posted by benjamin
March 29, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
The United States is facing regime change as a result of the nation’s
imminent bankruptcy, according to high level CIA sources in Washington
and also senior MI6 sources.
The information reaching us is that all the
State governments except Florida, Washington and California are backing a
return to constitutional law. The Pentagon is also on the program with
people like General’s
Schwarzkopf and
Stubblebine leading the patriotic
There is talk of action starting this week and
this photo of Obama on March 26th shows us he is clearly
worried and stressed out about something:

U.S. President Barack Obama
arrives with Defense Secretary Robert Gates (L) and Press Secretary Robert
Gibbs (R)
to make comments on the New
START nuclear arms reduction treaty at the White House Briefing Room in
Washington, March 26, 2010.
Obama and Russian President
Dmitry Medvedev sealed an agreement on Friday
on a landmark nuclear arms
reduction treaty and will meet to sign it on April 8 in Prague, the White
House said.
The new regime may take some drastic measures on
the economy as a result of the bankruptcy of the Federal Government, the
sources say.
These measures would include restrictions on
imports so the US can rebuild its manufacturing base. There may also be
severe restrictions placed on the amount of Americans allowed to travel
overseas. These measures are designed to eliminate the US’s structural
external deficit as quickly as possible.
The various states, together with the Pentagon and the Supreme Court will
take over, at least temporarily, the powers to create currency. They will
Federal Reserve promissory or debt notes
with a new currency. They will exchange Federal Reserve promissory notes for
the new currency at a fixed rate within a 30-day period.
The 90% of US dollars owned by non-Americans are
likely to be converted into other currencies.
The Chinese are actively considering offering
gold and commodities backed Hong Kong dollars in exchange for valid (i.e.
not created through derivatives fraud) US dollars. The Japanese, the
Russians, the Europeans and others may also offer to exchange the overseas
US dollars for their own currencies.
It is still not decided if the new US currency will be
the Amero or something else but
signs are that it will be something else, probably a new type of Greenback.
The British are actively using their influence
to remove
New World Order traitor
Harper and his government and not allow
him to hand Canadian sovereignty over to the Washington D.C. criminal cabal.
That is why the Amero idea looks like it will not float.
The final shape of the soon to be announced international debt jubilee is
also starting to appear. The latest news from our sources is that
international financial obligations between nation states will be reset to
1916 levels. That is because although the Federal Reserve Board act was
passed in 1913, it did not go into action until 1916.
Hopefully this will be accompanied by a much needed telling of the real
truth behind the horrific tragedy and wasted opportunity that was the 20th
Pentagon people have contacted the
Black Dragon Society and have indicated
they are going actively start developing free energy technology for civilian
use. The main technology they are pushing is the Stirling engines they
currently use to power their missiles (have you ever wondered how a cruise
missile can travel thousands of miles without giant fuel tanks?).
Since at least 6,000, and probably a lot more,
inventions have been suppressed in the name of “national security” we can
expect a lot more wonders to emerge soon from the bowels of the Pentagon.
Several different major financial institutions including,
...have begun creating funds dedicated to the
development and application of the various suppressed technologies.
Once the various T’s are crossed and I’s dotted
then hundreds of billions of dollars will become available to finance the
new technology as well as to finance an end to poverty and the repair of
global eco-systems.
In Japan, meanwhile, pressure is steadily being increased on
World Order and
Trilateral Commission hold outs led by former Prime Minister
The system of worshipping the Emperor as a
symbol will continue in Japan. However, the Japanese right-wing now realizes
that ever since Emperor Hirohito died, the emperor became merely a symbol
for David Rockefeller and his Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate lackeys
in Japan.
The new system will be headed by an informal group of Japan’s most
intelligent and powerful people. They will act as a shadow government that
will step in only if Japan’s democratic and bureaucratic institutions show
signs of becoming dysfunctional. The Emperor will once again become a truly
Japanese symbol under the new system.
The Japanese right wing has also been explained that they cannot count on
the United States to defend Japan against China. They know, for example,
that when Obama visited China last year, he offered to give control of Japan
to China as part of a proposed G2. China rejected the plan but the Japanese
right wing remains wary of China nonetheless. That is why they will be
seeking an alliance of countries like Russia and India -countries that
actually have borders with China- to agree to protect each other from
Chinese domination.
The Chinese do not see these moves as a threat because they insist their
rise will be peaceful and that nobody, including Japan should worry about
it. The Black Dragon Society has a reliable pipeline now to the Chinese
politburo and we believe all concerned are interested in harmonious
In Europe meanwhile, the secret war against Nazi influence continues
unabated. The recent revelations against the
German pope Ratzinger
regarding his helping a pedophile in the Church are part of a
campaign to purge the upper reaches of
Vatican of all Satan worshippers.
The Christian rank and file of the Church is
behind the move to expose these people.
The agreement by the EU to act as a last resort helper of Greece is expected
to be nothing more than a time saving effort and will almost certainly not
prevent the demise of the Euro. Once the new financial system kicks into
gear, there may be plenty of money available to the nearly bankrupt
PIIGs (Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Greece)
but they will be told in no uncertain terms that they will have to earn any
money they get.
The economic reality facing these countries is
that they will either have to lower their standard of living or else leave
the Eurozone and put out a new Mediterranean currency. This will also, of
course lead to a temporary drop in living standards but that is inevitable
because a derivatives sugar high is always only temporary. Reality cannot be
avoided forever.
Various European governments are also actively considering a new alliance
with Russia and the colonization of Siberia by unemployed Europeans.
However, until the dust settles it is hard to see exactly what new
institutions will arise from the ashes of the old.
The dark Cabal is still in control of much of the US
media and the
Obama regime continues in power at the time of this writing.
Until we see this end, we must keep our powder dry and our wits sharp.