by Paul Craig Roberts
July 01, 2016
GlobalResearch Website
Dr. Paul Craig
Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for
Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street
Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps
Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate.
He has had many
university appointments.
His internet
columns have attracted a worldwide following. |

Democracy no longer exists in the West...
In the US, powerful private interest
groups, such as,
the military-security complex
Wall Street
the Israel Lobby
the extractive industries of
the industries of timber and
...have long exercised more control over
government than the people.
But now even the semblance of
democracy has been abandoned.
In the US Donald Trump has won the Republican presidential
nomination. However, Republican convention delegates are plotting to
deny Trump the nomination that the people have voted him. The
Republican political establishment is showing an unwillingness to
accept democratic outcomes.
The people chose, but their choice is unacceptable to the
establishment which intends to substitute its choice for the
people's choice.
Do you remember Dominic Strauss-Kahn? Strauss-Kahn is the
Frenchman who was head of
the IMF and, according to polls,
the likely next president of France. He said something that sounded
too favorable toward the Greek people.
This concerned
powerful banking interests who
worried that he might get in the way of their plunder of,
A hotel maid appeared who accused him of
He was arrested and held without bail.
After the police and prosecutors had made fools of themselves, he
was released with all charges dropped. But the goal was achieved.
Strauss-Kahn had to resign as IMF director and kiss goodbye his
chance for the presidency of France.
Curious, isn't it, that a woman has now appeared who claims Trump
raped her when she was 13 years old.
Consider the political establishment's response to
the Brexit vote. Members of
Parliament are saying that the vote is unacceptable and that
Parliament has the right and responsibility to ignore the voice of
the people.
The view now established in the West is that the people are not
qualified to make political decisions.
The position of the opponents of Brexit
is clear:
it simply is not a matter for the
British people whether their sovereignty is given away to an
unaccountable commission in Brussels.
Martin Schultz, President of the
EU Parliament, puts it clearly:
"It is not the EU philosophy that
the crowd can decide its fate."
The Western media have made it clear
that they do not accept the people's decision either.
The vote is said to be "racist" and
therefore can be disregarded as illegitimate.
Washington has no intention of permitting the British to exit the
European Union. Washington did not work for 60 years to put all of
Europe in the EU bag that Washington can control only to let
democracy undo its achievement.
Federal Reserve, its Wall Street
allies, and its Bank of Japan and European Central Bank vassals will
short the UK pound and equities, and
the presstitutes will explain the
decline in values as "the market's" pronouncement that the British
vote was a mistake.
If Britain is actually permitted to
leave, the two-year long negotiations will be used to tie the
British into the EU so firmly that Britain leaves in name only.
No one with a brain believes that Europeans are happy that
Washington and NATO are driving them into conflict with Russia. Yet
their protests have no effect on their governments.
Consider the French protests of what the neoliberal French
government, masquerading as socialist, calls "labor law reforms."
What the "reform" does is to take away
the reforms that the French people achieved over decades of
struggle. The French made employment more stable and less uncertain,
thereby reducing stress and contributing to the happiness of life.
But the corporations want more profit
and regard regulations and laws that benefit people as barriers to
higher profitability. Neoliberal economists backed the take-back of
French labor rights with the false argument that a humane society
causes unemployment.
The neoliberal economists call it,
"liberating the employment market"
from reforms achieved by the French people.
The French government, of course,
represents corporations, not the French people.
The neoliberal economists and politicians have no qualms about
sacrificing the quality of French life in order to clear the way for
global corporations to make more profits.
What is the value in "the global market"
when the result is to worsen the fate of peoples?
Consider the Germans. They are being
overrun with refugees from
Washington's wars, wars that the stupid German government enabled.
The German people are experiencing increases in crime and sexual
attacks. They protest, but their government does not hear them.
The German government is more concerned
about the refugees than it is about the German people.
Consider the Greeks and the Portuguese forced by their governments
to accept personal financial ruin in order to boost the profits of
foreign banks. These governments represent foreign bankers,
not the Greek and Portuguese people.
One wonders how long before all Western peoples conclude that only a
French Revolution complete with guillotine can set them free...