by Benjamin Fulford
January 10, 2011
Rense Website
Over 750 Prominent European and US Citizens to
Be Arrested Within Weeks as A Result of A Multinational Investigation Into
Financial Corruption |
The Latest News In The Battle
For Planet Earth
A long awaited lawsuit involving a
multi-trillion dollar theft is going to be a trigger mechanism that will
result in the arrest of at least 750 prominent European and US citizens,
according to a senior CIA source.
According to the 187 page lawsuit’s
(organized crime) indictment,
Daniel Dal Bosco
Giancarlo Bruno of the Davos World Forum
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon,
...and others will be charged with the
theft of
trillions of dollars from several Asian royal families as well as from the
German, Austrian and Japanese governments.
The money was going to be used to set up a
fascist world government controlled by a group of Plutocrats involved in the
Davos World Forum, according to the indictment.
Over 8 different government agencies worldwide
have been involved in the investigation, according to law-enforcement
officials in Europe, the US and Japan.
The case briefly entered the public arena in June, 2009 when two Japanese
citizens carrying diplomatic passports were illegally detained by Italian
Treasury police who
seized $134.5 billion worth of financial instruments
they were carrying.
Following that theft, the Italian Freemason P2
Lodge contacted this writer promising they would cash these bonds for the
owners so they could be used for humanitarian purposes. This writer
introduced them to a member of the
British Royal Family who in turn
introduced them to a Mr. Neil Keenan.
The P2 Lodge then introduced him to what they
described as a Vatican banker by the name of
Daniel Dal Bosco.
Keenan then asked Dal Bosco to cash an
additional $1 trillion in financial instruments. However, instead of cashing
the bonds or “putting them into a program,” on behalf of the owners, Dal
Bosco stole the bonds.
Surveillance of Dal Bosco in turn led to
David Sale and Giancarlo Bruno of the Davos World Forum.
According to one official involved in the case:
“I think the Keenan issue just started out
with David Sale and Dal Bosco planning to steal the Bonds. There is no
doubt in my mind that Giancarlo Bruno was eventually the person who
planned everything.
First they tried to scare Keenan off. That did not work, so they tried to buy him
That has not worked either and Dal Bosco, and Sale are now on the
run and Bruno will surely be trying to cover his tracks, but frankly, I
think Keenan has too much on all of them.”
According to Keenan criminal charges have
already been filed against David Sale who is now on the run from
More from the same source, who is close to
R.C. Dam, the head of an
organization known as the
Office of International Treasury Control (OITC).
“Bruno was the one who arranged for the
Bonds to be placed into a Sovereign Program through the United Nations,
all the evidence Neil Keenan now has clearly points to this.
Sale and Dal Bosco did not have the contacts
to people like Ban Ki Moon and they do not have the brains needed to
plan this out, so it seems to me that they were just lackeys in the
overall plan set up by Bruno and apparently organized and constructed by
Then, not satisfied with a trillion dollar heist, they planned to place
the blame for the loss of the Bonds on Dr. Dam who is the signatory of
the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts and then have him removed
as controller of those accounts and bring the accounts under the control
of the World Economic Forum, possibly with Bruno as signatory or Sale as
a puppet signatory.
Both Keenan and I believe they planned to
have Dr. Dam murdered and it was Keenan who contacted high level people
in the United States that brought all that to an end.
Bruno had Sale send out letters to all Asian countries, sworn by Sale
and attested to by David Crayford (Whistleblower) to say that I was a
criminal claiming to be an officer of OITC and that I had resigned from
OITC in 2008 (which is a lie and which they know is a lie) and that I
was trying to cheat people in those countries and indeed, I was trying
to cheat the Government itself. They also wrote to newspapers making
similar claims.
This was intended to eliminate me from
blocking Sale from taking control of OITC and moving it under the
umbrella of the World Economic Forum.”
For those us, including this writer, who are
unfamiliar with the esoteric world of high finance, I will quote more from
this source who has been vetted as reliable by sources in both MI6 and the
“Let me explain how the Institutional
Parent Registration Accounts (IPRA) work.
There are many account
holders who are in fact the holders of nationalized assets. These
accounts are owned by the Holders and they hold vast amounts of funds
and assets from cash, securities such as mortgages etc., gold, silver,
nickel, copper, diamonds etc. etc.
These account holders include the Dragon
Family, the Soekarno accounts in many names, the Marcos accounts in many
names, and the nations that own these assets irrevocably contributed
them into the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts in the Bank for
International Settlements.
So the money sits in the accounts of the
Holders who are actually only Trustees of the accounts, no matter how
much they wish to claim ownership of the value.
The Bonds represent the value of the
accounts, but the value is owned by the IPRA. From that Value, the
Family Heritance Guarantee belongs to the Trustee/Holder and the Bonds
he holds are the proof of that entitlement. To remove those Bonds from
the Holder is a denial of his lawful rights and therefore is an act of
To understand the IPRA, one must understand that the United States
Dollar is not a United States of America Dollar. The US$ is a Federal
Reserve Note and that Federal Reserve Note is the Global currency and is
therefore beyond the capacity of the United States of America taxpayer
to sustain.
All Governments contribute their overbalance
accounts into the International Collateral Combined and this in turn
underpins the US$. The International Collateral Combined forms the IPRA.
The United States of America domestic taxpayer is not the sole
underwriter of the currency, the primary underwriter being the IPRA.
To ensure proper management of these
accounts, a sole arbiter is the means decided in 1930 as the most
appropriate and therefore, after the term of the Tripartite Gold
Commission would expire, provision was made in 1930 for the
establishment of a sole arbiter who is the signatory of the accounts.
That signatory is Dr. Ray C. Dam.
Like a finance minister who owns a national
bank, these accounts assume Dr. Dam is the owner, but this is clearly
understood that this ownership is actually a trust position as it is
executed under legal decadency to the heir. (a legal construction)
In order to legally utilize that account, and please take note that I
said "Legally" use it, the proper procedure is to do so on approval of
the Sole Arbiter who is the account signatory. This process has been
side stepped by collusion between banks and their regulators and
Governments and the United Nations since 1996 (when the Tripartite Gold
Commission was wound up), that in turn has allowed the illegal use of
the assets in order to avoid payments back to the Holders.
In other words there is an established
order, but because of the illegal use of the assets, the rights of the
Holders are abused and and in doing so, the banks trapped themselves
into a situation that because their use of the assets was illegal they
themselves had to cover positions they had taken by mirroring
institutional accounts as their own.
They could not call the underwriting funds
as they had no legal right to access those funds because they had
bypassed the proper system and so many of them went belly up.
It is very easy to see what happened. Dal Bosco simply stole the Bonds,
then looked around to see what he could do with them. He went to Bruno
and to Berlusconi (according to my understanding, both members of the
Lodge) I think it was Berlusconi who brought in Bruno and from thereon
it is clear from the irrefutable evidence that Keenan has, that Bruno
became the mastermind.
Sale supported them because underneath all
his public praises of Dr. Dam, Sale actually despises him as he
considers Dr. Dam to be a lesser man than he. Sale would have also seen
the possibility and would have been assured by Bruno that he would
become the new Treasury Controller, and so became complicit in the whole
sorry affair.
The matter went from stealing Hundreds of
Billions in Bonds to furtively and through whatever foul means,
including murder, take control of the hundreds of Trillions in the IPRA
The planner was Bruno and he had the
approval and support of Ban Ki Moon and others and would execute these
crimes under the immunity banner of the
United Nations.
Sale forged Dr. Dam's signature on papers and provided these forged
papers to Dal Bosco and Bruno.
They then used other manufactured papers to
incriminate Dr. Dam and have him arrested, then segregated into a
separate area where both Keenan and I understood from conversations we
are aware of involving Sale, Bruno and Dal Bosco, that Dr. Dam would be
killed. It was Keenan who saved Dr. Dam's life.
We know Sale was also an instigator in the
proposed killing of Dr. Dam as he was with Bruno when Bruno boasted that
Dam would never leave jail alive. After Keenan's intervention through US
authorities, Dr. Dam was removed from jail and is now under the
protection of Cambodia's Prime Minister.
The Cambodian police now know that the
Dam was arrested were based on effecting a coup against him,
that they were lied to and misled by Sale and are now looking for him as
are the Thai Police. If the Cambodian Police get Sale, then even I would
feel sorry for him, as they are not well known for being gentle with
crooks, especially those who have used the police wrongly.
I am supporting Keenan's actions. He was wronged and cheated by Sale and
others. In my view, Keenan's dogged efforts to correct wrongs has done
OITC a great service.
Keenan is not a scattergun hitting everyone
in range, but he has targeted accurately those who are responsible.”