by benjamin
April 11, 2011
Eclinik Website
This weekend a French agent was sent by
George Soros, French President
Nicholas Sarkozy and other senior Zionists to negotiate with the White
Dragon Society.
The talks, which lasted for two days, were
However, the agent made it clear the European
branch of the Zionists truly feared a collapse of the Euro, while
their American counterparts are finally beginning to realize they might
actually end up in jail. At the same time, their attitude was so haughty it
made arrogance seem like a form of humility. They also made many threats but
the fact is that they are running scared and they are running out of time.
The agent, who was of Japanese ancestry but who spoke French and English
better than Japanese, claimed he came from a super-elite of Japanese Jews
who represent 1% of the Japanese population.
He kept referring to “average people,” pointing
to nearby passersby with contempt as if they were almost an inferior species
not worth protecting. Of course it is easy to feel superior if you are born
into a world of billions of dollars and servants who do everything for you,
including think.
The negotiations took place at the same time as George Soros gathered a
bunch of the same old
Council on Foreign Relations and
Bilderberg hacks for a “Bretton Woods II”
conference that was largely ignored. It was largely ignored because this
group has proven, with their rapacious actions over the past few decades,
that they are not qualified to run the international financial system.
Not only that, they have been using forged documentation to justify their
control over the global financial system.
Basically, if you ask them who gave them the
right to create money out of thin air, they say it is God. If you ask
them to prove that God gave it to them, they suddenly get evasive and
embarrassed. God created life and the universe, but God did
not create
the Federal Reserve Board. It was a bunch
of greedy oligarchs who did that.
On a more down to earth level, the $1 trillion Neil Keenan lawsuit is
finally reaching a crucial stage. People from all over the world have been
providing evidence of crimes by the criminal cabal that owns the
Washington D.C.
corporate government. The constant flow of new information meant extra-legal
preparations were needed and that is why the case has been pending for so
In a sign people are getting nervous though, last week,
...were among the many luminaries calling about
the case.
The main reason for their concern is that the plaintiffs have now gotten
their hands of a book of codes, together with screen shots confirming their
validity, that show all major financial transactions of the past 30 years.
This means the lawsuit will be able to prove
such things as that Al Qaeda and the Pentagon are being financed by
the same people.
The military allies of the White Dragon Society, for their part, are
seriously considering putting the 1 million or so American Satanists into
the FEMA camps that were being prepared for
American Christians.
The Gnostics, meanwhile, who chased the US military out of Libya and Kosovo,
say they have now once again planted a suitcase nuclear bomb near
BIS headquarters in Switzerland.
They say that unless
financial elite agree to start a meritocratic system of
governance over finance that they will,
“turn all the gold in Swiss vaults into
nuclear waste.”
These are dangerous people but we have confirmed
from multiple intelligence agency sources that they have serious
Their more moderate faction is waiting for the right timing to hand over to
WikiLeaks a set of intercepted e-mails so explosive that,
“they will topple most Western governments.”
What the megalomaniac financial elite need to
realize is that the men with the guns and the senior civil servants and
other top intellectuals who were not part of the inbred elite are now awake,
aware and angry. They are not going to be lulled back to sleep this time.
White Dragon Society and its allies have
made certain conditions very clear.
First of all a major campaign to end
poverty and stop environmental destruction needs to be fully and
immediately financed.
Second, the monopoly over the creation
and secret distribution of fiat currency by an inbred, self-selected
elite, had to end.
Third, the world needs a South African
style truth and reconciliation commission in order to put an end to
the fabric of lies that has been woven around much of humanity.
Only then will amnesty be granted and a jubilee
(the one-off elimination of all debts both public and private) take place.
The brainwashed portion of humanity is going to have to be told the
truth in easy to understand, verifiable stages. As many have said, at first
they will be angry but then they will be ecstatic. Once this has happened,
rational negotiations will be needed in order to totally revamp the unfair
international regulations and institutions created after World War 2.
Only then will humanity will be free at last to
develop its full potential.