by Benjamin Fulford
January 13, 2010
BenjaminFulford Website
As the Financial World War 3 approaches its climax, more and more
players reveal their true intentions.
Reading the various web sites with “inside”
information has become very interesting recently because they are all
starting to reveal their true colors.
We have Tom Henegan now openly
cheerleading for Ambassador Wanta and downplaying his link with the
discredited church of global warning.
Now Christopher Story has come out of the
closet and revealed he is rooting for “a Line-Item payment in favor of Mr.
Cottrell,” i.e. Michael Cottrell of Pennsylvania Investments.
Then there are Casper and Poof
working for funding for the “programs,” whatever those may be.
Then there is Alex Jones with his
constant doom and gloom and his Bronfman connection. His ambition
seems to be for power.
After that there is “Sorcha Faal” i.e.
Booth & friends who show support for Obama and pretend to be in the
Kremlin instead of Naval Intelligence.
As for me, I am a spokesperson for the Black Dragon Society.
believe that finance is the process of deciding what humanity does in the
future. We believe the planet faces an emergency situation that requires
emergency action. Over a billion people are starving and we have already
wiped out over 30% of all species on the planet and will soon wipe out more.
Then we have the West as a slave society
controlled by high level gangsters whose only interest seems to be endless
warfare and the looting of the planet’s resources.
We want to stop them from doing all that
bad stuff and free the slaves too.
Our membership includes:
High level members of the
Rothschild family who want to use
some of their gold to pay off US external debts
They agree to help the planet so long as
they can continue to live in their big castles and be surrounded by
servants. We say OK, why not. They can mobilize much of the British
Empire so let’s work with them.
The P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy
They control
the Vatican and the Mafia and have also agreed to try to
help save the planet. So long as they offer to help the poor, the
hungry and the weak of this planet we say “good, let us see action
now and not words.”
The Japanese secret government
This is a group of high level families
and individuals who have secretly ruled Japan for at least a couple
of thousand years and, although they distrust Westerners, they agree
to help the planet. This group can activate a 100 million member
sleeper network known around the world as local “martial arts
The Chinese communist party
They are determined that Asia will never
submit to Western rule again but have also stated they have no wish
to rule the West. They are working towards creating real-time, live
internet-based democracy. They will probably succeed and the rest of
us will have to come up with a meritocratic system that is at
least as good or we will risk being left behind.
We believe in
becoming equal partners and friends with the Chinese so long as they
agree to help end:
The Pentagon white hats and space
These are the people with all those
levels of security clearance above the President. They were so busy
looking out at the universe they missed the hell on earth and are
now trying to make amends. We say please release your high tech to
the people of the world and set them free.
The average people of the planet earth
We believe that if you randomly went
around to different parts of the planet and asked people if they
would like to end war, poverty and environmental destruction, 99%
would say “yes.”
The real problem lies in the details i.e. who
gets to control the new money printing machine.
We believe this right belongs to the people and
their governments, not secretive private individuals. We think the new
system will offer enough money that many competing plans can be carried out
at once.
If Mr. Wanta wansta build a high speed rail network in the US,
well, why not. If Mr. Cottrell has some plans for the world other than
becoming personally filthy rich, he should delineate them.
The Casper and program people also sound like
they have wonderful, varied plans that should be financed. The bottom line
is that the vast majority of humanity is living far below their potential
because of poor financial leadership. The more people with good ideas and
plans for the future who can be financed, the better.
Remember, finance and economy is just about
people deciding what to do with what they have.