by benjamin
June 6, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
The participants at the just ended
Bilderberger meeting in Spain (2010)
are scared they are going to be identified and eventually hunted down,
according to an inside source at the meeting.
For now Clinton, Bush, Baker
and the other Bilderberg Nazi’s are trying to cut a deal with China
that will allow them access to large amounts of funds which they plan to
hide and use to re-assert their power after the current political storm
blows over, the source says.
Unfortunately for them, this is one storm that
is not going to blow over to and allow them to resume their plans for world
fascist dictatorship.
Meanwhile, the White Dragon Society (or
Black Dragon Society?) is in discussions with the
Black Dragon Society, the Red and Green,
the Chinese government, the three legged crow and
MJ-12 about setting up a new meritocratic organization to take
control of the US dollar away from the
Federal Reserve Board. Plans are well underway and many technical
issues have now been solved.
Gold to back the currency has been tested and
refined by China.
The Black Dragon Society is Now Renamed the
White Dragon Society
May 26, 2010
BenjaminFulford Website
Recently I discovered in Tokyo an ancient shrine that has been
sealed off from public view.
When I entered the Shrine I
felt a powerful subjective sensation of white light and power. I was
with a Japanese psychic whose family has long guarded secret Shinto
knowledge, including of the
Goddess Benten.
She also claims to have seen a
white light and experienced unusual power there. At the entrance to
the shrine we found a stone pillar with the inscription 白龍王 meaning
“the White Dragon King.”
In legend the Goddess Benten was supposed to have married a powerful
white dragon in order to stop it from killing children. Because of
this unusual occurrence (yes I really did find such a place by
accident), we have decided to rename the Black Dragon Society as the
White Dragon Society.
The White Dragon represents warriors who obey the rules of Chivalry
and Bushido. That is to say, they will never strike the first blow,
they will never attack women, children and non-combatants and they
will fight to defend the weak and the downtrodden.
We remain sympathetic to the philosophy of the original
Black Dragon
Society founded by
Mitsuru Toyama and others.
However, while the Black Dragon
Society had an Asian orientation, the White Dragon looks to protect
the entire planet, including the weakest living creatures. |
There is more going on than that but for now we
are being asked to keep quiet in order to prevent sabotage.
The Old World Order Nazis do not plan to retire quietly and are
planning assassinations and other forms of mayhem. Although we have no
direct evidence, based on their past behavior, it is likely they are behind
a new disease which has started spreading in China.
They also almost certainly were behind the brutal murders on board the
Turkish ship that was trying to bring aid to the Gaza strip. The Turkish
government has purged the Satanists from their military, media and political
world and as a result Turkey is no longer an ally of Israel. However, the
Turkish government is not going to let themselves be provoked into starting
World War 3.
Instead, they are consulting with Russia, China
and other powers about how to purge the Satanists still in control of the
United States and Israel.
That purge is already beginning. The analysis of how the Federal Reserve
Board and stole most of the US people’s assets and corporations has been
completed in secret. While the initial audit of the Federal Reserve Board is
only supposed to go back 2 years, that will expose enough to ensure that
people demand an audit going back to 1917.
This will reveal the network of related families
that stole the American’s wealth and left most of them impoverished.
Meanwhile, the Euro is still headed towards disintegration and no
amount of promises of fiat money to be financed by stealing from the
European people over the coming hundreds of years is going to help.
The mass awakening of the peoples of Europe and North America is a genie
that is not going to be put back into the bottle. The situation has now
reached the point where assassinations, bribes and propaganda are not going
to be able to work their old magic.
A Shinto high priestess contacted the White Dragon Society and explained
there was an ancient link between Shinto and the people who wrote the first
chapters of the bible. She says that according to thousands of year old
Jewish documents held by some shrines there was split over the use of a
certain kind of powerful incantation.
She says the people in
the Middle East engaged in a ritual to
“invoke the black snake.”
If you do this, you get great power because
every time you see a weakness in others, you exploit it to your own benefit.
The problem with the black snake (Satan) is that while it gives you
power, over time it leaves you isolated and friendless. This is exactly what
is now happening to the ancient cabal that has been secretly ruling the
The Shinto side prefers to invoke the white snake and the golden
The white snake will give you
great protection but not much in the way of wealth or power. The
white snake in its present form is the world wide network of martial
arts societies and morally upright military establishments.
The golden snake invocation will
give you great wealth and a flourishing family but only if you
follow proper ethical rules. If you get greedy, lustful, cruel etc.
the power of the golden snake will wane, she says.
A new meritocratic organization is being set up
to make sure humanity can stay on the path of the golden snake.
In Japan, meanwhile, Naoto Kan has been named Prime Minister. His
government will implode unless Kan is able to announce a jubilee. For now,
Kan is talking within the old financial parameters. He talks of raising
taxes to help the country deal with its deficit. That deficit is already
over 200% of GDP if you add up central and regional government debt along
with government guaranteed private sector loans.
Raising taxes will slow down the economy and thus lead to lower tax
revenues. So, if Kan does not wake up, he will put Japan into a death
The real answer lies in a debt moratorium. Much of the Japanese debt is owed
to financial institutions that are in turn owned by people like
Stephan de Rothschild and
David Rockefeller. These people would
rather leave the Japanese people indebted for centuries that have to write
off their Japanese government bond holdings.
In any case, we are headed for very dangerous times as
the end
game approaches. The White Dragon Society has been asked
by the Pentagon not to take any action for now because “something big is
about to happen.” It may well be the American people and thus the people of
the world will have something real to celebrate on this upcoming July 4th
independence day.
However, as usual we caution that it isn’t over until it is over.
People need to stay alert and make contingency
plans for any eventuality.