a combination
of subliminal and supraliminal therapy while watching television."18
The above points may seem a bit complicated; however, they can be
summarized. These patents are designed to provide a way to hide
messages in video or audio formats, masking any suggestions that the
programmer wishes to convey. These kinds of messages bypass the
conscious mind and are acted upon by the person hearing them; they
are not sorted out by the active mind. Although these technologies
are being developed for personal use and as security measures,
consider the possibilities for abuse by commercial interests where
the messages might be "buy, buy, buy", "drink more, don’t worry", or
some other self-serving script. Should these systems be regulated?
By whom and under what conditions?
New Standards for What is a Memory
"Nevada is currently the only state to allow witness testimony of a
person who has undergone hypnosis. As of October 1, 1997, courts
hearing both civil and criminal cases can take a hypnotically
refreshed testimony, as long as the witness, if a minor, has had the
informed consent of parent or guardian, and the person performing
the hypnosis is any of the following: a health care provider, a
clinical social worker licensed in accordance with 641B of Nevada
Revised Statute, or a disinterested investigator."19
This issue will surely become more complex as technology advances in
terms of evidence. When the day arrives that it is possible to
change or alter memory completely, as suggested earlier by military
officers, what then? How will we separate the real from the unreal?
What will be the impact on the burden of proof in courts as it
relates to "reasonable doubt"?
Again, the emergence of the technology has first to be recognized as
real before laws can be constructed and systems established for
controlling misuse. Think how long it has taken the courts even to
recognize hypnotherapy as valid science. We are hopeful that we will
not have to wait so long for legislative bodies to take the
initiative to address these issues.
Auditory Effects
The questions which this section raises are profound. Is it possible
to transmit a signal to the brain of a person, from a distance,
which deposits specific sounds, voice or other information which can
be understood? Is it possible to transfer sound in a way where only
the targeted person can hear the "voice in the head" and no one else
hears a thing? Is it possible to shift a person’s emotions using
remote electromagnetic tools? The answer to each of these questions
is a resounding "Yes!" The state of the science has passed even the
most optimistic predictions, and the capabilities are here now.
Military literature suggests that this is possible. A series of
experiments, patents and independent research confirm that this
technology exists today. While giving testimony to the European
Parliament in 1998, I demonstrated one such device to the
astonishment of those in attendance. This particular device required
physical contact in order to work and was nearly forty years old.
This area of research is one of the most important because it points
to the ultimate weapon of political control: the ability to place
information directly into the human brain, bypassing all normal
filtering mechanisms.
In 1995, the US Department of Defense put forward the contract,
"Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect; Awarding Agency:
Department of Defense; SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007". The
description of this technology, which would be used for direct
communications with military personnel, is written as follows:
"Title: Communicating via the
Microwave Auditory Effect
"Description: An innovative and revolutionary technology is
described that offers a means of low-probability-of-intercept Radio
Frequency (RF) communications. The feasibility of the concept has
been established using both a low intensity laboratory system and a
high power RF transmitter. Numerous military applications exist in
areas of search and rescue, security and special operations."20
The feasibility was not only demonstrated in the laboratory but also
in the field using a radio-frequency carrier. In the case of the
Gulf War, we had always suspected that the reason the Iraqis gave up
in mass was not because of the heavy bombardments but because they
were being hit with new "non-lethal" systems which created fear and
perhaps even worse. Our research uncovered reports which now confirm
our suspicions as fact.
"What the ’Voice of the Gulf’ began broadcasting, along with prayers
from the Koran and testimonials from well-treated Iraqi prisoners,
was precise information on the units to be bombed each day, along
with a new, silent psychological technique which induced thoughts of
great fear in each soldier’s mind..."21
This makes a great deal of sense today, given what has become
increasingly known about mind-control weapons.
"According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi
soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing programming
was the first known military use of the new, high tech, type of
subliminal messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency ’Silent
Sounds’ or ’Silent Subliminals’."22
The use of these new techniques, we believe, went well beyond the
injection of fear and may have involved more powerful signal
generators which caused the other symptoms which the world observed,
including head pain, bleeding from the nose, disorientation and
nausea—all possible with so-called non-lethal weapons. The questions
which now remain: Are they still using the techniques like an
electronic concentration camp in order to control the population? Is
this part of the way in which modern governments will suppress rogue
The development of the technology followed a very traceable history
which began in the early 1960s at the height of the Cold War. In
1961, Dr Allen Frey wrote:
"Our data to date indicate that the human
auditory system can respond to electromagnetic energy in at least a
portion of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Further, this response
is instantaneous and occurs at low power densities, densities which
are well below that necessary for biological damage. For example,
the effect has been induced with power densities 1/60 of the
standard maximum safe level for continuous exposure."23
This observation had incredible ramifications because it meant that
within certain ranges RF could create a sound within the brain of a
person at energy concentration levels considered too small to be
Later that year,
a patent was issued to
Henry K. Puharich and Joseph
L. Lawrence which stated in part:
"The present invention is directed
to a means for auxiliary hearing communication, useful for improving
hearing, for example, and relates more specifically to novel and
improved arrangements for auxiliary hearing communications by
effecting the transmission of sound signals through the dental
structure and facial nervous system of the user."24
This crude
device produced a signal which could be heard in the brain by
inducing a vibration which was transferred through the bone into the
inner ear, where it was then carried to the brain via the nervous
system. Puharich continued researching along this line, gaining an
additional patent in 1965.25
Both of these inventions required
physical contact with the head of the subject.
By 1962, Dr Allan Frey had advanced his work and was able to create
sound at a distance from the subject, using a pulsed (modulated)
radio transmitter.
"Using extremely low average power densities of
electromagnetic energy, the perception of sounds was induced in
normal and deaf humans. The effect was induced several hundred feet
from the antenna the instant the transmitter was turned on, and is a
function of carrier frequency and modulation."26
What was occurring in this research were the first attempts to
"tune" into the brain of a human in the same manner as "tuning" into
a radio station. The same energy was being used; it was just at a
different frequency with a slight vibration (modulation) on the
carrier wave which delivered the signal.
In 1968, G. Patrick Flanagan was issued a patent for a device which
also required physical contact with the skin of the subject.
invention relates to electromagnetic excitation of the nervous
system of a mammal and pertains more particularly to a method and
apparatus for exciting the nervous system of a person with
electromagnetic waves that are capable of causing that person to
become conscious of information conveyed by the electromagnetic
This invention was much different than what others had created by
that time, because this device actually sent a clear, audible signal
through the nervous system to the brain.
The device could be placed anywhere on the body, and a clear voice
or music would appear in the head of the subject. This was a most
unbelievable device which had actually been invented in the late
1950s. It had taken years to convince patent examiners that it
worked. The initial patent was only granted after the dramatic
demonstration of the device on a deaf employee of the US Patent
In 1972, a second patent was issued to G. Patrick Flanagan after
being suppressed by the military since 1968. This device was much
more efficient in that it converted a speech waveform into,
constant amplitude square wave in which the transitions between the
amplitude extremes are spaced so as to carry the speech
What this did is establish the code of modulation or timing
sequences necessary for efficient transfers into the nervous system
where the signals could be sent to the brain and decoded as sound in
the same way that normal sound is decoded.
The result was a clear
and understandable sound.
1. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st
Century – Ancillary Volume, Scientific Advisory Board (USAF),
Washington, DC, Document #19960618040, 1996, pp. 89-90. EPI402 2. Foster, Sarah, "Cold War legend dies at 80: Famed as CIA’s
real-life ’Dr Strangelove’", Worldnetdaily, March 9, 1999. EPI279 3. Reppert, Barton, "The Zapping of an Embassy: 35 Years Later, The
Mystery Lingers", AP, May 22, 1988. EPI1112 4. Advisory Committee Staff, Committee on Human Radiation
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Search, June 27, 1994. EPI579 5. Petersen, John L., The Road to 2015: Profiles of the Future,
Waite Group Press, 1994, ISBN 1-878739-85-9. EPI849 6. USAF, New World Vistas, ibid.
7. US EPA, Summary and Results of the April 26-27, 1993
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Schultz and Associates, Inc. EPI265 16.
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Joseph; Assignee: MindsEye Educational Systems, Inc. EPI290 18.
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EPI370 24.
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Hearing"; Inventors:
Puharich et al. EPI256 25.
US Patent #3,170,993, February 23, 1965, "Means for Aiding
Hearing by Electrical Stimulation of the Facial Nerve System";
Inventors: Henry K. Puharich and Joseph L. Lawrence. EPI1119 26. Frey, Allan H., "Human Auditory System Response to Modulated
Electromagnetic Energy", Journal of Applied Physiology
17(4):689-692, 1962. EPI544 27.
US Patent #3,393,279, July 16, 1968, "Nervous System Excitation
Device"; Inventor: Flanagan, Gillis Patrick; Assignee: Listening
Incorporated. EPI261 28.
US Patent #3,647,970, March 7, 1972, "Method and System of
Simplifying Speech Waveforms"; Inventor: Flanagan, Gillis P. EPI259
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