by Institute for Cooperation in Space
GaiaGuys Website
U.N. General
Assembly Now Has Resolution To Establish United Nations
Decade Of Contact & Diplomatic Relations With E.T.s |
For the first time in almost 27 years, the United Nations General
Assembly will be debating the issue of establishing diplomatic
relations with advanced Extraterrestrial Civilizations that may now
be visiting Earth.
On December 16, 2005, a Resolution to establish a United Nations
Decade of Contact was formally transmitted to the incoming President
of the General Assembly, H.E. Jan Eliasson of Sweden by the
Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), a Non-Governmental
Organization. President Eliasson was Sweden’s Ambassador to the
United Nations from 2000 to 2005.
Almost to the day twenty-seven years ago, on December 18, 1978, the
United Nations General Assembly voted to approve decision 33/426,
inviting U.N. Member States,
"to take appropriate steps to
coordinate on a national level scientific research and
investigation into extraterrestrial life, including unidentified
flying objects, and to inform the Secretary-General of the
observations, research and evaluation of such activities."
Then U.S. President Jimmy Carter then
supported the U.N. General Assembly’s decision. Carter himself had a
close Encounter of the First Kind with a UFO (Night Light) in
October 1969, in the company of 10 members of the Leary, Georgia
Lion’s Club while he was running for Governor of Georgia. Four years
later, while Governor of Georgia, Carter filed a public UFO sighting
report, dated September 18, 1973.
Former Canadian Minister of Defence, Hon. Paul Hellyer has requested
that the Canadian Parliament hold hearings on the issue of relations
with Extraterrestrial civilizations. On September 25, 2005, at the
Toronto Exopolitics Symposium held at Convocation Hall, University
of Toronto, former Minister of National Defence Hellyer stated:
"UFOs, are as real as the airplanes
that fly over your head."
He stated,
"The United States military are
preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and
they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever
having any warning. The time has come to lift the veil of
secrecy, and let the truth emerge, so there can be a real and
informed debate, about one of the most important problems facing
our planet today."
Over 630,000 registered journalists and
283,000 registered media outlets world-wide have downloaded a
November 24, 2005 Thanksgiving Day (USA) Yahoo News story of Mr. Hellyer’s request to the Canadian Parliament.
Mr. Hellyer, Canada’s former Minister of Defense, supports a
Nations Decade of Contact. In the introduction to a recent book,
International Director
Alfred Lambremont Webre, Mr. Hellyer writes,
"To turn us in the direction of re-unification with the rest of
creation Alfred Lambremont Webre is proposing a ’Decade of Contact’
- an ’era of openness, public hearings, public funded research, and
education about extraterrestrial reality.’ That could just be the
antidote the world needs to end its greed-driven, power-centered
A United Nations Decade of Contact has
four Objectives:
Governmental disclosure related to Extraterrestrial
- Public funding of a 10 year process of public education
and research about the Extraterrestrial Presence
A permanent ban on all space-based weapons and warfare in
space through a Space Preservation Treaty Conference
Public Interest UNITED NATIONS Diplomacy with ethical
Off-Planet Cultures now visiting Earth
The Disclosure Project, a U.S.-based
non-profit organization, on May 9, 2001, held a press conference at
the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. in which numerous
high-level military-intelligence, governmental and private sector
witnesses publicly described experiences and evidence establishing
that advanced Extraterrestrial civilizations are interacting with
our terrestrial civilization at this time.
A military-intelligence spying technology known as "remote viewing"
originally developed at
Stanford Research Institute in the mid-1970s
Dr. Hal Puthoff and
Russell Targ has yielded replicable data
regarding the existence of Off-Planet cultures now visiting Earth.
On May 20, 2005, Brazil, a major U.N. Member Nation took official
measures in support of a United Nations Decade of Contact. The
Brazilian Air Force (FAB) openly allowed examination of classified
UFO documents in several military facilities in Brasilia, the
Federal Capital.
The United Nations General Assembly has voted in favor of a treaty
banning weapons and warfare in space. The last time a United Nations
vote was held on this issue was on December 8, 2003, when the
General Assembly voted 174 - 0, with four lone abstentions (Israel,
Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, United States of
Reached for comment, one Non-Governmental spokesperson stated,
"We are certain 2006 will be a
banner year for official disclosure of an advanced
Extraterrestrial presence, and for the beginnings of a United
Nations Decade of Contact."
----- Original
Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 9:07 PM
CONTACT 4D Resolution and Other Related
Information submittal by Larry Driscoll for
review and comment
Dear United Nations
General Assembly President and All Individual
Nation Ambassadors to which I have submitted
previous information in regard to the "UNITED
Previously, I have
postal mail submitted the following information
items in regard to the above referenced subject
matter for your review and comment.
2. A 3 page copy
of the "4D Resolution", authored by
Alfred Webre
of ICIS-Institute for Cooperation In Space.
3. A copy of the
FIGU color pamphlet titled, "Brochure of
Photographs, UFOs...", which I have translated
from German to English.
I have sent the
above information to the following individuals:
The United Nations General Assembly President
and the Ambassadors from the following nations,
republics or principalities: Switzerland,
Switzerland (Geneva), Germany, Canada, United
Kingdom, Brazil, Australia, Peru, Austria,
Ireland, Netherlands, France, Sweden, Grenada,
New Zealand, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,
Japan, Norway, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Greece,
Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Monaco
Principality, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro,
After postal mail
sending you the above described information, I
then sent everyone a follow up email enquiry,
offering and outlining, other suggestions and
options to become aware of, and learn more,
about ’the extraterrestrial presence on Earth,
at least in regard to my investigation of the
information evidences of the Billy Meier with
Pleiadian/Plejaren Extraterrestrials Contact
Case. I, at this second, submittal time, email
attached information
titled; "What The Plejarans Wish For The Human
Beings On Earth". This attachment contains 21
statements from the Pleiadian/Plejaren extraterrestrials
which are intended for the learning, knowledge
and awareness of all human beings of Earth.
Now, with this
follow up email, I approach all of you,
collectively and simultaneously, who I have
previously and individually contacted.
I realize that it is
a new and unique experience, for the United
Nations General Assembly President and any, or
all, Individual Nations’ Ambassadors to
recognize the reality of ’the extraterrestrial
presence on Earth’, however, it is in the best
interest of Earthhuman life upon our planet to
do just this. As the foremost body representing
all nations of our Earth, the United Nations
is the proper body to move the undeniable
reality of ’the extraterrestrial presence on
Earth’ into public awareness for Earthhuman
beings’ knowledge, learning and necessary
Again, as per my
previous email follow up to my postal mailing to
you all, I attach to this email the document
titled: "What The Plejarans Wish For The Human
Beings On Earth". As you read the attachment
please reflect a moment upon the fact that a
very advanced human being is speaking to you
individually, directly and seriously from his
acquired learning knowledge and that he speaks
from a great historical knowledge about
Earthhumans. These extraterrestrials know more
about Earthhumans than do Earthhumans. The
Pleiadian/Plejaren extraterrestrials offer
advice in regard to Earthhuman problems but they
will not assist Earthhumans in regard to the
solution of these.
From their advanced
evolutionary position of review they offer
advice for our review so that we may make wise
decisions in regard to the reality of evolving
human life on Earth and throughout our
universe. It is our responsibility to alter our
living conduct upon the Earth so that we can
live in harmonious balance upon it and to
arrange for responsible, worldwide caretaking of
our planet resulting in the achievement of
positive, Earthhuman being, evolution.
briefly to statements 3, 8,14 and 20 of the 21
total in the attachment, one respectively is
advised; (3) that the existing excessive Earthhuman population must be reduced; (8) that Earthhumans
must recognize that they are not the only
lifeforms but a fraction of the whole within in
the universe; (14) that each Earthhuman should
shoulder his or her own responsibility for
thinking, feeling and acting and not simply
leave this responsibility to someone else; (20)
that the human being of Earth has to bear in
mind that, in achieving individual evolution
progress developing in logical, good and
positive form, he/she will live new lives over
and over again through many new personalities in
reincarnations of his/her individual spirit-form
which vivifies the body. I hope that you have
found time to review and reflect upon all 21
In this email I am
addressing all of you collectively with the goal
of attaining responses from you resulting from
your review of the previous information
submittals, responses which would be highly
appreciated and valued by me. Send me your
comments and questions and I will respond to you
with answers. It is important for the positive,
evolutionary growth of Earthhumans, via the "4D
Resolution" presentation of goals, to move the
’extraterrestrial presence on Earth’ into the
awareness of the Earthhuman public. In
doing this the Earthhuman takes a huge step
forward in his/her evolution.
To reiterate, in
short form summary, the "4D Resolution"
proposes: a DISCLOSURE to the public of all,
past and present, governmental programs related
to the ’extraterrestrial presence on Earth’, a
DECADE OF CONTACT where United Nations and
United Nations Member Nations provide funding
for a 10 year process of public education,
scientific research, educational curricula
development, strategic planning, community
activity and public outreach in regard to the
extraterrestrial presence on Earth, a
DISARMAMENT where a permanent banning of all
space based weapons systems and warfare in space
is achieved; a DIPLOMACY in regard to
formulating Earthhuman goals and plans to
achieve diplomatic relations with off planet
cultures visiting Earth.
You have attained
your diplomatic positions as a result of your
skills in processing information presented to
you. You, the skilled individuals chosen to
represent your fellow men, must now bring into
action your diplomatic expertise and openly,
fairly and thoroughly review the amount, variety
and ongoingness of the information evidences in
regard to the ’extraterrestrial presence on
Earth’, and expressly present your conclusions.
I urge you not to let my submittals of
information meet with silence and inaction. The
information I have submitted to you is not just
from a past occurrence in 1975, for Billy Meier,
on February 13, 2006, has had a 413th Contact.
His official contacts began with the 1st Contact
on January 28, 1975 and, as you are
informed, the Contacts continue on.
’extraterrestrial presence on Earth’ is not just
something from the past, but a present and
ongoing into the future, reality. The time is at
hand to acknowledge this and bring about a truly
wonderful, worldwide, Earthhuman mind-growth
experience as the Earthhuman comes to learn of,
and be informed about, the ’extraterrestrial
presence on Earth’
Billy Meier has the
best information available on planet Earth for
the purposes of each and every Earthhuman’s
evolvement and when the advice of the Pleiadian/Plejaren
extraterrestrials is incorporated into the
living conduct change of Earthhumans, be this in
great measures or small measures, the future of
Earth and the Earthhuman turns for the better.
Larry Driscoll
14655 Maple Trail SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
tel 952 447 4645
Semjase Silver Star
CH 8495 Schmidruti,
ZH (Switzerland)
ICIS-Institute for
Cooperation in Space
3339 West 41 Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6N3E5
tel 604 733 8134