by Brandon Turbeville
February 9, 2015
BrandonTurbeville Website

With the recent victory of
Syriza in
Greece, opponents of austerity the world over have been rejoicing.
The news from a country crushed by
austerity policies, the European Central Bank, the IMF, and corrupt
oligarchs is now heralding a shift in direction toward a "third way"
that does not simply involve trading one austerity oligarch and his
party for another.
For many in Greece, the signal is clear - help seems to be on the
For those watching the developments from afar, the hope is that the
spark in Greece will light the brushfire across Europe and the rest
of the world that says "No!" to austerity and banker domination of
national economies.
Yet, while the signs coming out of Greece may seem positive at
first, there is an ominous cloud approaching - the cloud of
Soros and his color revolution apparatus.
If Syriza is truly as anti-austerity, anti-banker, and anti-troika
as its rhetoric and even its first actions seem to indicate, then
the Greek oligarchs, international bankers, corporate boards, and
secret societies will undoubtedly respond as soon as they are able
to mount a calculated strategy.
George Soros and his color revolution networks may just be the
response these oligarchs are ready to mount.
Indeed, Soros has been founding and opening his infamous "Solidarity
Centers" in Greece since January, 2014 using philanthropy and
economic relief as justification for the opening of the centers.
Because of Soros' track record, one
would be justified in wondering whether or not Soros' Solidarity
Centers' grand openings were for the purposes of misdirecting the
growing Greek discontent with austerity policies or if it was more
in anticipation of a Syriza victory in the coming elections.
Regardless, the places are already being set. Alexis Tsipras
had better start watching his back.
Indeed, the knives are already being sharpened by the color
revolution apparatus and history has clearly shown that those who
control it are willing to stab their target in the front as well as
the back.
As The Guardian
reported in January, 2014:
George Soros has extended his
financial support for
Greece by
establishing the first in a series of "solidarity centres" for
those worst-hit by the country's economic crisis.
The opening of the centre in the
northern city of Thessaloniki comes as ever more Greeks are
forced to turn to charities for help.
"Greece, to a great degree, has
become a failed state," said Aliki Mouriki, a sociologist at
the National Centre for Social Research. "It is unable to
provide basic facilities for its citizens because of budget
"In the absence of public
welfare, and with around one and a half million officially
unemployed, growing numbers are looking for substitutes
The centre - a hub for NGOs offering
health care and legal counsel - has been deluged with requests
only days after opening its doors.
Soros committed $1m for heating oil
last year after local mayors, unable to heat schools, appealed
for help.
Among them was Tassos Karabatos,
mayor of Naoussa, also in northern Greece, who turned to the US
investor after taking the unprecedented step of shutting down
all 54 schools in his municipality when he saw that oil tanks
were running dry.
While Soros' donations may seem at first
to be an act of incredible generosity, it would take gross naïveté
and ignorance of the billionaire's history across the world to
believe that he has anything remotely resembling good intentions for
Notice that, while Soros has bought some watery-eyed loyalty with
his donations, it is also true that his "Solidarity Centers" are
also "a hub for NGOs," a necessary part of any color revolution.
In fact, the currency speculator Soros
has funded a number of color revolutions through his "democracy" and
"civil society" NGOs in Europe and even the United States.
Of course, some Greeks were not as foolish as to look toward the
Soros machine for help. A number of school parents' associations
refused to endorse any of the Soros funds. The presence of mind of
the Greek people earned them condemnation from many of their local
leaders, however.
Indeed, Soros is most well-known for playing a major role in the
funding and facilitating of,
the "Bulldozer
Revolution" in Serbia that overthrew Slobodan Milosevic in 2000
Georgia's "Rose Revolution" of 2003
the 2006 push to move Turkey
toward a more Islamist governing structure
the Occupy movement in the
United States,
...among a great many others.
Having only been in office a number of days, Syriza has already made
a few populist moves - firing a number of highly paid parasites
operating under the guise of
being "consultants" from the IMF and European Central Bank in
order to
re-hire a number of previously fired government cleaning staff,
for instance.
Syriza has already taken a firm and
public stance against austerity measures suggesting that the holders
of Greek bonds
should take a 50% haircut, Greek debt should be reduced by half,
and that Greece is categorically finished with the implementation of
austerity measures and the slicing of its living standards.
Tsipras' Finance Ministry has also
stated through its rhetoric that Germany will not dictate Greek
economic policy.
In addition, Syriza has invited and welcomed the Russian Foreign
Ministry as its
first foreign diplomatic guest, and has expressed
great aversion to the idea of supporting any further sanctions on
The concept of greater economic
cooperation between the two countries has likewise been entertained
much to the chagrin of the United States and a large portion of the
If Syriza continues its stand against the power of,
...then it will inevitably find itself in the crosshairs of these
institutions and organizations.
While outside pressure may be applied at
first, the next step will be to unleash the force of the people
against the elected government in much the same fashion as the
Eastern European color revolutions of the past.
If all else fails, there is the threat
of violent destabilization which would not, unfortunately,
be a first for Greece even in its recent history. Nor would it
be the first violent destabilization that would take place as a
result of NATO agents operating inside the country.
The question then remains:
Will Syriza remain firm in its populist
economic platform or will it sell out the Greek people like every
government and ruling party before it?
If it does remain firm, the question
will then be what it will have to face in the coming months.