by Benjamin Fulford
June 27, 2011
Kauilapele Website
Fukushima nuclear crisis is turning out to have a silver lining because
it has convinced the Japanese political and business establishment to phase
out nuclear power and oil as energy sources.
In particular, Japanese tycoon Masayoshi Son has
teamed up with Prime Minister Naoto Kan to invest 8 trillion yen or about
$100 billion to develop alternative energy technologies, according to
Japanese government sources. Also, in yet another sign the old world order
is ending, the US and European governments are having to dip into emergency
oil stocks because their fiat currencies are no longer being accepted as
payment for oil.
In a related development, previously top-secret FBI documents have been
forwarded to the White Dragon Society by members of
the Rothschild family.
According to these documents, a cousin of former
Japanese emperor Hirohito, Prince Hiruko Watanabe, provided former US
George Bush Sr. and his aide
Richard Armitage with secret funds
without the knowledge of the US government. These funds were used in part to
manage the political situation in Japan but also helped finance the rogue
element of the CIA controlled by Bush and his neo-Nazi group.
Richard Armitage and Bush were in charge of
distributing these funds to Japanese politicians. One of their conduits was
Soichi Iisuka who used the Mitsui Bank for these purposes, according to the
FBI document.
The document was labeled “top secret, to Senator
Edward Kennedy (for his eyes only).”
Armitage and his flunkies, as well as the steering committee of the
Bilderberger group, including
David and J. Rockefeller, have been again
threatening to either have this writer killed or else arrested on trumped up
charges of either cocaine use or pedophilia.
The arms dealer and Bush
partner in crime Adnan Kashoggi also tried to get this writer into a honey
All I can say is that if they order me killed,
they will all be arrested and put on trial for murder based on evidence I
keep in several secret locations that will be released if I am killed.
In any case, the Nazi group in Japan suffered a major loss of power after it
became known they were behind the recent attack on Japan with an underwater
nuclear explosion and subsequent tsunami and radiation. The people who
actually smuggled the weapon into Japan informed the White Dragon the
nuclear weapon, stolen from the
Russian submarine Kursk, had been placed at
former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone’s residence in Hinode-cho near Tokyo
before being taken to the North Korean resident’s association in Tokyo.
The smugglers names and contact information have
been given to Japanese military intelligence.
In addition, Paul Laine, from US military intelligence, confirmed that the
Nazi faction had stolen nuclear weapons from the Kursk. Sources in Japanese
military intelligence have also proven that the nuclear weapon was drilled
into the seabed by the commandeered Japanese deep drilling ship
the Chikyu
Yakuza rumor, (still not confirmed) has it that top Rockefeller/Bush
flunkies in Japan former Prime Ministers Yasuhiro Nakasone and Junichiro
Koizumi have fled to North Korea. There are also plans to arrest two very
prominent Japanese tycoons who are linked to the Bush group, Japanese
military intelligence says.
It is also worth noting that a photograph of George Bush Senior shaking
hands with a former
Inagawa boss has been on prominent display at the
headquarters of the Inagawa-kai Yakuza syndicate, according to a top Inagawa
boss. The Inagawa no longer work for Bush, the boss added.
This change in the secret power structure is behind the now public move in
Japan to develop new types of energy. The first new energy technology
products are expected to hit the market place this autumn.
As mentioned before, the oil and nuclear companies will be given major new
projects, such as turning the deserts and arctic wastelands into green
paradises. This will more than compensate them for the phasing out of the
centrally controlled energy oligopolies.
In the meantime, the introduction of the new financial system is expected to
be delayed for a couple of months as top-level negotiations continue. The
main obstacle remains the process of erasing zeroes.
As mentioned before, talking to people at
the BIS and other high peaks of global finance is very confusing because they
talk in terms of quadrillions and quintillions of dollars even though global
GDP is only about $60 trillion. One bond this writer was shown in Italy had
a number that was 33 orders of magnitude bigger than a trillion.
This money
simply has no basis in reality.
The financial industry as a whole is going to become a lot more tame and
plain vanilla when this is all over. For example, why are daily forex
trading volumes 1000 times greater than the underlying value of the trade in
goods and services? The answer is that the financial industry has become
parasitical in nature.
If money is once again fully backed by real things a secret global power
monopoly will never again be possible. Anybody who grows a crop or carves a
piece of wood into a sculpture or makes a widget will be creating wealth.
Bankers putting numbers into computers will not