by benjamin
July 26, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
In the last of our three part background series, we will explain why
the Yakuza and other Asian gangs see the
current global crisis as nothing more than a major gang war aimed at
replacing an ancient Godfather and his clique.
My first dealings with Japanese gangsters at a high level began during the
Japanese “bubble” years. My view, as was conventional with Japan watchers up
until the 1980’s was that real power in Japan lay with the bureaucrats,
especially Miti and the all-powerful Ministry of Finance.
Imagine my surprise one night when, talking to a Japanese MOF section chief,
he told me:
“if you really want to know what is going
on, talk to
Nomura Securities.”
This came as no great surprise because I had
already figured out the Japanese stock and bond markets were a big play-act
managed by Nomura and the other “big three" Japanese security firms (then
Daiwa, Nikko and Yamaichi).
Nomura was run by two men, the Big Tabuchi
(Chairman) and the little Tabuchi (president and not a blood relative
of the Chairman).
It turns out they ran Japan by lending money to 5000 “VIP’s” (mostly
politicians, journalists, bureaucrats, financiers and gangsters) and telling
them to buy particular stocks which were then ramped up in price. Later it
turns out the mastermind behind this was Susumu Ishii, the head of
the Inagawa crime family, Japan’s number 2 gang.
Only years later, when I got to talk to the #3 boss of the Inagawa crime
family did I learn that they considered their true boss to be none other
than George Bush Senior. I have in my possession photographs of
Bush’s Senior and Junior as well as Bill Clinton posing with top Inagawa
A member of the inner circle of the top boss of the
Yamaguchi Gumi, Japan’s number one gang,
for his part told me they sub-contracted for David Rockefeller. The
much weaker Sumiyoshi gang alone seems to report to Japanese uber-bosses.
When Junichiro Koizumi, an Inagawa crime family gangster, became
Prime Minister, clearly the Bushes had the upper hand in the Japanese
underworld. Koizumi systematically went after elements of the Yamaguchi gang
that relied only on Japanese sources of income and were therefore
independent of the Bush and Rockefeller gangs.
Later, when I confronted Koizumi’s Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka
about handing over control of Japanese banks and postal savings (i.e. the
Japanese people’s hard-earned savings) to
Rothschild and other oligarchs, I
accidentally triggered a major gang war.
Takenaka immediately dispatched an agent to
invite me to join
the Freemasons and become finance minister
or else be murdered (I have this all on tape and video). In the same week
the Asian Red and Green contacted me and offered me protection.
The Red and Green are more like a chamber of congress than a gang but
most Asian gangsters world-wide will obey them but only if it is an
emergency and only for the greater good.
The Red and Green decided to go into active, instead of dormant mode
when I explained to them the Bushes and their fellow gangsters created SARS
in an attempt to depopulate Asia. They confirmed with communist China that
this was true and the secret global East/West gang war began in earnest.
At the beginning only about 30% of the Japanese underworld sided with the
Asians. The rest went along with their old bosses Rockefeller, Bush & crew.
I was set up for a ritual and public execution in Osaka after Bush
blackmailed a top Chinese power-broker known as Madame Wu about an
illegal slush fund she had overseas.
I had no choice but to go to Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters, make as speech and
put it up on U-tube. This alerted the mainstream of the gang that part of
their top leadership worked for foreign gangsters against the interest of
their own people. This was in 2006.
Since then a sort of stalemate has continued
with neither side willing to go into full gang-war mode against the other.
Instead the war has been fought by financial proxy involving oil futures
(remember the $150 a barrel oil?), food prices (the Western gangsters
paying farmers not to grow food), the Chinese move into the developing
world, the “Lehman shock,” and more.
The British and the Swiss joined with the Chinese and most of the non-G7
world in the move against
the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate
(Bush/Rockefeller/Rothschild etc.).
The Feds have retaliated with horror after horror first by trying to spread
disease (remember
H1N1), and recently by trying to destroy the world’s oceans.
There is much, very much, that has been left out of this report but suffice
it to say I have survived 5 assassinations attempts since this all
My only crime was to ask,
“why are 90% of the world’s savings being
used to finance never-ending war?”
The Feds have been slowly and steadily losing
support and are now doomed. They still do not intend to go quietly into the
night but it is now certain that global rule by gangsters is finally coming
to an end.
It is the people’s turn to control global
finance and therefore the future of humanity and the planet.