Soros likes to be seen as a modern-day Robin Hood,

donating money to "minority" causes,

and even running his own "Human Rights" NGOs.


But Executive Intelligence Review

says that he is the public face

of the Rothschild bankers.






 -  Acerca de EE.UU., Soros y Sus Esquemas


 -  Big Soros Money Linked to "Occupy Wall Street"


 -  Bilderberg Ceremony - Soro's Wedding Reveals Clinton Global Initiative Cabal


 -  Cómo Sobrevivir a un Cambio de Régimen


 -  El Proyecto Soros y la Alianza entre la Izquierda y el Gran Capital


 -  European Consumer Lobby Group BEUC Exposed - Supported by Currency Speculator George Soros and...


 -  Fundación Soros teme que Trump gane en 2024 e "Impida" el Globalismo


 -  George Soros and The Rothschild Connection - from 'Secret Societies and Their Power in The 20th Century'


 -  George Soros - A Psychopath's Psychopath


 -  George Soros as Rothschild Agent


 -  George Soros' Eight Bold Predictions - From The 'Tiger Den'



 -  George Soros emerges as Major Funder of 'Global Climate Strike' Groups


 -  George Soros - Enemigo de La Humanidad


 -  George Soros es un Verdadero Reptiliano - Dice Jefe de una Agencia Federal de Rusia


 -  George Soros financed Peru Riots in July 2000


 -  George Soros financia Política Peruana


 -  George Soros Funded by The House of Rothschild


 -  George Soros' Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine's Turmoil



 -  George Soros is Backing 'Climate activist' Greta Thunberg


 -  George Soros is Backing Greta Thunberg


 -  George Soros - La Red del Estratega Globalista Revelada


 -  George Soros on The Coming U.S. Class War


 -  George Soros paid Al Gore Millions to Push 'Aggressive U.S. Action' on Global Warming


 -  George Soros pasó el Control de su Imperio Político-financiero a su hijo Alexander


 -  George Soros - Republic Enemy #1


 -  George Soros Schemes to Control The Future of Greece


 -  George Soros - The Man Behind the Mayhem


 -  George Soros Viaja en Secreto a Italia mientas se Destapan Escándalos de sus ONG's en el Mediterráneo


 -  George Soros Warns of EU Collapse


 -  Is Soros Preparing a Color Revolution for Greece?


 -  I Tried to Interview Greta Thunberg - The most fervent Supporter of the "Climate" know Nothing about "Climate"


 -  Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson and George Soros are All Betting that Financial Disaster is Coming


 -  La Guerra en Osetia del Sur - ¿Osos o Soros?


 -  La Nueva Geopolítica Mundial y la U.E. - La Historia está Discurriendo ante Nuestros Ojos


 -  La 'Open Society' de Soros se va del Perú - Mala Noticia para los "Caviares"


 -  La Red Secreta de Soros en España al descubiero gracias a Joaquín Abad


 -  La Solicitud para Declarar "Terrorista" a George Soros consigue Suficientes Firmas como para Generar...


 -  Lo chiamano il 'Good Club' - E vogliono 'Salvare' il Mondo...


 -  Los Siete Objetivos para Reducir la Población mediante Leyes


 -  NGOs - Choice Tool of Subversion for the New World Order


 -  Obama's Oil Man - George Soros



 -  Perché mai George Soros vuole che Xi Jinping vada via?


 -  Plan de George Soros y la CIA para Desestabilizar Europa


 - ¿Se está Preparando George Soros para un Colapso Económico?


 -  Soros Big-Business Accountability Project Funded by Big-Business


 -  Soros Criminal Conviction Exposes "Human Rights" Scam


 -  Soros-funded "Media Matters" caught Secretly Plotting with Facebook to Stop Alternative Media


 -  Soros Hack Exposes - Plot Behind Refugee Crisis, his Media Control, Cash for "Social Justice"


 -  Soros Hack - Top 10 Machinations of a Master Manipulator


 -  Soros - Un Verdadero y Excelente "Reptiliano" - Exdiputado ruso advierte de No Subestimarlo


 -  Soros Vaticina la Inevitable Desintegración de la UE - "Un Escenario Catastrófico"


 -  Soros y la CIA Apoyan a Neves para Derrotar a Rousseff en Brasil


 -  Study reveals George Soros' global Media Ties


 -  The '60 Minutes' Interview George Soros Tried to Bury!


 -  The European Union is a "Failed" Experiment in "International Governance" - Says George Soros


 -  The Hidden Soros Agenda - Drugs, Money, The Media, and Political Power


 -  The Snakes are Coming Out - The Masks begin to Fall Off...!

 -  The Soros Dossier - Your Enemy, George Soros



 -  The Soros Master Plan


 -  They're called the 'Good Club' - And they want to 'Save' the World...


 -  Think Tank financiado por Soros/Koch se Opone a la "Guerra para Siempre" de EE.UU.


 -  'Todo lo que Contribuye a la Fragmentación facilita el Proyecto de Soros' - Carlos Astiz

 -  Trump Foiled Soros' Master Plan TPP to Impose New World Order

 - "Trump will 'Disappear' in 2020 or even Sooner" - Soros said in '2018'...


 -  U.S. Organizations Funded by George Soros - For Your Information...


 -  Wall Street Bankster Soros to Open "Official Presence" in Myanmar


 -  Why is George Soros Selling Gold and Buying Farmland?



 -  Why on Earth does George Soros want Xi Jinping to Go?


 -  Wikipedia - The George Soros Connection


 -  World Bank Nominee Tied to Monsanto Shareholder Bill Gates and Soros

  Additional Information  

 -  A Surprise Boost for Euro From China


 -  Avaaz - The Online Pro-War Propagandist and Color Revolution NGO


 -  Elites Pushing Class Warfare is Just Another False Paradigm


 -  Farsas Sistémicas - ¿La “Voz” de Quién? - O Por Qué Me Di de Baja en Avaaz

 -  Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review


 -  Taking a Look Inside the Secret Leftist Billionaires Club


 -  Time Magazine posts Shocking Admission that Biden Election was Orchestrated by a 'Well-Funded...


 -  Wikipedia creará una Red Social para Combatir la Ignorancia que Facebook Fomenta


 -  Controligarchs - Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to... - by Seamus Bruner


 -  La Red Secreta de Soros en España - por Joaquín Abad



 -  El Gran Reseteo Mundial


 -  George Soros - El Hombre mas Poderoso del Planeta


 -  George Soros llama a "Derrotar a Putin o No Sobreviviremos" - ¿Qué prepara la Elite Global en Davos?


 -  George Soros y Bill Gates están detrás de la 'Pandemia' Covid-19 - Señala el periodista Javier Villamor

 -  The 60 Minutes Interview George Soros Tried to Bury!

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 -  Rockefeller Internationalism - Main File


 -  Technocracy - Main File


 -  The Federal Reserve Bank - Main File


 -  The Illuminati - Main File





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