by Amitakh Stanford (D.M.)
April 2004
XeeATwelve Website
The debate has been raging about the Anunnaki - not whether
they exist - nor whether they have been to Earth - as the evidence
of them being here is so overwhelming that non-acceptance of
Anunnaki presence on Earth is only for those in denial of the truth.
The debate is whether they are still here today.
For years, much of the focus on investigating the Anunnaki
has fallen upon the writings of
Zecharia Sitchin, who has presented
many theories, but also some hard facts.
As any who have read my
Nibiru and the Anunnaki can see, I agree with Sitchin
on a few points such as the Anunnaki invaded the Earth, enslaved
humans, and forced them to build huge temples and other structures
for the Anunnaki pleasures. Likewise I agreed that the Anunnaki
have carried out extensive genetic engineering on this planet.
However, in the same article, I disagreed with Sitchin on
many major points, such as:
the Anunnaki being from a planet
of our solar system
that there is a 12th
planet in a huge elliptical orbit of our sun
that the Anunnaki came here to
mine physical gold to build a shield for their ailing planet
that their planet which has been
called Nibiru is extant
we VEHEMENTLY disagree on WHY
Sumer was dropped onto the Earth as a super culture
I am in total disagreement with
Sitchin about the destruction of Atlantis
he does not even acknowledge the
difference between Anunnaki Elite who fled the Earth,
and those remaining on Earth which I called the Anunnaki
Remnants, which are dominated by Ducaz and
Pers-sires, etc.
I also stated that the home star
or sun of the Anunnaki is called ZA-OS and that their
home planet, which will be called Nibiru for purposes
of this writing, orbited ZA-OS. Their home planet and ZA-OS,
which are foreign to our solar system, have been destroyed.
Neither exists. In other words, Nibiru will never again come
near the Earth or our solar system because it no longer
Sitchin poses the question:
Are the Anunnaki still on Earth? This, I will answer herein with
a resounding yes.
A brief look at some very obvious evidence in existence today will
show that indeed aliens have been on Earth. The aliens are
primarily Anunnaki, who came to Earth for conquest of it. Their
planet was destroyed, and they wanted another base.
The two major Anunnaki groups that came to Earth are known as
the Reptilians and the
Vulturites (a term I coined for this particular group of
The Reptilian Anunnaki
are known by the Attas as the Ducaz
The Vulturite Anunnaki
are known by the Attas as Pers-sires
The Vulturites and the
Reptilians are bitter enemies, and they are still waging
horrific wars on Earth, using humans as their cannon fodder
The third largest group of Anunnaki
are known to the Attas as the
They have
two main bases on Earth. There is a concentration of Masa-karas
based in central Germany, although many of this group have
immigrated to Australia over the last decade. Many other
groups of aliens are also starting to migrate to Australia.
Eventually, Australia will be one of the world’s main alien centers.
The Masa-karas have been constantly intimidated by Ducaz
and Pers-sires who have bases in Germany, so the
Masa-karas began moving to Australia. Masa-karas use many clones,
but they can also take over existing human bodies. After centuries
of resistance, the Masa-karas have finally succumbed to the
control of the Ducaz.
The Anunnaki have forced humans to build huge structures such
as the
pyramids in Egypt and the
Americas, huge statues like
those found on
Pacific Islands, and huge
runways and identification monuments for crafts
visible to observers from the air
etc. Many of these items had to have been designed by advanced
Engineers today marvel at the feat of the great pyramids and wonder
whether we have the technology today to construct them. Obviously, a
group of highly advanced beings were responsible for the pyramids.
And, more obviously, many humans were enslaved and forced to build
them. Many stories say that Jewish people were the slaves
who built the Egyptian pyramids. However, there were not enough Jews
to do so, nor were there known to be Jews in the Americas or the
Pacific Islands during the construction periods; the Anunnaki
Elite responsible for building these vast structures
enslaved many races and peoples.
Back to the question of whether the Anunnaki are still on Earth,
the signs of their presence are manifold. Those of the Attas
connection all see through the Anunnaki façade.
The major issue is that of slavery - the Anunnaki are slavers - they enslave all who they conquer. They conquered Earth and
enslaved it and all its inhabitants.
Before the Anunnaki came to Earth, there was no slavery. The
Anunnaki taught it to the humans. But, if the Anunnaki were to leave
the Earth, eventually the humans would return to their natural
state, which is without wars and without slavery. The fact that wars
and slavery continue, in and of itself, is glaring proof that the
Anunnaki are still on the planet. Of course, slavery need not be
forced servitude, as the Anunnaki have designed many other forms
of enslavements using tools such as money, usury,
and police power. These tools are used to divide the "haves"
from the "have-nots", the rich and the poor, the fortunates and the
unfortunates etc.
The Anunnaki control religion and education and make
certain that true knowledge is very difficult to acquire or impart.
They use propaganda and disinformation to confuse, program and
control the people they enslave. It is important that misinformation
and disinformation are mixed with enough truth to fool people,
otherwise, they would be useless tools. Religious inquisitions show
just how thoroughly ignorance was once imposed upon the people.
Today, such inquisitions are accomplished more subtly by skeptics
and disinformation agents who use tools like scorn and ridicule.
Further, those who dare to go against the system are persecuted.
Many have said that the human condition is explained away by human
greed. Adam Smith, an Anunnaki, even dared to say in
The Wealth of Nations that everyone’s greed leads to
everyone’s good! This is one of the many lies that the
Anunnaki spread, and it is the foundation of what we call "capitalism"
today. However, the human condition is NOT caused by human greed, it
is caused by Anunnaki enslavement agenda. If the Anunnaki
were removed from the Earth today, tomorrow would be much brighter.
The Anunnaki have elevated the value of gold and silver. They
use these and other precious metals to manipulate prices of goods,
appeal to people’s vanity, and often use them as the basis of money
systems. Many believe that gold and silver are the only true money
today. In times of struggle, people tend to invest in gold and
silver. However, the Anunnaki invented money to help them
enslave the people. Gold and silver are used by the Anunnaki to make
their contrived money systems appear to have sound foundations.
The Anunnaki have developed tax systems which keep the
rich and poor blatantly separated and segregated. The rich feel
superior to the poor and the poor feel inferior to the rich. Hence
there is a crevice which divides the upper and lower classes. The
Anunnaki do not want any real middle class. They want the poor to be
poorer and the rich to be richer and richer.
One of the ways that
this is being accomplished is via the tax system in the capitalistic
countries. However, class separation is also being done in socialist
and communist countries. The social/economic classes are clearly
divided in all Anunnaki-influenced cultures. Under the current
situation, the poor are literally put into a "poor box" that they
cannot get out of short of winning a lottery, inheriting something
or acquiring money or fortune via some other means. Often those
other means are very shadowy means.
The rich, on the other hand, are
getting richer under the tax systems.
The Anunnaki have created class systems for their
benefit, and in the most serious of cases, they have created castes.
The Anunnaki have made the Earth a hedonistic hellhole, which
suits them fine. However, they have created an illusion of things
being pleasant here when in fact, all life on the planet suffers
tremendously under Anunnaki tyranny.
The Anunnaki thrive on energy of people via the emotional
bodies of those beings. To extract this energy, the Anunnaki
create wars, conflicts, factions, religions, racial hatred, national
boundaries, class systems, sporting events etc. They also impose
drugs, sex, and paedophilia on the people, while also promoting
cruelty to humans, animals and nature. These are NOT human traits - they are Anunnaki forced characteristics that are programmed
into the consciousnesses of the people on Earth.
The Anunnaki
Remnants are walking around on Earth today in human bodies and
some of them are seen regularly on the network news. They include
many of the ruling elite and otherwise powerfully placed
people on this planet. Some of the ruling elite are aware of their
Anunnaki connections, while most are not.
The Anunnaki Remnants, which included Ducaz, Pers-sires,
Masa-karas and other smaller groups, like all consciousnesses
on the Earth, re-incarnate again and again. When Anunnaki die in the
physical, they reside in the astral until such time that they
re-incarnate again. The Anunnaki Elite fled this plane and
cannot return because the Attas have blocked their re-entry.
However, the Anunnaki Remnants cannot leave this plane
because the Attas have sealed all their escape routes.
Slavery is the mainstay of the Anunnaki. It can be
seen throughout history. The British were exporting it all around
the world. The Attas were very involved in the American
Revolution, and there were two main fronts. First, the Attas were
trying to break the shackles of the British tyranny over the
American colonists. The British were the chief Anunnaki agents
at that time, which is why they ruled the world.
By breaking the
bonds of tyranny of the British rule, the American Revolution went a
long way to dissipating the British hold on the world. Over time,
after the American Independence from the British, the United Kingdom
was forced to release its iron grip on Canada, India, Australia and
other nations it controlled.
The second front was to break Anunnaki hold on many institutions
in America. The most important was to allow freedom of religion.
Thomas Jefferson introduced A Bill for Establishing
Religious Freedom into the Virginia House in 1777, which took
almost a decade to get passed. That bill was the foundation of
America’s First Amendment protections of religious practices and
insured there would be no religious inquisitions in America.
Also in the second front was an attempt to abolish slavery in
America. The British had firmly entrenched the American economy and
culture with slavery. The Anunnaki slaving control in the
American Colonies was so strong that even the later adopted
Constitution sanctified slavery and shamelessly protected it. In
other words, the Constitution of the United States of America is
fundamentally an Anunnaki-sponsored instrument.
The Bill of
Rights, would probably never have come into existence except
Jefferson’s strenuous insistence upon it, was the saving grace of
that document.
Despite the valiant efforts of abolitionists like
Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson,
slavery remained in the United States. Only with great daring and
through a civil war was the Anunnaki-influenced constitutional
protection of slavery busted. Abraham Lincoln, an Attas of
the Light, dared to challenge the Constitution’s insane
authorization of slavery and ejected that vile institution from
Today, slavery still exists and is flourishing in many countries in
the Western and Eastern world. This can be seen in child labour
situations, forced labour, and especially in the sex industry, most
especially in third-world countries. The most vulnerable to
exploitation are women and children of the poorer classes. This is
an Anunnaki exploitative trait.
The Anunnaki are male chauvinists with devious sexual
fetishes. They are murderous and dishonest, and harbour deep
resentment for the female gender, and especially for the Divine
Mother. The Anunnaki attempted to eliminate all worship and
acknowledgement of the Divine Mother, but the roots of this
practice were so deeply imbedded in the psyche of the earthlings
that the Anunnaki have been forced to tolerate acknowledgement of
the Divine Mother by the inhabitants of the Earth.
Other traits of the wicked, bloodthirsty, and conquering Anunnaki
include gambling and squabbling. They are also cannibalistic and
reports today show this trait is clearly on the increase, as is
paedophilia, and wanton physical and sexual abuse.
Genetic engineering has been quietly practiced on this
planet for a long time. I have discussed this extensively in
other writings over the years. Today, genetic engineering is no
longer a secret. It is publicly acknowledged that plants, animals
and humans are being genetically manipulated and cloned. However,
the vast extent of this activity is being hidden from the public
The Anunnaki run a war economy, and real peace is never
considered by them. They waste resources to keep people enslaved.
They usurp all surpluses for their own gratification.
The Anunnaki are behind the
New World Order, which has been
planned for a long time. The industrial revolution was planned by
Anunnaki, not to improve the lives of the masses, but to trap them
with desires and dissatisfaction so that people can easily forget
about spiritual existence. Besides it altered lifestyles and
confused people, and moreover, it afforded items of material comfort
for the ruling elite.
Also, it was necessary for this stage of
the Anunnaki plan to have a major scientific revolution so there
would be aircraft, bombs, mass media control etc.
Before the industrial revolution, technological advancements were
literally at a standstill for untold centuries. This allowed them to
better enslave and control the people. The Anunnaki needed the
advanced technology to finalize their plans to totally enslave the
inhabitants on Earth with the NWO under a single power with a
single police force.
With technological advancements, identification, classification,
tracking and profiling of all the people is now possible. In
America, without a credit card, it is almost impossible to hire a
rental car; without a social security card, it is also almost
impossible to open a bank account. Since the incident of 11th
September 2001, many countries are imposing serious restraints
on travel and forcing identification procedures on their people,
including fingerprinting, retinal tracking, DNA sampling etc. DNA
sampling is currently being carried out in many forms without the
knowledge of the people in most instances.
The NWO plan has been imposed upon many other planets in the
past, and it is the basic conquest plan of the Anunnaki for every
planet they conquer. The Anunnaki Remnants have had great
difficulty in getting the
NWO accomplished quickly because
the Attas have been disrupting the Anunnaki plans and the
Anunnaki Remnants lack the assistance from the Anunnaki Elite.
The NWO is being imposed by the ruling elite, who many call
Zionists. Some people think that all Jews are Zionists, which
is not correct. Not all Jews are Zionists, nor are all
Zionists Jews.
Zionists can come in any type of
body or gender for purposes of effecting the NWO. They can be
of any nationality, race, creed, career or religion.
Many people think that America is going to be the NWO’s police
force. For a while, this will appear to be so. However, when
considering the Anunnaki plan for the NWO, one must always
keep in mind that the Pers-sires and the Ducaz are
fighting amongst themselves for supremacy. In fact, the
long-standing struggle between those two factions is nearly over.
The Ducaz have the upper hand, and they have temporarily retreated
and allowed the Pers-sires to be very active and tricked them
into doing much of the dirty work in bringing about the final
implementation of the NWO. When it happens, the Ducaz plan
to take full control of the world and the Pers-sires will be
eliminated or be subjected to them.
Under the
plan, when the Ducaz take full control, the tyranny will
be absolute on the planet.
It is these horrible beings, the Anunnaki, that Sitchin
has written an apology for. Reading Sitchin’s material, he
has painted these evil aliens as palatably as possible by
presenting the story that they are trying to save their own planet,
and leaves the readers to believe that after that is accomplished,
they would leave without a trace, so to speak. But, the Anunnaki
came here to conquer and enslave, not for any worthy purpose
whatsoever, nor will they leave voluntarily.
Anunnaki cull people and other species from the planet.
Before, this was often referred to as genocide. However, today the
more euphemistic term of "ethnic cleansing" is used. The disdain of
other races is another vile Anunnaki-sponsored trait to divide
people into factions and create hatred and distrust of one
another. Any fair look at history will verify this as true. The
twentieth-century Holocaust is one such example.
For whatever reason, Sitchin’s treatment of the Anunnaki
comes across as propaganda for the evil, conquering aliens. This is
akin to the apologists who protect those responsible for the Nazi
Zionist propaganda has egregiously inflated
the number of people (which included not only Jews, but
also Gypsies, Germans, Poles etc.) who were murdered, worked to
death, or starved by the Nazis, there is no denying that
indeed a horrible thing occurred. In my opinion, Sitchin is an
Anunnaki apologist. His writings which come across as
protecting and mitigating the Anunnaki history do a great
disservice to humankind - just as those who deny the Holocaust ever
occurred do a great disservice to truth.
Esoterically speaking, the entities responsible for maintaining the
financial system on Earth are also being abused and enslaved
by the Anunnaki. Fortunately, like the being called "Time",
these money entities will soon be liberated. This is known because
the Attas are from the future and they have nearly
completed the mission of removing the Anunnaki from the Earth, but
until it is fully accomplished, the Anunnaki plan for the NWO
will appear to progress.
The Attas have already restricted the
return of the Anunnaki Elite; they cannot return to Earth. The
Anunnaki Remnants are floundering without the support of the
Anunnaki Elite. This is one of the reasons why it has taken them so
long to implement the NWO. They have no escape and their fate
is sealed.
It has taken a long, long time to break the Anunnaki’s inertia on
the planet which has enslaved and trapped not only the people, but
also all consciousness in the physical and the astral, including
even the "soul" of the Earth. Liberation from Darkness is at hand.
The Rescuers and the Trawlers of the Light with their courageous
team of Light workers will soon liberate the True-Light beings from
the enslavement by the agents of Darkness -
the Anunnaki.
The more people awaken to the nefarious plan of
Darkness, the quicker will it dissipate.
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