by Joshua Klein
January 04, 2023

hadynyah/Getty Images,
Stanford University
Mass extinction
events over hundreds of millions of years are claimed to
have been caused by natural events. Of course there is zero
proof of this.
Technocrats claim that today's mass
extinction will instead be caused by man.
Not one of
Ehrlich's 1968 predictions has materialized but he has never
changed his rhetoric, despite the fact that we are headed
straight into a demographic winter.
As you listen to '60 Minutes' pimp for Ehrlich's
civilization extinction theory, remember that they are
all Technocrats adhering to the doctrine of total
resource control and allocation.
Those very Technocrats who claim they are only trying to
'save the world' are the very ones who are destroying it
in the first place.
The next several decades,
"will be the end of
the kind of civilization we're used to",
...according to Stanford
University biologist Paul Ehrlich whose long-held apocalyptic
prophecy was recently featured on the most-watched newsmagazine on
Appearing on
CBS' 60 Minutes on Sunday, notorious population prophet
of doom Paul Ehrlich continued to present his
When told by CBS correspondent Scott Pelley that there is
currently "no political will" to follow any of his recommendations,
Ehrlich admitted that was the case and warned of the repercussions
for such environmental apathy.
"I know there's no
political will to do any of the things that I'm concerned with,
which is exactly why I and the vast majority of my colleagues
think we've had it - that the next few decades will be the end
of the kind of civilization we're used to," he said.
Ehrlich also warned that
humanity is,
"not sustainable to
maintain our lifestyle - yours and mine," claiming that "for the
entire planet you'd need five more Earths [and it's] not clear
where they're going to come from."
The program continued by
warning of a "sixth
mass extinction" attributed to "humanity's
feasting on resources" which has "tripled" over the last 50 years.
"We're already
consuming 175% of what the Earth can regenerate," Pelley stated.
"And consider half of humanity - about four billion - live on
less than $10 a day," he added.
"They aspire to cars, air
conditioning, and a rich diet..."
Ehrlich - who has defended mass sterilization, sex-selective
abortion, and infanticide - is the author of the infamous 1968
The Population Bomb,
which generated mass hysteria over the future of the world and the
earth's ability to sustain human life, yet was demonstrably

In the book, he prophesied,
that hundreds of millions would starve to
death in the 1970s (65 million of whom would be Americans)
already-overpopulated India was doomed
that odds were fair
that "England will
not exist in the year 2000"...
Ehrlich concluded that,
"sometime in the
next 15 years, the end will come," as "an utter breakdown of the
capacity of the planet to support humanity" occurs.
He has also
that allowing women to have as many children as they desire is
similar to letting people,
"throw as much
of their garbage into their neighbor's backyard as they want."
Many on the left have long
minimizing the population as a whole as a means to save Earth from
the so-called climate crisis...
In a notable example,
Ted Turner
for a Chinese-style one-child policy in order to save the planet
from 'climate change,' while other prominent leftist figures,
Democratic socialist "Squad" member Rep.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
(D-NY) and Prince Harry
and Meghan Markle,
they may
fewer children to combat 'climate change'...
In addition, the drive to protect the environment and conserve
resources has led to plans by New York City to
the amount of red meat served in city-run schools, hospitals, and
correctional facilities; as well as
from Democrats for Californians to cut back on electricity usage.
On Sunday, a
New York Times
for mating with a short partner as,
"an effective
way to 'help' the planet" because a future of smaller-sized
individuals can help decrease the "needs of subsequent
currently experiencing a sixth mass extinction, according to
CBS' 60 Minutes