by WashingtonsBlog
February 3, 2013
WashingtonsBlog Website
the Pretense that
the U.S.
and Israel Are Not Intervening In Syria’s Civil War,
They Are
Both At War With Syria
Israel claims it bombed a weapons convoy, while
Syria claimed that a research facility was hit. Who is right?
Israeli warplanes struck
targets inside Syria overnight Tuesday, including a biological
weapons research center that was reportedly flattened out of concern
that it might fall into the hands of Islamist extremists fighting to
topple the government of Syrian president Bashar Assad, Western
intelligence officials tell TIME.
The irony is thick, as the U.S. is
directly backing the
Islamist extremists fighting to topple the Syrian government.
Time continues:
A Western intelligence official indicated to
TIME that at least one to two additional targets were
hit the same night, without offering details. Officials also said that
Israel had a “green light" from Washington to launch yet more
such strikes.
But the U.S. isn’t just an arm-chair quarterback… it may directly join in the action:
One Western intelligence official told TIME
the U.S. military was poised to carry out similar airstrikes
around Aleppo if rebels threaten to take sites associated with
weapons of mass destruction in that region.
In the bizarro world of American and Israeli
propaganda, arming Al Qaeda rebels or bombing Syrian assets does not count
as “intervening" in a war:
Though no country has intervened in Syria’s
civil war directly… In diplomatic terms, surgical strikes
launched in the name of preventing proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction tend to be well-tolerated by the international community,
especially when the attacks are not publicly acknowledged.
Israel still
does not officially acknowledge its secret 2007 destruction of a Syrian
nuclear reactor.
“I’m not going to give any condemnation of
Israel or rush into any criticism," British foreign secretary William
Hauge told the BBC on Thursday. “There may be many things about it that
we don’t know, or the Arab League or Russia don’t know."
What does this mean?
endless war on terror has been
re-branded through propaganda. There are no new wars launched by America
and its allies. There are simply “kinetic
actions“, and “covert
operations" carried out in secret.
official narrative says that these endless series of wars
secure our
national defense and stimulate the economy. In the real world, however, top
American economists say that endless war has
ruined our economy and hurt the
vast majority of Americans.
And security
experts - including both conservatives and liberals -
this and