by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
Kona, Hawaii
Exopolitics Website
There has been much recent speculation
that the Bush administration is about to authorize a massive
preemptive aerial assault against Iran. According to Alexis Debat,
a national security expert,
the Pentagon has prepared for air-strikes
against 1,200 targets in Iran that would in three days
destroy Iran's military infrastructure.
Such an assault has been long in
preparation and was recently fully completed according to a Navy
whistleblower currently serving on a U.S. aircraft carrier.
The whistleblower, a female officer,
said that,
"all the targets have been chosen,
prioritized, and tasked to specific aircraft, bases, carriers,
missile cruisers and so forth"
Asked why she would risk her career to
disclose such sensitive information, she replied that most Naval
officers are opposed to the strike but are ignored by more senior
officials and the Bush administration.
What gives these reports of an imminent attack against Iran greater
credibility is an August 2007 purchases of almost 4.5 billion
dollars in particular type of stock called 'put options' and 'call
options' which are based on
a dramatic shift in the U.S. stock market.
Essentially, a "put option" is where an investor speculates that the
market will drop dramatically, say 30-50%, whereas a "call option"
is where the investor bets particular stocks will rise just as
If the stock fails to dramatically shift
either up or down by September 21, then the investors stand to lose
much from their investment. Such an investment is very unusual and
has many market analysts puzzled as to why someone would risk such a
large sum unless they had some insider information.
A similar stock market event happened in the weeks before 9-11 when
anonymous investors made great profits when they successfully
'predicted' a dramatic drop in airline and insurances stocks, while
also 'predicting'
dramatic increases in stocks of corporations producing military
armaments. The investments were so suspicious that they
became subject to an insider trading investigation by U.S.
Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) but the no one was ever
identified or charged. This was despite a determined effort by the
SEC to find who was behind the mysterious investments.
The parallels with 'put" and "call option" purchases just before
has led to much speculation that the recent $4.5 billion investment
is based on insider knowledge of another 9-11 event before September
21. This has led to speculation that a catastrophic event is about
to occur in the U.S. Another explanation for a dramatic shift in the
stock market is that China will desert the US currency leading to a
collapse in the US dollar. Both explanations would essentially lead
to a collapse in some U.S. stocks, while other stocks would rise.
A more plausible explanation for the mysterious billion dollar
investments is that hidden investors have insider knowledge that an
attack against Iran will occur before September 21. If an attack
occurred along the scale described by emerging reports, then the
U.S. stock market would collapse as oil prices escalated
dramatically. This would spark a global recession, and cause great
hardship to many Americans who would find their investments and jobs
at risk.
It is very likely that the planned massive aerial attack against
Iran's military infrastructure and underground nuclear facilities
will use bunker busting nuclear weapons.
The question is, what can
be done to prevent a preemptive military attack on Iran that may use
tactical nuclear weapons to destroy its nuclear facilities?
In 2006, a similar effort to stage a preemptive nuclear strike
against Iran was prevented by a revolt of the generals.
According to
Seymour Hersh:
"In late April, the military
leadership, headed by General Pace, achieved a major victory
when the White House dropped its insistence that the plan for a
bombing campaign include the possible use of a nuclear device to
destroy Iran's uranium-enrichment plant at Natanz, nearly two
hundred miles south of Tehran.
…. "Bush and Cheney were dead
serious about the nuclear planning," the former senior
intelligence official told me. "And Pace stood up to them. Then
the world came back: 'O.K., the nuclear option is politically
It may be significant that General
Peter Pace was not reappointed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff. Pace was opposed to a nuclear strike against Iran. Was he
not reappointed in order to clear the decks for a more permissive
environment within the Joint Chiefs of Staff for an attack that
could use tactical nuclear weapons? It appears so given the
coincidence of reports of an imminent attack and purchase of $4.5
billion in stock options predicting a collapse in the US stock
The current military plans available to the public mention only
conventional munitions but it is more likely that some tactical
nuclear weapons will be used to take out Iran's deeply buried
nuclear facilities. The effect of tactical nuclear weapons to
destroy Iran's nuclear facilities would be devastating. Radioactive
contamination would disperse widely affecting the health of many. At
the same time, Iran's military and much of its civilian
infrastructure would be destroyed by conventional munitions. This
would restrict Iran's abilities to cope with the health and
humanitarian impact of the use of nuclear weapons, and destruction
of nuclear facilities.
The question to be asked is "who are the hidden investors with
insider knowledge that can gain them billions in short term
This answer will give an important clue to the long term
agenda being played out, and the actors involved. In the case of
9-11, similar investors were able to evade detection from an official
investigation by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).
The SEC launched an unprecedented
investigation that
deputized "hundreds, if not thousands, of key
players in the private sector". According to a former Los
Angeles Police Officer, Michael Ruppert, what effectively
happens when individuals are deputized is that they are sworn to
secrecy on national security grounds. This was a very effective way
of keeping secret what was discovered in the SEC investigation. What
kind of investor would have the power to subvert an SEC
investigation in this manner?
The most likely answer is the CIA.
CIA front companies annually supply funds for a black budget
used to fund covert national security projects.
The black budget has been estimated to range
between 1.0 to 1.7 trillion dollars annually which is
funneled through the CIA to various military-corporate entities
fulfilling such projects.
The massive size of the black budget is
needed to fund a second Manhattan Project - projects related to
technologies so advanced that many claim them to be extraterrestrial
in origin. Credible whistleblowers have come forward to claim the
existence of such technologies and of a high level government cover
up of extraterrestrial life (see:
The Disclosure Project). They claim
that most Congressional officials are not briefed on
extraterrestrial related projects due to national security concerns.
Consequently, Congress is not aware of or permit appropriations for
a second Manhattan Project, funds therefore need to be generated in
alternative ways.
The CIA is able to perform this function of secretly raising
revenue through the 1949 CIA Act which authorizes the CIA to expend
funds "without regard to any provisions of law". The CIA therefore
does not have to follow any legal requirements for the funds it
procures from various sources, and funnels to military-corporate
entities directly responsible for the second Manhattan project.
There needs to be public opposition to a preemptive military attack
against Iran, and exposure of the underlying agenda behind it and
those intending to profit from it. An informed public is the best
safeguard against unwarranted abuses of executive power such as a
preemptive attack against Iran that does not have the support of the
American people or Congress.
In addition to raising public awareness,
it will be very helpful for individuals to project thoughts of peace
and goodwill to the Middle East, and especially to Iran. The
Global Conscious Project at
Princeton University has demonstrated the effect of large numbers of
people placing their attention in ways that can impact on global
events. If millions of people could project a positive vision of
peace and harmony to Iran and U.S. military forces in the region,
then such a preemptive attack may be prevented.
The period leading up to September 21 (2007) will be critical
for the whole planet as the signs are all too evident that a
preemptive attack against Iran, almost certainly involving nuclear
weapons, is imminent. The humanitarian cost in terms of possible
radioactive fallout, and casualties from the destruction of Iran's
military and much of its civilian infrastructure may be catastrophic
for the Persian Gulf region. Furthermore, the U.S. and global
economy will go into a deep free fall in the event of dramatic
increases in oil prices and further instability in the Middle East.
Out of this looming tragedy, investors
with possible CIA connections and insider knowledge, plan to profit
in ways that may be used to secretly fund a second Manhattan