by Amitakh Stanford
XeeATwelve Website
Near the end of the nineteenth century and at
the beginning of the twentieth, Western industrialization had taken a heavy
toll on the environment; the air was turned chewy from black smoke that
belched from chimneys and rivers became sludgy from putrid waste products
from the manufacturing process.
These manifold invasions of the environment were
tolerated in the name of progress and production.
Many had proclaimed that machines would take away the drudgery of life,
would free the ordinary people from having to do mundane tasks, and would be
used to improve everyone's living conditions. Inventors were encouraged and
improvements of every implement imaginable were instituted. And, indeed,
life of the ordinary people did improve, but this was only to be a
short-term situation.
The ruling elite would not allow the lot of
commoners to improve over the long term. But, for the time being, the
machines were so productive, and growth of the markets so profound, that
blue-collar workers were paid enough to have some extra income.
This had a profound effect - it began to erode the class differences. This
was intolerable to the ruling elite. Prior to industrialization of the
Western world, the class structures were quite well defined between the
"haves" and the "have nots".
As industrialization moved people into the
cities and away from the farms and rural communities, it concentrated the
"have nots" in smaller geographical areas, but, in order to lure people away
from the rural regions, remuneration for factory work had to far out-strip
farm pay, otherwise, people would tend to stay where they were, in the
agrarian life style.
As the labor force became more and more affluent, it became less servile to
the middle and upper class people. This was particularly noticeable in the
United Kingdom. Prior to industrialization, there was such a distinction
between the poor and the rich, that it was almost inconceivable for the
lower class to imagine climbing the rung from the "have nots" to the
"haves". It was the Western world's caste system, and it was almost
impervious to penetration by the lower classes.
As the lower classes in the Western World gained control of more and more
financial resources, they began to see themselves as equal to the middle and
upper class, and a type of revolution commenced. Some of the former "have
nots" began to show obvious displeasure to the snobs above them in the class
Even those of
royal blood were in danger of being jeered
at, insulted, and perhaps bombarded with eggs and rotten fruits if they
dared to venture into the living areas of the working class.
To the ruling elite, this situation was
intolerable, and something had to be done quickly to halt the "unruliness"
of the working class.
The industrial machines that had produced so many products and brought so
much wealth and luxury to the ruling elite had also caught the ruling elite
in the machines' wakes, which began the erosion of the Western world's class
structure. The ruling elite set out to halt the erosion of the class
structure that they used to control the lower classes.
The ruling elite understood all too well that these industrial machines
could produce weapons of destruction. The war-making machines were set in
motion, and artillery pieces were crafted, refined and perfected for maximum
destructive capabilities. Vehicles were mounted with cannons and machine
guns, and airplanes were designed to carry guns, bombs, toxic chemicals and
gases to deliver tonnes of eruptive and infective destruction and death.
While governments were building armies and materials for making war, the
ruling elite were also scheming for more effective ways to wage economic war
on the lesser-privileged classes.
In America, the Congress passed the Federal
Reserve Act under very suspect circumstances in 1913. With this tool,
the ruling elite gained the right to print all American currency, and the
price the ruling elite was paid for the service of printing paper money was
the going rate of interest on each bill or credit, for as long as that bill
or credit remained in circulation.
With this single Act by the American
Congress, the ruling elite gained access to all the wealth of the nation, as
long as they were willing to patiently strip away a little bit at a time.
To understand the extent of the power wielded by the
Federal Reserve Bank, consider that the interest paid by the
Congress for a single dollar that was "lent" to it by the Federal Reserve in
1913, has been nearly $100.00!
That is just the interest on each dollar
"borrowed" from the Federal Reserve.
In addition to being the sole supplier of
currency to the Congress, the Federal Reserve also was awarded the right to
expand or contract the money supply, ostensibly to help keep the economy
from having huge unpredictable swings from boom to recession cycles. This is
an awesome power - it is literally the power to artificially manipulate the
economy to suit the ruling elite.
This is the same model used by many other
countries for their national banks, including Australia.
When the Western governments believed that they had assembled sufficient
supplies of disgusting implements of physical destruction and large enough
military forces to employ those horrible weapons, the Western world went to
war, and it became known as World War I.
For years, the lower classes
were forced to fill the foxholes and either be subjected to or subject
others to the frightening weapons used in that horrible, protracted war.
When the war ended, many of the previously "snooty" lower class people had
either been killed or the survivors were so shaken and traumatized that they
were much less likely to dare to offend or insult the middle and upper class
During the period of rebuilding after the war, many laborers went back to
work, and eventually, some of the working class were again able to claw
their way up the financial ladder until there were some who had surplus
income. The ruling elite would not tolerate a repeat of the period leading
up to World War I to recur, and thus swift action was taken. It used many
economic tools to wage a class war, not the least of which being the
American Federal Reserve Bank.
The entire world's supply of money dried up as deflation slowed global
economic activity, and soon, the world fell into what is now known as the
Great Depression. The poor became desperately poorer, and the vast gap
between the rich and the poor became insurmountable. Under such conditions,
the unemployed felt hopeless, useless and were in great despair.
The Great
Depression was worldwide and it dragged on and on until the lower classes
were absolutely desperate. Many of those who lived through the Great
Depression are still haunted by it.
Governments became extremely active in their propaganda. It was being spread
everywhere, preaching how wonderful their form of government was, whether it
was socialism, fascism or democracy. Nationalism was the order of the day in
all countries and people were stirred into hysterical frenzies. Everyone
began pointing fingers at one another, and it was not long before the
Second World War broke out.
World War II had displayed just how sick and evil the minds of scientists
were, as they prepared more sophisticated gases, liquids and solids to
poison the Earth and its inhabitants. Bigger and bigger bombs were built for
the war; faster planes were built to deliver these horrendous weapons to
their targets. Men were conscripted into the armed forces, and women were
forced to work in factories, producing bombs for the men to drop on other
This scenario was widespread throughout the
Western world.
When the war was over, the men returned home to find that because women now
worked in the factories the men encountered competition in the work force
with the women. In order for everyone to be employed, all the wages were
slowly reduced accordingly.
Since WWII, the standard of living of the
working class has gone down, down, down, and the distinction between classes
has widened greatly.
The Western World's economic class distinctions are not unlike the social
caste system in India, which still exists today. The Indian caste system
divides its people into elite and middle classes and the lowest class which
is known as Harijan or the "untouchables". The Indian caste system was
designed to create human and spiritual bondage and alienation, subjugation,
oppression and misery for the lower classes.
Force and economic pressures were the initial
tools used by the dominant oppressors to preserve this caste system.
Likewise, the ruling elite of the modern world employ force and economic
pressures to maintain the socio-economic class structure of our society. A
Roman leader, Constantine I, followed the Hindu caste system and
decreed most occupations to be hereditary. For example a class of tenant
farmers were to be permanently assigned to live and work on the land where
they lived.
Both the caste system and the class system take their roots and origins from
the Anunnaki Elite and who took control of
sections of the Earth when they arrived from
(Planet "X") a long, long time ago.
The ruling elite in the physical on the Earth
today are either the
descendants of the Anunnaki Remnants who
remained on the planet, or they are trying to emulate the Anunnaki
The aim of the ruling elite is to control,
oppress and exploit people by dividing races, nations and the
world at large.