by benjamin
October 4, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
The Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate has
been threatening “terrorist” attacks on Europe in a bid to derail EU/Chinese
They have also revived their threat to set off a
suit-case nuclear bomb in the US. In addition, President
aware he is about to be sacrificed, has been threatening to take his
handlers down with him. The widely publicized
gift of a dead fish to departing White
House Chief of Staff and Senior Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel was a death
The Feds for their part are now intensifying
their push to replace Obama with Hillary Clinton. The prospect of
civil war in the US is growing and global chaos is expected to intensify as
the old financial system crumbles while the new one remains blocked.
The Feds have been running the printing presses at hyper-speed and have been
forcing countries around the world to devalue their currencies in response.
The plan to introduce a gold-backed Amero is now degenerating into a
plan to issue
an Amero that is only “theoretically”
backed by gold because of the outrageous leverage that will be applied to
any real gold the Feds have managed to get.
The situation is expected to degenerate over the coming months and a senior
Rothschild source is now saying the Federal Reserve Board will not last
beyond January 30th of next year (2011).
The ongoing visit by Chinese Premier Wen Jiaobao to Greece, Italy,
Turkey and Belgium and his public statements of support for the Euro and for
Greek bonds is a clear and open anti-Fed signal by the Chinese.
Europe is now engulfed in heavy rioting and
strikes and the Eurozone governments are desperate to stabilize the
situation and prepare for a post Fed era. One sign of this are France’s
Sarkozy proposals for a EU/Russian alliance. Another sign is that NATO
member Turkey has been engaging in joint military maneuvers with China and
the Russians.
Asian European summit is important because it is basically a summit between
the West and Asia that excludes the United States and its (temporary)
Canadian colony.
A major
Rothschild faction, meanwhile, has
contacted the
White Dragon Society and told them they had
no choice but to deal with them if they ever wanted to get the financing
needed to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and release the
forbidden technologies. They were told to wait for the criminal charges to
be filed against
the United Nations, Davos and the people
behind them before any deal would be reached.
The final legal preparations for the Racketeering charges to be brought
against Davos and the UN are going ahead and charges are now expected to be
filed next week. When the charges are filed, there will be international
mass publicity to ensure the whole world knows.
In Japan, meanwhile, North Korean Fed agent Yasuhiro Nakasone,
surrounded at all times by 26 North Korean bodyguards, is doing everything
he can to support the Feds.
He has conned many in the right-wing
establishment into picking unnecessary fights with China and Russia. In
addition, the Bank of Japan has been pressured into supporting the
Federal Reserve Board through unsterilized market interventions.
Bank of Japan governor Shirakawa is so fed up and pressured by the
situation that he told a White Dragon Society member that he plans to resign
this month.
He says he has been too stressed out by the
conflict over control of Japan’s money printing presses to be able to
continue. Shirakawa at one recent point had US military troops stationed
around his house to protect him from hired thugs.
However, the installation of US missile bases aimed at China in the
Senkaku Islands is a move supported by the
White Dragon Society because the US military establishment will need the
support of the countries surrounding China after their Federal Reserve Board
paymasters go bankrupt. They can help guarantee that the countries
surrounding China do not become Chinese colonies.
The Chinese, for their part, know that time is on their side and have no
intention of appearing overly aggressive. They will continue their strategy
of peaceful development until their economic power becomes so overwhelming
the world’s center of gravity will naturally flow towards them. War is not
in their best interest.
The rest of the world, meanwhile, continues to assert their independence
from the Feds. Notably, the Pakistanis have shown some spine and have cut
off NATO fuel supplies to Afghanistan in response to US attacks on Pakistan.
to start World War 3 there will not succeed.
The overall world situation is now extremely volatile and all efforts have
to be made to prevent the Satanists from starting all-out global war.
The Satanists, meanwhile, continue to look for a
home for at least one million Satanist refugees who are expected to
be chased out of the US, according to senior CIA and Japanese military
intelligence sources. The Japanese at one point promised to resettle them in
the Northern Island of Hokkaido but that offer has been cancelled. Israel
has also refused to take them.
Some sort of home will have to be found for them
because it would be wiser to offer them an out than to force them to fight