by Dylan Charles
January 11,
WakingTimes Website

How many people do you personally know whom spend their creative
efforts in life seeking ways in which to control or kill people?
They're out there...
In 2008 at a speech
at the international affairs think tank Chatham House, the late,
great swamp creature
Zbigniev Brezynksi
made the following comment (below video):
In early times, it was easier to control a million people than
to kill a million.
Today, it is infinitely easier to to kill a million people than
to control a million...
Brezynski would
know, as he haunted to halls of the world's most powerful
organizations and think tanks for decades.
He held a uniquely
elitist perspective on the world, and in his classic globalist book
The Grand Chessboard
- American Primacy and Its Geostrategic
Imperatives he shared an inside look at this mindset.
Those in power view
the entire world as,
a play ground to be manipulated, controlled,
conquered, and destroyed if necessary...
Our lives are the
pawns of tyrants... as they see it.
This is the curse
of government, which is nothing without force and violence, and
Brezynski was a key player and architect of the current global
tension we all endure.
I wonder, though,
had he lived
long enough to play a role in
the pandemic power grab,
would he
have been impressed by advances in the ability to control so
many people without deploying troops, smart-bombs and sanctions?
My magic eight-ball
'you may rely on it'...
You see, one thing
we've learned (whether you recognize it or not) is that it is now
far easier to control people than ever before.
How so?
Simple. You
sideline them by programming them to engage in self-sabotage and
self-destructive behavior...
And how do you
accomplish this?
Mind control...
Mind control comes
in many forms, but in essence,
it is the ability to get people to
believe, think, and act against their natural impulses and in
accordance with an imposed agenda.
psychologist and professor emeritus at Stanford University,
Phillip Zombardo, refers to mind control as,
"the process by which individual
or collective freedom of choice and action is compromised by
agents or agencies that modify or distort perception,
motivation, affect, cognition or behavioral outcomes."
His ground breaking
research project,
The Stanford Prison Experiment,
demonstrated that,
most people are highly susceptible to the
influence of group behavior, and that many of us would go so far as
to harm others just to be in compliance with the directives of
someone in a perceived position of authority.
In today's
fustercluck world, the effects of mind control are evident
everywhere, and under present conditions is even manifesting it its
most dangerous form:
People living in
this dark cloud of disillusionment are easily influenced and will
readily sacrifice their own health and well-being in deference to
the advice and mandates of 'experts' and policy makers who pimp fear
then offer a phony respite from it.
Consider how this
plays out in our society:
Dumb down
the population with chemical sedatives including alcohol,
pharmaceuticals and toxic food ingredients.
the media under corporate control. Present biased, toxic
opinions as 'news' 24 hours a day, deliberately creating
division and discord amongst the majority population.
Censor any
information and opinions which counter the propaganda of the
corporate state, making it seem like minority authoritarian
positions are of the majority.
Entrain the
masses to believe that censorship is necessary for their
protection, and that to speak out in opposition to the
corporate state amounts to a physical threat to their
Elevate a
culture of celebrity worship, and promote degeneracy and
stupidity as virtuous forms of pseudo-rebellion.
Indoctrinate children from an early age to learn obedience
over critical thinking, while teaching them that the state
is infallible no matter how many atrocities it commits.
people from each other. Disconnect them from the grounding
and diverse influence of family and friends.
Assault the
senses of the population with an endless stream of trauma
based mind control and fear propaganda.
common people to believe that being broke and poor is
virtuous, while encouraging a massive wealth gap between the
elites and the rest of society.
traditional communal and familial structures by encouraging
promiscuity, divorce and dysfunctional relationships.
Gut the
value of the only permissible currency so that typical
gender roles are flipped and both members of a nuclear
family must work in order to provide a basic life while
children their must be sent to expensive daycares and
government run schools.
people over simple biological issues like gender, and create
a cult of official science followers who are unwilling to
acknowledge such basic scientific facts.
Destroy the
most powerful and capable members of society, the
alpha-males, through media campaigns which demonize
Focus the
attention of the masses on an invisible, intangible, omni-present
fear such as an unstoppable plague that is constantly
changing forms.
people to seek permission from the government for
practically every productive endeavor possible.
Corral the
masses into a system of technological control which
prohibits free association and free enterprise, and punishes
those most likely to resist.
Elevate the
most criminally insane members of government, and give them
open-ended, free access to 24 hour monopolized media.
natural and holistic forms of medicine, corralling everyone
into a top-down, one-size fits all, for-profit, absurdly
expensive, allopathic medical system.
people from genuine, personal spiritual connection, so that
they live with an insatiable fear of death in constant inner
Over time,
socially engineer a societal tribe of dysfunctional,
unhealthy, confused, resentful, broke, state-worshippers who
may wish to live a prosperous life, but cannot ever manage
to overcome the urges of their subconscious mind's in order
to act in their own best interests.
The end result of
all this is an individual who has been so beaten down by
circumstance and chronic stress that they require stimulants all day
to function, and sedatives all night to cope with the madness of it
And conveniently,
there just happens to be a coffee shop on every corner and a full
service bar on every street.
Nearly all of us
engage in self-sabotaging and self-destructive behavior, which is
great for guys like Brezynski, because it makes controlling the
masses easier than ever before.
The act of living
'normally' in this environment makes you a non-threat to those
managing the chessboard.
You are
controlled by virtue of your inability to stay on
your own unique path of self-mastery...
Friends, this is
social engineering at its most advanced, and while it's
informative to understand what has happened to our society, your
imperative now is to internalize this as a demand to eliminate such
influences from your life.
You must seek to
understand how these influences have derailed your potential, and
then you must engage in the work needed to reconnect you with you
inner wisdom and authority.
Self-sabotage is a
gift to the elite.
It puts you on the sideline of life and has you
constantly burning your energy in a permanent war against yourself.
It makes it
nearly impossible for you to make positive changes in your life
or have a positive impact on your community or this world.
It makes you
aloof and dependent on the directives of skilled profiteers who
utilize the science of the mind against you.
So, yeah, in
today's world it is far easier to control billions of people
than to
murder them...
And unless you
commit to taking back control of your life, you are fulfilling your
directive as their pawn.