Part b
It is just that simple, we are coming into the end of an age.
That is why we are going to have a new age. They changed the end of the age to the end of the world, for a mistranslation. Just as other mistranslations, they did this purposely. However, I believe that there is going to be a new age, and it is not the one they planned for us. I think there is someone or something higher than the "high ones" of this world, and there is going to be a new way of doing things.
It isn't going to include
the kind of manipulation, usury, exploitation, and the kind of stuff coming
down for the last two thousand years, because we cannot afford another two
thousand years of this stuff. We've got to clean this stuff up!
In the ancient Hebrew they put to death the lamb, because it was called the
paschal lamb, the symbol for the age under Aries, the paschal lamb, or ram.
Then in the next age we have the bull, when they were worshipping the golden
calf. They worshiped the sun as the golden part, and the calf was the bull,
or Taurus the bull. So the golden calf represented Taurus the bull.
And that is that the day that you are living
right now is your judgment day. You are being judged right now, and if you
understand that, then you can go on and not worry yourself sick over what is
going to happen to you when you die. You are not going up to heaven with God's Son. I don't know where you are going, but you are quite likely not
going up there with God's Son.
So if you go into Hell and you die, you go to Hell, and it is hot. You go into the Earth, it is hot. Actually, the word Hell is Nordic and it was spelled Hel, not Hell. It meant a place where you bury something like a grave. If you bury something in a hole and cover it up, that is Hel, in the Scandinavian tongue.
Therefore, if you put something
over your head to cover it, that is a hel met. Because that is what
hel meant, covering something up.
They had shed a lot of blood. This goes back to the ancient world, long before Israel, when the animals would have to be sacrificed and you would have to pour out the blood afterward, and that was a blessing. As a matter of fact, the Earth today has been blessed all over the world. There has been more bloodshed in the name of religion in Ireland, and the Middle East and all over the world.
So we are being totally blessed all over the
world with this bloodshed. I just happen to think it is an idea whose time
has come get rid of these blessings, and go back to school and find out that
we've been had!
And, that is very holy, until you start to think about it, and see what it looked like to see an old man with blood all over him.
That just does not bring up, into my mind, something of holiness. That sounds like animal sacrifice and cruelty to animals. We would get all bent out of shape if we were driving along the street someday and saw some animal with his head cut off and see his blood out in the street. People would think that that was just terrible. But that is what they did in the Bible just cut some poor animal's head off and drain the blood, and that was a blessing. And that is because we don't know what these words mean.
We need to define the terms and
educate ourselves as to exactly where our beliefs come from.
They would eat the flesh of Baal. Later on, they liked that
so much that they started eating each other. They were from Cana. Therefore,
that is where we get what was called the Cana Baal. Cannibal! Because the
people of Cana would eat the flesh of Baal. The Cana Baal.
Just as Dick Gregory said, if you went home one night and saw your children drinking wine and having bread, having some kind of a feast, and you asked them what they were doing and they said,
You'd say,
Well, that is just what these people were doing in ancient times during their sacrificial rituals. They were eating their God's blood, and eating his flesh.
These are the sacramental ceremonies that
are going on in today's churches. So basically, what I want to say is that
the defenders of today's Christianity are called apologists. And does
Christianity have a lot to apologize for today? There is no doubt about
that. It was once said by an ancient philosopher that allegiance to an old
myth never broke a chain, nor freed a human mind.
There are a lot of people looking at the possibility that the
first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch, were written by women. Now,
if they can prove that, that is going to set everybody back about three
years growth. I wasn't there, I don't know, but I see some very good
scholarship being developed right now, and some very good material on that
subject. There is at least a possibility.
And the yarmulke was the round ring that you wear on your head, for Saturn your God. Even in the middle ages, in the temples, Catholic monks would shave their heads in a round circle, and the Hebrews, instead of doing that, would wear the yarmulke.
But it all had to do with the round rings of
That is why today, kings rule by "divine right." It was to emulate the Lord, who ruled as "king of kings, and Lord of Lords." Therefore, because they have placed themselves as king, directly under God, they can rule the land.
Because they said so.
Now, that is the basis for tyranny.
Saturn was always pictured as black, incidentally. The ancients assigned black to Saturn, for whatever reason, and the symbol for Saturn was the sickle, like the Russian sickle, and on the tip of the sickle there was a cross. And if you go to the library today, you will see that the astronomical symbol for the planet Saturn was a sickle, with a cross on top.
That meant that the cross overcomes the sickle. Think about
that. That is interesting. But to get back to Saturn, being the ancient God,
El, it was called the
that is where we get the song, Mary Had a Little Lamb, because Mary had a
little "lamb," the lamb of God, called Jesus.
Amen-Ra was worshiped in the temples as God's Sun/Son.
At the end of the services they would say Amen, because they were sending a prayer to God through Amen-Ra, God's Sun/Son. So they would say Amen when they sent the prayer through God's Sun/Son. The ancient Egyptians said nobody had seen God, and perhaps, there is nobody who is ever going to see God.
But when you have seen the sun, you have seen the Father.
And when
you pray to the Father, you pray directly to the Father, but you send your
prayer through God's sun, Amen-Ra. So at the end of the prayer you
say, Amen. God's "son," Amen-Ra, served as a personal savior to them, since it
gave them all life.
The sacred black cube that Muslims pilgrimage to at Mecca. Black was the color of the planet-god Saturn.
A square, a square box. And, it was black, and that is why Mecca is a great square black box. The home of Mecca is a square, black box. Because it has to do with the symbol of Saturn, which is square. It has nothing to do with black, because of Negro, it has to do simply with assigned color to that particular planet.
This is an interesting point in that Central Africa was
blessed with a lot of rain, and lower Africa, which was North Africa, had
just about no rain. So that was a desert out there, and Central Africa was
very high, and the highlands would get lots of rain. In the Spring when the
rains would come, the waters would flow both
So, once a year the Nile would overflow, because it couldn't deal with that volume of water. A great flood would be flowing into Egypt, and they would always refer to it as "the waters of chaos." That was a time of terrible destruction.
Well, of
course, a flood is a time of destruction.
Once the water had receded, and had deposited the minerals and nourishment, that would then be the basis of all the new life in Egypt. So they said that Egypt, like you and me, would be "born again."
Egypt came out from under the water and was born again with
new life.
Then you get into the square black mortarboard that the university, or high school students wear when they graduate. It is a square on his head, and it is usually black. The color of Saturn, one of the ancient Hebrew Gods. This is the same black used on the robe the judge wears when he is going to throw you in jail. Because the black represents Saturn, Saturn is the old Semitic God.
That is why churches and courtrooms look the same today, because when you go into churches you sit out here with the poor folks in the chairs out here in the pews, but you cannot go up onto the lifted higher elevation, you can't go inside the gate, you can't go inside the little doors, only the priest can go inside there and officiate for you. You stay on the outside with the poor folks.
The altar is always raised
at least three tiers, because in Egypt that was the way it was always done.
The altar was always raised so the people could see the
The priest comes out on the altar dressed in black, and he is officiating for you, he is the mediator between you and God. That is the same thing that happens in the courtroom, you walk in and you are part of the poor folks sitting out here in the audience, and here is the fence, or gate, that separates you.
The attorneys can go inside the gate and they are your mouthpiece, to go talk to "God" for you and see if they can get you off, and the lawyers will be the mediator between "God," or the "judge" who judges you, and man.
That is where all of this comes from in our society today. Let's take a look at the word sheriff. This comes from the word sharif (like Omar Sharif). A sharif was the lawgiver in the ancient Egyptian world, and his symbol was the six pointed star, or the star of David.
That is what the sheriff wears today, the
six pointed star.
Look at it closely. It is the rising sun
with its rays extended and is only disguised as a shell. This is not a
coincidence; I've looked into this. This same rising sun is a popular occult
symbol found all over the world, on many flags of countries and other
important logos and insignias.
You'd better do your homework and find out who owns these oil
In the Bible, the twelve apostles are called the twelve cornerstones of the church. Jesus is also referred to in the Bible as "the Chief Cornerstone that the builders rejected."
The Chief Cornerstone is a Greek word that means "the peak of a pyramid," the tip of the pyramid at the top is a "chief cornerstone." So stop for a minute, and think about the message being so very subtly delivered by the ARCO company.
Who is in charge of world, really in charge, without the "chief cornerstone"
being here? Who owns the oil companies? And who owns you??
Where are those two cabals looking. Hitler and Indiana Jones? They are looking in Egypt.
They are not
looking in Israel, they are not looking in Jerusalem. They are looking in
Egypt because that is where the ark came from, and they know it. But see,
they haven't fully explained that to you in the film it goes right over the
heads of most people. Many, many answers regarding religion and its origins
go back to Egypt.
Now, if you can't understand
the first crusade in the Middle Ages, you are not going to understand the
last crusade. Because it is the same crusade, and it's been going on for a
long time. That crusade is very simple, and I am going to explain that to
They are battling for the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail was a cup, and according to the ancient teachings, the cup was the Earth.
The cup is the Earth of life, that holds all life, and the cup holds all the blood. The blood on Earth is in the Holy Grail, so whoever controls the Earth, controls the Holy Grail and controls all the holy blood. The holy blood is in the Holy Grail. Now, that goes back to this old idea about the shedding of the blood. Why are we going to shed the blood?
we are going to shed the blood to gain control. And, that will be our
blessing. That's right, you are going to get blessed with the shedding of
all this blood. The cup is the Earth and the blood is you. Now we can
understand what they mean by
the New World Order, and the methods that are
being used to accomplish it.
"Godfather III" deals with a secret society of Freemasons operating out of the Vatican. But that's not exactly where Freemasonry operated during the beginnings of the Vatican back in the Third and Fourth Century. They weren't around yet. Other power groups often influenced the Vatican, and religious institutions were merely outward fronts for the power groups in control.
We've always known and have seen it in our own country
that the many public organizations, institutions, and churches are just
"fronts" for those who hold the power. The front organizations always
operate in the light of day, while behind them exists the money, and the
real power behind the scenes. It always goes back to money, because money is
A classic example is Charles Taze Russell, a founder of the International Bible Students, later to become known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. Russell himself was a York Rite Mason.
He went to England and met with Louis, of the House of Rothschild, and with the Zionist leaders. Later, he came back to America and promoted what he called Jehovah's Witnesses, and their concept of a New World Order.
It is interesting how all of these groups just mentioned clearly use Masonic symbols that are closely tied in with their organizations. If the "New World Order" should come down upon us, many changes will be made. It seems these religious groups the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, and Jehovah's Witnesses are allying to be the religion that takes over along with the New World Order.
Some of the same Masonic symbols that they use were put on the American dollar bill in 1934. These are Federal Reserve notes, and these symbols were put on the Federal Reserve notes by Franklin D. Roosevelt. he may not have taken credit for this, however, by writing a private letter to a friend named Colonel House, on November 21st, 1933.
He told the Colonel,
FDR, according to his own son-in-law, was manipulated from day one. Curtis Dall wrote a book called My Exploited Father-in-Law.
In it, he stated,
Franklin Roosevelt, as history tells us, instituted a plan that was called "The New Deal."
The New Deal ultimately revealed that we used to be America, but that "our enterprise was now a success." (This is based on this new money at the time stated to this day on the back of the one dollar bill, in Latin.)
In effect, they were saying,
That's why many of the cults and movements across America are promoting a New World Order. They are all welcoming the new Millennium, and attempting to position themselves should changes occur. The Pat Robertson's of the world (he's a prominent Christian evangelist), from all the Christian broadcasting radio and television programs are welcoming the new Millennium because the Lord is coming back.
Excuse me, but the Lord is supposed to be coming back. The new Millennium begins a new one-thousand year period that they think has some significant connection to Bible prophecy. I know this much. The Lord might not be coming back, but you'd better keep an eye out for that New World Order. They're going to need an official religion, you know. And in many ways, the New World Order is already here.
The cement is hardening around your feet you just don't know
it yet. Just try to move, and exercise some of the freedoms you thought you
had. Many of our freedoms have already disappeared.
Many Freemasonic concepts originated in Egypt. Freemasonry did not officially exist yet during early Christianity in the way we know it today, but Christianity is based on Freemasonic concepts and ideas established partly by Egyptians and partly by the old Essenes that lived in Middle East. That is why, incidentally, that we had so many problems getting the Dead Sea Scrolls out, because, in my opinion, there is material in the Dead Sea Scrolls that can cause some very serious problems with Christianity and Judaism.
Much of the Scrolls have been
released, but few people are studying what they really say. And contrary to
what you might think, not all of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been released. As
of this writing, one book, The Angel Scroll, remains under lock and key in
monastery Germany. What remains hidden could be damaging to those belief
systems, and there may be a vested interest in keeping it locked away.
His name was not Jesus Christ, it was Jehoshua Ben-Pandira, which is in the old Talmud, it's in Jewish literature, and Jews know about this man Jesus.
However, he lived about one hundred years before the Jesus of the New Testament would have lived. The "Jesus of Nazareth" lived about one hundred years before the one that we read about in the Bible. Modern scholarship now tells us that the town of Nazareth did not only not exist during Jehoshua Ben-Pandira's lifetime — it did not yet exist during the lifetime attributed to the New Testament Jesus, either.
There is much in the New Testament does not pan
out. The entire story in the New Testament was written in such a way as to
tell us a metaphysically encoded story. It is the greatest story ever told,
not a collection of facts, but a story.
Encoded in such a way that there is another deeper story
revealed within the Bible itself.
In the military, or other intelligence organizations, a message might be received to relay critical data. The message says one thing, but if you take every sixth letter from the message and put them together, the receiver has a completely different message. One message is encoded within another.
That is what I'm saying about the Bible, both the Old and the New Testaments. I'm not talking about things like that cryptic book, The Bible Code. That has since been intelligently discredited. I'm talking about plain English, properly translated, and reading what's directly in front of you. It's there, but most people fail to see it because they are taking things either too literally, or are accepting blindly what they've been told to believe, without thinking for themselves. All it takes is to look closely, and to think.
Anyone can read the message of Jesus, but
only a few unknown people can read the encoded message. Not only do I see
it, but I've talked with many experts about this and they assure me this is
Most likely, the Divine presented this information in such a way
that you have to put out something yourself to get the message. You are not
going to just get it, like you go to Sears, you have to really want that
understanding. You are not going to receive this understanding by just
opening a vein, and popping an IV, you have to really want to acquire this
meaning behind the writing.
The whole idea is to study
and prove all things, don't just accept the way things are, until you have
done so. Hold fast to that which is true. The whole idea is for you to do
your homework. Don't expect someone to appear and lead you to God. That will
never happen, it is not happening now, and it is never going to be that
By the same token there has never been a
religious movement that wasn't somewhat political, and they affect each
other more deeply than you could possibly imagine.
They all operate within this hidden agenda of symbols and emblems.
I am not saying that every one of these people involved in the politics of government is aware of this agenda, but there are the few at the top levels that know and hold this control over the general population. On the surface there are the politicians and there is the clergy. But, the fraternal orders and secret societies. Masonic orders, of sorts, are operating behind the scenes.
This is where the clergy can get together with the politicians at their fraternal lodge halls and talk over business, as to who is going to back whom during the political elections. There is a very important connection between politics and religion in America.
Let me give
you an example.
When arriving, everyone is picked up in trams, just like riding into Disneyland. The man driving the tram she rode in on, was black. After attending the event, everyone is then picked up on a tram once again to be returned to their vehicles, which must be left a long distance from the main Grove compound. All during the day of festivities she saw no other people of color, no other races, whereupon, she had to assume that this was the one "token" black allowed on the grounds of the Grove.
She also determined by attending some of the day's events, that the primary attendees were either graduates from the higher institutions of learning, representing only such universities as Yale, Harvard, the University of California, or Stanford. Is this a "picnic," or what really does go on during these summer productions! She also learned that a number of prostitutes were the only females allowed into the compound. But you would usually never hear of this information, unless someone had actually been present and experienced what she revealed to me.
Perhaps someone should infiltrate this fraternal order, just as they have done throughout the ages with other righteous groups, to find out the truth of what their primary hidden agenda is all about.
Only the most
politically and professionally powerful are ever asked to join this all
men's club. Think about it!
The hostess proposed that a class action suit be served upon this club for sexual discrimination.
My friend reported that she replied with these words,
There followed a very heated
discussion among the rest of the men, who were all members, of course, of
the Bohemian Society, and the women present.
Later, she learned that the men dress and enact all female parts during the Grove's annual "picnic" programming, as they prepare very highly designed sets, costumes, and whatever else was necessary to present a richly created production. For these most opulent entertainment productions, which cost thousands and thousands of dollars, the most famous male stars are included, along with many of the national corporate presidents from the film and television industries. This is provided for these men to enjoy during these two weeks of totally affluent associations.
These are extraordinarily
organized times for major connections for the most powerful men in America
today. Needless to say, every male member involved is white, upper class,
elitist, and highly educated. This is a specific fraternal order that they belong to and support, to worship an owl as the symbol of wisdom. They do this at twelve midnight.
Now, I have to ask you, what are ex-Presidents of the United States, such as Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush doing there?
These are all living President's standing there in unison, the whole line of them, in uniforms, looking like Ku Klux Clan members, in front of a great bonfire, worshipping an owl.
And of course,
we've all seen the owl which overlooks the front side of the dollar bill,
upon its perch in the upper-right hand corner.
And there is no doubt in my mind that we have no control
here in this country. We all have to know that by now. The front of the American dollar bill reveals a hidden owl in the upper-right-hand corner (inset below).
This particular bill also has an
interesting serial number.
In it, it announced the formation of the World Trade Organization by stating:
Most of the those who rioted in Seattle just wanted to have secure jobs and feed their families. However, a few may have known why the WTO was started in the first place, as part of this New World Order, and didn't agree with it. click above image This inset shows the position (at the center of the picture)
of the all-seeing owl as
found on the front of the American dollar bill. The people shut down the meetings, had them cancelled (although temporarily). People can make a difference, but only if they are educated, act together, and refrain from violent acts.
Violence gives a bad name to any movement, no matter how elevated in principal, so I'm not advocating riots. If the people, say three and a half million people converge on downtown Los Angeles, shutting down all freeways black, white, red, yellow that amount of people demanding that the Mayor come out from his office and go out before the public to sign something today, right now, sign something that the people demand he would do it, you can bet your boots he'll do it, because the people are demanding it.
If the people are demanding it, and the politicians know that if the people are upset, give them what they want.
Like Caesar said, give them bread and circuses. Make sure they are diverted with plenty of alcohol, pacified with football games, basketball games, they've got Michael Jordan out there, and make sure they have liquor stores on every corner. Make sure they've got plenty of dope, that they don't even have to go out to get any and bring it home.
When you
are going to rape something, it is better if you dope them up beforehand.
You drug them. So, that is why we are being drugged, make sure they have
plenty of alcohol, plenty of entertainment, because somebody is getting
ready to do a number on us. We have been led into this with our eyes wide
open, just as emotionally and mentally numbed out as they can arrange.
The New World Order of today is the same one that Adolph Hitler was talking about establishing with his "new order."
The New World Order is well on its way. Ronald Reagan did not go to Bitsburg to honor our war dead — it ended up being a Nazi burial plot, and the Jews got a little upset. If I had been a Jew, I would have been out of my mind that the President of the United States is going to Germany to a Nazi burial site, in his words, "To honor the war dead."
There is a message in that, and you had better find out what was being connected. You had better find out.
A cardinal of the Catholic Church meets with Adolph Hitler. Germany kept friendly relations with the Vatican throughout World War II.
The Vatican turned its head during the Second World War, when the Jews were being put into Nazi concentration camps, and there were connections between Mussolini, the Vatican, and Japan.
There are secret societies in the world that have profound power over us, and our politicians know about it.
They understand it, and they say nothing because it is too frightening and dangerous for them to deal with it publicly.
Hitler meeting with the arch bishop of Germany. The politics of war required the cooperation of religion. Hitler opposed the Jews, but note the Papal headdress.
More than one politician has
died mysteriously for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.
Many other people have, and I could give you names of Senators or Congressmen who have spoken about this hidden agenda.
We have tremendous problems in our country and they're never going to get straightened out. because the real problem is behind the scenes. Our media is not telling us anything the classic idea of what I am talking about with the media is on the back of the one dollar bill. The eye at the top of the dollar bill is the same eye that is portrayed on the CBS television symbol.
CBS is the all-seeing eye, and it goes back to a group of Freemasons that came to this country before the founding of our constitution, who were called the Colombians, known as the Colombian faction. They founded what we know as Columbia University. Out of that has come Columbia space shuttle, Columbia Pictures, and Columbia Broadcasting, CBS, with the all-seeing eye on the pyramid as their symbol.
As a matter of fact, our government, our
so-called government, is not even a part of our country. It is in an area
called the District of Columbia, It is a separate district, not part of
America at all. The simple truth behind that fact, is that there was a
section of the geography in this country that was set aside by a very
powerful group of Freemasons, called the Colombian faction, working behind
the scenes during the founding of this country.
This fraternity is connected to levels that go higher and higher and higher (most members don't know this). It just keeps escalating as it goes up. There is an enormous international building in Switzerland that is divided into three parts, which looks like the Mercedes emblem with the triangle within the circle. That is what this building looks like, a three part building.
One third of this building is the United Nations world headquarters, and this is operating in Switzerland. Many people think that the United Nations world headquarters is located in New York. It is not true, it is their field headquarters that is in New York. The main United Nations organization is based in Switzerland, where the banks are located. Then the International Monetary Fund, or the world bankers is in the other third of this building, and the last third belongs to the Freemasons.
This was the set up for many years, but as I now
understand it, one these groups has since moved out. But the point is for
you to understand who is running tilings at the highest levels in world
affairs, and why it's been so important to have all three organizations in
the same building for many, many years together. It's a matter of
convenience for those who hold the true power.
The impossible mission force, the IMF, the International Monetary Fund.
What were they always doing on the show? They were always tricking leaders out of positions of authority, assassinating somebody, helping people escape, or doing some other dirty deal, all in a war for power. Whose power? Of course, they were always working for some government, but the agents are not supposed to know who that is for sure. They just do their jobs, not knowing who's really hired them.
The "IMF" just sends them out on as mission that they must perform, at all costs. And if anyone should find out who's really pulling the strings, then the agents are told that "we are going to disavow any connection to you."
Well, that is the IMF. The International Monetary Fund, which is the power behind the Federal Reserve System, which is raping our country and destroying our economy. And these guys are doing it right in front of you, telling you what they are doing, but we just don't see it, Even after they spell it out for us on television.
They are even making comedies about it, like Get Smart. On one side you have Chaos, and the other side you have Control. And when you watch the show closely, and ignore the foolishness, it is easy to see that the same operation is running both sides. Creating chaos, then rushing in to "control" it, in order to accomplish an agenda.
That is how it has always been done.
GET SMART! They are telling you something...
Mafia itself is an order of Freemasonry. Sound crazy? The Mafia was
connected with the secret societies founded by Giuseppe Mazzini and
Garibaldi, and Albert Pike of the Scottish Rite it is purely a Masonic Order
run like a family of Masonic families.
A legally, constitutionally established difference in a court of law. If you are citizen of the United States, you are not a citizen of the United States of America. When you understand that this country was founded and the constitution was written, it was based on something called international maritime admiralty law. We call this law today, world law.
The World Court is what the United Nations operates under and is international maritime admiralty law today. Our government was founded as a business corporation, as a company. All corporate law says that you have to have a president and a vice president. That is why we have a President and a Vice President. We are told that we have the right to elect, and that is true, but we don't have a right to select, because the corporations decide who is going to run the business. We are experiencing that dilemma right now, in that we can elect, but we cannot select.
There is a very real difference in where the power is,
and in thinking we know what is going on in our national elections. We have
been given the candidates that the corporations selected, of whom they want
us to elect.
They have to be able to project what the economy will be like twenty years from now, because they have a million or more people on the payroll, so they had better do their homework. They are controlling the whole thing, and our government operates in the same way. They already know who is going to be President, they already know where we will be headed. As a matter fact, someone who was very bright figured this out. You can go back every four years to many of the encyclopedias that were printed the year before the Presidential elections, to that edition, and read that the President is already listed by name in the encyclopedia almost a year before the elections.
How do they do this?
In late Spring, when the encyclopedias are printed, it already shows the President that is going to be elected in that Presidential year, and he isn't going to be elected until the Fall of that year. He is already there. Nobody's caught that. But many of our encyclopedias and dictionaries come from a secret society of Freemasons in the south of France.
Three hundred years ago they were called the encyclopedia dictionary, or the old Knights Templar of France, and they were the enemies of the Roman Church,
They were the great progenitors of what we
call the Age of Enlightenment, the encyclopedia dictionary. Most Freemasons
know about this, they were the ones that gave us the encyclopedias and
dictionaries, that is why they can tell you who is going to be President the
year before he is elected, as it comes out in print in the Spring.
The Vatican dominated Europe
together with these families, but today the New World Order is slowly
eroding that power away from the old world. It is a massive and complex
struggle that we never see on the surface.
It is based in Britain and
America. But it is mainly British. There is a big difference between being
English and British, totally different. It is a night and day difference, as
English is a bloodline coming out of the old Celtic peoples of the Nordic
race, while British means "man of the covenant," or "holy man," as I had
previously explained.
It seems clear that his first son is going to be King. The powers that be do not want Charles to be King. Prince Andrew is the Duke of York, which is the head of the York Rite of England, which is working in concert with New York, the Empire State. It does appear that Prince Andy is not going along the way he should, so his marriage has been broken up and he is also being made to look like a fool.
Behind those two men are very powerful secret societies.
So to this day, very little has changed. What do we do now, where do we go with all this information, this hidden agenda that incorporates so many world secrets as to boggle the average mind?
Keep in mind now that what we are talking about is the Old World Order of Europe. Adolph Hitler was secretly financed, organized, and directed out of America by big business to destroy the Old World Order of Europe to cause havoc in the other guy's back yard. This is now a proven fact. When Hitler had accomplished what he was supposed to do, then American industry cut off his oil, cut off all of his supplies, and Hitler went under.
Now understand that America is in the hands
of what we call in America, the New World Order. Hitler, of course, was kept
in the dark as to this hidden agenda. he was a pawn in the game. So the
industrial complex power mongers used him until their ultimate goal was
accomplished at that time.
Prince Charles, or whomever is going to be King, will be sworn in by the Arch Bishop of Canterbury and will make this new King repeat after him these words,
The Pope in Rome says, hey, there is something wrong here, I am suppose to be the Vicar of Christ. That is why you have the great power struggle between the Old World of Rome, under the Pope, and the New World, under England and America.
Who is going to be King of God's Kingdom?
Well, as a matter of fact, there is no God's Kingdom at least on Earth this is politics at the highest possible level. What we are talking about are churches and government on this side of the Atlantic connected with churches and government in England. What you end up with is a master conspiracy here.
There is something very big going on here, our economy is involved and we had better wake up.
The people of this country need to wake up and quit depending on the churches to lead you, or depending on the great institutions of great learning to teach you the truth.
They are all set up by the power mongering masters of our world. If this country, if not the world, is going to be saved then people must respond from the ground up, at a grass roots level. Individual people, by educating themselves, their families, close friends and associates are waking up to find out that, no, the government is not always going to take care of them.
We have to stand on our own, and become
thoroughly informed, and damn it, take back the country and our freedom from
the powers that be.