by Jeff Nielson
05 June 2010
BullionBullsCanada Website
If the Mafia were ever to find a
genie-in-a-bottle, and thus obtain the mandatory “three wishes”, there could
be considerable debate over how it would choose to expend two of those
However, it is an absolute certainty that one of the wishes would be
used to invent a perfect “money-launderer” - an entity who could “launder”
infinite amounts of their ill-gotten gains, with absolute secrecy and
The cabal of Western bankers has no need to rely upon the fortunes of chance
to provide them with their own, perfect money-launderer, however. They
already have the Bank for International Settlements (or “BIS”). In this
respect, I am indebted to a regular reader who supplied me with a wonderful
piece which thoroughly reviews the creation of, and the Charter for this
most-odious of institutions.
Here I must confess to being derelict in my own education about the
I was aware that the BIS was the “central bank of central banks”,
but had no idea what that really signified. Thanks to
an illuminating
article on a web-site called “The August Review”, I now do understand the
role of the BIS - and will pass along what I have learned to our own
The BIS was created in 1930. Naturally, it was located in Switzerland, the
nexus for all secret banking on the planet.
Though it was officially created
by “authorized agents” of the governments of France, Belgium, Germany, the
UK, Italy and Japan (along with the acquiescence of the Swiss government);
as the article clearly demonstrates, this was primarily an American creation
- and institution.
Along with the six governments above who helped form and
finance the BIS, there were three other “Charter” members:
all private
bankers, and all American.
Indeed, the planning and scheming that gave birth to the BIS was the product
of three individuals, two American bankers, and a German.
Of interest, the
two American bankers had been appointed (in 1924), to an international
committee responsible for getting “reparations payments back on track.” This
referred to German war-reparations from World War I - which were mandated in
infamous Treaty of Versailles.
The punitive provisions of this “agreement” (which was essentially forced
upon Germany) are widely credited with leading to the collapse of the German
economy during the Weimar Republic, the hyperinflation which resulted from
that collapse, along with the rise of the Nazi Party, and Adolph Hitler.
Thus, by 1924, these banker-friendly governments were eager to get the money
flowing again - in an atmosphere of extreme political tension, where the
German government had already begun “cheating” on the terms of the Treaty.
It is necessary to understand the political/military/economic context of the
times to fully appreciate the original purpose of the Bank for International
Settlements, and the “needs” (of the bankers) which it was intended to
the BIS was a vehicle designed to keep the money
flowing between nations (and the banker-profits), irrespective of trivial
details such as politics, wars, national allegiances, and the laws of
In this respect, I will reproduce two, key “Articles” of the BIS' Charter,
which were
also contained in the “August Review” piece:
Article 2: inviolability
The buildings or parts of buildings and surrounding land which, whoever may
be the owner thereof, are used for the purposes of the Bank shall be
inviolable. No agent of the Swiss public authorities may enter therein
without the express consent of the Bank. Only the President, the General
Manager of the Bank, or the duly authorized representative shall be
competent to waive such inviolability.
The archives of the Bank, and, in general, all documents and any data media
belonging to the Bank or in its possession, shall be inviolable at all times
and in all places.
The Bank shall exercise supervision of
and police power over its premises
Article 4: immunity from jurisdiction and execution
The Bank shall enjoy immunity from criminal and administrative jurisdiction,
[emphasis mine] save to the extent that such immunity is formally waived in
individual cases by the President, the General Manager of the Bank, or their
duly authorized representative.
The assets of the Bank may be subject to measures of compulsory execution
for enforcing monetary claims. On the other hand, all deposits entrusted to
the Bank, all claims against the Bank and the shares issued buy the Bank
shall, without the prior agreement of the Bank, be immune from seizure or
the other measures of compulsory execution and sequestration, particularly
of attachment within the meaning of Swiss law.
Let me put my education to use, and simplify this 'legalese':
The Bank for
International Settlements can do anything, to anyone, at any time; with
absolute immunity to all of the laws of Switzerland, and (by necessary
implication) the laws of all other nations.
The only, tiny exception to the Bank's complete immunity from all laws is
with respect to “enforcing monetary claims”.
In other words, if the Bank
owes someone money, it can be forced to pay. This one, grudging exception to
their absolute immunity is a necessity for all banks - even a totally
lawless institution such as the BIS. It must convince its “clients” that
their money is safe, and the only way to demonstrate this is to provide for
the forcible return of monies owed by the Bank.
Only two people on Earth (both senior officials of the BIS) can waive any
aspect of this absolute immunity. No one on Earth (outside of BIS officials)
can even enter the premises without the express permission of one of those
two individuals.
Nothing short of militarily occupying the Bank (and violating centuries of
“Swiss neutrality”) could compel its actions, or obtain any of the data and
records on its premises. Indeed, if the Mafia ever did obtain three wishes,
it would use a wish to become the Bank for International Settlements - and
forgo the other two wishes, as it would already have everything it could
ever want.
Placing the creation of the BIS into its historical context, it was brought
into existence to ensure that the bankers could continue to maintain their
own profitability (through secret transactions, if necessary) irrespective
of political or military developments - or economic developments, such as
Thus, as German Treaty-violations escalated, and resulted in political,
military, and economic sanctions against Germany, the BIS allowed bankers
(and their clients) to continue to do business with Germany - irrespective
of whether any of this “business” was legal.
As the Nazi Party came to
power, and Germany began to overtly rebuild its war-machine (in flagrant
violation of the Treaty), it was the BIS which allowed Western arms-makers
to continue to ship arms to Nazi Germany - facilitating Hitler's rampage
across Europe, and World War II.
In this respect, somewhere along the way, the arms money-laundering for
which the BIS was created changed from being merely illegal to clearly
treasonous. It has been widely rumored that Western armament manufacturers
continued to supply Hitler's war-machine long after World War II officially
As we can see from the Articles of the BIS (and the amoral
acquiescence of the Swiss government), such acts of treason would have been
effortless - and without risk - thanks to the Bank.
Given the “heritage” of the BIS, its status of being above all other laws on
our planet, and the absolute cloak of secrecy which conceals all its
actions, its possible transgressions since World War II are only limited by
the extent of our own imaginations.
Certainly, an institution which allowed
itself to be used as a tool by Hitler is not constrained by any inherent
“morality” of its own.
This would be an opportune time to point out that BIS officials are a part
of the “club” of bankers who have expressly confirmed that
the gold market
is manipulated (visit
GATA's website for further details), and endorsed
such manipulation as a desirable activity. Despite being the primary
beneficiary of suppression of the price of gold, the U.S. government has
always denied any official involvement in the manipulation of the gold
Government officials smugly point to the lack of any paper-trail as “proof”
that the United States is not directly involved in gold-manipulation.
However, as we understand the role of the BIS, and the capabilities of the
BIS, we now understand that such denials are meaningless. Any time the U.S.
government desired to launch an “attack” on the gold market (through dumping
gold), it could simply go to the BIS money-launderers, and engage in such
manipulation with complete anonymity (and impunity).
Given the total veil of secrecy surrounding the BIS, and the refusal of the
U.S. government to allow anyone to even see its
supposed “hoard” of gold
bullion (purported to exceed 8,000 tons) in more than 50 years, it doesn't
take a great deal of imagination to “put two and two together”.
Shortly after
the Crash of '08, an official from
the United Nations
Commission on Narcotic Drugs (part of their enforcement division) publicly
accused Wall Street banks of “laundering” vast amounts of money from Mexican
and South American drug-cartels - to “help” them get through their
At the time that accusation was made, three questions popped into my mind,
none of which was answered - until now.
First, how did the UN know so
quickly that Wall Street had ramped-up its laundering of drug-money?
how did Wall Street manage to increase its “business” with the drug cartels
so rapidly (I presume you can't contact a drug-cartel simply by doing a
“Google search”)?
Lastly, why did the announcement draw such an apathetic
response, from the entire global community? Surely someone was
shocked/outraged about Wall Street “laundering” vast amounts of drug-money,
while the U.S. incarcerates vast numbers of its own citizens each year - as
part of its farcical “War on Drugs”?
When you've got a free weekend to spare, “Google” phrases such as “UN
accuses U.S. of laundering drug-money” or “Wall Street accused of laundering
Judging from the endless list of search-results, apparently the
only people who weren't aware of the fact that drug-cartels had been
long-term “clients” of Wall Street were ordinary chumps such as myself.
now we know how Wall Street engages in this particular aspect of its illegal
dealings: via the BIS.
In short, referring to the Bank for International Settlements as merely “the
central bank of central banks” provides far too little credit (and
attention) to this entity which is the banksters' vehicle for any and every
illegal act which they can dream-up in their greedy, little minds.
It is the
ultimate money-laundering entity - and the envy of all (other) “organized
crime” on our planet.