by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
March 9, 2003
Cassiopaea Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
Signs of the Times Article
though we were very careful to avoid publishing any real
names in our French Connection series which was a
daily blog about our experiences with certain agents of
under such serious attack, including physical acts
against us, that we decided to remove the series from
the web. In fact, we were told in no uncertain terms
that our lives would be a lot "healthier" if we did so,
and this came from individuals with the authority to
make it so.
At the point that this occurred, we actually didn't have
all the details, we were just reporting observations.
Apparently, it was feared that we would put 2 and 2
together and figure out what was really going on and
worse, that we would make it public.
Well, we didn't figure out what was going on until AFTER
we removed the series of articles and now, knowing what
we do, we do, indeed, understand why there was so much
effort to silence us. Evil people and evil deeds love
the darkness.
And generally, psychopaths rise to positions of power. |

Part 1
March 9, 2003:
Those of you who have been reading the Signs of the
Times articles for the past year probably have a good idea as to WHY
we made the decision to leave the United States. The simplest way to
put it is this: The Cassiopaeans have indicated that the events of
Nazi Germany were a "dress rehearsal" for
the NWO, and have numerous
times pointed out that the United States is the "Capital of Service
to Self" in the world today.
They have encouraged us to do the
research to determine just "who is on first" and what the "cyclic
events" may be, and all of this has led to the conclusion that the
United States is the reincarnation of Nazi Germany according to one
sub-cycle, and that it is also the reincarnation of the Evil Empire
of Atlantis in a larger cycle.
Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600
year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle
altogether, and then we have
the wave, which is a Grand Cycle.
So, we have three things causing a transition in nature?
A: Like "biorhythms."
Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good
day, depending on which way you look at it.
A: Bad day if you are John D. Rockefeller, good day if
you are Mahatma Ghandi.
Until our household goods arrive (they
are on a ship crossing the ocean to arrive in Marseille shortly), I
don’t have access to my library for quoting passages from the books
that have provided the clues. But, suffice it to say that, in
Fulcanelli’s "Dwellings of the Philosophers," he gives a formula for
figuring out where the fire and deluge will occur - and it does not
look good for the Western Hemisphere. I have put together other
material in my article
The Beast, and this contributes to the
overall picture, and finally, as the C’s pointed out so succinctly:
Q: (AM) Is it vital to my
physical existence to move to another country in the near
A: It is not "vital" to be in the body at all. But for
those with missions in this realm, it is quite useful to
preserve the physical vehicle. Thus, if one accepts the mantle
of responsibility to humanity, it is not a selfish thing to seek
preservation until the mission is accomplished. In the present
situation, that will be enhanced outside of the USA.
The next question is, of course, why
Gers? Why did we pick this particular spot? And why, after we had
followed the clues and selected it, did so many wonderful miracles
occur to bring us here? Those of you who have read my book
Ancient Science will recall the following passage:
Orion, Arthur, Arca,
Arcadia (Ark of
God), Ark are all clues to the mythology of Fall and Redemption:
The Once and Future King. He is the symbol of the Lost Eden and
the New Jerusalem, the antediluvian world and the passage to the
post-flood reality. His story has branches that reach out to
embrace all the ideas of cyclical changes and all attempts to
exert power over the environment as opposed to interacting with
There are two books out of all this
morass, that are outstanding in terms of scholarship and
thinking "out of the box." The first one is From Scythia to
Camelot: A Radical Reassessment of the Legends of King Arthur,
etc., by C. Scott Littleton and Linda A. Malcor, and
The Keys to
Avalon: The True Location of Arthur’s Kingdom Revealed, by Steve
Blake and Scott Lloyd.
Scott Littleton and Linda Malcor made the serendipitous
discovery of the parallels between the stories of King Arthur
and the Ossetian saga of Batraz which has enabled a major leap
in understanding the origins of the themes, and we hope to
develop it further here. According to Littleton and Malcor, they
were told by a fellow scholar, J. P. Mallory, that at the end of
the Marcomannian War in the year 175 AD, the Roman emperor
Marcus Aurelius sent a contingent of 5,500 Sarmatian cataphracti
from Pannonia to Britain. Their descendants survived as an
identifiable ethnic group into the fourth century and, possibly
longer. It was, as Littleton and Malcor put it, just an
"interesting bit of trivia" gleaned from Tadeusz Sulimirski’s
book The Sarmatians.
Sarmatians are a sub-group of Scythians, and the term "Scythian"
can mean either the ancient Scythian tribes described by
Herodotus, but in the larger sense, it applies to all of the
Northeast Iranian steppe peoples. The Scythians of antiquity,
and their cousins, the Sarmatians and Alans, were nomads of the
Central Asian steppes. At the time of their greatest
manifestation on the stage of history, the tribes extended from
Hungary to China. These Scythians were big, blond and blue-eyed,
and based on the accounts that have come down to us, and
archaeological findings, their nomadic culture has sharp
parallels with the most ancient occupants of Europe.
At the end of the classical period, these steppe dwellers had
been driven to the edges of their homeland by the Altaic
speakers, the Huns and Turks. Some migrated to Afghanistan,
eastern Iran, western India, and others invaded the roman empire
as either conquerors or supporting mercenaries. Many of them
migrated into Britain, Italy, France, Spain and North Africa.
Others retreated into Poland, European Russia and the Caucasus.
The assumption has been that the Scythians, the sub-tribes of Iazyge Sarmatians, Alans, etc, vanished without a trace. But
that is not, apparently, the case. It seems clear, upon
reviewing the evidence, that the steppe dwellers became the
aristocracy of Europe. According to Littleton and Malcor,
another group of the Alani retreated into the Caucasus and
survived as an ethnic group called the Ossetes, or Ossetians in
what is now known as the Republic of Georgia.
The Holy Grail was the chief concern of the Alans who settled in
Gaul and Spain in the fifth century. They were tall blonde and
good looking, and lived a nomadic life in wagons. Their main
claim to fame was their skill as horsemen. The Scythians
(including the Alans) were referred to as Goths, and the one
thing they all had in common was their extraordinary art. They
assimilated into the territories they finally settled in,
intermarrying with the Romans and other indigenous people. The
name "Alan" and "Goar" are common among these groups, being
passed down from generation to generation.
In addition to becoming the root stock of most of the nobility
of Europe, the Alans introduced the steppe pony and the Alan
hunting dog. They introduced chain mail and the customs that
were later to become Norman and Breton chivalry, and above all,
let it be repeated, their natural home was on the back of a
horse. Alienor of Aquitaine was undoubtedly a descendant of the Alani and the Nart sagas were a natural part of her heritage,
becoming the foundation for the Grail stories written and
promulgated through her "courts of love" after Geoffrey of
Monmouth created the "history of Arthur. [...]
Littleton and Malcor discovered the link between the stories of
Arthur and the Sword in the Stone and the Sarmatian sagas of
Batraz and the Narts. But their research did not end there. They
point out that the earlier opinions of scholars that there may
have been ancient contact between the ancestors of the Ossetians
and the ancestors of the Celts does not answer all of the issues
of the Scythian origin of the Grail stories. For example, it
does not explain the Lancelot problem.
Many Arthurian scholars accept
tacitly that Lancelot is derived from Lance a Lot, or
Lanz a
Lot, and refers to the spear or lance of the Celtic god Lug.
Some of the present day "alternative scholars" have bizarre
etymologies, including references to Lazarus, the man raised
from the dead by Jesus (a function of the Cauldron of
regeneration if ever there was one!), most of which are more
silly than serious. As Littleton and Malcor demonstrate,
Lancelot comes from "Alanus-a-Lot," or "The Alan of Lot," a
reference to their lands in the Lot River Valley.
The Alans were first cousins to the Iazyges who, along with the
Visigoths, Vandals, and other Germanic tribes, had settled in
small enclaves in Gaul and the Iberian Peninsula in the early
years of the fifth century. It seems that the Alans had brought
with them a variation on the Grail stories that had evolved
after the Iazyges had left the region. In short, Lancelot was
also derived from the same prototype as Arthur and Batraz. He
was the local variation of the original prototype, and when the
stories were combined, since it was not known to the scribes
that they were talking about the same individual who had been
given a different name relating to some favored hero or ancestor
of the particular tribe, they wrote the two individuals into the
same story, and rearranged the relationships to accommodate this
maneuver. Again and again we will see this treatment of ancient
legends in action.
One of the items Littleton and Malcor discussed stuck in my mind
as significant: it was that one of Lancelot’s early magic items
was a mirror. This is a Sarmatian element in the story with Alanic correspondences. The Sarmatian practice of carrying
mirrors is discussed by many experts, and many Sarmatians,
especially the warrior women, were buried with mirrors.
Littleton and Malcor note that Sulimirski argues for the
Sarmatian rather than Visigothic ethnicity of an occupant of a
grave based on whether or not a mirror is found there.
Sulimirski feels that many brooches
found from Troyes to Carthage, including the Saone Valley, the
Department of the Aube, and Albaci, Spain, that are currently
identified as Gothic may actually be Alanic. If that is the
case, then we cannot understand Gothic in any way at all without
understanding the Sarmatian-Scythian origins in the Northeast
Iranian traditions that constitute its foundation.
One of the more fascinating discoveries of this intrepid team of
Grail questors was Linda Malcor’s elucidation of the fact that
one group of Alanic Sarmatians allied with Alaric’s Visigoths,
seems to have been responsible for a famous theft of some
vessels of great value from the Basilica of St. Peter’s during
the sack of Rome in 410 AD. Whether or not one of these vessels
was a sacred chalice associated with the Last Supper is not
definitively known, but the fact is that the pagan marauders
carried the treasure to southern Gaul, to the very region
traditionally associated with the Grail legends.
The treasure disappeared shortly
thereafter, and it seems that the stories of these stolen "holy
vessels" were combined with the stories of the Holy Cup of the Narts, the
Nartamongae, which was hidden from all but the
bravest and purest warriors. And so, a cup stolen from a church
became the object of a sacred quest, obscuring the true history
and meaning of the stories.
The genealogies given for the Grail knights, Perceval, Galahad,
and Bors, are extensive, and they are all related to Lancelot -
Alanus-a-Lot - a specific tribe or family of Alans from the
region around the Lot river in France. In the Perlesvaus,
Perceval’s father is Alain le Gros de la Vales. Littleton and
Malcor present a fascinating etymology of many of the names
involved in the stories, showing their connection to the Nart
Sagas, and the reader is encouraged to dig more deeply into
these matters there. For the moment, let us just mention that
the prenomen "Pant," as in "Pantdragon," evolving to "Pendragon,"
in what now seems to be the most likely Scythian-Steppe culture
etymology, was a word meaning "king" or "ruler over" whatever
Thus, the family of "Pendragon,"
rather than being "sons of the dragon," become "rulers over the
dragon," or Dragon Slayers. The title, Ban, Pant, and Pen was
very likely an original Scythian word, carried to Britain by the Iazyges and to Gaul by the Alans. Thus, the banners of the
Sarmatians emblazoned with dragons signify their function as
rulers over, and slayers of dragons, in the same way that
warriors collect trophies of their victories to display and
advertise their prowess in a particular famous battle. [...]
At this point, we have a very good idea where Chretien got the
inspiration for his story and the reader will soon see how
fruitful this discovery of Littleton and Malcor will turn out to
be. But what we notice is that the later writers of sequels and
prequels, and alternative versions all claimed to have access to
some original, secret documents, described variously as direct
transcriptions from Christ himself, from an angel, from a
mysterious alchemical work that came either from Britain, Spain
or the Far East. We then look back at Chretien’s story, and see
that his imagery has obvious and traceable elements with
precedents in Celtic-Scythian traditions and we realize that
what we are observing, post facto, is a huge cover-up going into
operation. The astonishing variations of the later Christian and
alchemical versions, written by individuals who were practiced
in the art of Jewish Kabbala, seem to exactly fit the criteria
for disinformation. [...]
After considering all of these issues, we still come back again
to that most annoying of simple-minded questions: Why Perceval?
Why was the hero named Perceval in Chretien’s original story,
and was this based on some particular meaning known to those who
guided his hand in the construction of the tale? As Littleton
and Malcor point out, the notion that the figure of Perceval was
derived from an Iranian source was discussed amongst Arthurian
scholars in the early part of the 20th century. It was even
suggested that Wofram’s Parzival was a free translation from the
Persian stories. Unfortunately, most of this scholarship has
been ignored in favor of the Celtic hypothesis advanced by
Loomis. [...]
As it happens, the very name "Perceval" does connect us to these
Eastern sources. The Iranian words gohr, gohar and
which form the root of the Alanic name Goar, translate into
German as Perle, with, as Littleton notes, the semantic field of
a jewel, gem, or stone. When we consider the etymology for Perlesvaux, we find that
vaux is well established as "valley,"
and thus "Perles-vaux" is Perle’s valley, or "Gohar’s valley" or
"Valley of the Stone-gem."
We find in this etymology the
subtext of the association of Perceval with a grail that is a
"stone" as opposed to a chalice or cauldron. The fifteenth
century German poem Lorengel describes the grail as a "stone of
victory" with which Parsifal drove back Attila and his troops a
the moment they were going to destroy Christianity. In this
clue, we find a curious shadow of the Ark of the Covenant which
ensured military might and victory for its possessors. The most
interesting fact of this matter is that it was the Alans of
Orleans who, in 451 AD, actually held the line against Attila.
These Alans were originally commanded by the fifth-century
leader Goar. [Laura Knight-Jadczyk, 2002]

And in the name "Gers," we find the
shadow of Goar. What is even more interesting is that the house that
was so miraculously "found" for us by the Bogdanov Brothers - and
here I should note that in Slavic languages, "Danov" means "gift of"
or "gift to" - is not only in "Goar’s Valley," it is adjacent to the
famous Pilgrimage route of St. James of Compostella.
The Camino de Santiago de Compostella is, since the middle ages, one of the most famous
mystical-religious pilgrimages in Europe, performed to worship
the tomb of the apostle James, the Major. The Camino de Santiago
refers to several routes that start from France, Spain and
Portugal linking cities and countries towards Santiago de Compostella in Galicia, not unlike the pilgrimage of Candelaria.
Galicia has the same root as Gaul.
The better known and more frequented Camino de Santiago, begins
in southwestern France on the slopes of the Pyrenees overlooking
the Gulf of Biscay, in the small town of St.Jean pied de port.
It crosses all the northern provinces of Spain until it reaches
Santiago, for a total of 400 km, to cover on foot the tradition
of carrying only a staff, a gourd, as a container for water and
a knapsack. (The Fool).
The word Compostella, is akin to ’campus stellae’ (field of the
star), with reference to the manifestation of light where the
alleged tomb of the Saint was found. The whole Camino de
Santiago, is spread with villages, and mountain passes that are
named after stars or trail of light, as if the road were a
stellar route, a route that leads to a special point: the field
of the star, as mentioned by Fulcanelli,
"The Route of Saint
James is also called the Milky Way. Greek mythology tells us
that the gods followed this route to go to the palace of Zeus
and the heroes as well followed it to enter Olympus. The Route
of Saint James is the stellar route, accessible to the chosen
ones, to the courageous, persevering and wise mortals."
We also have the term, "compost" or the appearance of a white
star on the surface of the compost - the first part of the Great
Work (alabastrum or white star, the vase of alabaster filled
with perfume).
The Milky Way describes a stellar route that leads to the
constellation of the Greater Dog and thus to the star Sirius
though we think this is a blind. As it happens, the most
northern constellation, right in the middle of the Milky Way, is
Cassiopeia - known to the ancients as Tuatha De Danaan - the
court of Don. Fulcanelli writes:
"The ’road’ is the earthly
reflection of the sacred stellar way that leads to the dwelling
of the gods.
"It leads the pilgrims to the sacred field of the star that
represents the victorious sign of light, the return that has
taken place to the divine origin represented by the star Sirius,
that keeps secrets of our forgotten Origin".
This element is
reproduced in the sacred iconography of Saint James who is
preceded by a dog while he reaches the sacred hillock of the
The Celtic and Basque populations that lived in Galicia believed
that the Milky Way was the Arch of Iris of the God Lug.
Lug is a
dark god, black like the coat of a wolf in the night or like the
feathers of a raven, a bird that brings messages. When Lug is on
earth and follows the Camino de Compostela he is a wolf or a
dog; when it flies along the Route of the Sky, Lug is a
In Europe there are at least two other great routes of ancient
origin, one in France and another in England, both oriented from
east to west, (the Camino de Compostela has an orientation
east-west on the 42nd parallel). Both are marked by an enormous
number of dolmen like structures where there are very frequent
references to dogs or wolves, felt to be places of energy and
power, where sacred temples were built.
Accurate studies demonstrate that the cromlechs of this road
represent stars reflected on the earth from the vault of the
sky; if they are grouped they reveal the precise configuration
of present constellations.
On the cromlechs,
"names of the sites in the Basque language is
underlined. They often help establish the astronomical
significance for more than a group of stone circles or to find
again the vernacular name of more than one constellation and to
prove the sacred nature of these groups at the time in
"It has been considered that the groups of stone circles follow
a series of topographical alignments linked to those of the
mountains that are found in the same area. This contention does
not reveal anything new as Alfred Watkins, in 1925 had already
mentioned the existence of alignments between prehistorical
monuments which he called ’ley lines’ "
The multidisciplinary studies of de Zabalegi indicate that it
is possible to date without any doubts the stone circles in the
Pyrenees to the first millennium before Christ. During a
conference held in 1999 at the University of Salamanca, he
presented the hypothesis that the original pilgrimage towards
the west that, in later centuries, became the pilgrimage to
Santiago, had its true origins and its mysterious cult in the
stone circles of the Pyrenees.
When in the 9th century AD the pilgrimages to Santiago began,
this route already existed and all the cities and the villages
along its path already bore the names of stars, of wolf, of
goose or raven. It is evident that the Pilgrimage coincides to
the southern gate or the gate of the gods. These beliefs proved
to be impossible to obliterate, so they were systematically
Christianized by the religious orders of Cluny and Knights
Templar, and then deformed.
All of this, of course, brings to mind
several related remarks made by the Cassiopaeans in a number of
Q: Back in 1995 when we did a
session with Roxanne present, I was re-reading this yesterday
because Ark is in Dijon where this guy Moshe is, and the night
of that session was when I had the vision of his face, and also
when I mentioned the dream where I was getting married and this
was so bizarre an idea to me at that time. Roxanne was focused
on her agenda about female gods and the Elohim, and it seems
that she simply shut off any ability for you to communicate to
her at all. So, in re-reading this session, it seems that you
were talking on a completely different level, to me alone, and
that it was almost in code. She wanted to talk about the French
Revolution, and you were talking about my past life in
Germany... and now Ark is in France... and there was the
vision... and that was when you brought up Moshe... and Moshe is
in France... is there a connection?
A: Maybe.
Q: Am I correct that you were talking to me on a level that I
was not even aware of at the time?
A: Could be!
Q: Can you help me out here? I would like to know about this
Moshe thing. You not only brought up the name, but you brought
up a lot of other things. And it seems that this was the opening
of a door of moving me in a certain direction. I don’t even know
how to ask about this because it is so strange...
A: Then it should be shelved.
Q: Is this one of those things you are going to avoid?
A: Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of
Q: Where are these alfalfa fields?
A: Near tracks well worn.
Q: Another clue, please?
A: Nope, that is enough for now!!
Q: You guys are gonna drive me crazy! Do you mean Rhineland as
in Germany proper?
A: We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin... Or do we?!? Who is
to tell?
Q: Who?
A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in
constant search for greener pastures. [...] Last clue for
tonight: Look for the vibratory frequency light. Good Night.
Q: You previously talked about ’undreamed of treasure in alfalfa
fields of Rhineland.’ Is this a physical, spiritual or knowledge
based treasure?
A: It is all three.
Q: Who put this treasure in the alfalfa fields of Rhineland?
A: Discover.
Q: For openers, I noticed on our astronomy program that the
spelling of Cassiopaea differs when referring to the remains of
the supernovae as opposed to the constellation; and, in fact,
the spelling of the deep sky object is very much like the
spelling you use. I wonder if there is a relation to the fact
that you spell it as the deep sky object is spelled?
A: Not really.
Q: Well, while we are on the subject of spelling, you DO use
unusual spelling from time to time, though normally you are very
good spellers. What rules direct your spelling since it is not
always according to modern usage?
A: No rules, just clues, as always.
Q: Does this refer also to the way you spell ’germain’? When you
say ’it is not germain,’ you spell it differently from the way
someone would spell it if just saying that something is not
A: Tis French, as in clue to be.
Q: [...] Now, when the Templars were arrested, they were accused
of worshipping a head, or skull, and also the god Baphomet. Were
these spurious accusations designed to defame them?
A: Skull was of pure crystal.
Q: What is the definition of the god ’Baphomet,’ if they did,
indeed, worship such?
A: The holder of the Trent.
Q: What is THAT?
A: Seek.
Q: What is the meaning of ’The Widow’s Son?’ The implication?
A: Stalks path of wisdom incarnate.
Q: Why is this described as a Widow’s son? This was the
appellation of Perceval...
A: Perceval was knighted in the court of seven.
Q: The court of seven what?
A: Swords points signify crystal transmitter of truth beholden.
Q: What is the relationship between Perceval, Paran Sikarios,
the Assassini, and Ishmael, the son of Hagar, at the well of the
A: Spear of Destiny.
Q: Are the Ishmaelis the carriers of the true bloodline, and the
line of Isaac and Jacob, the Supplanter, the carriers of the
monotheistic covenant, are the false line?
A: Close.
Q: Are the Ishmaelis also the carriers of the knowledge of
levitation, the cult of the head or the skull...
A: Try to connect to the Templars.
Q: Did the Templars discover the secrets of the Ishmaelis, the
Assassini, and is this what they carried into Europe, and then
A: Buried in Galle. [...] Look for clues, and do not have
Q: (L) You once said that Perceval was ’knighted in the Court of
Seven’ and that the sword’s points signify ’crystal transmitter
of truth beholden.’ Do these seven sages relate to this ’Court
of Seven’ that you mentioned?
A: Close.
Q: (L) When you said ’swords points signify crystal transmitter
of truth beholden,’ could you elaborate on that remark?
Q: (L) What is the difference between Galle and Gaul?
A: Clue.
Q: (L) Do they both refer to France?
A: No.
Q: (L) Does Galle refer to Rhineland?
A: Close.
Q: (L) I discovered today that one of the Maltese islands, the
one that is now called Gozo, was once called "Gaul." Is that
getting closer?
Part 2
March 14, 2003
Before I give my impressions of France, I think it is important to
understand my perspective on the United States. After all, readers
who have perused my genealogy pages will be fully aware of the
history of the various branches of my family in the U.S., and that
if anybody is a "full-blooded American," that person is me. Among
the earliest of my ancestors in America was Barent Jacobzen Kool, a
Dutchman who lived in New Amsterdam - now New York - and died there
in 1684, almost a hundred years before the American Revolution.
On the other side of the family, my ancestor, Richard Pearce,
emigrated to America on on 5 Mar 1630, and died in Portsmouth, Rhode
Island in 1677 - again, almost a hundred years before the American
Revolution. My Knight ancestors were in America at about the same
time and the story is that they arrived with William Penn.
On my mother’s side, the first records of the Meadows family are in
the headright grants by the Governor of the Jamestown Colony. John "Meades"
died in Virginia in 1658. Again on my mother’s side of the family,
the progenitors of the Mizell family in the United States were three
French Huguenot brothers who came to this country prior to the
Revolutionary War, landing at Charleston, and settling first on the
eastern shore of North Carolina. The name was then spelled Mazel and
it is believed that they were related to the famous French Camisard,
Abraham Mazel. On March 2, 1773, William Mizell - a descendant of
one of these brothers - received a land grant in Screven County, GA,
from King George III.
I mention all of these things for the simple reason that I want to
make it clear that my loyalties as an American are deep - hundreds
of years old. My family history stretches from "sea to shining sea,"
across the "amber waves of grain," and beyond the "purple mountain
majesties." My ancestors came from probably every country in "Old
Europe," and a truer "melting pot" American than I am simply doesn’t
exist. The blood that runs in my veins was liberally given for the
ideals that America stood for and no one has grieved more than I
have over the death of the illusion that those ideals might still be
truth for all Americans.
Yet, here I am: I have left the land of my birth to return to "Old
Europe," the land of my ancestors.
When I first conceived this series of pages, I thought about titling
it "Letters From Exile." There was only one problem with this idea:
leaving America and moving to France did not feel like "going into
exile"; it felt like "coming home."
And so we come to the point where impressions of France juxtaposed
against impressions of America will serve to highlight this
Those of you who are regular readers of the site, especially the
Signs of the Times, will have a good idea of my impressions of the
United States over the past year and a half. Those of you who have
read the Quantum Future School research on Secret Government
activities will also have a deeper understanding of our decision to
relocate outside of the U.S. The question is, of course, is there
any place in the world that is not subjected to that sort of
activity: mass mind control?
On September 25, 1999, the Cassiopaeans made the following comment:
A: There is much going on, yes. But it is cyclical. And will not
spell it out for you. The past, if carefully and accurately charted,
holds all the answers for you. How do you think the prophets do it?
At a later point in time, the following exchange occurred:
Q: ...I don’t even know if the path
I am following in researching the history and the other things
is even worthwhile or useful.
A: Oh, you bet it is!!!!!
The Cassiopaeans have also commented on
history in the following way:
A: Many stories stemming from your
history or antiquity are confused or corrupted. [...] History is
a bit muddied by design.
In Fulcanelli’s
Le Mystère des
Cathédrales, a most mysterious chapter was inserted in the second
edition which discusses an architectural monument found at Hendaye,
"a small frontier town in the Basque country." Fulcanelli tells us:
…[I]t is the strangest monument of
primitive millenarism, the rarest symbolical translation of
chiliasm, which I have ever met. It is known that this doctrine,
first accepted and then refuted by Origen, St. Denis of
Alexandria and St. Jerome although it had not been condemned by
the Church, was part of the esoteric tradition of the ancient
hermetic philosophy. […] We must recognize that the unknown
workman, who made these images, possessed real and profound
knowledge of the universe.
Here we have found that the core of
hermeticism, alchemy, is the doctrine of "primitive chiliasm." Note
the term "primitive." In my book, Ascension: The True Quest for the
Holy Grail, I have examined "primitive chiliasm" in some detail and
So what we see is that "primitive chiliasm," most likely related to
Catharism, was probably closer to the real teachings of Great
Teacher - around whom the Jesus Myth was shaped by the church - and
that somehow this Chiliasm and Catharism is closely connected to the
Grail stories - stories that emphasize "romance" and battles with
dark forces, great struggles of a physical and emotional nature.
What we also can hypothesize, based on
the evidence, is that these teachings included the idea of
hyperdimensional realities and literal Time Loops culminating in
cataclysm, with a restoration of a Para-physical earth - the Edenic
State of the Golden Age - on the other side of the dissolution.
This, of course, leads us to the Mother of all Grail Stories: Noah
and the Ark.
The story of Noah and the Ark is the primordial story of salvation;
the original Quest for the Holy Grail; - the building of the Ark;
and - the Great Work of Alchemy. The Flood has other connotations
such as the occlusion of the Sun being the "Dying God," sacrificed
for the sins of mankind. In this sense, the Ark is the symbol of the
Cosmic Hieros Gamos, or the mode of passage to the realm of the
"Once and Future King," Arthur/Arca and the Shepherds of Arcadia.
In our present time, the Christian religion, (and its New Age
offshoots), is the chief proponent of the many End of the World
scenarios with which we are most familiar. However, they do not seem
to note that the most important point is that Jesus connected the so
called End of the World with the story of Noah, thereby affirming
the "Primitive Chiliasm" view. In Matthew, chapter 24, verses 37 and
As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man.
For just as in those days before the flood they were eating and
drinking, marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when
Noah went into the ark, and they did not know or understand until
the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the
Son of man.
In the story of Noah, to which Jesus has directly related the "End
of Time," a man had a dream, a prophecy (who knows how God spoke to
him), and he acted upon this revelation in a positive way to the
saving of himself and his family.
The most important part of the story of Noah is that it was NOT the
end of the world in the sense that the physical earth ceases to
exist. Nor did Noah transit through the Flood to become a "light
being." He built the Ark and survived the Flood and emerged into a
different world. It was the End of Time, in the sense that the world
before was altogether different from the world after the Flood. The
Earth continued to exist, and Noah and his metaphorical family ,
(there were apparently quite a number of Noah’s all over the globe)
, came out of the ark into a world so different that the existence
of a rainbow is noted here for the first time as evidence of this
extreme, fundamental change of reality.
Over and over again, for a thousand years or more, this group of
people, or that one, have decided that the end is coming. They will
sell all they own, move out to the woods or gather on a mountain, or
huddle in jungle huts, waiting for God - or nowadays, the ETs -
and when the sun finally rises on the glorious morn of redemption,
well, some are so disappointed, or so determined to be right, that
they will sink to any level to prove that their interpretation was
the correct one. The People’s Temple, the Solar Cult, and
Heaven’s Gate group are just three cases of recent note. Such
prognosticators obviously went wrong - terribly and disastrously
wrong. And they were only the latest in a long line of similar
groups. It is a pattern that repeats over and over again. So, again
we ask, is there anything to any of it at all, and if so, what?
Carefully considered, the story of Noah is highly informative. The
story does not tell us that some supernatural force prepared a place
for Noah. On the contrary, Noah was told to perform certain tasks to
ensure his survival as well as that of his family and certain
animals. Had Noah chosen not to exert these tremendous efforts, we
would never have heard of him, whoever he might have been, in
whatever culture or context he existed.
Do we have any way of knowing that we are presently in the so-called
"End Times?" Of course, there is no way to say so with absolute
certainty. However, we do have what I call the "Noah Syndrome" to
guide us.
A "syndrome" is a constellation of signs and symptoms that, taken
together, characterize or indicate a particular disease or abnormal
condition. "As it was in the days of Noah" can be interpreted on
several levels. What, precisely, might have been meant by this clue?
In Genesis, Chapter six, we read about the first "symptom".
When men began to multiply on the face of the earth, the sons of God
saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took wives of all
they desired and chose.
That is certainly a loaded statement! There have been endless
speculations on the identity of these "sons of God," or "Nephilim."
But before we even approach that, let’s look at the first curious
part of the statement is that referring to men "multiplying on the
face of the earth," as though it was a singularly significant
factor. "As it was in the days of Noah" seems to suggest a
tremendous population growth.
Could it be at all possible that a
certain population figure - as suggested by this remark - was a
sort of "critical mass" that precipitated the interaction with these
"sons of God?" The Cassiopaeans have told us that, at the time of
the prior high civilization, the population of the world was right
around the same figure we have on the planet at present: six
billion. The series of remarks get even more impossible, I am sorry
to say, because it goes on to declare:
There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward,
when the sons of God lived with the daughters of men, and they bore
children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, men of
What in the world are we going to do with something like that if we
claim to be rational and serious thinkers? Nevertheless, it seems to
be the crux of the matter. In the many myths and legends, it was the
offspring of these unions mentioned above that brought destruction
on the Earth. As we have already noted, a the present time, there
seems to be a veritable invasion of "otherworldly" visitors
masquerading as "aliens." This was recorded in the ancient legends
as invasion by "the souls of the dead." There is a curious "sexual
interest" in humanity expressed by these visitors concomitant with
sexual excess of mankind at large. Could the two be related? And
this leads us to the next symptom:
The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was very great in the earth,
and that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was
only evil continually.
The passage comes back to this further on saying:
The earth was depraved and putrid in
God’s sight, and the land was filled with violence (desecration,
infringement, outrage, assault, and lust for power). And God
looked upon the world and saw how degenerate, debased and
vicious it was; for all humanity had corrupted their way upon
the earth and lost their true direction.
Those are harsh words. Do they apply to
us in this day and time? Fulcanelli writes:
Already, because of the multiplicity
of scientific acquisitions, man cannot live without tremendous
energy and endurance, in an atmosphere of hectic, feverish and
unhealthy activity. He created the machine that increased his
means and his power of action a hundred fold, but he has become
its slave and its victim. […]
[O]n the other hand, what does he
know of himself, that is, of his origin, his essence, and his
destiny? […]
Carried away by his passions, his desires, and his
phobias, the horizon of his hopes recedes indefinitely. It is
the frantic race towards the abyss. […]
Finally, we will reveal nothing by
saying that the greatest part of discoveries, first oriented towards
the increase of human well-being, were rapidly diverted from their
goal and specifically applied to destruction. Instruments of peace
are turned into machines of war and we already know too well the
dominating role science played in modern cataclysms. Such is,
unfortunately, the final goal, the outcome of scientific
investigation; and such is also the reason why many who pursued it
with criminal intent, called divine justice upon him and finds
himself bound to be condemned by it.
But, there is hope: Noah found favor in God’s eyes. He was,
undoubtedly, the one who was thought to be "sick" by all of the
other people around him. He didn’t fit, he was an anomaly - a man of
faith and discernment and circumspection in a time and place where
everything that mankind had ever thought was good had been
corrupted, perverted, turned upside down and twisted out of
recognition. But Noah "found grace in the eyes of the Lord." We are
told in the Pauline Letter to the Hebrews that:
Prompted by faith Noah, being forewarned of
God concerning events of
which as yet there was no visible sign, took heed and diligently and
reverently constructed and prepared an ark for the deliverance of
his own family. By this he passed judgment and sentence on the
world’s unbelief and became an heir and possessor of righteousness.
That’s a big one: being forewarned concerning events of which as yet
there was no visible sign. And the Cassiopaeans have said:
The past,
if carefully and accurately charted, holds all the answers for you.
How do you think the prophets do it?
Looking at our idea of a Syndrome from another direction, acting in
response to a consciousness of impending disaster might be seen as a
form of mental aberration, a syndrome not common to all of humanity,
but defining in very specific terms the "Noë of the Elect," and "the
Chosen"-, those moved to see the End as a beginning of a new order.
And, as in the time of Noah, those not afflicted with this
particular cast of consciousness will react to it with derision and
So we find that the Noah Syndrome describes both a condition of the
planet in terms of its sickness-unto-death, as well as the condition
of certain individuals who are sickened by the sickness. And just as
an animal will sniff out the proper herb for its cure, such people
begin to feel a restlessness, a questing spirit, a drive to seek out
and discover the thing that will bring relief to this nagging ache
in their soul. Such a quest can only be undertaken with faith that
is open and adventurous; following the nose, so to say, and finally,
ingesting that which is of true benefit when it is finally
discovered. Looking at our constellation of symptoms, it does seem
to be that we are in a time period "as it was in the days of Noah."
The comparison between the Noachian Flood and the Destruction of the
fabled Atlantis is obvious. Fulcanelli writes:
Atlantis. Did this mysterious island, of which Plato left the
enigmatic description, ever exist? A question difficult to solve,
give the weakness of the means which science possesses to penetrate
the secret of the abysses. Nevertheless, some observations seem to
support the partisans of the existence of Atlantis. […]
Faith in the truthfulness of Plato’s works results in believing the
reality of the periodical upheavals of which the Mosaic Flood, we
said it, remains the written symbol and the sacred prototype. To
those who negate what the priests of Egypt entrusted to Solon, we
would only ask to explain to us what Aristotle’s master wanted to
reveal by this fiction of a sinister nature. For we indeed believe
that beyond doubt, Plato became the propagator of very ancient
truths, and that consequently his books contain a set, a body of
hidden knowledge. His Geometric Number, and Cave have their
signification; why should the myth of Atlantis not have its own?
Atlantis must have undergone the same fate as the others, and the
catastrophe which submerged it falls obviously into the same cause
as that which buried, forty-eight centuries later, under a profound
sheet of water, Egypt, the Sahara, and the countries of Northern
Africa. But more favored than the land of the Atlantean, Egypt
gained from a raising of the bottom of the ocean and came back to
the light of day, after a certain time of immersion. For Algeria and
Tunisia with their dry "chotts" covered with a thick layer of salt,
the Sahara and Egypt with their soils constituted for a large part
of sea sand show that the waters invaded and covered vast expanses
of the African continent.
The columns of the Pharaohs’ temples
bear on them undeniable traces of immersion; in the hypostyle
chambers, the slabs, still extant, which form the ceilings have been
raised and moved by the oscillating motion of the waves; the
disappearance of the outer coating of the pyramids and in general
that of the stone joins (the Colosses of Memnon who used to sing)
the evident traces of corrosion by water that can be noticed on the
sphinx of Giza, as well as on many other works of Egyptian statuary
have no other origin.
One of the oft reiterated themes of Fulcanelli is that the "ancient
Greeks" - not the Egyptians - were the source of the Hermetic
science. Fulcanelli has directed us to have "faith in the
truthfulness of Plato’s works" results in believing the reality of
regarding the periodical upheavals of which the Mosaic Flood remains
the written symbol and the sacred prototype."
Timaeus and Critias, written by Plato some time around 360 BC are
the only existing written records which specifically refer to
Atlantis. The dialogues are conversations between Socrates, Hermocrates, Timaeus, and Critias. Apparently in response to a prior
talk by Socrates about ideal societies, Timaeus and Critias agree to
entertain Socrates with a tale that is "not a fiction but a true
The story is about the conflict between the ancient Athenians and
the Atlanteans 9000 years before Plato’s time. Knowledge of the
ancient times was apparently forgotten by the Athenians of Plato’s
day, and the form the story of Atlantis took in Plato’s account was
that it was conveyed to Solon by Egyptian priests. Solon passed the
tale to Dropides, the great-grandfather of Critias. Critias learned
of it from his grandfather also named Critias, son of Dropides.
Let’s take a careful look at the main section of the story, omitting
the introduction that describes Solon going to Egypt and chatting up
the priests.
Thereupon one of the priests, who was of a very great age, said: O
Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are never anything but children, and
there is not an old man among you. Solon in return asked him what he
meant. I mean to say, he replied, that in mind you are all young;
there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition,
nor any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you why.
There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind
arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by
the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable
other causes. There is a story, which even you have preserved, that
once upon a time Phaeton, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds
in his father’s chariot, because he was not able to drive them in
the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and
was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt.
Now this has the form of a myth, but
really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens
around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the
earth, which recurs after long intervals; at such times those who
live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are more liable
to destruction than those who dwell by rivers or on the seashore.
And from this calamity the Nile, who is our never-failing saviour,
delivers and preserves us.
When, on the other hand, the gods purge the earth with a deluge of
water, the survivors in your country are herdsmen and shepherds who
dwell on the mountains, but those who, like you, live in cities are
carried by the rivers into the sea. Whereas in this land, neither
then nor at any other time, does the water come down from above on
the fields, having always a tendency to come up from below; for
which reason the traditions preserved here are the most ancient.
The fact is, that wherever the extremity
of winter frost or of summer does not prevent, mankind exist,
sometimes in greater, sometimes in lesser numbers. And whatever
happened either in your country or in ours, or in any other region
of which we are informed-if there were any actions noble or great or
in any other way remarkable, they have all been written down by us
of old, and are preserved in our temples.
We want to here make note of the fact that present day evidence
suggests that it is not true that Egypt has never been inundated,
nor that it has never experienced a rainy climate. This leads us to
question whether or not this story actually came from the mouth of a
true Egyptian priest with the full knowledge of the ancient
cataclysms. If so, he would have known of the period of heavy rain
and shallow seas in Egypt, by which the Sphinx and other monuments
were eroded, and which deposited a layer of salt on the interior of
the pyramids and other monuments.
And so we suggest, to reconcile this
difficulty, not that the story is false - because Fulcanelli has
told us to "have faith in the account of Plato" - but rather that
the speaker was not aware of certain ideas specifically relating to
Egypt, and that the dialogue has been put into the mouth of an
Egyptian priest in order to preserve it in the context of the then
current "Egyptian craze." It might even be thought that this was a
deliberate exoteric "blind."
Whereas just when you and other nations are beginning to be provided
with letters and the other requisites of civilized life, after the
usual interval, the stream from heaven, like a pestilence, comes
pouring down, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of
letters and education; and so you have to begin all over again like
children, and know nothing of what happened in ancient times, either
among us or among yourselves. As for those genealogies of yours
which you just now recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than
the tales of children.
In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were
many previous ones; in the next place, you do not know that there
formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men
which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended
from a small seed or remnant of them which survived. And this was
unknown to you, because, for many generations, the survivors of that
destruction died, leaving no written word. For there was a time,
Solon, before the great deluge of all, when the city which now is
Athens was first in war and in every way the best governed of all
cities, is said to have performed the noblest deeds and to have had
the fairest constitution of any of which tradition tells, under the
face of heaven.
Again, let’s interrupt the dialogue to point out that it is hardly
likely that a priest of Egypt would have declared the Athenians to
be "the fairest and noblest race of men," nor that they "performed
the noblest deeds" and had the "fairest constitution … under the
face of heaven!" Another clue that the speaker is giving us that it
is NOT Egypt that is the source of this information.
Solon marveled at his words, and earnestly requested the priests to
inform him exactly and in order about these former citizens. You are
welcome to hear about them, Solon, said the priest, both for your
own sake and for that of your city, and above all, for the sake of
the goddess who is the common patron and parent and educator of both
our cities. She founded your city a thousand years before ours,
receiving from the Earth and Hephaestus the seed of your race, and
afterwards she founded ours, of which the constitution is recorded
in our sacred registers to be eight thousand years old.
Yet again, the Egyptian priest is giving greater antiquity to the
Greeks than to the Egyptians! Another clue for the reader to
understand that this is NOT an Egyptian story! But, that doesn’t
mean that much of what is being said is not fairly accurate, even if
it is being put in the mouth of an Egyptian priest to "conceal."
Indeed, the worship of Isis, the goddess, is evidently the older
form of worship in Egypt. But all of that came to an end, probably
with the conquest of Narmer, the building of the temple to
Hephaestus, the demoting of the goddess and the Moon calendar, and
the instituting of the Solar worship and the solar calendar of 365
As touching your citizens of nine thousand years ago, I will briefly
inform you of their laws and of their most famous action; the exact
particulars of the whole we will hereafter go through at our leisure
in the sacred registers themselves. If you compare these very laws
with ours you will find that many of ours are the counterpart of
yours as they were in the olden time.
Here, of course, we come to the idea that there was an ancient
connection and communication between the truly "old Egyptians" and
the Northern peoples. Georges Gurdjieff once remarked that
Christianity was taken from Egypt, a statement which might suggest
that he agreed with the Pan-Egyptian school. But no: Christianity,
he hastened to explain, was not taken from the Egypt of history, but
from a "far older Egypt" which is unrecorded.[2]
In the first place, there is the caste of priests, which is
separated from all the others; next, there are the artificers, who
ply their several crafts by themselves and do not intermix; and also
there is the class of shepherds and of hunters, as well as that of
husbandmen; and you will observe, too, that the warriors in Egypt
are distinct from all the other classes, and are commanded by the
law to devote themselves solely to military pursuits; moreover, the
weapons which they carry are shields and spears, a style of
equipment which the goddess taught of Asiatics first to us, as in
your part of the world first to you.
But, returning to Plato, the remark that the right function of
society was "first taught to the Asiatics" is most interesting. The
reference to "Asiatics" in this context from an historical "Egyptian
Priest" is extremely questionable because, in the many Egyptian
inscriptions of historical times, the Asiatics are always referred
to as "Vile." Nevertheless, even in historical times, it is indeed
true that the Egyptians borrowed their military equipment and war
strategies from the Asiatics, but that was a much later development
than the above story would suggest.
The issue of who the "vile Asiatics"
were is an ongoing debate, but it seems to devolve on such as the
Hittites, Hyksos, and other Indo-European tribes that came down from
the Steppes in various waves. We will discuss further on the
evidence that the Steppe peoples were the worshippers of the goddess
in the most ancient times, that they came from Europe to the East,
and that the war god, the god of fire and the mountains, was
introduced later from the South. But do note that the "arts of war"
are attributed to the Egyptians first, and only second to the
Greeks! A most telling remark, indeed.
Fulcanelli suggests that the
ancient science, first oriented towards the increase of human
well-being, was rapidly diverted to be used for destruction.
Instruments of peace were turned into machines of war in the South!
Then as to wisdom, do you observe how our law from the very first
made a study of the whole order of things, extending even to
prophecy and medicine which gives health, out of these divine
elements deriving what was needful for human life, and adding every
sort of knowledge which was akin to them. All this order and
arrangement the goddess first imparted to you when establishing your
city; and she chose the spot of earth in which you were born,
because she saw that the happy temperament of the seasons in that
land would produce the wisest of men.
Wherefore the goddess, who was a lover
both of war and of wisdom, selected and first of all settled that
spot which was the most likely to produce men likest herself. And
there you dwelt, having such laws as these and still better ones,
and excelled all mankind in all virtue, as became the children and
disciples of the gods.
Again and again, this very strange "Egyptian" priest is saying
things that completely contradict the Egyptian view that they are
the most "ancient and noble race." In the above remarks, he has said
that the goddess imparted to the Greeks FIRST all of the laws of
health and those things needed to preserve and prolong life. The
Greeks are pronounced to have been the "wisest of men," and those
"most like the goddess" herself. And again "excelled all mankind in
all virtue," which is not very likely to have been said by an
Egyptian priest, though we will discover that it is very likely the
Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our
histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and
valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked
made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to
which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the
Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and
there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by
you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya
and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from
these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which
surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits
of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that
other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly
called a boundless continent.
Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful
empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and
over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis
had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as
far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia. This vast power,
gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and
yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then,
Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and
strength, among all mankind.
She was pre-eminent in courage and
military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the
rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having
undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed
over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet
subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell
within the pillars.
Of ALL the things the "Egyptian priest" has said, the above is the
most astonishing and the most telling. Again he is giving
pre-eminence to the Greeks, that they performed the most heroic deed
of all times, which was to defeat the Atlantean Empire! And this is
the point that is so often just simply overlooked by all the
Atlantis lovers! Atlantis was the original "evil empire of the
And what is more, in this passage, the
clue is given that the ancient Egyptian civilization - the building
of the pyramids and other monumental architecture upon which so much
of the current Egyptian craze is based - the work of , etc - claimed to be the offshoot of Atlantis, that part of
it that is so admired by the current day flock of Egypto-philes -
was very likely an attempt to re-construct the EVIL EMPIRE OF
ATLANTIS! In other words, the "priestly science" of the Egyptians,
referred to by Fulcanelli, antedated the material so diligently
studied by Schwaller and others for "clues" to alchemical secrets.
But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in
a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body
sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner
disappeared in the depths of the sea. For which reason the sea in
those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal
of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the
I have told you briefly, Socrates, what the aged Critias heard from
Solon and related to us. And when you were speaking yesterday about
your city and citizens, the tale which I have just been repeating to
you came into my mind, and I remarked with astonishment how, by some
mysterious coincidence, you agreed in almost every particular with
the narrative of Solon; but I did not like to speak at the moment.
For a long time had elapsed, and I had forgotten too much; I thought
that I must first of all run over the narrative in my own mind, and
then I would speak.
Here we find another interesting clue.
Critias has just told us that
Socrates was discussing the very things that are included in this
story - that everything Socrates had been saying the previous day
"agreed in almost every particular with the narrative of Solon."
Apparently, this story had been handed down via another line of
And so I readily assented to your request yesterday, considering
that in all such cases the chief difficulty is to find a tale
suitable to our purpose, and that with such a tale we should be
fairly well provided. And therefore, as Hermocrates has told you, on
my way home yesterday I at once communicated the tale to my
companions as I remembered it; and after I left them, during the
night by thinking I recovered nearly the whole it. Truly, as is
often said, the lessons of our childhood make wonderful impression
on our memories; for I am not sure that I could remember all the
discourse of yesterday, but I should be much surprised if I forgot
any of these things which I have heard very long ago. I listened at
the time with childlike interest to the old man’s narrative; he was
very ready to teach me, and I asked him again and again to repeat
his words, so that like an indelible picture they were branded into
my mind.
As soon as the day broke, I rehearsed them as he spoke them to my
companions, that they, as well as myself, might have something to
say. And now, Socrates, to make an end my preface, I am ready to
tell you the whole tale. I will give you not only the general heads,
but the particulars, as they were told to me.
The city and citizens, which you yesterday described to us in
fiction, we will now transfer to the world of reality. It shall be
the ancient city of Athens, and we will suppose that the citizens
whom you imagined, were our veritable ancestors, of whom the priest
spoke; they will perfectly harmonize, and there will be no
inconsistency in saying that the citizens of your republic are these
ancient Athenians. Let us divide the subject among us, and all
endeavour according to our ability gracefully to execute the task
which you have imposed upon us. Consider then, Socrates, if this
narrative is suited to the purpose, or whether we should seek for
some other instead.[3]
And we come to the final understanding that conveys to us
the secret
of the story of Atlantis: that it did not actually come from an
Egyptian priest, but that this was a story that was created to
"execute the task which you [Socrates] have imposed upon us," which
was to veil in fiction something that was Truth. Does this mean that
they were "making it up?" No, indeed. It means that they were
attempting to find a vehicle for the history that would insure its
Thus we come to the conclusion that it is entirely possible that the
story was not given to Solon by an Egyptian priest, but that it was
attributed to same because, at the time everyone was convinced of
the antiquity of the Egyptians. It was as much a fad then as now,
due to the presence of the pyramids and other monuments.
If Fulcanelli is correct about the cult of the dead of the Egyptians
being a distortion of this knowledge, and this cult was encouraged,
supported, and furthered by the Egyptian elite of the past several
thousand years, then it is almost a certainty that they were not in
possession of the knowledge that was conveyed to Solon. But it seems
apparent that he did, indeed, get it from somewhere. And he tells us
that the Greeks were instructed by the Arabs which certainly makes
us wonder who were the original "Arabs."
Well, we certainly have a clue:
Q: According to the Bible, Abraham
was the father of Ishmael who was the ’father of the Arabs’
according to the Hebrew texts. Hermes was supposed to have been
the father of Arabus who was also called the ’father of the
Arabs.’ This Arabus was the legendary father of Cassiopeia,
which is almost a parallel development with just some name
changes. It seems as though Arabus and Ishmael were
comparatively the same in type and function and there are
further comparisons to be made. But, the essential thing here is
that Cassiopeia would then have been a granddaughter of Hermes
and daughter of Ishmael, and we have talked before about the
bloodline of the Ishmaelis as the true ’royal line.’ Can you
comment on this?
A: You are doing well in your analysis. [...]
Q: Is the story of David [in the Bible] a gloss of the Perseus
A: Yes. More than that though.
Q: Okay, can you tell me what it is more than that?
A: A Tale of 4th Density.
Q: So it’s interactive in the sense of groups, not individuals?
A: Yes.
Q: Where is the Ethiopia of the Cassiopeia story? Where it is
A: 4th Density.
Q: Okay, what people did it refer to, in a larger group sense,
if it was an archetypal expression?
A: Gaul.
Now, let’s look again at what Plato has
written, keeping in mind the fact that Fulcanelli has described a
deep connection between the Greeks and France:
Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful
empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and
over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis
had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as
far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia. This vast power,
gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and
yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then,
Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and
strength, among all mankind.
She was pre-eminent in courage and
military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the
rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having
undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed
over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet
subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell
within the pillars.
Fulcanelli in the first pages of his book
Dwellings of the
Philosophers, tells us in his first sentences that there is a gross
misconception about the Middle Ages common among scholars and
laymen, produced by a written history that is not supported by the
evidence. History tells us that the Dark Ages were a time of
invasions, wars, famines, epidemics, and a host of disruptions to
life and culture; yet the very same period was the time of the
building of great cathedrals, monuments, houses, cities, and so
forth; none of which bear the marks of such scourges. He then goes
on to point out that art is entirely reflective of a culture, and
generally only thrives during times of peace.
The Gothic buildings - cathedrals and
others - all undeniably reflect peace, serenity, prosperity, and a
flourishing, happy society. The statuary, obviously having used live
models, show us plump, well-fed people, with jovial expressions,
fond of good living and satire. Even gargoyles are more comical than
frightening, and the suffering Christs are generally depicted as
"resting" rather than actually in torment. As Fulcanelli points out,
if that period of history had been as "dark" as it is depicted, had
the people been suffering and moaning in misery of human affliction,
the art would have depicted it. But it didn’t. Something is, indeed,
inexplicably amiss here. And, as Fulcanelli points out:
...it is easy to fabricate texts and
documents out of nothing.[…] Falsification and counterfeiting
are as old as the hills, and history, which abhors chronological
vacuums, sometimes had to call [counterfeiters] to the rescue.
In the seventeenth century, a Jesuit
Father Jean Hardouin uncovered a fraud wherein locals were creating
ancient Greek and Roman coins and medals and burying them about the
countryside to "fill in the gaps" of history as well as make money
by selling such "finds." In 1639, a certain Jacques de Bie published
The Families of France, Illustrated by the Monuments of Ancient and
Modern Medals, which, according to Anatole de Montaiglon contained
more "invented medals than real ones." Fulcanelli goes on to cite
more instances in which the possibility - probability - that our
history has been largely fabricated looms as an ever growing specter
of confusion. We will discover, as we go along, that this problem of
falsification of history is not just an idea, but a FACT.
As it happens, there are some eminent experts in the present day who
have smelled the rat and who propose the exact same thing that
Fulcanelli has suggested. When we investigate the matter, we
discover that the chronology of ancient and medieval history in its
present form was created and completed to a considerable extent in a
series of works during the 16th and 18th centuries, beginning with
J. Scaliger (1540-1609), the "founder of modern chronological
science." and D. Petavius (1583-1652).
Chronology is what tells us
how much time has elapsed between some historical event and the
present. To determine real chronology, one must be able to translate
the data in the ancient documents into the terminology and units of
modern time reckoning. Many historical conclusions and
interpretations depend upon what dates we ascribe to the events in a
given ancient document.
The accepted traditional chronology of ancient and medieval world
rests on a foundation of quicksand. For example, between different
versions of the dating of such important event as the foundation of
Rome, there exists a divergence of 500 years. What is more,
"falsification" of numbers was carried out down even to contemporary
history. Alexander Polyhistor took the first steps towards filling
up the five hundred years, which were wanting to bring the
destruction of Troy and the origin of Rome into the chronological
connection. But, was he helping, or further confusing the matter? As
it happens, according to another chronology, Troy had fallen at the
same time as the foundation of Rome, and not 500 years before it.
Isaac Newton, as we will see, devoted many years to historical and
chronological studies. He made up his own tables that came to be the
generally accepted timeline. A lot of people are not aware that some
of the important events of Greek history were arbitrarily moved
forward by him as much as 300 years, and those of the Egyptian were
moved forward up to a thousand years. Naturally, penetrating minds
were able to discern the problems and as early as the sixteenth
century. A.D., Professor of Salamanca University de Arcilla
published two papers in which he stated that the whole of history
earlier than the 4th c. AD, had been falsified.
In more modern times, the first serious attempt to systematize the
considerable critical material, and to analyze historical paradoxes
and duplicates from the standpoint of natural science was undertaken
by a Russian scientist and academician, N. A. Morozov (1854-1946).
In 1994, A. T. Fomenko, a Russian Mathematician, published Empirico-statistical
analysis of narrative materials and its applications to historical
dating. The abstract of this book says:
These two volumes represent a major,
unique work which is the first of its kind published in the
English language. A comprehensive set of new statistical
technique is presented for the analysis of historical and
chronological data. These technique constitute a new important
trend in applied statistics. The first volume concentrates
mainly of the development of mathematical statistical tools and
their applications to astronomical data: dating of ancient
eclipses, dating of Almagest etc. The problems of correct dating
for ancient and medieval events are discussed. The second volume
concentrates on the analysis of ancient and medieval chronicles
and records (such as Egyptian, Byzantine, Roman, Greek,
Babylonian, European etc.).
An astonishing wealth of historical
data is considered. The conclusions which are drawn concerning
the accepted chronological dating of events in ancient history
will certainly provoke controversy and serious debate. The
author suggested a new chronology which is dramatically
different from the traditional one. For example, new short
chronology place ancient Rome and Greece in medieval epoch. The
main result is as follows: the modern "textbook" of traditional
ancient and medieval history is the fibred chronicle derived by
gluing together the four practically identical replicas A,B,C,D
of the shorter chronicle A.
Three chronicle B,C,D are obtained
from A by shifting it as a rigid block backwards by 333, 1053,
and 1778 years (approximately). In other words, the entire
"modern textbook" can be completely restored from its lesser
part A wholly placed to the right of A.D.960, i.e. each epoch of
history, placed today to the left (below) of A.D.960, is a
reflection of a certain real historical events from the interval
A.D.960 - A.D.1600. For example "the ancient Greece" is dated in
10-14 centuries A.D. The book provides the necessary background
and material for intelligent participation in such debates.
If Fomenko is correct, the ancient
histories of Byzantium were carried to Europe, and because many of
the local legends also arrived from that region of the world, i.e.
the Nart sagas, it was assumed that this was the real history of
Britain and even Europe. In short, Fomenko’s idea connects events
from the time of Jesus, and the area of the world in which Jesus was
said to live, to the general area of the world from which the Nart
Sagas originated, the roots of the Grail Legends, and they may all
be a mythicized history, and historicized myth of actual seed events
of real history that has been, until the present time, incompletely
Again and again we are finding the threads leading off to the east -
to Russia, Siberia - which happens to be the land of Colchis. ’Apollodorus
tells us about Hercules:
When the labours had been performed
in eight years and a month, Eurystheus ordered Hercules, as an
eleventh labour, to fetch golden apples from the Hesperides, for
he did not acknowledge the labour of the cattle of Augeas nor
that of the hydra. These apples were not, as some have said, in
Libya, but on Atlas among the Hyperboreans. They were presented
(by Earth) to Zeus after his marriage with Hera, and guarded by
an immortal dragon with a hundred heads, offspring of Typhon and
Echidna, which spoke with many and divers sorts of voices. With
it the Hesperides also were on guard, to wit, Aegle, Erythia,
Hesperia, and Arethusa. […]
Now Prometheus had told Hercules not to
go himself after the apples but to send Atlas, first relieving him
of the burden of the sphere; so when he was come to Atlas in the
land of the Hyperboreans, he took the advice and relieved Atlas. But
when Atlas had received three apples from the Hesperides, he came to
Hercules, and not wishing to support the sphere, he said that he
would himself carry the apples to Eurystheus, and bade Hercules hold
up the sky in his stead. Hercules promised to do so, but succeeded
by craft in putting it on Atlas instead.
For at the advice of Prometheus he
begged Atlas to hold up the sky till he should, put a pad on his
head. When Atlas heard that, he laid the apples down on the
ground and took the sphere from Hercules. And so Hercules picked
up the apples and departed. But some say that he did not get
them from Atlas, but that he plucked the apples himself after
killing the guardian snake. And having brought the apples he
gave them to Eurystheus. But he, on receiving them, bestowed
them on Hercules, from whom Athena got them and conveyed them
back again; for it was not lawful that they should be laid down
It is extremely interesting to note the similarity between
the hydra
- a hundred headed snake - and the gorgon slain by Perseus. We also
note the connections to the Hyperboreans, and the fact that the
Golden Apples were given to Athena, who was also gifted with the
head of Medusa by Perseus. Another interesting note is that the area
where these apples were located was the Hesperides. We also want to
note that the same general story is told about the Quest for the
Golden Fleece:
No sooner did Pelias hear that than
he bade him go in quest of the fleece. Now it was at Colchis in
a grove of Ares, hanging on an oak and guarded by a sleepless
Medea guided Jason to the fleece by night and
used her drugs to send the guardian dragon to sleep, and then,
carrying the fleece with her, made her way back to the Argos
with Jason.’
Curiously, the name "Pelleas" occurs in a number of Grail Stories.
The important thing is, however, that we have a sneaking suspicion
that this Colchis is also the Hesperides. We also wonder about the
possible relationship between "Arcadia" and Colchis. If the ancient
"Athenians" of Plato’s tale were not actually from Athens as we know
it, then it is also possible that a far more ancient "Arcadia"
existed as well.
[Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Ancient Science, 2002]
And that brings us, of course, back to the Nart Sagas described by
Littleton and Malcor as the root of the Grail legends, that
the Sarmatians are the "Dragon Slayers," and the root stock of France.
The details of all these connections and discoveries will be
presented in a forthcoming book. For the moment, it is important to
understand the cyclical nature of time, the "replay" of the Atlantean/Noachian deluge saga, and just who is who here.
It is glaringly obvious from the description recorded in Plato’s
story that the United States is the reincarnation of Atlantis - the
"evil empire" - or the replay, if you prefer that term. Following
the connections demonstrates that France is "ancient Athens" in the
story, the country that,
"shone forth, in the excellence of her
virtue and strength, among all mankind. She was pre-eminent in
courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And
when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone,
after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated
and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those
who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest
of us who dwell within the pillars."
And now, the reader will better understand the macrocosmic view of
my Impressions of France as I write them. It is the home of the
future of humanity, the hope of the New World to come. Tearing the
veil away, the actual "art cot" or Art of Light, is the Quest for
the Holy Grail, the building of the Ark, through which the human
being may "pass through the conflagration" at the End of Time.
Fulcanelli tells us:
The obelisk of Dommartin-sur-Tigeaus
is the tangible, expressive image, absolutely conforming to
tradition, of the double terrestrial calamity, of the
conflagration and of the flood, on the terrible Judgment Day.
[…] This monument seems to be erected on the plane of the
ancient hexagram; a figure composed of the water and fire
triangles, which is used as the signature of the physical Great
Work and of its result, the Philosopher’s Stone. […]
Two sides of the pyramid are exactly aligned on the highway’s
North-South axis. On the Southern side, one can notice the image
of an old oak sculpted in bas-relief. […] If we question the oak
of stone, it can answer us that times are near, because it is
its figurative foreboding. It is the revealing symbol of our
times of decadence and perversion; and the initiate to whom we
owe the obelisk, carefully chose the oak tree as a frontispiece
for his work, in the fashion of a cabalistic prologue, in charge
of pinpointing in time the ill-omened period of the end of the
world. The characteristics of this period, which is ours, are
clearly indicated in the twenty-fourth chapter of the Gospel of
St. Matthew. […]
These frequent geological tremors, accompanied with unexplained
climatic changes […] are symbolically expressed by the oak. This
word, whose French pronunciation ("chêne") is lisped,
phonetically corresponds to the Greek word (Khen), and
designates the common goose. The old oak tree, because of this
fact, takes on the same value as the expression the old goose
and the secret meaning of the old law, heralding the return of
the Ancient Covenant or the Reign of God […] Saturnalia,
Paradise and of the Golden Age.
In the time of the Golden Age, the regenerated man knows no
religion. […] He respects, honors and venerated God in this
radiating globe which is the heart and brain of Nature and the
dispenser of earthly goods. […] In the midst of the radiating
celestial body, under the pure sky of a rejuvenated earth, man
admires the divine works, without outer manifestations, without
rites, without veils. […]
The Golden Age, a solar age par excellence, has for cyclic
symbol the very image of the celestial body, the hieroglyph that
has always been used by the old alchemists, in order to express
the metallic gold or mineral sun. On the spiritual level, the
Golden Age is personified by the evangelist Saint-Luke. The
Greek (Luchas, from (Luchnos), light, lamp, torch, (lux, lucis
in Latin), brings us to consider the Gospel according to Luke, as
the Gospel according to the Light. It is the Solar Gospel
esoterically conveying the journey of the celestial body and
that of its rays, back to their primary state of splendor. It
marks the dawn of a new era, the exaltation of the radiating
power over the regenerated earth and the return of the yearly
and cyclical orb. […]
[W]e consider accurate all the
descriptions that have been made of the earthly Paradise, or, if
you prefer, of the golden age; but we are not going to dwell on
the various theses aimed at proving that the refuge, inhabited
by our ancestors, was located in one well defined country. If we
deliberately don’t specify where it was located, it is only
because, during each cyclic revolution, there is only one thin
belt left, that is respected and which remains fit for
habitation on its earthly soil. However we emphasize it, the
zone of salvation and mercifulness is located sometimes in the
Northern Hemisphere, in the beginning of the cycle, sometimes n
the Southern hemisphere at the beginning of the next cycle.
And in the mysterious Hendaye chapter of
Le Mystere des Cathedrales, Fulcanelli further says:
[W]e learn that a country exists,
where death cannot reach man at the terrible time of the double
cataclysm. As for the geographical location of this promised
land, from which the elite will take part in the return of the
golden age, it is up to us to find it. For the elite, the
children of Elias, will be saved according to the word of
Scripture, because their profound faith, their untiring
perseverance in effort, will have earned for them the right to
be promoted to the rank of disciples of the Christ-Light. They
will bear his sign and will receive from him the mission of
renewing for regenerated humanity the chain of tradition of the
humanity which has disappeared. […] For it is by fire and in
fire that our hemisphere will soon be tried. […]
The age of iron has no other seal than that of Death. Its
hieroglyph is the skeleton, bearing the attributes of Saturn:
the empty hour-glass, symbol of time run out, and the scythe,
reproduced in the figure seven, which is the number of
transformation, of destruction, of annihilation. The Gospel of
this fatal age is the one written under the inspiration of St.
Matthew. […] Matthaeus […] means science. This word has given
study, knowledge, to learn. It is the Gospel according to
Science, the last of all, but for us the first, because it
teaches us that, save for a small number of the elite, we must
all perish. For this reason the angel was made the attribute of
St. Matthew, because science, which alone is capable of
penetrating the mystery of things, of beings and their destiny,
can give man wings to raise him to knowledge of the highest
truths and finally to God.
Over and over again we have seen our
tracks of the Grail/Ark lead us to Russia, to Central Asia, to
Scythians, the Tribe of Dan. It is interesting to note at this point
a prophecy of Edgar Cayce about Russia and China. In 1944, he
prophesied that China would one day be "the cradle of Christianity
as applied in the lives of men." Through Russia, he said
"comes the hope of the world. Not in
respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -
no! But freedom - freedom! That each man will live for his
fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take
years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again
the hope of the world."
In reference to this, and the many other
"Russian references," Geoffrey Ashe writes in The Ancient Wisdom:
From Greece to the Indus Valley, we
find people holding Ursa Major in reverence almost as far back
as we can document… In various ways they introduce the Bear into
beliefs that connect the centers Above and Below. […]
We have enough to reconstruct a common myth that might underlie
all primary versions of the seven-mystique […] from which the
rest follow. In the far north there is a high and paradisal
place, peopled by an assembly of beings of superhuman longevity
and wisdom. They have associates and contacts at lower levels.
[B]iblical editing never quite censored out the northern
mountain and Zion’s mystical identity with it. […] The prophet’s
imagery is baffling, and rabbis in later ages claimed that it
concealed a great secret, an occult wisdom. Only the wisest and
holiest could expound the Work of the Chariot. Robert Graves has
maintained that the God of the Chariot actually is Apollo.[…]
Is there reason to believe that the northern Something was
literally there […] that a cosmic system was actually taught by
the Rishis on a real Meru, and carried south and west along
several routes? […]
The inquiry has […] led to what no one ever identified before -
an arguable locale, to which the search can be narrowed down. [W]e
are justified in reverting to Guthrie’s theory of Apollo. If
this god was brought to Asia Minor and thence to Greece from a
Siberian birthplace, a real Land of the Hyperboreans, then he
implies a northern Something which actually was there: a center
of an influential species of shamanism, with Hyperborean Apollo
as one of its gods. […]
If Apollo did make this journey from
Siberia, the bear-goddess Artemis was probably paired with him at an
early stage. The story of Apollo and his twin sister Artemis is
interesting and connect us in an odd way back to Orion. Some sources
say that Artemis fell in love with Orion and was going to give up
her avowed virginity to marry him. Apollo, her brother, did not
approve and tricked Artemis into shooting Orion who was swimming in
the sea. In her grief, Artemis placed Orion in the sky to honor him.
Other sources say that Orion had raped
one of Artemis’ female followers, and so Artemis killed him as
punishment. She sent a scorpion after him, which stung him and
poisoned him. When Orion and the scorpion were placed among the
stars, they were given places opposite each other, so that Orion
would be out of danger. When Scorpius is just rising, chasing after
Orion, the hunter is just starting to disappear behind the western
The veneration of the bear is ancient and its most archaic
exposition is in the famous French caves - art of almost unspeakable
antiquity. The symbolism is deep here. A bear is supposedly born as
a tiny shapeless lump and "licked into shape. His winter sleep
symbolizes death-and-rebirth - or, more significantly, "survival in
an Ark". The bear stands on his legs and is an omnivore, like
The point is that the bear, Arca, Arthur, takes us back to his
origins in Western Europe from whence he traveled to Siberia, and
finally around in a circle of the Mediterranean, to bring us back to
France. Not only does Time run in loops, so do peoples.
The Siberian shamans tell that in former ages all men had access to
the gods, whereas now, only shamans have it. Shamanism presents
itself as the remnant of an Ancient Wisdom teaching which once
flourished across the Northern Hemisphere, originating in France.
The main feature of the Shaman’s universe is the cosmic center, an
axis connecting earth with both heaven and hell. It is often
represented as a tree, a ladder, or a pole. The shaman can utilize
this tree to travel upward to commune with the gods, or downward to
battle demons. Numbers are important: there are a fixed number of
steps, or celestial stages. The cosmic tree can also be represented
as a mountain with seven stories. The mountain is made of gold and
the name "Altai" itself actually means "gold." And we note that
Scythians were famous goldsmiths. What is more, even the most
untrained eye can see that the art of the Scythians is identical to
the art of the French caves and the art of the Celts of Europe.
It is clear that shamanism, as it is known, has declined from its
original unified and coherent system. One reason for thinking so is
that, while there are many local terms for a male shaman, there is
only one for a female shaman. Shamanism, it seems, was formerly a
woman’s activity. In one Tartar dialect, utygan, the word for a
woman-shaman, also means "bear."
There is a place called Mal’ta, fifty-five miles north-west of
Irkutsk, in country where the remnants of Altaic shamanism are still
active. Carvings have been discovered there which include an oblong
panel of mammoth ivory with designs on it. The dominant design is a
spiral of dots which goes around seven times, and winds into or out
of a central hole - a spiral maze. This is the oldest known heptad
in the world - almost 30,000 years old.
There are claims that the Ancient Wisdom survives in Central Asia to
this very day. We cannot confirm that. The only thing we do know is
that, out of Russia came the work of Georges Gurdjieff mainly
through the efforts of another Russian, P. D. Ouspensky. The Third
Man: Boris Mouravieff, has expounded on the Fourth Way material of
Gurdjieff in significant ways that relate directly to the Grail
Issue. Gurdjieff and Mouravieff have called this Tradition "Esoteric
Christianity." But we now suspect that what was originally taught by
an obscure man in the area of the Middle East over 2000 years ago
was a revival of a far more ancient Tradition - a Tradition that
extends back into the mists of pre-history to a time when man
interacted with his environment in an altogether different way - a
Way that seems magical and mysterious to us in our present state of
reduced capacities.
When we look at Ursa major, the stars that point to the Pole star,
if we follow them just a bit further, we find that they direct us to
Cassiopaea, at the extreme northern end of the Milky Way.
Q: Is the story of David a gloss of
the Perseus legend?
A: Yes. More than that though.
Q: Okay, can you tell me what it is more than that?
A: A Tale of 4th Density.
Q: So it’s interactive in the sense of groups, not individuals?
A: Yes.
Q: Where is the Ethiopia of the Cassiopeia story? Where it is
A: 4th Density.
Q: Okay, what people did it refer to, in a larger group sense,
if it was an archetypal expression?
A: Gaul.
Again let us note what Geoffrey Ashe
We have enough to reconstruct a common myth that might underlie all
primary versions of the seven-mystique […] from which the rest
follow. In the far north there is a high and paradisal place,
peopled by an assembly of beings of superhuman longevity and wisdom.
They have associates and contacts at lower levels. […]
Cassiopaea: The Court of the Children of the Goddess Danae...
The Perseids...
[1] Which event may have been merely
another of the cyclic events assimilated to an even earlier
[2] Ashe, Geoffrey, The Ancient Wisdom, 1979, Sphere, London.
[3] Plato, Timaeus, translated by B. Jowett.
HERE .....