by Julian Rose
08, 2018
JulianRose Website
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a
writer, actor and international activist.
is President of the International Coalition to Protect
the Polish Countryside.
Julian is the author of two acclaimed titles: Changing
Course for Life and In Defense of Life.
has just completed his third book 'Overcoming the
Mechanistic Mind' for which he is currently seeking a
publisher. |

In 2016, under Prime Minister David Cameron, UK citizens were
offered a referendum in order to decide whether or not the UK should
stay in the European Union, and continue to have most of its affairs
run from Brussels.
The result, as most know, was that a majority voted in favor of
leaving the EU. 17.3 million voted this way.
Cameron unknowingly committed political suicide by allowing the
referendum to take place; as he - and his advisors - were convinced
that the majority would vote in favor of staying in the EU.
So began the saga
called 'Brexit'
A new Prime Minister was chosen by the Conservative party,
Theresa May, ex-head of the Home Office. May was seen by her
cabinet colleagues as best able to negotiate the terms involved in
leaving the EU.
However, no country has
ever quit the EU before, so there is no precedent for what the
precise procedures will be.
But what we hear, is that it will take a minimum of two years to
achieve, and that around 50 to 70 billion pounds will be the price
to be paid for liberty.
What we also know is
that, to enable the transition to take place, the government has to
adopt the entire EU rule book as part of British law, before then
being eligible to take out those rules that the country decides in
doesn't want to adhere to!
A truly bizarre concept -
and a strong hint that something else is actually going on here.
Brexit is to be found on the front
page of the national UK press almost daily.
It is, in spite of the
referendum victory for the 'leave' proponents, a highly
controversial situation. One which has been revealed to be extremely
complex, largely due to the fact that the entire divorce proceedings
have been left in the hands of bureaucrats from both sides of the
English Channel.
There are significant
numbers of UK citizens who don't want the UK to go through this
They are headed by some
powerful media oligarchs and big business interests.
These 'stay' proponents
are using their considerable fire-power to try to persuade the
nation that the UK will suffer serious economic decline, should the
full exit be achieved.
They have recently revived ex-Prime Minister and war criminal,
Tony Blair, to lead their cause.
Blair, you will remember,
was the one to insist that
Iraq had a hidden cache of weapons of mass
destruction - and that Saddam Hussein was lying, saying
that his country had no such weapons.
We shouldn't need to remind ourselves that the entire horror of the
invasion and military destruction of Iraq was predicated upon a
fabrication of evidence concerning the existence of these weapons,
at the insistence of Tony Blair and
George Bush, the then US
So The Battle of Brexit rages, day in day out. But it
transpires that all the supposed in-fighting and negotiation
procedures with Brussels, are, in all likely-hood, a smoke screen.
A smoke screen for
something far more devious which is going-on just under the surface.
What is this
unseen devious activity?
The activity to which I refer relates to the current ramping-up of
the imposition of a totalitarian 'European Super State' on all EU
member states.
As I explained in 'A
Totalitarian Europe Now On Our Doorstep', a significant
element of this imposition, is a an inter EU membership agreement
known as PESCO:
'Permanent Structured
PESCO is a European wide military
unification program, designed to bolster the power of the bloc and,
in partnership with NATO, act as a new strategic force to challenge
'Russian aggression'... one of the most over-hyped scare stories of
The UK has the largest military defense unit within Europe. A
European wide 'One Army' cannot do much without the involvement of
the UK's military.
What has been taking place 'under the surface' of the supposed
Brexit deal, is a secretive negotiation, led by Theresa May, to
pave the way for the British armed forces to be amalgamated into the
new Single European Army, an army whose leadership is
presently moving into the hands of French and German military
command, with Germany likely to come out on top, as the main
controlling agent once plans are completed.
England's exit from the EU, in order to be effective, cannot be
achieved if its armed forces are no longer capable of defending its
status as a Sovereign Nation State. And this will be the position if
Prime Minister May completes the negotiation process before anyone
in England wakes-up to what is really happening.
Already, the Royal Navy has been run-down to levels unseen for
decades. The air force has also been weakened and the army has
shrunk by 30% in the past ten years.
Some of this is due to
government cuts in military spending, but mostly it is directly
attributable to to the 'selling-off' of British defense forces to
the Brussels military unification program.
The current head of this program,
Federica Mogherini, who is also
Vice President of the European Commission, stated in a recent
interview in Brussels, that the new army would be a,
"Credible security
provider worldwide" and added "We are looking for possibilities
to deploy one of our battle groups."
An ominous threat indeed
and further indication of global control interests.
How can the United Kingdom become an independent nation once again,
if she has almost no army, navy or air force to protect her shores?
Which causes one to ask:
An agenda concerned with
building a
New World Order, comprising - as
one of its key attributes - a supranational centralized European
Union acting as 'The United States of Europe'.
And in the process,
wiping-out the existence of the Sovereign Nation State from
the political and geographical map, altogether.
The totalitarian train is advancing down its preordained track, and
it is clear that the result of the referendum posed a significant
threat to this process.
A threat which,
...could not allow.
With the process of European military unification now well advanced,
the Superstate is set to dwarf its component parts.
Already the establishment
of a 'One Europe Treasury' promised by President of the European
Council, Donald Tusk, will centralize EU member state's
fiscal procedures, secret service and police operations, and now
each country's military as well.
One can see why Brexit couldn't be allowed to happen. Britain's
military is needed to support the totalitarian state, not to protect
the sovereignty of the British Isles.

There is no Brexit. It is a sham...
But the majority of
British citizens have failed to notice the two-faced manipulations
of their Prime Minister.
Those who voted 'leave'
still believe that England will quit the Union and, amongst other
things, be free to negotiate new trade deals with the rest of the
world, as of old.
The coming year will reveal what course of events predominate.
But with cracks appearing
in European Union unity, and a growing number of nations questioning
their commitment to the technocratic cabal leadership in Brussels,
there is a growing sense of unease spreading through the kingdom of
the current rule makers.
2018 could be the year in which the tide is turned. Turned in favor
of a growing rebellion against the imposition of centralized slavery
by a one point control system. A system imposed in order to support
the further aggrandizement of the
blood-line family elites who
cling-on to their despotic power bases across the world.
We, 'the people', are now discovering that we have the powers
necessary to put an end to our mostly self-imposed slavery and to go
forward driven by the spirit of creativity.
I say 'self imposed'
because we have, wittingly or unwittingly, allowed ourselves to be
manipulated by those who seek supreme control over the planet and
its peoples.
The first step in bringing about change for the better, is to
finally cease allowing ourselves to indulge in this slavish form of
self deception.
Courage to all in